Clown Tickle Fanfic

Clown Tickle Fanfic


Clown Tickle Fanfic

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Carrie was a young girl. Only 18 and ready for the summer. One day she woke up, brushed her blonde hair and began to text her friends asking what they wanted to do that day. One friend suggested visiting the local town fair. In Carrie's town the town fair included rides, games, and a clown show. As a small girl Carrie feared the clowns but now looking back on it she sees it as childish. They all agree to meet up there at around 5. At 5 they all enter the fair. They have fun going on rides and eating food. Some of Carrie's friends begin to tease her about her former fear of clowns. To prove them wrong she says she can steal a clowns nose. They all bet her $5. The group walk over to the show where the clowns are standing trying to get people to enter their tent. She walks over to the first one she sees. She talks to him about their act and once he seems to let his guard down she quickly grabs his nose and takes off. As she runs away she can hear the clown yell "We will find you." Collecting her winnings the group decides to all leave. As she is driving home she sees a figure on the side of the road. As she drives by she sees that it is the clown from before, pointing at her and laughing. She is a little freaked out by this but continues home. She gets home, she changes into her short shorts and tank top for bed. She feels unsettled by the clown but eventually is able to fall asleep. She wakes up at 3am to banging on the door. She tries to see who it is from her window but can't make out the form. All of the sudden she hears the hinges snap and the door swing open. She knows its an intruder now and quickly hides under her bed. The steps enter the stairwell and slowly go up the stairs, Carrie's heart is racing. She just wants them to take what they want and leave. The door to her room slowly creeps open. To her fearful surprise a pair of clown shoes begin to walk around the room. The figure walks to the foot of the bed so Carrie cannot see it anymore. Giggles are heard and suddenly two hands grab her ankles and yank her out from under the bed. It is the clown from before, except a hole is where it's nose should be. It says "Told you we would find you. Now, where is my nose?" She is too stunned to answer right away but explains "I threw it away, I didn't know you needed it." "Well we have a problem here." says the clown. He presses the flower on his chest, spraying a dust into Carrie's face, knocking her out instantly. Carrie awakes in a cage. She is left in her light blue underwear and black bra. She doesn't know where she is. Then, a clown who appears to be dressed as a doctor appears. "She is awake!" he yells. A cheer is heard from another room. He grabs the handles of the cage and drags it into a room full of clowns. Every type of clown surrounds a small ring where a table with shackles is placed. 2 clowns reach into the box and forcefully grab Carrie and strap her into the bonds. She struggles and find its no use. The hundreds of clowns are laughing and hollering at her. The room then goes silent and a judge clown enters the room. He states "Miss you are being tried for the destruction of clown property, how do you plead?" Still trying to grasp the situation Carrie meekly says "Not guilty." and the room erupts with laughter. She is scared and can barely comprehend the situation around her. Now the clown missing a nose enters. He says "Your honor, exhibit A." he points to his nose hole and the clowns all laugh. The judge then says "Good enough for me, guilty!" The room cheers and Carrie becomes more nervous. The noseless clown approaches Carrie. He sees the fear in her eye. "This little girl looks a little down, dontcha say fellas?" The whole room agrees. "Lets make her smile." The room is in an uproar of laughter and cheering. "How bout a joke," he says "Where do skunks go to pray?" "I don't know." replies Carrie in a shaky nervous tone. "The pew." Carrie does not laugh. "Not funny enough for you, maybe this will help." He pokes Carrie in her exposed side. She squirms and giggles. "hehehe stahahepe." "Oh she is ticklish boys, you know what that means." He continues to poke her belly causing more laughter and giggling. "Hehehe nohoho plehehese I cant stahahand tickling." The crowd begins to chant "BOZO! BOZO! BOZO!" They wheel her table out of the room. They bring her into what looks to be a lion taming area. The whole room is encaged and they push her into the middle of the room. Two clowns approach with buckets, they take sponges and begin rubbing all over Carries body. It is lotion that will sensitize her skin. They find every crevice of her body and lotion it up. They finish up and leave her. She tries vigorously to escape her bonds but to no avail. Suddenly the lights go off, an announcement is made over the speaker "Now entering, the main attraction, BOZO the king of tickling!" A spotlight shows a large clown slowly walking over to Carrie. He is extremely fat with long skinny arms and fingers, he approaches and stops next to the table. Before Carrie can beg he pokes her rib, emitting a giggle. He laughs and looks very pleased with his victim. He claps and two midget clowns carry over a briefcase. He opens it to reveal his tools. Feathers and gloves and brushes line the inside. He grabs two white gloves and put them over his hands. He then pokes her stomach "Hehehe stop it, pleheheheshese." He puts his hand over her stomach and begins vibrating his fingers "HAHAHAHHAHA NOHOHOHHO PLEHEHEHESE STOHOHOHOHOP" His gloved hand scrunches her stomach and his fingertips dig inter her skin. She thrashes on the table hoping to escape this torture. This does nothing to stop Bozo who continues to work on her helpless stomach. He digs his fingers into her hips while wiggling another into her navel. Carrie is screaming with laughter, her face turning red. Her legs thrash and try to escape. A stop allows Carrie to catch her breath. "Im sorry I stole the nose I didn't mean to insult you." Bozo stares at her. In a small shrill voice he says "That is so sweet," she gains some hope that she will be let free, " it makes me wan't to kiss you." The clown buries his face into her stomach blowing a raspberry. She screams and laughter consumes her. He continues to blow and blow as Carrie is reaching her limit. Her body trembles. The clowns mouth expertly moves around the girl's stomach and hips. He slides her panties down exposing her hips, he presses his tongue and lips into the extremely sensitive area while also using his gloves hands to tickle her sides and navel. Carrie is drenched in sweat and howls "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAHAHAHANT TAHAHAHAHAKE THISISISISSSS" The clown giggles and moves his hand to Carrie's nice strong thigh. He digs his fingers into them causing Carrie to violently shake her body in hopes of escape. Her laughter is the only sound heard as the assault on her thighs continue. Finally after an hour and a half of tickling, the tickle king stops. "I'll finish you tomorrow." He says. He picks her up and puts her in his cage which is lined with feathers. "Goodnight." And Carrie lies in sweet and fears what tomorrow brings.

