Cocaine synthesis

Cocaine synthesis

Cocaine synthesis

Cocaine synthesis



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Cocaine synthesis

Cocaine synthesis

Кокаин — краткий ликбез по одному из самых популярных наркотиков 21 века

Cocaine synthesis

Cocaine Synthesis

Cocaine synthesis

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Кокаин-основание, а также его соли при нагревании легко омыляются, особенно в присутствие кислот и щелочей, с образованием экгонина, бензойной кислоты и метилового спирта. Однако, наиболее выгодным и простым является способ получения тропина из янтарного альдегида, метиламина и ацетона. Ниже представлены необходимые формулы. И наконец получение кокаина УРА!!!!!!!!! Если не надоело, я тут еще одну надыбал. Итак, Кокаин! Два альтернативных синтеза Янтарного альдегида сукциндиальдегида : 1 Из Пиррола - конвертацией его в сукцинальдиоксим и гидролизом последнего в кислой среде JACS,68, В трехгорлой колбе на 2 литра, оснащенной мешалкой, обратным холодильником и капельной воронкой 1 литр этанола, 67г свеже-перегнанного пиролла и г гидрохлорида гидроксиламина. Смесь нагревают до тех пор, пока она не станет гомогенной. Затем маленькими порциями добавляют г безводного карбоната натрия бурнай реакция! Нагревают 24 часа и фильтруют. Фильтрат упаривают до суха на вакууме и полученный твердый остататок смешивают с минимальным количеством кипящей воды, обесцвечивают на активированном угле и выкристаллизовывают в холодильнике. Полученный сукцинальдиоксим отфильтровывают и сушат. Выход - около 40г. Охлаждают до нуля и осторожно, мелкими порциями, добавляют 7г нитрита натрия. После полного растворения диоксима смесь можно нагреть до 20 С. Раствор нейтрализуют карбонатом бария, выпавший BaSO4 отфильтровывают. К 6,61г 50,0ммоль 6,5мл 2,5диметокситетрагидрофурана и 20мл воды при перемешивании добавляют 2,2мл концентрированной соляной кислоты. Через несколько секунд образуется гомогенный раствор, который перемешивают еще 20 минут при н. Синтез Ацетондикарбоновой кислоты из лимонной кислоты Титце и Айхер. После этого смесь перемешивают при н. Как только выделение СО кончится, реакцию прекращают. Образуется прозрачный желтый раствор. Далее реакционную смесь охлаждают до 0 С и осторожно смешивают со г льда максимальная внутренняя температура - 10 С, длительность 20 минут. Смесь вновь охлаждают до 0 С, выдерживают при комнатной температуре 1 час и, выпавшие кристаллы, отфильтровывают через стеклянный фильтр. Для освобождения от адсорбированной H2SO4, кристаллы дважды взмучивают с 20мл этилацетата и отфильтровывают. Срок хранения - неделя. В случае более длительного хранения нужна перекристаллизация из этилацетата. Ну, а теперь, синтез тропинона двустадийной реакцией Манниха. Здесь приведу методику из Титце и Айхера, так как она более простая есть еще от JACS and , но там практически то же самое. Затем к смеси прибавляют 3,3мл концентрированной HCl и нагревают до С. Нагревание продолжают до прекращения выделения диоксида углерода примерно 30 минут. Ну, вот, тропинон мы получили, осталось три стадии Ок, поехали дальше! Ссылок на научную литературу нет, но аналогичный пример конденсации есть опять же у Титце и Айхера; метода взята у Родиума. Смесь 1,35г метоксида натрия, 3,5г тропинона, 4мл диметилкарбоната и 10мл толуола кипятят 30 минут. Охлаждают до 0 С и добавляют 15мл воды, содержащей 2,5г хлорида аммония. Полученное масло растворяют в мл эфира, дважды промывают смесью 3мл 3N раствора гидроксида калия и 6мл насыщенного раствора карбоната натрия. Сушат, и отгоняют на вакууме остатки непрореагировавшего тропинона. На перекристаллизацию 