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What is Considered a Big Penis? Or Too Big?

Like stated before, “too big” is likely more than 7 inches for any woman. Anything more than 7 —and it’s likely that’s already too much to plenty of women— will cause pain and even some damage to the cervix. If it’s too wide, it risks literally tearing a woman’s vagina apart and causing extreme pain. Tread carefully.
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Measuring penises is both easy and complicated for several reasons.
The easy answer is, again, larger than the average wherever you’re from, but even so, what’s larger than normal? What is normal? If by “normal” we mean the average penis size , we’ve already established that’s about 5 inches when erect, so anything more than that should be considered larger than normal.
But if you’re one of the lucky ones with an undoubtedly large penis , meaning a good inch or two more than the 5 inch average, you should be aware that there is such a thing as “too big” for many women, because by the end of the day, if you’re going to use your penis for penetration, the person on the receiving end has to feel pleasure as well and can only do so if everything fits and doesn’t hurt.
Like with most of the modern sexuality, porn distorts our perception of what is a “normal” penis size and what’s desirable when it comes to the moment of intercourse and sex overall.
Bigger hasn’t always meant better. In fact, for most of history, a small penis was preferred aesthetically to a large penis , as anyone can tell by looking at statues of naked men from Ancient Greece. This was because genitals were mostly seen as tools for reproduction, so the scrotum got most of the attention in that regard, while a penis was only a way to introduce the sperm into the womb. So, at least aesthetically, the less the penis got in the way, the better.
Bigger penises started to matter more with the advent of photography, which then leads to pornography as we know it today. With pornography growing in importance, having a bigger penis (along with bigger breast in the case of women) became more attractive and something to covet, like pornography, is pure visual stimulation.
Men also masturbated more now, so having more to stroke also became an important psychological factor. While we’re talking about body dysmorphia, it’s also worth mentioning here that male pornstars are chosen for their specific talents. So what you might witness on the NSFW corners of the internet, it’s not a reflection of the average man. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
“Men, at least heterosexual ones, maybe worrying
that there are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Actually,
you’d fall into the top 5 percent of your penis is 6.3 inches
when erect. Porn stars get the job because their
penis size is rare”

