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LSS (Ladies Suddenly Stripped) database and discussion.
Years ago I saw a request on the old Yahoo LSS groups for this advert, and recently it showed up in one of those big ad compiles! Here it is clipped out for your viewing pleasure.
A woman has a dream she’s wearing different outfits until she walks into a party and she’s suddenly naked in front of everyone.
New ad out of France! Woman’s clothes disappear one by one down to her underwear while she’s sitting on a couch watching something on her laptop. Not bad, not bad at all!
Okay so I’m gonna list as many ads as I can think of and grade them based on the stripping content within. Going from S tier down to F. S tier obviously being an all-time great and F tier being ads which are complete missed oppourtunities, where it’s teased but never happens or maybe happens completely off-screen. D tier will be ads that actually have LSS content but execute them really poorly.
I definitely didn’t list all the ads I could remember so I might do a Part 2 soon. If you have any ads you’d like to see me grade please send them in!
adidas : B - “The parking inspector gets stripped by a supersonic tennis
ball” is probably a sentence that hasn’t been typed before, so points to
this ad for uniqueness. I like that one of her bra straps has broken in
the process, that’s some nice attention to detail that you just don’t
see in a lot of these.

BI Norwegian Business School : B - The one scene worth noting is the hot blonde losing her business suit in a job interview. Quite a restrained embarrasment, it’s fun.
Best & Less : C - Fun, but underwhelming. I like her surprised and dare I say excited reaction, but it doesn’t go anywhere from there.
Citroen Happy Days : C - Good but I can’t find a high quality version anywhere which doesn’t help. Probably B tier if there was.
DIM : A - Both these ads are utter classics, but my favorite of the two is the one with the cat. Yes it doesn’t show anywhere as much skin but the woman is an utter bombshell.
Doritos Dinamata : B - I love the build-up to the stripping. Really builds the tension. Bonus points to the shot of her scrubs coming apart at the seams, really ties it together.
Doritos Power of the Crunch : A - CLASSIC bit of LSS. Hot woman wears dress, dress flies off, hot woman gets embarrassed.
Dunlop : A - The runners version is above the tennis ones simply because there’s more to it. (First they lose their tracksuits, then their uniforms). All three versions of this ad are classic though.
EU Personal Data : B - The fact that she’s stripped naked is superb, but it’s a damn shame we A: don’t get to see actual nudity beyond some generous side boob and B: she doesn’t react at all, really keeps this from the upper echelons. So close.
Elephant Auto : B - This feels like a classic LSS ad. All the flying junk gets in the way of her which doesn’t help it but besides that it’s great.
Gilt : B - Another ad that benefits from a build-up. It works for the payoff and it delivers. Not spectacular, and there’s a version of this ad with another woman who gets stripped off-screen which is a bit of a tease but it’s fun.
Juiced : S - It hits all the right notes. Losing clothes bit by bit, great evolving reaction, utterly hot woman, breasts!
Kit Kat Ice Cream : C - Nearly a B but it just falls short, love the unravelling dress but there’s hardly any reaction to it. It just doesn’t really reach the peaks it could.
L'Etoile : C - Really creative way of doing it, just wish it was longer.
Magnet : A - Classic ad. Enough said really.
Marks and Spencer : C - Again nearly a B but the scene where she loses her clothes is VERY brief, and is somewhat obscured by camera angles and such.
Mastika Peshtera : A - SO GOOD, I just wish we had it in better than potato quality. It also came with these nice print ads which are stills from mid-strip.
Media Markt : B - The classic vacuum sucks off dress gag, done pretty well, the girl is a babe, do wish we got to see more of her reaction but it’s still fun
MetroPCS : S - Two different LSS’s take place here, the highlight of course is the Bridesmaids losing their dresses simultaneously, all with different reactions. It was already pretty much S Tier off that alone but the other woman who loses her dress right after too is just sugar on top. Great shit.
NOVY TV : B - The women are hot and their reactions are great. Good solid B Tier ad.
O'Charleys Bread : C - Barely any skin is seen after the rip but her reaction is cute and the shot of the dress ripping from her shoulders is nice. Just inches into C Tier.
Odol - D : It’s creative, I’ll give it that much, but you barely see anything and it’s over so quickly.
PACT Office of Eden : A - FANTASTIC Scene where the woman’s clothes rip off in slow motion as her hair falls out of it’s ponytail. HOLY SHIT it’s good, and it’s her real lack of reaction that keeps it from being S Tier. Really great ad though, highly recommended.