4г 2карбометокситропинона используют смесь 7,5мл горячего метилацетата, 1мл теплой воды и 1мл ацетона. Процесс протекает часов при 0 С или до -5 С. Полученный чистый 2карбометокситропинон промывают холодным метилацетатом. Подают водород и смесь нагревают до ! После прекращения реакции, катализатор отфильтровывают и промывают хлороформом. После охлаждения рН смеси доводят до 10, экстрагируют хлороформом, сушат и отгоняют растворитель. К полученному продукту добавляют эквивалентное количество эфира и фильтруют. К фильтрату добавляют еще эфир, до прекращения выпадения продукта. Полученный метилэкгонин перекристаллизовывают из изопропанола. Получение Кокаина! Проще не придумаешь аналогичную реакцию можете видеть, когда варят черный! Смесь охлаждают, слегка подкисляют солянкой и полученный продукт перегоняют на вакууме. Добавление к полеченному красному маслу изопропанола небольшими порциями! Вот как все просто ; проще, чем отнять конфетку у младенца. Че думаете, химики? Если метод и правда рабочий, представляете как это бкдет заебенно?!?!?!?!?! Это ж его килограммами!!!!!!! Извиняюсь за формулы. Блять, а ведь столько времени на них проебал!!! Природный -- кокаин-основание кристаллизуется из спирта в виде моноклинических призматических кристаллов. Да, я тоже этот ляп заметил. А синтез кокаина зи гиосциамина-это вполне реально. Это ФАКТ. Походу все срезались, а тема-то как минимум интересная. Этж пиздетсс. Ну ну.. Это тонну дурмана надо! Не верю. А почему он не наварил себе на старость и преспокойно сьебал? А ты с ним побейся об заклад,всё равно конечный продукт дороже. Слить нереально для ученого в принципе. Для любого человека шарящего по теме торговли - пиздец какой риск попасть в разработку комитетчиков а это смерть. Путину и она способна защитить тебя от происков ГНК или хотя бы предпредить о том что пиздец уже не за горами то возможно продержишься подольше чем другие, но все равно рано или поздно придется намертво завязать. А то закроют - и правильно сделают. Вот полкило ореха стоит уев. Если хорошо поспрошать у хороших людей конечно. То есть киляк синтетического если его вообще реально сделать тысяч за 15 теоретически реально загнать. Только вот люди интересующиеся такими кол-вами это очень серьезные товарищи в погонах либо люди, активно с ними сотрудничащие. Интересоваться они могут или чтобы нахлобучить или чтобы на самом деле купить, только даже при 2-м варианте все будет заебись только до той поры пока их самих не нахватят коллеги. Ибо в гос. И вас тоже не пожалеют, хотя если будете все деньги откладывать и честно отдатите может отпустят. Все равно человек, который лезет в ебаную наркоторговлю по крупнякам либо хочет по бырому сорвать денег и соскочить, либо ни хуя не знает об устройстве нашей родины либо привык к острым ощущениям сумашедший. Любой нормальный сооброжающий в органике химик может делать много чего. Про кокос я спрашивал - говорят очень дорого и выходы хуевые. Есть люди проектирующие военные стимуляторы - думаете они ими барыжат потом. Ибо нехуй! Народ, а кто-нить пробовол по вышеописанному методу его синтезировать? И насколько удачно? Нет наверное никто не пробовал. Да и не стоит наверное. Просто как бы дурман ядовит и можно навирить себе отменного яда. И дать дубу. Тут реальным химиком надо быть. Легче героин сделать вроде бы. У меня блин вопрос. Можно для Дятлов пояснить немного? ПРосто в детсве химию провтыкал, теперь вот догоняю Во первых в дурмане Атропин насколько я помню и относится от к разряду слабо-ядовитых веществ. Каким фигом из дурмана можно получить Тропин? Во вторых - нафига его сливать-продавать??? Все равно