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In contrast with the chronological and parallel processing of cases, it involves establishing certain criteria e. Those who are indicted former paramilitary commanders attract a greater degree of public interest as they symbolise the entire phenomenon of paramilitarism.. Results achieved so far Up to now, 29, victims, most of whom live in remote regions, have been actively involved in investigating crimes by illegal groups with the help of mobile court rooms presented to the Office of the Public Prosecutor by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in That means trouble, both for the crew and for our coincidence Einstein, because the green-skinned commander of the prettily rendered ship shorthand takes the scientist, in order to call him to account for the disaster by titillation torture in the orbit high above.. The scar on his head is the result of a machete used by his commander when he cried as the other children in his unit killed his father.. Willemsen witnesses a country which is boldly venturing the first steps towards peace, which is recovering, starting to enjoy life again and really showing it.. He talks to ordinary front-line soldiers, commanders and generals, meets drug smugglers, nomads and wise men, encounters distraught and traumatized persons, human rights activists and prisoners, former Mujahideen and Taliban officials, lady footballers and musicians.. He visits factories, markets, schools and the council of elders of a village, gets invited to an engagement party and organizes a movie show for women and children.. Willemsen beobachtet ein Land, das erste Schritte in den Frieden wagt, sich sammelt, Lebensfreude gewinnt und diese auch zeigt.. In spite of the coldness in November, we had to chop the potatoes for making Schnapps.. After 3 weeks a Russian commander came and ordered that we should be released immediately, since we were totally dirty and infested with lice.. Nach drei Wochen kam ein russischer Kommandant und befahl, uns sofort zu entlassen, denn wir waren total verdreckt und verlaust.. Per 1. But they lost the castle very soon because all their estates were confiscated after the battle of Bl Hora and were given to the commander of the imperial army. Die haben jedoch die Burg bald verloren, denn sie ihnen bald nach der Schlacht auf dem Weien Berg konfisziert wurde und dem Kommandanten des Kaiserheers. Police Captain Christian Wirth who had already gained relevant experience with the »T4«-program, became the first commander of the large camp. A large proportion of the staff came from the personnel of the euthanasia program, supported by 60 to 80 Ucrainians, so-called »trawnikis« or auxiliaries.. July , The insouciance of a child soldier drunk, enrolled among combatants of President Charles Taylor during the battle for Monrovia, Libera.. Child soldiers were often drugged prior to facing combat by commanders , they where given drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines to make them fight and then hashish, marijuana and alcohol to calm and numb them.. One of the new key appointees is Kuol Manyang who takes the key position of defence minister.. He was a feared guerrilla commander of the SPLA during the rebellion against Sudanese government troops and he is currently the governor of eastern Jonglei state.. In further steps, all secondary radars in ground and ship systems will be modernised and the associated transponders on board aircraft will be converted.. In military IFF, the MSSR I works according to standardised question-and-answer procedures to quickly recognise friendly incoming aircraft and to support the commander in the decision whether to engage an aircraft or not.. Unlike Mode 4 used hitherto, Mode 5 employs sophisticated encryption techniques to avoid hostile signal manipulation, thus ensuring that the identification process is absolutely reliable.. As part of its wider engagement, the EU is going to finance the deployment of civilian human rights monitors from the African Union, Ecowas and the United Nations.. Die gemeinsamen Kosten der Operation belaufen sich auf ca. He had to do many preventive measures and to reorganize the civil administration and the military structure.. Thus he exchanged nearly all commanders of the Portuguese attachments in India.. So tauschte er fast alle Befehlshaber der portugiesischen Befestigungen in Indien aus.. The most well-known person in the history of Rijeka is a woman, Karolina of Rijeka, who during the time of the Napoleonic Wars, saved the city from destruction, and in negotiations with the British admiral John Leard, used her beauty and charm to advantage.. The further you progress, the greater the importance of communication and cooperation with other players and between the species.. Even the greatest galactic commander can only secure his or her empire by choosing the right alliance and strategic partners.. Joint territorial battles, invasions and annexations are all vital tools for waging war in Imperion.. Je weiter das Spiel fortschreitet, desto wichtiger wird die Kommunikation und Kooperation mit anderen Spielern auch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Spezies.. Apart from the individual aspect, light is also shed upon the social dimension :. Scenes featuring Chaftari s wife and son, his parents, the ' Red Bishop ' Haddad, a British psychotherapist and her ' Garden of Forgiveness, ' as well as Chaftari s former militia cohorts hunting rabbits, and a silent former communist commander give an overall impression of Lebanese society.. We are using the following form field to detect spammers. Please do leave them untouched. