Cocaine Unawatuna

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Cocaine Unawatuna

Cocaine Unawatuna

Not so proud to be Canadian, in Sri Lanka

Cocaine Unawatuna

Travel Journal: Sri Lanka

Cocaine Unawatuna

It's been more than three months since Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper refused to visit Sri Lanka for a Commonwealth Summit meeting, citing among other things, human rights abuse. Not knowing what to expect, with the arse falling off of our nation's once friendliness towards all countries on the planet, Elenka and I severed the Canadian flags from our backpacks before coming to Sri Lanka. We flew here with Emirates Air, via Dubai, on the big two storey Airbus. For the first segment of the flight the passengers were mostly Arab. When we left Dubai for Colombo, aside from a few native Sri Lankans, it felt like a white-man's pilgrimage - mostly older Europeans. What we found when we got here wasn't hatred towards us, but dismay. Because Sri Lankans are among the most friendly people we've ever met we at first chose not to hide our identity. That being said, once we told them we're Canadian, they'd give us that, why do you hate us, beaten dog look. Telling them that we didn't vote for our ultra-conservative government felt lame. So we decided that for the balance of our journey we're going to tell everyone we're British. We're mostly asked if we're English anyway, so it fits. During our three hour train trip from Colombo to Unawatuna Beach on the south coast, an older gentleman named Sunil, befriended us. When Elenka asked him for the best way to get from Galle, where the train stopped, to Unawatuna, he made a call. When we got off the train we had a free ride to Unawatuna with Sunil and his friend as we went in search of a place to stay for the night. Later, in Unawatuna, I blew it again, telling a man that we were Canadian. He looked at me, seemingly wondering if I was wicked or stupid. I took a different tack, staring back at him as though a tree was growing from his ear, adding crazy to the befuddling Canadian controversies. Last night the manager of the Lucky Tuna hotel where we're staying plied me with Arak, a coconut distillate, in hope that we'd take one of his inland tours. By night's end no tours had been sold, but we'd made a trade agreement whereby I'm going to ship Johnnie Walker whiskey to Sri Lanka and he'll send Arak to Canada. Soon, monkey's will begin flying from both of our butts. While doing my first dive this morning, my mind was far from the reef. From an international perspective, Ford's way ahead of a distantly chasing Harper, both on their own paths to infamy. I wondered where Ford might sit on the 'most well known politicians' list. Third's my guess, right behind Putin and Obama. Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister. Photos to follow. The Lucky Tuna's Internet connection is wickedly slow. I'm starting to think you'll never return! That's pretty sad actually! I apologoize for the confusion. To take a page out of Mr Ford's playbook - it was well over a year ago and I was probably in one of my druken stupors Sort by date visited alphabetical. Not so proud to be Canadian, in Sri Lanka. Newer blog entry. Next image Previous image Enlarge Close. Feb 14, Feb 15, Your name. Email address. Solve this sum. Answering this simple question lets us know you're a real person and not spam. May Mar North America. Sep South America. Nov Sri Lanka. Feb United Arab Emirates. Oct Jan Dec