Que Chosir réseaux sociaux : B - Smartly dressed woman losing her clothes piece by piece, it’s good but it’s still lacking somewhat. Maybe becuse its pixilated, maybe she reacts too quickly. Love it in throry but just falls short a little bit.
Sekonda : B - Lingerie? Yes. Reaction? Embarrassed. Hotel? Trivago. …man if only Trivago had an LSS ad to their name.
Sela : S - Not only is it a fantastic LSS ad, it’s a fantastic ad in general. Parkour, a love story, great visuals and titties! Also the censored version features the girl holding on to her bra in a very cute way so extra credit there.
Sex Education Show : B - A woman loses her pyjamas while falling through the sky. I love this but it’s held back by the shots of her losing her clothes either being obscured or really close-up, no inbetween. Great ad though, comes close to being an all time great for me. The opening titles also have her losing her clothes too though how is happens is not as obvious, bonus points anyway.
Sheetz : B - The brunette who loses her clothes to ‘the force’ is a fun yet it’s an oh so brief scene.
Target Color : C - The woman who gets her winter clothes blown off down to summery swimwear is fun but it’s brief and there’s not much reaction.
Target Jeans : B - Great reaction to her teleporting jeans but why DID she react like that? There’s no one in the changing booth with her.
The Sims Katy Perry : D - I loved this when it first came out because it was a Katy Perry LSS. Like come on, Katy Perry’s dress magically flying off, of course I loved it. But it really isn’t that good. She doesn’t react to it at all and what she’s wearing underneath barely shows more skin than what she had.
Triumph V-Shape : D - I LOVE the shots of the dress turning to ribbons but in the shot where she reacts she’s so far away! What is this, an LSS for ants?!?
Under the Skin : C - It’s fun but brief. Simple as that.
Vestel : S - Hot blonde woman loses her clothes one by one to a magic washing machine. Fantastic. Only thing that could’ve made it better was actual nudity but there is generous sideboob.
Vittel : F - THIS FUCKING AD. Right, so there are two ads in this series. One male and one female. The male version has the guys clothes rip apart in very high detail for like 15 seconds and then he runs off to the bathroom in his boxers. The fact that there is a woman version of this should put it in S Tier automatically, right? Wrong. It starts with said lady lounging poolside when she goes to drink the bottle of Vittel and her clothes start to tear. Great start. But instead of reducing her to a bikini or her underwear, it just replaces what she’s wearing with almost exactly the same thing, then she goes to dance on the grass. Utter fail, why did they not follow the pattern set by the other ad?!? She’s by a pool for fuck’s sake it writes itself!! So much potential wasted here.
Vivelle Dop : B - This is great, I just wish there was a bit more to it. Also wish there were HD versions of it but that’s neither here nor there.
Westfield Online : C - Damn this had potential! The idea of a hot, smartly dressed woman getting her clothes blown off one by one is fantastic. I like what we got but what we see is HEAVILY obscured and all too brief. Doesn’t help that the only copy I ever found was not quite HD. She seems to be naked at the end of it all so bonus points but this could’ve been so much better. If anybody ever finds a better copy of this please send it my way, it might be enough to bump it up to B.
Here’s a cool ad I found today. This guy runs around a Laundromat with a bag of laundry detergent that causes all the washing machines to burst open. At the end he gives the bag to a woman who’s been watching him, and as soon as she takes it her dress is sucked into the machine in front of her, leaving her in her panties and tank top. Shame that the video quality isn’t that good, if anyone finds a better quality version floating around somewhere pls send it in!
Hello, I’m gonna use this blog to bring you new LSS/EUF scenes I’ve found or just to write general musings about the subject. Since Yahoo Groups closed there hasn’t been a place dedicated specifically to LSS so this is my attempt to help fix that. Currently I’m building a list where I grade various LSS commercials so if that sounds like something you’d read then check back at some point.

Edita Vilkeviciute for Lui Magazine November 2013 by Cédric Buchet
Photography by Hiro for Vogue Italia , 1983
“Könntest du dir vorstellen, nackt vor der Kamera zu stehen? - Nicht völlig nackt. Dürfen wir ein Portrait von dir machen? Mit soviel oder wenig Kleidung, wie du willst? - Jetzt? Ich hätte es gerne von hier aufwärts.” 
“Could you imagine being naked in front of the camera? - Not completely naked. Can we take a portrait of you? With as much or as little clothes as you want?- – - Now? I’d like it from here up.”
Venus - Let’s talk about sex,  Directors Mette Carla Albrechtsen & Lea Glob Produced by Kirstine Barfod
> on min 21:00 or here (only German)

My name is Katie, and this is my second blog. You can find my main blog here Imahappygirly

someone who can afford the magazine but not what's in them.