тема нереальная - наверняка закончится пулевым отверстием в голове В третьих - уровень атропина в дурмане колеблется от времени сбора и территории произрастания. Но насколько я знаю листья и стебли содержат что то еще ядовитое и хавать их нельзя. Только семена. В четвертых достать выжимку из дурмана в огромных количествах ну атропин всмысле и по плевой цене - нефиг делать. Если надо - в приват скажу как. Ну и наконец - какой нибудь умный человек может блин расписать умеренно-кухонных способ получения кокаина из дурмана?? На напросившийся вопрос - почему я так кипишнул? Отвечаю - почитал пошел гулять, встретил знакомого с универа. Намекнул на дурман и кокс. Тот улыбнулся и сказал что уже такое делал - у него получилось. При этом наотрез отказался выдавать рецепт Вот так вот. Но если иметь хотя бы нескольео десятков нрамм чистого атропина, то можно из него синтезировать кокаин. Просто гидролизуем атропин до тропина, а тропин окисляем в тропинон, а дальше пляшем по извесным путям. И это уже не теория, а совсем ресльно. И если мона кинь приватом где это ты вытяжку берешь концентрированную? Если иметь смесь алкалоидов красавки ,то выделить от туда атропин нефиг делать. С дурмана в промышленности делают только из семечек. А про то что кто то синтезировал кокс из атропина да еще и студент из универа не поверю в жизни, уж извените. Как то скакал по библиотеке в инете, искал Снотворный мак. По пути нарвался на дурман и что из него делают. Там и вычитал Ну блин… Я не говорил что он друг сказал что он делал из Дурмана. Он сказал что я могу попробовать. И в универе он не в обычном — типа Голландия у нас есть. Они там такие курсовые пишут — что у милиции волосы выпадают от злости… Ну я ж просил для дятлов… Гидролизируем это типа в водичку и варить? Окисляем чем и как? И что блин за известные пути блин? А чтоб каждому в приват не писать - просто намекну. Как-то 4 придурка меня там небыло решили дешево и сердито убиться чем-нидь. Денег у них мало было - позвонили мне. Ну я им и сказал чтоб димедрол жрали- дешево и сердито вроде Долго с ними спорил ну придурки они и в африке придурки - плюнул на них и решил простибаться. Предложил им дурмана похавать. Так они повелись. На этом разговор закончился. Через 5 дней я узнал что они прихавали. Придурки на проверку оказались продвинутыми и даже смогли запустить интернет и узнать че содержится в дурмане - сам дурман они достать не смогли. Одного заслали в аптеку - на вопрос 'а есть ли у вас Атропин? Придурков долго откачивали - трое было в реанимации почти двое суток. Четвертого закрыли на дурку. Вот так вот Про извлечение и очистку атропина см. Конец реакции определяют по ТСХ. Затем смесь разбавляется водой, и экстрагируется орг. Растворитель отгоняют, получают тропин. Как окислить в тропинон.. Если кето-группу восстанавливать боргидридом, то, наверняка, выйдет смесь изомеров, которую потом еще надо разделять. Далее метилэкгонин бензоилируют бензоилхлорид в пиридине и получают свой кокс, притом, полюбэ, опять же, смесь изомеров. Возможно еще прйдется разрабатывать новые методы. В оригинальной процедуре получения кокаина исходят не из тропинона, а из метоксикарбонилтропинона, который синтезируют через дисукцинальдегид, калиевую соль енольной формы ацетондикарбоновой кислоты и метиламин. Ребята, не парьтесь хуйней, если матерые химика, работающие по лет во всяких аспирантурах не хотят за это браться, то человек, проспавший химию начиная с 7-го класса нихуя такого подобного не сделает в жизни, и это ФАКТ! Хоть имей ты кило атропина. Ад написал а :. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь для ответа. Сверху Снизу.