For Lydia it was a tough blow missing out on a night with her friends but she rushed over to her uncles house after he called and said her nephew, Matt, needed a sitter. Lydia always had a soft spot for Matt because of how strict his parents were.
She knocked on the door. She was wearing an black cropped tank top and a pair of jean shorts. It was summer, so she wore flip flops on her feet. Her straight blonde hair hung down past her shoulders. 
Her uncle swung the door open. Him and her aunt were dressed up.
“Thank god you are here” The uncle said. “Our old sitter bailed and we had this hotel room booked for the past year
Ticklee Information:
18 Female
Very ticklish
Hates it!

7:45 P.M.
  This was the time shown on Sarah's digital clock as she lied on her bed. Her parents were on a Couples Retreat and her boyfriend ,Joe, was with his grandparents so she was completely alone at home. She would be able to see Joe Sunday if she could make it through this night and Saturday.
  Guess I'll get ready to lie down for the night, Sarah thought as she dressed in pink PJ pants, black t-shirt and socks. Afterwards she proceeded to lie on her bed with her phone in hand ready for one or two episodes on Netflix.

February 21st, 2018 - A new, microscopic strain of life discovered from deep beneath the ocean.
February 25th - Testing authorised on the new life form.

March 3rd - Strain confirmed as a parasite of sorts. Effect on humans or animals is unknown.
March 14th - First researcher infected. No visible effects, patient agrees to further examination.
March 15th - First symptoms discovered, heightened sensitivity, and slight dizziness.
March 20th - Patient acting differently, showing unusual displays of playfulness and physical contact despite claiming to be fine.

April 7th - Patient acting completely on instinct, somehow having overpowered her guar
Hi all, TicklishTales here again with a new series of writings to tease you, and make you question the endless ticklishness that is out there in the world around us.
  Tickle Thoughts is just a title where I can write and generally ramble about ideas that pop into my mind which could have a devilish purpose to them. So please, sit back and most importantly enjoy my own thoughts and be warned, if you are ticklish.. prepare to feel your sensitivity rising :D