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When we travel, we travel hard. We maximize our time even if it means more time in the car and barely stopping for breaks. Seeing the world is our passion. The more we see the better. Sage was dropped into this lifestyle at birth and she rolls with it well. She is just like her parents. Strong willed, active, and opinionated. I wondered… if someone were smuggling drugs into the country, is it at this point they think- oh jeeze this was a bad idea. Does one still get the death penalty if they turn themselves in? By the time we arrived at the customs desk I forgot to ask. The drive to Unawatuna from the Bandaranaike Airport in Colombo was two hours. Because of how tired we were, it felt like four. My glands were hard and round like ping pong balls which could only mean one thing. Throat infection. I tried to ignore it and relax. Two very long hours later we arrived at the beautiful Thaproban Beach House. It was worth the drive! A hobble to the shower and 30 mins of the shakes later I accepted the throat infection was here to stay. My husband, being used to this, is brilliant at taking over and taking care of everyone. So thanks to him and some Tylenol PM we were soon fast asleep. The morning sun brought chattering monkeys and beautiful views. The Thaproban Beach House is beautiful. I loved the laid back lattice beach decor and attention to detail. Even the keys added a unique touch. Had we stayed put this would have been a beautiful place to fight an infection. The little we saw of this area confirmed that we need to return. Unawatuna is a bohemian spiritual beach-goers paradise. Sri Lankan people are so sweet, especially to children. Sage got about as much attention here as she did in Japan. Someday, when we travel back to the U. If you know my kid you will know why I was tempted to let her stay for a few days. We saw many Sri Lankan women wearing Saris. Sage loved the Saris. Look at her! Is she a princess? One of my favorite parts of traveling with our daughter is witnessing how she views difference. She is never negative or judgemental. Instead she celebrates newness with wonder and awe. How beautiful would it be if we all did that? At what point do we learn to be so critical of difference? We found one of our favorite differences on the road. Driving in Sri Lanka is very exciting. Our guide Sam, had the agility of an F1 driver behind the wheel of a minivan. Peter and I learned that on every two laned road there is a hidden third lane. It felt like a constant game of chicken. A different car came up from behind us, drove into oncoming traffic, passed our car AND the car in front of us. We loved it. Sri Lanka has got you covered. Roadsides are equally entertaining. We found a fried rice stand, breakfast burritos, an elephant in a truck, a coconut stand, a dancing monkey, shrines, waterfalls, a python, vegetables, and a cobra. Not vegas and not the zoo. Just everyday travel in Sri Lanka. I would love to make a coffee table book of all the unique things we hear when traveling. My favorite Sam quote came when driving through a busy city. Sri Lanka filled me with so much happiness I thought it might come pouring out of me like some wonderful version of the stomach flu. Nothing gets me higher than new international experiences. I love to eat and Sri Lanka has amazing food. Someone please remind me why we continue to rough it! A cozy full sized bed in nature? With a private tented shower? Totally isolated from the rest of the world? Yes please! This camp was especially memorable because of the incredible cooking of Sarath , the chef. We tried coconut roti, egg plant curry. My love for food parallels my love for travel. Spicy, exciting, and a little bit uncomfortable. By the time we arrived in Nuwara Eliya my throat was on fire. WebMD served as my mobile primary care physician and I wrote myself a prescription for cephalexin. One more reason I love foreign travel. You need antibiotics, you get antibiotics. Easy peasy. Within 48 hours I was back to myself. Even if you have to take a trip around the world to get there. Do a yoga retreat, a safari, surf, mountain bike, tea taste, snorkel, dive, hike, rock climb. Do it! And make sure you email Sam first. He has all the hook-ups! I love this post, Elizabeth! The humorous tone is great. Did you end up figuring out how to follow my blog? I got a notification that you subscribed, but I want to make sure that the subscription function is easy to find and user-friendly. Like Like. So cool!! And your daughter is the cutest thing! I love seeing that side of the world through your travels … Looking forward to your next adventure! Abbiamo visto foreste meravigliose con cascate dove abbiamo perfino nuotato in mezzo una natura ancora totalmente incontaminata. Visto la giungla di Yala con tanti elefanti che incontrevamo lungo il percorso. Templi hindu e buddisti nascosti e lontani dal mondo civilizzato. Grazie Sam per averci guidato in questo paradiso! Well, I am in spirit! Hugs all around, including Jules. Dear Liz, I loved the photos of your family and beautiful Sri Lanka! What a contrast between the tranquil countryside and your description of harrowing driving experiences! How wonderful for Sage to learn to be so accepting and non-judgmental at her early age. Glad you are feeling better…have a great time with your Mom! Love, Kirsten. Dear Liz, We miss seeing you, Peter and Sage, but so happy for all of you experiencing the adventures of a lifetime. Your descriptive writing, openness to new experiences and humor helps Bruce and I live your travels and adventures vicariously. Thank you so much! And now Julia shares these few weeks with you. Hugs to all of you, Sharon. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Contact Sam for your tour! Like this: Like Loading An Afternoon with the Elephants. Love, Kirsten Like Like. Hugs to all of you, Sharon Like Like. Felt like I was there with you. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Write a Comment Email Required Name Required Website.

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