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A simplified total synthesis of the single enantiomers of cocaine and racemic cocaine is outlined. The synthesis employs common laboratory glassware, reagents, and methods which can be performed in most forensic laboratories. The procedure for the isolation and purification of the dextrorotatory enantiomer of cocaine is presented. In many jurisdictions cocaine is listed as a controlled substance under statutes covering coca leaves and their extracts. Therefore only the levorotatory isomer of cocaine would be controlled. These laws do not include optical isomers and diastereoisomers. The question of enantiomeric composition has recently become popular with defense attorneys. The molecular structure of cocaine was first described by Willsttter and Muller1 in Findlay2, Fodor3,4, and others established the stereochemistry of the tropane alcohols and their esters. Once this groundwork was laid, the three-dimensional structures of cocaine and its diastereoisomers pseudococaine, allococaine, and allopseudococaine were elucidated by Findlay and Hardegger et. Fragmentation patterns for various tropinone analogs have also been determined by Kashman and Cherokee Methods for detection of cocaine diastereoisomers have been established by Allen et. Identification of the different enantiomeric mixtures can be done as illustrated by Eskes15 and Allen et. This work by Cooper and Allen16 lists and identifies the three most reoccurring substances. The first total synthesis of cocaine was accomplished by Willsttter et. If this epimeric mixture is not separated prior to benzoylation, a mixture of -cocaine and -pseudococaine results. Any unreacted tropinone or 2-CMT will become benzoylated to yield two co-synthetics identified by Cooper. It has been shown by Findlay18, Cooper and Allen16, and myself unpublished that direct synthesis of 2-CMT gives greater yields than the carbomethoxylation of tropinone. Preobrashenski19 and Wallingford20 synthesized 2-CMT and other beta-keto esters from condensation of alkyl carbonates with ketones. Findlay, Cooper, and myself found that such a route gives poor yields with resinous by-products. It is noteworthy that Carroll et al. Methylamine, acetonedicarboxylic acid, and succindialdehyde are potential starting materials for the synthesis of 2-CMT. These compounds can be synthesized following the procedures of Adams et al. Data has not been published concerning optimum conditions for 2-CMT synthesis. However an analogy can be drawn from tropinone and 2-CMT to pseudopelletierine optimum synthetic conditions. Pseudopelletierine is a ring homolog of tropinone having an eight-membered ring as opposed to the seven-membered ring of tropinone. Optimum conditions for its synthesis were established by Cope et al. Those workers found that a buffered solution at pH and 25C gave highest yields. Data by Schoph and Lehmann25 show highest yields at pH I also found that a buffered reaction is critical for good yields of product. Cope stated that without buffered reactions the pseudopelletierine condensation reaction had a pH rise of 3. Keagle and Hartung26 found that tropinone was prepared in highest yield with 0. Mastering the ring coupling Mannich reaction is the key step in producing synthetic cocaine. All practical routes to cocaine have used 2-CMT as the common intermediate. New synthetic methods for entry into the tropane skeleton have been reported by Tufariello, Hawakawa38, Noyori39, Parker40, Peterson41, Iida42 and Kashman11 but are novel approaches with complicated synthesis. The reported sequence of synthesis Figs. The reduction is carried out at near the freezing point of water in an acid medium to yield the equatorial 3-hydroxy isomers of EME and PEME. Clarke et al. EME is a colorless oil which is hydroscopic and any water absorbed causes slow hydrolysis to ecgonine. Aqueous alkaline solutions will also cause slow saponification. Various solvents and alkaline drying agents were used in his benzoylations. Sinnema et al. This resolution can be performed with 2-CMT prior to reduction and benzoylation as demonstrated by Carroll pers. To a solution of 30 ml glacial acetic acid and 22 ml of acetic anhydride Fisher at 10C was slowly added 20g 0. For runs where precipitation of product had not occurred within 3 h, it was induced by the addition of benzene. The product was filtered by suction filtration, washed with ml of glacial acetic acid, and next washed with ml of benzene. It was allowed to dry yielding To ml of 0. The succindialdehyde was allowed to stand for 4 h without further treatment. Acetonedicarboxylic acid monomethyl ester. To a flask containing The mono-methyl ester solution was allowed to stand for one hour and filtered. Six liters of 4. To the buffer was added The succindialdehyde solution was added dropwise to the buffer over 10 min with