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Пожалуйста, учтите, что лексика, находящаяся в списке лексики, доступна только в данном браузере. Лексика, перенесенная в словарный тренажер, становится общедоступной. Hallo Welt. Онлайн-словарь Интернет-магазин Издательство. EN DE. Искать в обоих языковых направлениях Сменить языковое направление. Моя история поиска Мое избранное. В Вашем браузере деактивирован Javascript. Активировав его, Вы сможете пользоваться LexiTrainer, а также другими функциями. Kommandant in м. Befehlshaber in м. Kommandeur in м. Показать результаты в словаре автомобильной техники Wyhlidal. Показать результаты в словаре технических терминов Wyhlidal. Один пример из интернета. Oberstleutnant м. Geschwaderkommodore -kommodorin м. Oberbefehlshaber in м. Примеры из словаря PONS редакционная проверка supreme commander. Oberkommandierende r ж. Regimentskommandant м. Abteilungskommandant м. Dienstzeit ж. Показать ещё. Примеры из интернета не проверены редакцией PONS In contrast with the chronological and parallel processing of cases, it involves establishing certain criteria e. Those who are indicted former paramilitary commanders attract a greater degree of public interest as they symbolise the entire phenomenon of paramilitarism. This set also a kinship with the local nobility. Damit setzte auch die Versippung mit dem dortigen Adel ein. That means trouble, both for the crew and for our coincidence Einstein, because the green-skinned commander of the prettily rendered ship shorthand takes the scientist, in order to call him to account for the disaster by titillation torture in the orbit high above. The scar on his head is the result of a machete used by his commander when he cried as the other children in his unit killed his father. Willemsen witnesses a country which is boldly venturing the first steps towards peace, which is recovering, starting to enjoy life again and really showing it. He talks to ordinary front-line soldiers, commanders and generals, meets drug smugglers, nomads and wise men, encounters distraught and traumatized persons, human rights activists and prisoners, former Mujahideen and Taliban officials, lady footballers and musicians. He visits factories, markets, schools and the council of elders of a village, gets invited to an engagement party and organizes a movie show for women and children. Willemsen beobachtet ein Land, das erste Schritte in den Frieden wagt, sich sammelt, Lebensfreude gewinnt und diese auch zeigt. In spite of the coldness in November, we had to chop the potatoes for making Schnapps. After 3 weeks a Russian commander came and ordered that we should be released immediately, since we were totally dirty and infested with lice. Our destination was then Berlin. Nach drei Wochen kam ein russischer Kommandant und befahl, uns sofort zu entlassen, denn wir waren total verdreckt und verlaust. Unser Ziel war dann Berlin. But they lost the castle very soon because all their estates were confiscated after the battle of Bl Hora and were given to the commander of the imperial army Karel Bonaventura Buquoy www. Schwanberger , die Verwandten der Herren von Rosenberg. Die haben jedoch die Burg bald verloren, denn sie ihnen bald nach der Schlacht auf dem Weien Berg konfisziert wurde und dem Kommandanten des Kaiserheers Karel Bonaventura Buquoy www. A large proportion of the staff came from the personnel of the euthanasia program, supported by 60 to 80 Ucrainians, so-called »trawnikis« or auxiliaries. July , The insouciance of a child soldier drunk, enrolled among combatants of President Charles Taylor during the battle for Monrovia, Libera. Child soldiers were often drugged prior to facing combat by commanders , they where given drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines to make them fight and then hashish, marijuana and alcohol to calm and numb them. One of the new key appointees is Kuol Manyang who takes the key position of defence minister. He was a feared guerrilla commander of the SPLA during the rebellion against Sudanese government troops and he is currently the governor of eastern Jonglei state. In further steps, all secondary radars in ground and ship systems will be modernised and the associated transponders on board aircraft will be converted. In military IFF, the MSSR I works according to standardised question-and-answer procedures to quickly recognise friendly incoming aircraft and to support the commander in the decision whether to engage an aircraft or not. Unlike Mode 4 used hitherto, Mode 5 employs sophisticated encryption techniques to avoid hostile signal manipulation, thus ensuring that the identification process is absolutely reliable. As part of its wider engagement, the EU is going to finance the deployment of civilian human rights monitors from the African Union, Ecowas and the United Nations. He had to do many preventive measures and to reorganize the civil administration and the military structure. Thus he exchanged nearly all commanders of the Portuguese attachments in India. So tauschte er fast alle Befehlshaber der portugiesischen Befestigungen in Indien aus. The most well-known person in the history of Rijeka is a woman, Karolina of Rijeka, who during the time of the Napoleonic Wars, saved the city from destruction, and in negotiations with the British admiral John Leard, used her beauty and charm to advantage. The further you progress, the greater the importance of communication and cooperation with other players and between the species. Even the greatest galactic commander can only secure his or her empire by choosing the right alliance and strategic partners. Joint territorial battles, invasions and annexations are all vital tools for waging war in Imperion. Je weiter das Spiel fortschreitet, desto wichtiger wird die Kommunikation und Kooperation mit anderen Spielern auch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Spezies. Apart from the individual aspect, light is also shed upon the social dimension : Scenes featuring Chaftari s wife and son, his parents, the ' Red Bishop ' Haddad, a British psychotherapist and her ' Garden of Forgiveness, ' as well as Chaftari s former militia cohorts hunting rabbits, and a silent former communist commander give an overall impression of Lebanese society. Вы хотите перевести предложение? Воспользуйтесь нашим переводчиком текста. Хотели бы вы добавить слова, фразы или переводы? Пришлите нам новую статью. Написать новую статью. Статья была добавлена в Избранное. Вы не вошли в систему. Пожалуйста, введите имя пользователя и пароль или же пройдите бесплатную регистрацию, чтобы воспользоваться данной фукцией. Произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку. Благодарим Вас! Ваше сообщение было отослано редакции PONS. Как внести перевод слова в словарный тренажер? Накапливайте лексику, которую хотите позже заучить, непосредственно во время работы со словарем. Выбранная лексика находится в рубрике 'Список лексики'. Если Вы хотите внести какое-либо слово в словарный тренажер, просто нажмите в списке лексики на 'Импорт'. Поиск в словарях. Китайский Словари.

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