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Coban where can I buy cocaine

Mexican drug cartels are carving out new territory in northern Guatemala, adding another layer of violence and crime to a country with one of the highest murder rates in the hemisphere. In December the Guatemalan government declared a two-month state of siege in the rural province of Alta Verapaz, bordering Mexico, in order to crack down on the growing influence of the notorious Mexico-based Los Zetas cartel. The state of siege deployed hundreds of Guatemalan soldiers in the region and allowed them to carry out searches and detain suspects without warrants. The country contributes to more than 60 percent of the cocaine trafficked to the United States from the region, according to the U. State Department. With Mexico beefing up efforts against the cartels within its borders, and the U. But less than 20 percent of the funds were allotted to Central America, with the vast majority going to Mexico. Perez said a state of siege is being considered in other parts of the country but no decisions have been made yet. The military is keeping a presence in Alta Verapaz in the meantime, but in areas where there are not soldiers, drug cartels could face little opposition, said Matalon. Support Provided By: Learn more. Sunday, Oct The Latest. World Agents for Change. Health Long-Term Care. For Teachers Newshour Classroom. NewsHour Shop. About Feedback Funders Support Jobs. Close Menu. Yes Not now. Leave your feedback. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Mexico Drug Cartels Moving in on Guatemala Routes Health Mar 15, AM EDT Mexican drug cartels are carving out new territory in northern Guatemala, adding another layer of violence and crime to a country with one of the highest murder rates in the hemisphere. But many question if those gains can last now that the initiative has ended. Enter your email address Subscribe.

Mexico Drug Cartels Moving in on Guatemala Routes

Coban where can I buy cocaine

Guatemalan authorities destroyed a record total of over 4 million coca plants in , more than double the 1. The trend has continued in , with authorities eliminating over 1. Coca base is a paste made during the first stage of cocaine production. But authorities are yet to find any labs capable of producing cocaine hydrochloride, or powder cocaine, Ajiatas told InSight Crime. Despite some speculation as to whether Guatemala is now a cocaine-producing country, there are still no signs that production has moved beyond basic trials. Authorities have only once found equipment potentially intended to produce cocaine hydrochloride at a laboratory in the Izabal province in But the complex was intercepted before it became operational, according to Ajiatas. For these groups, establishing a source of coca paste in neighboring Guatemala could streamline production by eliminating the need to seek partners in South America. He added the absence of cocaine hydrochloride laboratories in Guatemala has led anti-narcotics investigators to believe that the coca paste is being taken to Mexico for processing, but this remains unconfirmed. Aside from investigating the culprits, Guatemalan authorities are ramping up land and air patrols in an effort to reverse the expansion of coca plantations in the country. But regional precedent suggests the country faces an uphill struggle. Years of aggressive coca eradication in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia have failed to root out widespread cultivation, while countries such as Honduras and Venezuela are now struggling with nascent coca cultivation. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region. Donate today to empower research and analysis about organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, from the ground up. Skip to content. InSight Crime Analysis Despite some speculation as to whether Guatemala is now a cocaine-producing country, there are still no signs that production has moved beyond basic trials. Stay Informed With InSight Crime Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime news and stay up-to-date on major events, trends, and criminal dynamics from across the region.

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