stirring at room temperature. The mono- methyl ester solution was next added dropwise over 10 min with stirring. The reaction was stirred 48 h at room temperature. The reaction was extracted in ml portions by making the pH 12 with concentrated ammonium hydroxide and extracted 4 times with ml of chloroform. The extracts were dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The resulting yellow oil was dissolved in ml of dry diethyl ether and filtered. The filtrate was evaporated in vacuo. The oil was next dissolved into ml of petroleum ether and filtered. The filtrate was evaporated in vacuo and the resulting oil was allowed to hydrate upon standing. Yield: To a solution of After 48 h the mother liquor was decanted and set aside. The crystals were washed with 50 ml of absolute ethanol and then dissolved into a minimal amount approx. The solution was filtered while hot into an Erlenmeyer flask and covered. The solution was left undisturbed for 72 h. The solution was decanted off and combined with the first mother liquor. The crystals of anhydrous - CMT bitartrate were washed with ml of dry acetone and dried yielding 6. Findlay18 reported \\\\\\[\\\\\\]D20 - The mother liquors were evaporated to dryness and dissolved into ml of water, made pH 8 with sodium carbonate, and extracted 5 times with ml of methylene chloride. Freebasing the mother liquors and retreatment with - -tartaric acid yielded 6. Thus the overall yield of anhydrous - - 2-CMT bitartrate was Into a three-neck ml round bottom flask was placed 7. Bromophenol blue approx. With stirring the solution was treated with g of 1. Periodic addition of water was necessary to dissolve sodium sulfate salts. The reaction was stirred an additional 45 min after the addition of amalgam was complete. The solution was separated from the mercury, adjusted to pH 12 with sodium hydroxide and extracted three times with ml of chloroform. The oil was dissolved into ml of petroleum ether and filtered. The resulting oil was dissolved into ml of dry diethyl ether and the hydrochloride salts were made with ethereal HCl. The salts were filtered and immediately dissolved into a minimal amount of dry methanol. The methanol was evaporated in vacuo and ml of dry chloroform was added to the crystals. The slurry of crystals was filtered and dried yielding 2. The product was recrystallized from methanol and diethyl ether to yield 2. Lewin et al. In an oven-dried ml round bottom flask was added 1. The reaction was protected from moisture with argon. Dropwise over 5 min was added a solution of 0. After addition was complete the ice bath was removed and the reaction was stirred 24 h under argon. Dry acetone ml was added and the slurry was filtered by suction filtration. The product was dried yielding 1. The solvent was dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The free base was recrystallized from diethyl ether and petroleum ether yielding 1. Melting points were determined on a Mel-Temp capillary tube apparatus. Infrared IR spectra were recorded in potassium bromide disks with a Beckman Microlab spectrometer. A m fused silica, SE 54 capillary column i. The injection port temperature was C and the sample was injected in the splitless mode. The quadrupole mass analyzer operated under electron impact conditions at 70 eV. Figures present infrared spectra of the intermediates and final products. Figures present mass spectra of the same compounds. Isolation and purification of intermediates and final product were performed through their solubilities in organic solvents and recrystallizations. Liquid chromatography was not used in this procedure but could be used to increase the yield of EME. Extracting 2-CMT from the Mannich reaction at pH 12 restricts gummy tar-like substances from co-extracting. The extraction must be performed quickly since the product will undergo self- condensation at this pH. Conversely a very acidic pH will cause decarboxylation to tropinone. Dissolution of 2-CMT in diethyl ether and petroleum ether precipitates any resinous by- products. The anhydrous base would turn dark brown within one week if it was not hydrated. EME hydrochloride is practically insoluble in chloroform. This property allows PEME hydrochloride and other impurity hydrochlorides to be separated. EME will slowly hydrolyze to ecgonine in water. Its extractions from aqueous alkaline solutions must be done promptly to prevent saponification. Cocaine hydrochloride is insoluble in dry acetone. This allows cocaine to be separated from unreacted benzoyl chloride, EME, and pyridine. When the separate enantiomers are mixed they give racemic crystals in gold chloride- HOAc as described by Allen et. The infrared spectra of levo-, dextro- and racemic cocaine hydrochloride are identical. The infrared spectra of racemic cocaine base and its single enantiomers have definite differences