Clit Tattoo

Clit Tattoo


Kobe in Japan sent in this photo of his partner’s continuing genital tattooing work. As you can see they’ve not only been doing pubic/outer labia tattoos, but also some clit tattooing (yowch!), and work on the hood and inside inner labia as well. Click it for the uncensored photo.
Fluorescent Panda on April 11, 2008 at 8:22 am said:
Well *someone’s* excited about her tattoos.
hahaha i was actually just talking about this the other day… cause i got my back tattooed.. and i was like “if this hurts.. i wonder what it feels like getting your clit tattooed…” lol
What’s with the green? Way wrong color to put there, but that’s my opinion.
You know when a guy sees someone else get sacked and they cringe? I never understood that phenomenon until right now because my stomach just dropped.
i like the petals, but i would have shaved, personally. and, uh, washed the jewelry. the placement of the ring bothers me, but if it’s on purpose, awesome. i can’t even stand a clit poke, never mind needles.
Nico: I was thinking the same thing…
Oh, OW! I can’t even imagine how much that would hurt. Oh my god. Kudos to her!
Is the tattoo that’s actually on the clit a flower, by the way?
My (pierced) ladybits just ran and hid with a whimper… She has got some guts!
A little bit of cactus prickles is okay but I would have cleaned and shined up the jewelry for the pic…
But I do like the look of a pierced clitoris. I’m not sure if I could go thru with it personally, mine seems a bit too small, and I don’t know if I could bear the pain regardless.
My inner labias and double VCH are a whole different ballgame (no pun intended) than a pierced clit. Owwwy!
Oh. My. God. No way could I sit through that tattoo without kicking the artist. She’s got some MAJOR pain tollerance. Kudos.
:| HOLY CRAP! and I agree…Green is not the right color for a vag tattoo
My goodness. I bet that felt different.
My god. My (very masochistic) girliebits do NOT approve. I agree with what’s already been said… I know that’s probably a leaf, but it’s… just not a good color to have there. And ditto the piercing… though I guess it’s just going to get that way if it’s in that area?
Of course, I have to tip my hat to the amount of pain tolerance this woman has. But, seriously, I shake my head at the lack of upkeep. I think if my cooch were to be seen by others, everything would be shaved, polished, waxed, whatever. The dirtyness makes me cringe more than the idea of a clit tat. -.-;;;
#23 “lack of upkeep” made me laugh…made me think of needing a landscaping service or something. (Which she just may.)
Vaginas secrete. It’s impossible to avoid. Seeing a ring with the usual vaginal discharge doesn’t bother me at all.
And like everyone else, I applaud her pain tolerance. She has bigger ca hones than I do.
Interesting….never seen this before.
I agree with “she” and have to sort of roll my eyes at people who expect to always see “pornopussy” in the real world… As someone who’s seen many, many thousands of photos of non-porn genitals, I really think worries on those lines here are a lot silly.
This is why I’ve stopped shaving (everything). :)
I would love to see a picture that shows what image (if one) she has going on there.
I had my clitoris pierced when I was younger (much).. the pain was extreme- like the sensation could easily be traced from the point of origin up to my brain as a hot fiery sensation and than spread thru my whole body..although it was a massive amount of pain i can’t say it was a negative sensation- anything that makes me feel that much of my body alive and awakened I appreciate.
My piercing didn’t last long sadly!
I am wiht 28 too- and while I am not a stubble fan- i think i am just more lazy and the up keep of shaving seems like a waste of time to me.
I like my hairies.
Of course no one expects porn pussy. And I didn’t mean to imply it (hence the okay on cactus prickles) but for a pic I would shine up genital jewelry just as I would, say, ear jewelry. Get it spiffy-looking. But each to their own.
I don’t think “perfect” pussies exist outside of photoshop.
I’d really like to know what the tattoo is, though. I can’t look at the picture long enough to get a good idea.
**shudders** my vagina just screamed, hi-five to that chicks pain tolerence
I don’t think anatomically I could tattoo my clit. Hers looks much bigger than mine and its like sticking out. I guess everyone is different. I pierced my labia and that sucked to put it mildly. I defiantly don’t think I’d be down for a needle right on the most sensitive little nubby. She’s got balls…well obviously not literally.
I have now on 3 occasions in last 6 weeks set up my tattoo machine and took to my clit for a good 2-7 mins but without any ink tho as i didn’t want my sexy little clit tattooed in ink as such but instead just the feeling of being tattooed.
the feeling is amazing and Ive squirted every time, it may feel different had someone else did it instead of me doing it myself as im in control of the entire situation so can stop or start when i please.
reason for tattooing my clit as a form of masturbation I suppose would be that Ive done pretty much it all sexual wise once the electro shock sex toys became boring to me I wanted to step it up to the next level.
its by far the most amazing feeling ive had and fastest way to squirt
Do you have a video of this clit tattoo masturbation?
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