Clit Pumps

Clit Pumps


Clit Pumps
Stephanie Barnes is a freelance writer from Kingston, Jamaica. Her work has been featured at The Huffington Post, Healthline, The Lily, HelloGiggles, Business Insider, and more.
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How to choose the right clit pump. 

Courtesy of Satisfyer / mbg Creative
2 . Pay attention to the positioning.
3 . Incorporate it with other solo play. 
5 . Stop using if you feel any pain or discomfort.
6 . Clean your clit pump regularly.
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When you think of sex toys, your mind probably conjures images of the usual suspects—colorful dildos, pulsating vibrators, or even the furry handcuffs you have in the back of your closet. But there is one type of toy many people tend to overlook: the clit pump and all its underrated suction glory.
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Clit pumping is the use of a suction device on the clitoris to increase blood flow, says Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., sex therapist and expert at sex toy company LELO. Clit pumps are typically made up of a cylindrical cup and a hand pump. The cylinder is placed over the entire external clitoris, and as you squeeze on the pump, blood is pulled to the clitoris.
Similar to the penis, the clitoris is made up of erectile tissue that contains capillaries with a unique feature. When this tissue is filled with blood, it becomes "engorged" and makes the clit feel and look "fuller and firmer," Mintz explains. It also makes the clitoris more sensitive to touch and other sensations, which can ultimately lead to more powerful orgasms.
"Blood flow to the clitoris is essential to arousal and orgasm, and clit pumping can facilitate that for anyone with a clitoris, regardless of gender identity, making clit pumps a very useful and inclusive sex device," Mintz says.
The most obvious benefit of clit pumping is the increased sensation that happens as a result of the increased blood flow to the clitoris. That means more arousal, more sensitivity, and ultimately more intense orgasms. 
Clit pumping may also help strengthen the pelvic floor, according to Megwyn White, certified clinical sexologist and director of education at sex toy company Satisfyer. "Activating the clitoris with stimulation allows us to connect to the pelvic floor muscles," White says. "This helps to set off orgasm but is also healthy for continence [and] supporting internal organs."
As a person with a vagina ages, their ability to produce natural lubrication often decreases due to hormonal changes. Less lubrication can make penetrative sex more painful, and vaginal dryness can increase the risk of infections. "Using a clitoral stimulator allows you to keep your body's juices flowing without the need for internal stimulation, which can be especially helpful as your body experiences the natural changes that come with aging," White says.
Clit pumping can also enhance visual pleasure, says Dainis Graveris , certified sex educator and relationship expert at SexualAlpha. He says many men and women find the sight of a bigger clit to be a turn-on. "If you enjoy taking nudes, you can send pics of your clit to your partner. These pics will no doubt tease your partner like crazy," he adds.
The clit pump can be particularly useful for creating satisfying sexual experiences for trans people, Mintz notes. "While anyone with a clitoris who likes clitoral stimulation can enjoy a clit pump, they are often especially useful for transgender and gender-nonconforming people who can use the pumps to experience temporary genital growth—or in other words, making their clitoris more pronounced and phallic in shape," she explains. She says being able to create a visible clitoral erection can be really affirming and empowering.
When looking for a clit pump, take the time to look at how the device is assembled and to make sure the safety features are easily accessible, says board-certified gynecologist Monica Grover, D.O., M.S. She recommends looking for safety features like a quick air release and finding out if the device's highest level of intensity is safe for your body.
"A poorly designed device can lead to long-term impaired blood flow to the clitoris or prolonged swelling," she says. "[Then] focus on the aesthetics of the device before you choose one. Some of these devices can look very off-putting, and no sense in buying it if you're too intimidated to use it."
Clit pumps come in different sizes and each offers a different experience. "If you're looking for a more diffused sensation, choose a product with a larger head. If you're looking for a more focused stimulation, a product with a smaller head might be a better option for you," White recommends.
Another thing to consider is whether you're "interested in pumping just the clitoris or if you'd like to try vulva pumping as well," Grover says. "Some devices will do both, as well as have the option to add vibration."
This isn't technically a pump, but it's a perfect introduction to the suction-like sensations you'll get using a clit pump. It has 11 suction settings, so you are in complete control the entire time.
The Eros Therapy System is a medical-grade clitoral pump that has built-in safety mechanisms approved by the FDA. It comes with a thorough set of instructions on how to use it.