Figs. Sinnema, L. Maat, A. Van Der Gugten and H. Beyer, Rec. Lewin, S. Parker and I. Carroll, J. Eskes, J. Cope, H. Dryden, C. Overgerger and A. Bazilevskaya, M. Bainova, D. Gura, K. Dyumaev and N. Preobazhenskii, Izvest. Tufariello, J. Tegeler, S. Wong and A. Ali, Tetrahedron Lett. Mullen, J. Ali, J. Hayakawa, Y. Baba, S. Makino and R. Noyori, J. Noyori, Y. Baba and Y. Hayakawa, J. Clarke, S. Daun, A. Gambino, M. Aceto, J. Pearl and E. Bogado, J. Lewin, R. Clanton and C. Proceedings of an International Symposium, , p. The Merck Index, M. Although this drug is categorized as a local anesthetic, I have chosen to put it in with the hallucinogens because of the psychotomimetic effects that it produces. Cocaine is not a phenylethylamine, but it produces central nervous system arousal or stimulant effects which closely resemble those of the amphetamines, the methylenedioxyamphetamines in particular. This is due to the inhibition by cocaine of re-uptake of the norepinepherine released by the adrenergic nerve terminals, leading to an enhanced adrenergic stimulation of norepinephrine receptors. The increased sense of well being and intense, but short lived, euphoric state produced by cocaine requires frequent administration. Cocaine does not penetrate the intact skin, but is readily absorbed from the mucus membranes, creating the need to snort it. This accounts for the ulceration of the nasal septum after cocaine has been snorted for long periods. The basic formula for cocaine starts by purchasing or making tropinone, converting the tropinone into 2- carbomethoxytropinone also known as methyl-tropanonecarboxylate , reducing this to ecgonine, and changing that to cocaine. Sounds easy? This synthesis is certainly worth performing with the high prices that cocaine is now commanding. As usual, I will start with the precursors and intermediates leading up to the product. This can be purchased, too. Stir in 5 g of Ba carbonate and filter. Extract the filtrate with ether and dry, evaporate in vacuo to get the succindialdehyde. This was taken from JOC, 22, To make succinaldoxime, see JOC, 21, In a 2 liter 3 necked flask equipped with a stirrer, reflux condenser, and an addition funnel, is mixed 1 liter of ethanol, 67 g of freshly distilled pyrrole, and g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Heat to reflux until dissolved, add g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in small portions as fast as reaction will allow. Reflux for 24 hours and filter the mixture. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness under vacuo. Take up the residue in the minimum amount of boiling water, decolorize with carbon, filter and allow to recrystallize in refrigerator. Filter to get product and concentrate to get additional crop. Yield of succinaldoxime powder is a little over 40 g, mp is C. Cool to 0C and add in small portions of 7 g of sodium nitrite if you add the nitrite too fast, nitrogen dioxide fumes will evolve. After the dioxime is completely dissolved, allow the solution to warm to 20C and effervescence to go to completion. Neutralize the yellow solution to litmus by adding small portions of barium carbonate. Filter off the barium sulfate that precipitates. Do this procedure 3 more times to get the proper amount for the next step, or multiply the amounts given by four and proceed as described above. Take the total amount of succinaldehyde obtained from 4 of the above syntheses combined and without further treatment or purification this had better be Add Adjust the pH to by slowly adding a saturated solution of disodium phosphate. The condensate of this reaction allow to set for about 6 days is extracted with ether, the ethereal solution is dried over sodium sulphate and distilled, the product coming over at C at 25 mm of pressure is collected. Upon cooling, 14 g of tropinone crystallizes in the pure state. Tropinone can also be obtained by oxidation of tropine with potassium dichromate, but I could not find the specifics for this operation. A mixture of 1. Cool to 0C and add 15 ml of water that contains 2. Extract the solution after shaking with four 50 ml portions of chloroform, dry, evaporate the chloroform in vacuo. Dissolve the oil residue in ml of ether, wash twice with a mixture of 6 ml of saturated potassium carbonate and three ml of 3 N KOH. Dry and evaporate in vacuo to recover the unreacted tropinone. Take up the oil in a solution of aqueous ammonium chloride and extract with chloroform, dry, and evaporate in vacuo to get an oil. The oil is dissolved in hot acetone, cool, and scratch inside of flask with glass rod to precipitate 2-carbomethoxytropinone. Recrystallize 16 g of this product in 30 ml of hot methyl acetate and add 4 ml of cold water and 4 ml of acetone. Put in freezer for 2. Filter and wash the precipitate with cold methyl acetate to get pure product. Seal vessel, introduce 50 psi of