Clitoris Torture Stories

Clitoris Torture Stories


Clitoris Torture Stories

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D. Bone

on 2008-05-08 08:00:52
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on 2008-10-14 02:45:24
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Becky Miller

on 2008-10-14 10:53:32
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on 2008-10-14 14:34:15
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on 2009-06-16 21:46:58
















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The Pol Pot regime in Cambodia had methods for both male and female genital punishment for unauthorized sexual contact. Both punishments totally destroyed the genitals of the offenders fairly slowly and very painfully.
In the case of men and boys 15 and older, they were tied spread-eagled naked between two posts set 8 ft apart. First his pubic area was shaved, then naked women were used to arouse the males, then a ball spreader made of steel and wire was tightened around the $%!@ root and testicles of the male. A sac made of a metal screen with a steel ring attached was then tightened around his testicles and a heavy clamp was tightened on the head of his $%!@. Then cords were tied to the various attachment points and a heavy weight was attached to the other end after the cords went over a couple of pulleys on a post 8 ft. behind the victim. Then 3 electrodes were tied to the various attachment points and the 240 volt/60 amp DC current was turned on. It usually took several minutes or more to completely roast the offender's genitals. His genitals became softer and softer over the course of the punishment as steam and smoke began to rise in the air. Victims screamed at the top of their lungs the entire time and many lost control of their bowels. Occasionally a victim passed-out and had to be revived with smelling salts. Finally the attached weight ripped his well-cooked genitals off of the male victim from behind him. Genital destruction by electrocution as practised in Pol Pot's regime was an absolutely horrid torture which completely destroyed the male offender's genitals after immense suffering. Some males didn't survive the torture, and others were executed following their electro-castration.
Another variation used the same basic set-up but didn't employ electricity. Instead the genitals were tied with heavy rope, cable, or chain, which was then passed over a couple of pulleys on the post behind the condemned male. To the other end of the rope a large drum was suspended. The drum was then slowly filled with water from a hose. A 55-gallon drum can hold over 850 lbs of water, but it never took that much weight to rip the offender's genitals completely out of his body from behind. The offender's genitals were stretched to the tearing point over as long as a 10 to 15 minute period as the drum filled and became heavier. Another variation was tying the rope to the back of a jeep. The driver then stomped on the gas and ripped the offender's genitals right out of his body. This castration method was over much more quickly and was certainly less painful than other methods.
In many cases the castrated prisoner was then cauterized with the end of a burning stick to stop the blood loss.
In the case of females, they were suspended naked in a crouch position between two posts by their knees and wrists. This left their crotch hanging at the lowest point. Their legs were well spread apart, and their exposed genitalia was hung about 18 inches off of the ground. Then a shovelful of hot coals from an adjacent campfire was dumped on the ground directly under the victim. If the torturer wanted to make the punishment more severe they added some twigs or sticks to the hot coals. Over the course of the next couple of hours the woman's genitalia was literally destroyed by cooking her sensitive parts over an open fire. Many women who suffered this punishment later had to have surgery to remove the dead cooked flesh of their genitalia, anus, and buttocks. Some women didn't survive the torture. In some other cases women were caned with a punishment cane on their breasts or between their legs on their genitalia. The canes were soaked in brine to make them pliable, and were up to an inch thick and 3 ft. long and were wielded by soldiers, with as many as a hundred strokes being applied. The unfortunate victim's breasts were often split and torn, as was her labia. Often victims lost their nipples and occasionally even their clitoris in the caning.
The source of the above genital torture is from a Reader's Digest condensed book from the late 1970s.
In Bosnia at one torture camp, some men there lost their genitals to a heavy hammer. The prisoner was bound and gagged, then tied with his genitals stretched across a chopping block by ropes tied around his testicles and $%!@. Another prisoner was brought in and given the choice of beating the other prisoner's genitals to a pulp with the hammer or was told that they would suffer the same fate if they wouldn't do it. Often after the other prisoner had thoroughly smashed the victim's genitals, the unfortunate 2nd prisoner was tied up just like his victim had been, and another prisoner was then brought in and given the same choice. Sometimes this went on all day long.
Would beating an offender's genitals to a pulp with a heavy hammer or some more sanitary method, or any of the Pol Pot regime's castration punishment methods be an appropriate punishment for rape, sexual assault, or sexual assault of a child?
There you go: A few more genital punishments to consider in your search for the perfect genital punishment to fit the crime. And the wonderful thing about all of these techniques is that they have all been used somewhere in the world before.
How about tying a guy's genitals with rope and pulling on the rope from the opposite side of a 20-ton punch press with a table clearance thickness of 0.01"? The guy knows that he is going to get it, then you push the button and clang, his genitals disintegrate in a shower of blood and guts. Another quick and easy method would be to close his $%!@ in the jaws of a large lathe, then jog the chuck. The victim should have the choice of a quick end to the offender's manhood or a long and drawn-out very painful affair, as the offenders $%!@ is slowly twisted off in 15 second 1/8th of a turn increments.
Just thought that you would like to know of the methods that the Khmer Rouge punished women with. See if you can fantasize about that.
Don't get me wrong, I fully understand how heinous a crime rape is, having someone in my building raped not very long ago. I do advocate extreme punishment for rapists. But before any punishment should be carried out, I think we should try to help people. I believe that many rapists probably have many problems, and I also believe that we should get them the help they need, not torture them.
I believe castration is far too extreme a punishment. One man makes one mistake (yes a rather large mistake I know) and you're going to ruin his life for it? I know that being raped can lead to a traumatized life for the rest of your years, but physically it is over with after not very long, while the man is tortured everyday not only by the lack of manhood, but also by the daily reminder of looking down there and seeing nothing.
How about this, how about a woman kicking a man in the crotch? Arguably one of the most painful things someone can go through ( I don't know how this isn't a more serious offence); the punishment for this? Removing the woman's arms and legs so she can never do this again. Seems a bit extreme doesn't it? (This method should be void provided it is in self-defence, of course).
So you acknowledge that rape is a heinous crime, but physically it is over with very quickly. This assumes that there is nothing else done to the woman/girl.
And what about in the cases of men raping girls who are very young, even infants? Do you honestly believe that wouldn't damage them physically, possibly even fatally?
What if the man does not rape only once, but several times, as is usually the case with rapists, especially pedophiles. How many such "mistakes" is a man allowed to commit before you feel he deserves to be punished? Have you made such a "mistake"? Have you thought about making such a "mistake"? If not, how can you dismiss the act of rape as a "mistake"?
I've no doubt being kicked in the groin is very painful for a man, and that's why it should only be done in cases of self-defence. But it is VERY arguably one of the "most painful things someone can go through". And besides, to use your own argument, isn't the physical pain over with rather quickly, just as you say rape is?
You can diminish, even dismiss the severity of rape all you want. But unless you've suffered it's terrible nightmare, you have NO idea whatsoever about what it's like!
Some of us come here to vent our anger. Not against men, but against rapists. Some come here to express their feelings through fantasy. Does it bother you that there are women who have fantasies that don't involve being fluffy, warm and subservient to men?
I love men! I hate rapists! And if you can't tolerate the discussion that takes place here, why don't you go somewhere else where people share YOUR views on rape, and how women should feel about it?
You're absolutely right, I have no idea what rape is like, and I don't want to know. But I don't think it should stop me from voicing my opinion. I guess I missed the memo that said that this place was for women only, sorry. Obviously repeat offenders would be spending the rest of their life in prison to prevent them from commiting such crimes again. But taking such severe action as castration, well, I guess I believe in the whole "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" kind of thinking.
As for the pain of being kicked in the groin being over with relatively quickly, yes, this is true, which is why the punishment sounds so absured.
personally i think some1 dat does dat sud be shot den hung by there feet beat like sticks and den gutted dats just my personal opinon

