Clitical Masturbation

Clitical Masturbation


Clitical Masturbation
Written By: Sexytime
It was late and insomnia had hit. Amelia laid on the cool leather sofa as the warm air blew over her bare arms and legs. Animated voices filled her living room changing from male to female as she flicked from channel to channel trying to ease her boredom. Giving up she walked to ...
 I love to play along with memes and this Wednesday as with many other I decided to take part once more in the Wicked Wednesday meme. This week the prompt was this picture. Below is my interpretation in flash fiction. I hope you enjoy it.
Wherever I may be you are always there, the one constant ...
The only thought that ran through her head as the words hit her ears for the third time, were, “What the hell!!!” Over and over again the thought ran through her head. How long had it been since she had heard from him? How dare he call her after all this time and just expect ...
Written By: Otazel
Kevin got home that day from his run on the beach feeling hot, sweaty and tired, and in need of a shower. He called hello as he came through the door, expecting at least someone to be home. He had to be a little careful these days as Cassie and Paul, two of ...
Written By: Bob
No matter how many years have since gone by, I’ll always cherish what Theresa and I shared on a summer night in 1955. I was 13 that year- a tall and gangly boy who probably looked older to Theresa when she met me.
Atlantic City has always had a quicksilver quality; a beguiling and ...
Written by: Anonymous
He woke up and the room was dark, which was fine because that’s the way he had left it when he fell asleep. As he slowly drifted back to the world of the awake, he ran a checklist through his mind of hi surroundings. This was his bed, check. This was his dorm ...
Written By: Jade Sky
I need a nap, I say to myself. It’s a bright afternoon, I have done plenty already, and the feline in me deserves a nap.
‘You, fool,’ comes the devil-child voice. ‘It’s not a nap you need and you know it.’
Should I get more comfortable or are these clothes right for a nap? ...
Written by: Anonymous
My heart was still racing as I shut the door behind me, his smile still in my head. I stretched out on my bed with a silly grin on my face.
I let my hands begin to wander, first teasing my nipples through my thin cotton T-shirt, making them hard, then moving down my ...
Written By: Anonymous
I arrive home early and find the apartment empty. You must be out shopping or maybe visiting with friends. I am a little disappointed as I have been feeling horny all afternoon and I was looking forward to having sex with you as soon as I got home. I take off my suit, ...
Written by: Sara
Jenny sat cross-legged on her bed, uninterested in her history homework. She felt as though she had been reading for hours. She needed a break. She glanced at her clock. 4pm. Her roommate wouldn’t be back for at least an hour. She had plenty of time.
Pushing herself off the bed, she went to ...
Written By: Anonymous
Ellen was well into her sixties. Good looking, well groomed, tall and slim, she was a constant reminder of how beautiful she must have been as a younger woman. She had been an investment banker until her husband had been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. Ellen resigned her position to become his ...
Written by: Anonymous
Elaine peered through the front window, hoping that she might see the postman coming down the street.
Nothing. Again.
She had been checking every five minutes for the past hour, and her nervous excitement made her dizzy and breathless. Not that she usually felt this way about the postman’s daily round. But, today was different. ...
Erotic Fiction By: Helen
We never talk about it, my friends and me. We share intimacies that men wouldn’t believe, about our feelings, our children, our finances and even our husbands. But sex, except for some occasional ribald comments about a movie star, is never discussed. We are most respectable. We wear conservative clothes, and do ...
Written by: Lisa Gallegher
That night I lay awake stimulated by the conversation of the evening and my date’s lingering kiss on my lips. Unfortunately, he had to work the graveyard shift and we had to call it an early evening. His final kiss had started the embers of love kindling in my 19-year old soul.
My ...
Written By: Ash
Since I was a young girl of about nine, I have been…well, I guess “fascinated” is the best way to describe it…by masturbation, both male and female (but mostly female). I’m 23 now and still fascinated. Like raindrops and roses and warm woolen mittens, it’s one of my favorite things…
I was nine, as ...
Written By: TucsonTrio
My husband is a very successful, full-time salesman. He covers a large territory, and often spends nights out of town. Sometimes when he is gone I long for his cock, and wish he were there to treat me like a real woman.
At times like this I can’t help but masturbate myself to a ...
Written by: Anonymous
21-year-old Kelly had been asleep for a while when she woke up and saw two people having sex on the television screen. She had fallen asleep while watching a movie on one of the premium channels, and a loud noise outside had just awakened her.
Kelly had moved away from home to take a ...
Written By: KatieD
I got into the shower and washed my hair quickly…pinning it up when it was done because I hate the feel of it clinging to my neck and back when it’s wet. I love the scent of my new shampoo and shower gel. It’s cinnamon/nutmeg and when I’m finished, I smell like a ...
Written by: Anonymous
Synopsis: On her first night in college, alone in her room, a young woman builds her fantasies about the sexual experiences she hopes the real world has to offer.
The story:
I had high hopes when I started college. The guys at school were nice and everything, and they did their best, but they were ...
Written by: Anonymous
It had been an interesting day already; I had dared myself to touch the cute girl who works at the gym, just a little but in a suggestive way, after all my Sapphic desires were getting so strong and I really wanted to try doing something about them! She was just so cute ...
Here you will discover our current masturbation stories AKA Cliterature.
How Many Times A Week Do You Masturbate On Average?
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How Many Times A Week Do You Masturbate On Average?
© 2022 Clitical — All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, something drops into my mailbox that makes me go, yes! What follows is one such item. So often we forget about the power of simply touching each other, let alone looking at the differences between our touch and someone elses. I hope you enjoy this piece from the amazing Kayla Lords as much as ...
Breasts: I’m not sure about you but I have something of a love hate relationship with mine. I can look in the mirror one day and they are there and looking dandy, the next I feel quite differently about them. During the month of October many of us turn our thoughts to our breasts, thanks ...
Just as we did in January, and February, each day throughout March, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that may require the purchase of a product as well as giving the boys some techniques to ummm ...
Just as we did in January, each day throughout February, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that may require the purchase of a product as well as giving the boys some techniques to ummm play with…
1st ...
Each day throughout January, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that require nothing more than things that can be found around the house…
Jan 1st:
Masturbation Reason:  You’re asserting your independence!
Masturbation Technique: Why not let your fingers do ...
Written By: Jenne
In my house the bathroom, is my one true sanctuary. The door locks, the kids know not to disturb Mom, and well I can do just about anything I like in my bathroom and often do. One of my favorite things to take time to explore in that sanctuary is some self love. ...
Are You Ready, Ladies?
Finally, the female experience of self-pleasure!
YES, It’s True — females masturbate, too. Although we may not feel the same physical urgency to masturbate as guys (at least not as often as guys), girls definitely experience sexual arousal, particularly during puberty. It is often not only a physical experience but an emotional one ...
Over the years we have heard just about every euphemism for female masturbation, so we figured we may as well give in and compile a list of those for your pleasure.
We take no responsibility for these euphemisms and if you choose to use some of them and get your backside kicked, you are on your ...
Written By: Angie
I had recently broken up with my fiance of three years because we simply drifted apart. There was not much to communicate and it seemed that we no longer had something new to talk about our selves and our likes in the bedroom.
As a sad result, the excitement in the bedroom had become ...
Written By: Jenne
Psstttt, listen closely, I’m gonna tell you a secret. Mutual masturbation is fun and you might actually learn a thing or two in the bargain as well as. Although many people think of masturbation as a solo activity, adding your partner into the mix can lead to some great fun and games and ...
Not sure how to masturbate? Looking for some new tips and techniques? Then you have come to the right place…
How Many Times A Week Do You Masturbate On Average?
© 2022 Clitical — All Rights Reserved.