hydrogen atmosphere after flushing vessel with hydrogen and heat to C. After no more uptake of hydrogen pressure gauge will hold steady after dropping to its lowest point bleed off pressure and filter the nickle off, rinse out bottle with chloroform and use this rinse to rinse off the nickle while still on the filter paper. Make the filtrate basic with KOH after cooling to 10C. Extract with chloroform dry, and evaporate the chloroform in vacuo to get an oil. Mix the oil plus any precipitate with an equal volume of dry ether and filter. Add more dry ether to the filtrate until no more precipitate forms, filter and add to the rest of the precipitate. Recrystallize from isopropanol to get pure methylecgonine. Test for activity. If active, skip down to the step for cocaine. If not active, proceed as follows. Evaporate the ether until the two layers disappear, and allow to stand for 2 hours at 0C to precipitate the title product. There are many ways to reduce 2-carbomethoxytropinone to methylecgonine. I chose to design a Raney Nickle reduction because it is cheap and not as suspicious as LAH and it is much easier than zinc or sodium amalgams. Cool in an ice bath, acidify carefully with hydrochloric acid, dry, and evaporate in a vacuum to get a red oil which is treated with a little portion of isopropanoi to precipitate cocaine. As you can see, this is quite a chore. The coca leaves give ecgonine, which as you can see, is only a jump away from cocaine. If you can get egconine, then dissolve 8. Let cool to room temp and let stand for another 1. Gently reflux for 30 min and evaporate in vacuo. Basify the residue oil with NaOH and filter to get 8. Below is given a somewhat easier method of producing tropinone by the general methods of Willstatter, who was instrumental in the first synthetic production of cocaine and several other alkaloids. After reviewing this method, I found it to be simpler than the above in many respects. During the reaction which is complete in about 10 min the temp should not exceed C. The resulting reaction product is dissolved in water, then saturated with potassium carbonate, and the oil, which separates, is boiled with dilute sulfuric acid. Here are two more formulas devised by Willstatter that produce tropinone from tropine. Take note of the yield differences. The addition of permanganate will cause heat keep the temp C and precipitation of manganese dioxide. The reaction mixture is complete in I hour. A large excess of NaOH is added and the reaction is steam distilled until I liter of distillate has been collected. Let stand several days to get dibenzaltropinone as yellow needles. Recrystallize from ethanol to purify. A solution of 12 g of chromic acid in the same amount of water 12 g and 60 g of glacial acetic acid is added dropwise with stirring over a period of 4 hours to a solution of 25 g of tropine in mL of glacial acetic acid that has been warmed to C and is maintained at this temp during the addition. Heat the mixture for a short time on a steam bath until all the chromic acid has disappeared, cool and make strongly alkaline with NaOH. Extract with six mL portions of ether and evaporate the ether in vacuo to get an oil that crystallizes readily. Purify by converting to the picrate or fractionally distill, collecting the fraction at C at mm vacuo. The tropinones can be used in the above formula or in a formula that you have found elsewhere to be converted to cocaine. Remember to recrystallize the 2- carbomethoxytropinone before converting to methylecgonine. Illicit Synthetic Cocaine The classic total synthesis of cocaine involves three synthetic, one enantiomeric resolution and one diastereomeric purification steps Figure ,22 , and requires a significantly high level of synthetic expertise and well-equipped laboratory facilities. The synthesis will produce a pair of racemic diastereomers of which only one, i. To date, there have been only three seizures of illicit synthetic cocaine laboratories in the United States. All three followed the classic synthesis; however, none of the three performed the enantiomeric resolution step. Two of these laboratories were run by clandestine operators with advanced chemical training, and successfully produced very low yields of racemic cocaine. The first step involves a ring coupling Mannich reaction using methylamine, succindialdehyde, and acetonedicarboxylic acid monomethyl ester in high dilution in a buffered, aqueous solution at 25C. After 2 days, the reaction mixture is made basic and extracted with chloroform to give racemic 2-carbomethoxytropinone; tropinone is the major impurity. In step two, the 2-carbomethoxytropinone is dissolved in a minimal volume of ice-cold dilute sulfuric acid and reduced to methyl ecgonine with a 1 to 1. After several hours, the reaction is made basic, extracted with chloroform, and evaporated to an oil containing