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My name is Dennis, my wife's name is Marlene, we have been married almost ten years. Marlene is my second wife, Asian, thin, small and very sexy. I exceed my wife's age by seventeen years her being 35 now.

Since the young age of fifteen or sixteen I have been into "control" not knowing exactly what that was at first, then later finding out about SM/BD etc. I have over the years developed a deep and sincere love for the finer arts of pleasuring a partner.

Marlene however was a virgin when I married her at the age of 25, and being so had no experience what so ever. I tried my best and to all my frustration could not find in her the proper mind set to enjoy my type of eroticism. Just a few months ago all of a sudden it seemed something clicked in her mind.

Now she is ready able and willing, however still shy, and very "Asian" minded and reserved. She is now not only my wife, but also my total property to do with as I wish. This doesn't mean that I won't consider her feelings and sensitivities, it means that I have to blend what I want to do to her body into her level of capability and mind set.

SO HERE WAS THE PROBLEM : She wanted everything that I wanted to do, however was not willing to involve outside people for anything that would allow them to see her private body parts, or anything that would involve pain of any serious nature.

When I first was given power over her body (by her) a flood of long unfulfilled desires rushed through my mind as I mentally went down my list of needs. Lets see, there were nipple rings, Tattoos, Clitoral Hood Removal, outer labia rings, and clit ring, not to mention a ring in her lower lip and navel.