Temma Ehrenfeld for PsychologyToday

Girth-wise, the average is also best for vaginal sex. Anything more than the 4.59 average is pushing it (literally) and might not be that comfortable for most women, although there are exceptions to the rule of “average is best” of course, just like for men.
Does penis size matter? We can write an entire article about what women think about penis size when it comes to sex, but suffice it to say that it’s not all just about penetration for most women. Most women derive sexual pleasure from the stimulation of the clitoris and the top part of the vagina or cervix.
It’s only the first 2 to 3 inches inside the vaginal canal that really give off most of the pleasure, plus any other parts of the body that are arousing, depending on the person. Men with larger penises need to take this into account and be careful when penetrating, asking their partners if anything hurts or if there’s anything else you can do for them.
The Boston Medical Group Telemedicine is a Men’s Health online network dedicated to research and treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation.
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Copyright © 2006-2022 QuickExtenderPro Inc. All Rights Reserved. All images and content is Copyright QuickExtenderPro Corporation. 228 Park Ave S #78404 New York, New York 10003, USA
It’s a simple law of nature – men always want to know how they measure up to one another. Sometimes it’s about how their favourite team is doing, or what kind of car they drive but it’s all just a big song and dance for the real question – what are you packing? Even though guys know it’s not always size that matters between the sheets, it’s a cultural norm that’s been drilled into us for so long there’s simply no escaping it. Every guy wants to have the biggest endowment in the room. One organization has brought together information from a variety of sources to develop a 1 to 5 scale for size and they’ve even pinpointed where most guys fall.
Of course, size 1 on this scale is the smallest with measurements up to 4 inches when fully erect. This includes guys who are simply small and also men who could be classified as having a micropenis. Micropenis is a serious condition not necessarily for physical reasons, but because of the psychological and emotional issues associated with having a penis that meets the criteria of less than 2 ¾ inches when erect. Although rare, the condition is somewhat treatable with hormone therapy and surgical options. It’s believed that around 5% of men fall into the Size 1 category.
Size 2 guys measure in at between 4 and 5 inches in length when erect. Experts believe around 20% of the population falls into this category making it fairly common. This is also a category where men can be helped with penis enlargement devices such as extenders and pumps. Since Size 2 guys have a little more to work with, they can make use of traction devices which help to boost length when used over time. Men in this size bracket are also likely to have concerns over their penis size, but not as much anxiety as those in the Size 1 bracket.
Most men – roughly 50% – will fall into size 3. Men in this bracket have a penis that measures 5 to just over 6 inches in length when erect. This is the average penis size in most countries, particularly the United States. For a long time, many men in America thought 7 inches was the national norm thanks to early – and flawed – reporting on human sexuality. As a result, even guys in this totally average size bracket are likely to consider penis enlargement and many engage it in successfully. While technically, no guy in this size needs penis enlargement, their efforts to help many to step into the next size up.
For guys who measure in at 6 ¼ up to 7.5 inches in length, penis size should no longer be a concern. Some of these men may still have feelings of inadequacy and consider penis enlargement but not many go through with it. Although enlargement methods can still work at this – or any – size, most guys want their penis to be a size that fits the rest of their body so it’s important to not go too big.
Anything over 7.5 inches is considered pretty big. Currently, the biggest penis in the world clocks in at 13.5 inches so that provides the top end for this bracket. While this represents only a small amount of the population – roughly 5% – most men are closer to the 7.5 or 8 inch end of the spectrum. For men with a penis this size, it can be either a blessing or a curse. In some cases, a larger penis means more trouble achieving or maintaining an erection and in other cases, the size itself can actually make men just as self-conscious as those at the other end of the spectrum – back in Size 1.
If you consider yourself to be in the lower range spectrum, there’s good news! There is something you can do about the size of your penis. Using a traction device like the Quick Extender Pro has been proven to increase your penis size and help get you into the above average or even larger range of penis sizes. A penis extender is based on using controlled traction too safely and permanently enlarge your penis to the size you want. You can find out more about the Quick Extender Pro penis extender by visiting the website here .

Less than 3 inches

Less than 3 inches
853 ( 2.08 % )

3 to 4 inches

3 to 4 inches
1592 ( 3.87 % )

4 to 5 inches

4 to 5 inches
4979 ( 12.11 % )

5 to 6 inches

5 to 6 inches
12704 ( 30.91 % )

6 to 7 inches

6 to 7 inches
12230 ( 29.76 % )

7 to 8 inches

7 to 8 inches
6140 ( 14.94 % )

More than 8 inches

More than 8 inches
2601 ( 6.33 % )