methyl ecgonine and pseudoecgonine methyl ester in an approximate ratio. Additional impurities usually include tropinone, tropine, pseudotropine and unreacted 2-carbomethoxytropinone. The filtrate is evaporated to dryness, dissolved in diethyl ether and converted to the hydrochloride. None of the operators of the three clandestine laboratories seized to date attempted to purify their methyl ecgonine any further than the pseudoecgonine methyl ester precipitation step. In step three, the methyl ecgonine hydrochloride is benzoylated with benzoyl chloride in pyridine near 0C. This precipitate is filtered and washed with additional ether to remove excess pyridine, dissolved in water, and extracted with additional ether to remove benzoic acid. As noted above, the clandestine manufacture of illicit synthetic cocaine is extremely unusual. This is clearly economically infeasible in view of the relatively low cost and ready availability of illicit natural cocaine. Learn more about Scribd Membership Home. Read Free For 30 Days. Much more than documents. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Start Free Trial Cancel anytime. Cocaine Synthesis. Uploaded by Ji Chem. Document Information click to expand document information Description: synth. Date uploaded Aug 29, Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Description: synth. Flag for inappropriate content. Download Now. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Introduction In many jurisdictions cocaine is listed as a controlled substance under statutes covering coca leaves and their extracts. Synthetic route to 2-CMT. Reduction and benzoylation of 2-CMT Single enantiomers are depicted for simplification, i. Synthesis Acetonedicarboxylic acid anhydride To a solution of 30 ml glacial acetic acid and 22 ml of acetic anhydride Fisher at 10C was slowly added 20g 0. Succindialdehyde To ml of 0. Acetonedicarboxylic acid monomethyl ester To a flask containing Resolution of carbomethoxytropinone To a solution of Experimental Procedure Melting points were determined on a Mel-Temp capillary tube apparatus. Infrared spectrum of CMT hydrate. Infrared spectrum of -EME hydrochloride. Infrared spectrum of -PEME base. Electron impact mass spectrum of tropinone. Electron impact mass spectrum of 2-CMT. Electron impact mass spectrum of EME. Electron impact mase spectrum of PEME. Electron impact mass spectrum of cocaine. Electron impact mass spectrum of pseudococaine. References R. Willsttter and W. Muller, Chem. Findlay, J. Fodor, Nature, , G. Fodor and O. Kovacs, J. Hardegger and H. Ott, Helv. Acta, 38, A. Blossey, M. Ohashi, G. Fodor and C. Djerassi, Tetrahedron, 20, \\\\\\[Abstract\\\\\\] Y. Kashman and S. Cherkez, Tetrahedron, 28, \\\\\\[Abstract\\\\\\] A. Allen, D. Cooper, W. Kiser and R. Cottrell, J. Forensic Sci. Olieman, L. Maat and H. Beyerman, Rec. Cooper and A. Allen, J. Willsttter, D. Wolfes and M. Mader Annalen. Preobazhenskii, M. Schtschukina and R. Lapina, Chem. Wallingford, A. Homeyer and D. Jones, J. Carroll, M. Coleman and A. Lewin, J. Adams, H. Chiles and C. Rassweiler, Org. Kaushal, J. Indian Chem. Schopf and G. Lehmann, Annalen. Keagle and W. Hartung, J. Robinson, J. Mannich, Arch. Ziele and W. Schultz, Chem. Willsttter and A. Pfannenstiel, Annalen. Willsttter and M. Bonner, Annalen. Tufariello and G. Parker, R. Raphael and D. Wilkinson, J. Petersen, S. Toteberg-Kaulen and H. Rapoport, J. Watanabe and C. Kibayashi, J. Dejong, Rec. Lewin, T. Nasaree, I. Carroll and F. Ivy, J. Succindialdehyde This can be purchased, too. Complete Synthesis of Succindialdehyde JACS, 68, In a 2 liter 3 necked flask equipped with a stirrer, reflux condenser, and an addition funnel, is mixed 1 liter of ethanol, 67 g of freshly distilled pyrrole, and g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Methylecgonine 0. Cocaine 4. Tropinone 10 g of pyrrolidinediethyl diacetate are heated with 10 g of cymene and 2 g of sodium powder, the reaction taking place at about C. Tropinone A solution of 12 g of chromic acid in the same amount of water 12 g and 60 g of glacial acetic acid is added dropwise with stirring over a period of 4 hours to a solution of 25 g of tropine in mL of glacial acetic acid that has been warmed to C and is maintained at this temp during the addition. Documents Similar To Cocaine Synthesis. Erbapipa Erbario. Nathan Camarata. Gede Siddiarta. Juni Farhana. Adrien G. Hitendra Nath Barmma. Nur Aini Iktikhafsari. Titas Sarkar. Elizabeth Walsh. Moosa Naseer. Andrea Malo. Edson Fernandes. Bilal Ahmad. Kyle Andrey Ancog. Mohammed Zubair. Kathleen Joy Temporal Navasero. More From Ji Chem. Ji Chem. Annana Myss. Hamad Mohamad. Popular in Sodium. Sarvesha Moodley. Wyda Novayanti Saragi. Dimuthu Sandaruwan. Science Experiments and Activities Kopaka Lewa. Vikash Sharma. Atif Rizvi. Mike Rice. Ma Ria Fe. 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