Clone chat history on @multifeed_edge_bot

Clone chat history on @multifeed_edge_bot

Telespace Support

❗️ This feature is only available on paid tariff plans. Please contact @TelespaceSupport for details

Chat history cloning feature allows you to easily import old messages from souring channel to your destination channel. Cloned messages will have all the transformations applied (see /transformation for details)

Command format:


Here replace:

- REDIRECTION_ID with the id of the redirection that specifies source/destination chat ids you would like to do cloning for (use /list command to get numerical ids of your redirections)

- DAYS is a number of days bot should clone messages for (up to 60)

❗️This feature uses Telegram Account (the one which is a member of the source chat) as a forwarding agent, so that forwarding agent should have post/edit/remove messages permissions in the destination chat for cloning to work. If you're not sure which account is the service account for your redirection, contact us @TelespaceSupport and we'll help you with that

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