Cocaine Sao Paulo

Cocaine Sao Paulo

Cocaine Sao Paulo

Cocaine Sao Paulo



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Cocaine Sao Paulo

Cocaine Sao Paulo

Video: Braços Abertos closure in São Paulo

Cocaine Sao Paulo

Cocaine dependence

Cocaine Sao Paulo

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Cocaine Sao Paulo

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Brazilian Federal Police arrested on Monday 79 suspects and raided locations in a crackdown on a drug-trafficking syndicate that tried to ship more than six tons of pure cocaine to European cities over the past year. The gang stored drugs that came from producing countries on several locations in Sao Paulo and shipped them from there to European cities. The six tons of cocaine were seized since August last year — some during the 14 raids the Brazilian authorities conducted and some during interceptions of shipments that were already on their way to ports in Belgium, England, Italy and Spain and that the Brazilians had informed European authorities about. Расследования и новости о коррупции и организованной преступности у вас в почте раз в неделю. Язык рассылки — английский. We use cookies to improve your experience by storing data about your preferences, your device or your browsing session. We also use cookies to collect anonymized data about your behaviour on our websites, and to understand how we can best improve our services. To find our more details, view our Cookie Policy. Your cookie preferences We use cookies to improve your experience by storing data about your preferences, your device or your browsing session. Audience Mesurement Cookies. Essential Cookies. Accept my choices Accept All.

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Tessa Beetge: A Life Interrupted

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