Anonymous said: Can consuming dairy ever be ethical? What if you revere the cow as a mother because she provides her milk as nourishment? Ie treating her with respect and letting the calf have the first milk?
Why Vegetarians Should Consider Going Vegan
Cows are repeatedly impregnated for about four years until they are considered spent by the dairy industry. At that point, they are sent to slaughter. Their meat is ground up for hamburger.
I have heard from countless (obviously human) mothers that breastfeeding is really uncomfortable and not enjoyable other than the bonding that takes places between mother and child. For this reason, who do we think we are taking the milk from another mammal’s breast, even if we treat them respectfully? They can’t express the uncomfort or pain they may experience from expressing milk. It is an exhausting and calorie-consuming process to be continually producing a food source for a living being. I wouldn’t wanna be lactating for that long. Their bodies do not produce milk for adult humans who should have stopped nursing when they were toddlers.
Also, why do you want that milk? It isn’t good for you, and you only express interest because you have been conditioned your whole life to think that cows milk is “normal”. Would you like to drink a giraffe’s milk? Or an elephant’s milk? Probably not. So why do you want a cow’s milk?
Going vegetarian is a great way to stand up against the cruel factory farming industry. In fact, vegetarians spare the lives of dozens of animals each year.
However, what a lot of people don’t realize is that animals suffer immensely in the dairy and egg industries too .
Egg-laying hens arguably endure the worst lives.
Crammed into filthy wire cages, subjected to mutilations without painkillers, and denied proper veterinary care, these chickens are deprived of everything that makes life worth living .
Because male chicks do not lay eggs or grow quickly enough to be raised profitably for meat, they are often killed within hours of hatching . Some are ground up alive while others are gassed or suffocated.
Females will spend their lives in cages so small they can barely move. And when their egg production slows down, they will be sent to slaughter.
To make matters worse, not a single federal law protects animals during their lives on factory farms, and the law that protects cows and pigs at the slaughterhouse—the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act—does not extend to birds, leaving chickens with virtually no protection from abuse.
Though it may seem obvious, many people have no idea that in order to produce milk, cows have to be pregnant or have just given birth . Just like all other mammals, cows lactate for their babies.
Because male calves don’t produce milk, they’re of no use to dairy farms and are often sold for veal production . Baby calves raised for veal are locked alone on feces-covered floors in wooden crates or chained by the neck for their entire lives .
Luckily, with all of the delicious vegan versions of your favorite foods already on the market, there’s never been a better time to ditch cruel animal products and embrace a compassionate vegan lifestyle.
Click here for a list of amazing egg recipes without the eggs.
daily reminder that it isnt okay to kill animals even if its “sustainable” 
It disturbs me how violent & hostile vegans can get over not sharing the same opinion as others as well as spreading misinformation which can be dangerous & act like health experts or animal experts when really they’re just humanizing & giving human emotions to animals. It also bothers me how they can throw around the word rape & murder so lightly when referring to artificially inseminating animals or harvesting them for meat consumption. They preach about compassion but will give you death threats, wish harm upon a child, threaten to find you & murder you, suicide bait & etc. never seen anything compassionate or factual about veganism. Just a 1st world luxury diet that’s extremely hypocritical & is in no way helping the planet. Just moral gymnastics & personal emotional opinions by people who have never stepped foot on a farm or have worked around these animals lmao. Step outside & smell the cow shit once in a while yeah? Maybe you’ll learn a little something about animal agriculture.
Also, please try elaborate on your statement ‘1st world luxury diet that’s extremely hypocritical & is in no way helping the planet.’ Thanks for calling the vegan diet a ‘luxury’ diet though! :) IT IS! And we should all be living in this luxury!
It’s literally scientific that animals have emotion. It’s scientific that meat and animal products do more than damage than good for our bodies. It’s scientific that agricultural farms are harming the environment - (fuck maybe it does sound contradictory but cows need to stop breeding as much!)
And I get that, that shit bothers you - but the word needs to be heard - and others have different approaches of getting the word out. It bothers me seeing others eat dead caucuses, and hope it bothers you one day. x

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