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Lucas Owenby (the CEO) and Marko Hallinan (the Editor) review and edit all the submitted content to meet our quality guidelines.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the average length and girth (circumference) , worldwide, of an erect and flaccid penis shown in the table below:
These measurements are according to a study done by BJUI (British Journal of Urology International) and several other studies. [1] [2]
Currently, the countries with the largest average penis size , 7.1”, are Congo and Sudan.
The country with the smallest average size, 3.7”, is South Korea.
The United States (and other Caucasian-population countries), on the other hand, have a modest average, which is around 5.1”.
Surprisingly, despite the typical racial slurs, the Japanese has a greater stat compared to Americans: 5.2” average.
The largest and longest erect human penis is 13.5” (34.3 cm) long, and it is Jonah Falcon who holds that record. In its flaccid state, it is 8” (20.3 cm.) long. His penis was so long that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has mistaken it for a bomb. If you want to visualize how long it is, imagine three iPhone 4s stacked upright. [3]
Read our complete guide on how to measure your penis .
There are two ways to measure a penis:
The results of both approaches may have a few millimeters difference – but the erect measurement will generally be larger.
The most common method is the BPEL (Bone-Pressed Erect Length) measurement – read more here .
To know the length of a penis, get a ruler. Then, place one end of the ruler on your pelvic bone area — it is the hard and somewhat bony area above your penis. Be sure to put some pressure on the ruler until you feel your pelvic bone: This is to make sure that your pubic hair and layer of fat will not mess around with the measurement. Measure from the pelvic bone to the tip of your penis.
To get the girth , you can use a tape measure. Wrap the tape measure around the thickest part of your penis; it can be the shaft, base, or tip.
If you do not have a tape measure but you have a ruler, what you can do is get a strip of paper. Use that paper as a tape measure and check your penis’ girth. Mark the part of the paper that overlapped, and then measure the strip using the ruler.
Recommended tools: Girth Measurement Tape ( ).
If penis sizes were as clear as bra sizes, the dating world would be very different.
Fortunately, for those who are within or a bit below their national averages, there is no need to worry.
According to a research review journal from BJUI, women are more focused on a man’s looks and personality: penis size is not a priority.
Many men whose penis size is 5 inches or less begin to doubt their size . This is common but can lead to self-esteem issues and a feeling of insecurity. 5 inches is definitely average and nothing to be ashamed of.
Penis pumps and extenders are commonly used to increase the penis size. It is ideal to use both concurrently, along with manual penile exercises. They can work wonders if used correctly over a long period of time.
If ever you want to make your partner more satisfied with your penis, it is recommended that you focus on improving girth rather than length. According to two studies, almost 80% of women prefer penis with a larger girth than having a longer one. [4] [5]
However, 67% of women who are with men with penis sizes below the global and national average wish that their partners have larger penises, according to a graduate study from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Department of Psychology. [6] [7]
On the flip side, most of the female respondents in the study (85%) said that they were satisfied with their partner’s penis size.
In the same study, men were asked to rate their penis size:
Those who rated their penises as large tend to rate their appearance higher compared to other respondents, which might imply that penis size affects a man’s confidence in his looks.
Watch girls’ reactions when they see a huge penis outline in tight shorts:

In the previous section, it seems that BJUI studies implied that most women are not that worried about their partners’ penile size. However, many studies and polls have generated a different conclusion.
For example, according to a Mister Poll survey, 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would turn down a very attractive male with a small penis for an average-looking man with a bigger package.
In the same poll, 75% of the respondents believe that penis girth and length matter a lot. Also, 61% of them have confided that they have dumped or refused intercourse with males with penis sizes below their expectations.
The poll also had male respondents (also more than a thousand), and they were asked how they felt after reading the women’s responses regarding penis size. Here is the breakdown of that poll:
Despite being heavily studied, there is still a huge margin of error when measuring penis size, especially if the collection of data relies on letting the respondents perform the measurement.
Also, multiple factors can affect a penis’ erection: ambient temperature, mood, age, and self-esteem.
It has been a common saying that you can predict a man’s penis length by just looking at his feet, ear, height, and even the nose.
However, according to a 2013 study, there is no connection to one’s physique and penis size. [8]
Nonetheless, a few other studies have noticed a pattern, correlation of buttocks size to penis size, but it is still inconclusive.

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So many lies about the size of a penis. But I am being truthful about the following:
1. I am now 70 years of age and I measure 9 inches on top from pubic bone to tip of penis (correct measuring).
2. My starting size was 7 inches when I began my natural growth exercises.
3. Do not believe the misconceptions that the penis cannot expand or grow without penile surgery.
4. I notice that most penis growth websites forget a vital part of penis growth and that is the testicles.
5. Specific massages release testosterone in the testicles and they help with developing strong erections (even at 70).

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To be honest, I’m probably a bit above average, but everything depends on the woman’s vagina size.

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Well earl, you don’t you try and see for yourself. The main thing is to get your penis erect and to use it regularly as that is what keeps your penis healthy and functioning. Not much point having a whopper you cannot use.
Listen friends, the role of the foreskin in sexual intercourse is all in your mind. And any man who does not use some kind of lubricant on their penis for sex is a moron whether you are hooded or have a one eyed turtle neck. You do know that the natural penile lubricant on uncut men is actually smegma.

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Mine’s girth is like one finger i think 3″ and lenght 4″ it is very thin but the glans are huge . The head girth is 6,5″ and head lenght is 2″ so half of it all. It has that mushroom shape but like a tiny small with an way big cap. It’s that normal ? Does anybody has this too ?

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