Now on the subject of voodoo itself I am no expert.. But from the limited exposure to it from movies, namely scooby doo on zombie island
Desperate and helpless, the minutes ticked slowly ticked by for the courageous fairy and the human teenager. Their ticklish, delicate laughter transformed the droll Badland canopies into a festival of their careless downfall. Jesters from all over the dense, unforgiving jungle flocked to the bellowing cries in droves. Many witnessed the glorious spectacle of their newest additions with merry. The jesters were childish and primitive in their lack of pause for the plight of the girls. Wanting only to play and play for hours, they did so with reckless abandon. Immobile and stretched for easy access, the Badland jesters made quick gains on exploi
"Cosa...cosa intendi?" chiese Light boccheggiando. Non ci era già andata fin TROPPO pesante con lui quella pazza?
Misa non rispose, ma fece vagare lo sguardo per la stanza , come alla ricerca di un'ispirazione.
Poi, notata una grossa e pesante sedia con lo schienale imbottito, si diresse decisa verso di essa e la trascinò lentamente verso il ragazzo
"Ma che fai?" domandò lui sempre più preoccupato.
Misa continuò a non rispondergli, ma posizionò la grossa sedia ad un palmo dalle sua gambe rannicchiate.
"Mi ci costringi tu, Light..." lo avvisò lei con voce severa afferrandogli le caviglie
"Ma non dire id
Machine/F ● Malfunctioning Tickle-Machine ● Full Body Tickling Stuck on the Tickle-Chair Written by FeatherHeart22 Commissioned for Blademech22 Synopsis: The ‘cat-girl’ Hikara Uzumi loves being tickled! So much so that she ordered a tickling and massage chair, the TickleChair 3000. But just before she can use it for the first time, the manufacturer issues a recall due to a series of incidents. “Oh, how bad can it be? I’ll try it anyway, then ask for a replacement afterwards.” A most unfortunate decision, which leaves Hikara stuck on a malfunctioning tickle-chair. Will she find a way to escape? Or will she be tickled to death? About Hikara: This story was written for Blademech22 using his OC Hikara Uzumi. ◄●► A very cool-looking ‘cat-girl’ is walking down a street at a brisk pace. The term ‘cat-girl’ might be misleading though, because other than a pair of cat ears atop her head and a tail wrapped around her waist, she looks like a perfectly normal young woman. Her
Carrie is an 18 year old girl who fears tickling and clowns. What happens when both attack?
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Anonymous: HeadCanon: Pennywise is very ticklish, and Reader finds this out by accident. Commence Penny being tackled by Reader and tickled vigorously. Laughter ensues. ehehehehehe

Pennywise the Dancing Clown © 2017–2022
You were busy cleaning your room when Pennywise appeared. Having distracted you from your duty and demanding attention as usual. Yet you somehow managed to escape back to work soon after he showed up. Him sitting on your bed and you whiping the dusk off your shelves.
“When will you be finished?” The clown chirped impatiently behind you. Rolling your eyes you told him that’d you’d be finished soon.
Silence filled the room for the next 5 minutes until the ginger annoyance spoke up again.
You turned and gave him the ‘are you serious glare’ before continuing your doings.
You heard his bells jingling, signalizing you that he hopped off your bed. A finger was poking at your side suddenly, which made you gasp and jump in shock. Dropping your utensils.
“PENNYWISE! NO!” You scolded, using his full name to make clear your position here, causing him to look at you rather perplexed with wide eyes.
Deeply exhaling you sternly looked at him.
“Cleaning is important.” You explained.
“Cleaning. Is. Important.” You poked him in his belly with every word, seeing him slightly twitch under your touch.
Having seen that you curiously poked him again, resulting in the same reaction. His eyes widen as your expression turned into a devilish one.
“Is this clown ticklish~?” You fixated his stomach, ready to attack.
You took a step forward, he backwards.
Before the clown could flee you lunched at him, knocking him to the ground and starting to tickle him without mercy.
His laugh echoed through your house as you were sitting on top of him, trying to stop his wiggling which was rather hard because of his strength and size.
This was actually the first time ever that you heard his original, non threating laugh and you loved it.
It was so heartwarming and cheerful, like the laugh of a little child. It still held some of the usual weirdness in it, but it made you laugh nevertheless.
He was panting and pleading you to stop.
“Is this clown gonna let me finish my work??”
You asked him laughingly, seeing tears flow down his cheeks.
“I will! AHAHAHA! I will!” Pennywise breathlessly answered you, trying to push your hands away but fails.
“I- HAHA! I-I will even help you but please stop!”
You stopped tickling him the moment he said it.
Dropping your arms by your side, him laying totally exhausted beneath you, gasping for air.
“Who’s the boss now huh?” You mocked. Pennywise looked at you, not saying anything.
“You!” The tall clown yelled panically.
Taking a deep breath, his chest and stomach rose with you on top.
Pennywise couldn’t hold back a chuckle at your cheekyness.
(I’m sorry if this is bad (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) )

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