There is a weird misconception that not all women can squirt.
But most of them never even tried!
So don’t believe these studies that say that only 10-20% of women are able to squirt, most of these studies only survey a limited amount of women like 100, and are not a good representation…
Here are some tips on ...
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Welcome to You are maybe here because you’re bored with your current masturbation technique, looking for something new to try or are simply trying to figure yourself out sexually. I sincerely hope that Clitical can offer some solutions for you.
Please take a moment to read ...
Masturbation Gallery
Wendy loves nothing more than to masturbate and use her toys. Today she demonstrates the gentle art of masturbation and toy play just for you! Need More Take A Look At Our Partners Site By Clicking The Banner Below! All images copyright(c) IFeelMyself.Com, all rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Sometimes, something drops into my mailbox that makes me go, yes! What follows is one such item. So often we forget about the power of simply touching each other, let alone looking at the differences between our touch and someone elses. I hope you enjoy this piece from the amazing Kayla Lords as much as ...
Breasts: I’m not sure about you but I have something of a love hate relationship with mine. I can look in the mirror one day and they are there and looking dandy, the next I feel quite differently about them. During the month of October many of us turn our thoughts to our breasts, thanks ...
Yes, it’s that time when I ask you for your feed back, and this time I want to know the main reason why you masturbate. If you don’t see the answer here then please leave a comment and tell me your main reason.
Viladia Shows Us How To Relax And Enjoy The Masturbation Moment…
To see more images of sexy females masturbating click on the banner above! All images copyright(c) IFeelMyself.Com, all rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Written By: Jenne
When it comes to sex whether it be solo or with a partner you’d be amazed what difference breathing techniques can make to your orgasm. If you think of sex as a workout to some extent it’s easier to realize why. Many of you have probably heard that athletes are taught breathing exercises ...
Written by:
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as “sacred space” or “Sacred Temple.” In Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a perspective of love and respect. This is particularly important for men to learn.
Before beginning the Yoni Massage it is important to create a space for the woman ...
Written By: Debra Hyde
(Or Sister’s Hoods)
When my sister and I dine out, restaurant servers invariably learn to make eye contact as they approach, giving us a good fifteen feet worth of time to moderate ourselves. That because us girls are usually yapping away about sex. Last time out, we really outdid ourselves. At one point ...
Here you will discover our ever growing collection of articles related to female masturbation.
How Many Times A Week Do You Masturbate On Average?
© 2022 Clitical — All Rights Reserved.

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