The Tattoos weren't too much of a problem since one large tribal was to be put n her thigh, and a henta design was to be worn around her navel. Good advice from a person I know who has a lot of large tattoos on them and had them done locally here in the Philippines was to go to a very good (and clean) Artist that he knew. Rather than go there I made arrangements for him to come to our private home on a Sunday when he normally wasn't busy and do the tattoos there. Ok so far, however these were rather large tattoos. The tattoo on her thigh was about 10 inches long and four inches wide forming my initials for first and last name in a tribal sort of way. The one on her belly was about 8 inches in diameter tip to tip. As sensitive a person as she was I knew that she couldn't stand that much pain for the amount of time that would be required for the two art pieces (about 4 hours). I contacted a Doctor that was a close friend of mine and ask about some form of topical anes thetic that could be used. He suggested to me that I use Lidocane gel, but also recommended that I might better want to use injectable Lidocane since the effect would be much better in relieving the pain. I ask him to buy for me both, as well as got a prescription for Valium 5mg, thinking this might help as well. The following day he brought over to me the supplies that I had asked for.

The Lidocane injectable was only a 2% solution, the gel however was 5%. For a comparison think about OraJel, it comes at 10% solution for killing tooth pain.

When the Tattoo artist arrived he had his wife with him. I ask him to explain to my wife what he would do and how it would be after it had healed. Him and his wife were very professional. I did notice that he was using ink pen ink instead (what I assumed) was a special ink for tattoos. First he drew the design on her thigh with a regular ball pen, copying the one I had created in the computer and printed out in actual size. Then I tried applying the gel over it to numb the skin. There was a small problem with that. The gel caused the ball pen markings to smear. So we removed the gel, and he re-drew the designs. I had acquired from my doctor friend some disposable syringes both 1cc & 3cc, the former having a very small needle designed for insulin injections. Luckily I had 10 pieces of each size to use. He wanted to start the tattoo at one end and then follow around for a complete outline, this was his normal procedure. However I requested that sine I was going to ha ve to inject a small area at a time that he start and finish each area that had been done before moving on to another. I injected the first area with one of the 1cc syringes filled with the Lidocane 2%. After about two minutes there was a small area that was totally insensitive. So through that now numb area I used the 3cc syringe that had a little larger needle so that she wouldn't even know that she had received it. Working in a fanning out circle I was able to numb about three inches in diameter. He tattooed this without her feeling any real discomfort. I was easy to tell where the area was numb and where it was not since if he crossed that line she would immediate let him know. With this process we finished the two tattoos in less than four hours. In the process we used six 3cc syringes full of Lidocane, and three 1cc syringes full. I forgot to mention that half an hour before we started the procedure I had her take one of the 5mg Valiums, then about two hours int o it another. By the time the second Valium had fully hit her blood s
tream she was just a little giddy, however it was a big help. She loves the tattoos ( leaving the door open for more in the future ).
After about a week the tattoos had healed without a hitch, I personally helped her keep them clean and dry for that week. By the end of the second week we were ready for something more. This time it wasn't a tattoo.
About 20 years ago I had given some thought to doing piercing professionally. This was when it was a bit more discreet and hard to find supplies. Most jewelry was custom made and needles came from farm supply stores and only as large as 12ga. I still had some supplies I did finally find at Gauntlet in California later in 1994, I had a few needles still sealed and mostly sterile. Odd bits of jewelry, but only one complete pair of barbells 10ga. Sifting through the needles I found some 10ga and made a plan to bring it up to her for the following night. I would pierce her nipples and insert these two fine barbells until they healed, and we could replace them with something better looking. She agreed.
The following evening came I gave her one and one half 5mg Valiums, waited until they had taken effect and gathered my tools. Needle pusher, Receiving tube, Antiseptic ointment, Gauze, a Clean dark colored towel, Large Band-Aids to cover her nipples for the first 12 hours. I didn't however own a pair of slotted forceps, but figured that the receiving tube would work ok. Using the 1cc syringe I injected right behind both of her nipples, then re-injected using the 3cc needle until both of her nipples were numb as could be. I put the 10ga needle into the needle pusher and forced it though her right nipple until half of the needle was inside of the receiving tube. After removing the ball from the end of the already re-sterilized barbell I matched it up with the end of the needle and started pushing the needle out with the barbell. THATS WHEN EVERYTHING WENT WRONG ! the barbell was just a little bigger than the needle and wouldn't go into the hole. I tried to force it in, no way. I knew I had other needles, 12ga, 10ga, 8ga, 4ga, but what I needed was an 9 ga ! I decided to use the 8ga, I knew that it was a bit larger, actually is was allot larger. I tried following the hole for the first needle with the now second larger needle, by this time she had seen the blood streaming down her front and was starting to panic. ( a teaspoon full of blood can make a real big mess, and scare someone real well. Buy this time the anesthetic had partly worn off. I was having a real hard time getting the second needle to go through, with very bloody gloves causing them to be slippery.

I decided to abort the mission and remove the larger half way inserted needle.

After the original hole healed, I tried again going with the larger needle and a pair of newly acquired slotted forceps and the mission was accomplished.
My sweet wife has a rather large clitoris, these things fascinate me and I have always wanted to suck and lick on one the size of my wife's, however the thing is very in accessible under it's little cover.

Once she was over the initial pain of the healing for her nipples I suggested that I try to get
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