Coc Ember

Coc Ember


Coc Ember
coc-ember 1.5.35 • Public • Published 2 months ago
call plug#begin ( ' ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged ' )

" Highlighting and language support
Plug ' leafgarland/typescript-vim '
Plug ' joukevandermaas/vim-ember-hbs '

" CoC / Intellisense
Plug ' neoclide/coc.nvim ' , { ' do ' : ' yarn install --frozen-lockfile ' }

call plug#end ()

let g: coc_global_extensions = [
\ ' coc-actions ' ,
\ ' coc-tsserver ' ,
\ ' coc-css ' ,
\ ' coc-json ' ,
\ ' coc-html ' ,
\ ' coc-vimlsp ' ,
\ ' coc-highlight ' ,
\ ' coc-ember '
\ ]
Or via the automatically kept up-to-date config var:
For the fanciest experience, install the neovim nightly release
Restart your editor, run :PlugInstall
Navigate to an ember project and open (neo|oni)vim.
There are two working neovim single-file configs in this repo
NOTE: development will not work on Windows machines, as all the scripts are in Bash
and expect *nix compatibility
NOTE: ./scripts/ needs be run initially. Afterwards, the following may be used to rebuild each sub-tool, depending on what you're changing.
Then visit chrome://inspect/#devices
These steps are handy for reporting issues








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Plug 'nullvoxpopuli/coc-ember', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}

let g:coc_global_extensions = [
\ 'coc-ember'
\ ]

call plug#begin ( ' ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged ' )

" Highlighting and language support
Plug ' leafgarland/typescript-vim '
Plug ' joukevandermaas/vim-ember-hbs '

" CoC / Intellisense
Plug ' neoclide/coc.nvim ' , { ' do ' : ' yarn install --frozen-lockfile ' }

call plug#end ()

let g: coc_global_extensions = [
\ ' coc-actions ' ,
\ ' coc-tsserver ' ,
\ ' coc-css ' ,
\ ' coc-json ' ,
\ ' coc-html ' ,
\ ' coc-vimlsp ' ,
\ ' coc-highlight ' ,
\ ' coc-ember '
\ ]
:let g:coc_node_args = ['--nolazy', '--inspect-brk=6045']`

You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

ember-language-server integration with coc, an intellisense / language server engine for (neo)vim

Or via the automatically kept up-to-date config var:
For the fanciest experience, install the neovim nightly release
Restart your editor, run :PlugInstall
Navigate to an ember project and open (neo|oni)vim.
There are two working neovim single-file configs in this repo
NOTE: development will not work on Windows machines, as all the scripts are in Bash
and expect *nix compatibility
NOTE: ./scripts/ needs be run initially. Afterwards, the following may be used to rebuild each sub-tool, depending on what you're changing.
Then visit chrome://inspect/#devices
These steps are handy for reporting issues

ember-language-server integration with coc, an intellisense / language server engine for (neo)vim

Copyright 2022
Tilde Inc.



Community Guidelines

During development, add Ember.js specific extensions to your code editor to expand functionality.
Below is a list of some of the extensions available,
many of which are created and maintained by the developer community:
Visual Studio Code is a code editor optimized for building and debugging modern web applications.
Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular text editors among Ember developers.
Stable Ember Language Server -
Stable Ember Language Server is a stable, full-featured language server. Its name comes from its history as a fork of Ember Language Server and the efforts to keep up with changes in Ember.
Ember JS (ES6) and Handlebars code snippets -
Enables Ember.js and Handlebars snippets to let you to type less and code more.
EditorConfig for Visual Studio Code -
Attempts to override user/workspace settings with settings found in .editorconfig files.
The .editorconfig file helps developers define
and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.
Glimmer Templates Syntax -
Syntax formatting for glimmer templates.
VSCode Glimmer -
Provides embedded template highlighting support.
Prettier for Handlebars -
Format your handlebars files with Prettier ...that's it!
Note, because this uses the currently unreleased Prettier, it may break with future changes to Prettier.
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.
It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X.
Alternatively, Neovim is a hyper-extensible Vim-based text editor.
Both editors share a range of cross-compatible extensions listed below.
You'll want to remove any linter / completion manager you currently have installed
(or disable them for .js , .ts or .hbs files), and follow the install guides for the following packages:
ember.vim -
Shortcuts to navigate related files with Ember.js projects.
vim-ember-hbs -
Add Ember template syntax highlighting and indentation to Vim.
Ember Tools -
Various tools for working with Ember.js projects.
Conquer for Completion (COC) for Neovim -
An Intellisense engine which takes control over all linting, hinting, and language-server integration.
coc-ember -
Ember.js language server extension including useful configuration instructions.
nvim-treesitter -
high-fidelity static highlighting. With ensure_installed = { 'glimmer' } , this
also includes support for embedded templates in JavaScript and typescript.
To get embedded template highlighting without tree-sitter (and too much config to include here):
Atom is hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
atom-ide-ember -
Atom package to use the Ember Language Server.
emberjs-atom -
Atom autocomplete and snippets for Ember.js.
atom-ember-snippets -
Ember.js ES6, Ember Data & Handlebars snippets for Atom editor.
language-ember-htmlbars -
Add Ember template syntax highlighting and indentation to Atom
A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
ember-cli-sublime-snippets -
Ember CLI snippets for Sublime Text 3.
ember-component-template-split-view -
Super simple Sublime Text plugin that will let you open corresponding template or route files with Ember.js components.
Ember.js is free, open source and always will be.

Ember language server extension for coc.nvim

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