This pump was designed with queer, trans-masculine, and nonbinary bodies in mind, according to the website. It features a custom translucent cylinder that is designed to be comfortable due to its wide-flanged base and easy-to-use design.
This pump comes highly recommended by Grover and other experts, and it's considered to be a more advanced device. It has four attachments, so you can use it on your clitoris, vulva (two sizes), and nipples. The cups are soft, comfortable, and designed for a perfect fit. It has seven levels of safe suction as well as seven levels of vibration so you can really experiment.
As the name suggests, this clit pump is great for beginners. The squeeze-bulb-style option is super simple to use. It can be used on your clitoris, nipples, or other erogenous zones, and the harder you squeeze, the stronger the suction will become. There is also a quick air-release valve directly on the squeeze pump, just in case things get too intense.
If you enjoy nipple stimulation, this LoveHoney pump is worth looking at. You have the option to choose between three suction speeds to pump your nipples or clitoris to "ultra-alert attention with the greatest of ease."
The Womanizer Liberty Pleasure Air Clitoral Stimulator is also beginner-friendly, as it offers a gentler clitoral-suction experience. And since it's less powerful, it can be used for longer periods.
This pump offers three suction speeds and seven vibrating functions to enhance sensitivity and arousal that comes with clit pumping. While using this pretty pink pump, you'll also be able to detach the hose while still maintaining a tight vacuum seal. For the best fit, try adding a bit of lubricant before applying.
This wide-mouthed pump will stimulate your labia and vulva, which makes it ideal for people who shy away from intense clitoral stimulation. Each squeeze of the medical-style pump ball will increase the suction intensity around your sexy bits. The clear cup may also appeal to visual partners who enjoy watching as their partner swells with pleasure.
Before you get started, several experts, including White and Graveris, recommend you try the pump on your hand, inner thigh, or even over your underwear first. After you've familiarized yourself with the suction and sensations, then you can start using the pump on your clit.
Graveris recommends starting with short, gentle pumps, about one to two minutes, before extending the pumping duration to between 15 and 20 minutes.
"Although pumping might feel unfamiliar, it's a red flag that you're pumping way too aggressively if it hurts. Using a clit pump too much and too fast can cause blisters and bruises. These devices function in the same way as you would create love bites or hickeys, so they can give your clit powerful suction," he says.
Be sure to check the positioning of your device. Placing the cup too low could cause it to pull on the surrounding skin of your anus, especially if you're working with a bigger pump, not just for your clit. 
Clit pumps are great for both solo use or with a partner, as they allow individuals to explore stimulation beyond what they may be used to. "When using solo, you can either use a clit stimulator on its own, or you can explore pairing with another product, like a Kegel ball, to create a blended orgasm," White suggests.
She suggests using a breathing practice to help you: "Inhale deeply and then slowly exhale as you concentrate on contracting the muscles of the vaginal canal. Then release, and you'll feel an orgasmic sensation."
When using with a partner, you can incorporate it into a mutual masturbation practice or during sexual intercourse, White says, adding that mutual masturbation is a great way to observe indirectly what type of touch your lover enjoys. Additionally, she recommends trying a clitoral stimulator with a partner during doggy-style.
"When you are getting stimulated in this position by your partner, it is easier to access the g-spot because of the angle. Using one hand, you can easily access the clitoral glands and take clitoral stimulation to a whole new dimension. This position gives you more freedom to explore clitoral stimulation with your hand or this type of product," White says.
If you're using the pump and it becomes painful or too tight, or you begin to notice irritation or redness, use the release feature. The last thing you want to do is cause damage to the tissue and nerves in the area. Make sure to read the instructions on your particular device carefully to ensure you're using it properly and safely.
Lastly, don't forget to practice safer sex and to clean your sex toys according to the instructions provided. (Here's our full guide on how to clean your sex toys , based on the materials it's made from.) 
Clit pumping can be a way to add more physical sensation, variety, and excitement to your sexual sessions. If you decide to try clit pumping, make sure to follow the instructions from the manufacturer closely. And remember, since no two bodies are the same, be open to experimenting to see what works best for you and any partners.
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Sign up for our FREE doctor-approved gut health guide featuring shopping lists, recipes, and tips
Stephanie Barnes is a freelance writer from Kingston, Jamaica. She studied Information Technology from the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean and spent several years as a front-end/iOS engineer. Her work has been featured at The Huffington Post, Healthline, The Lily, HelloGiggles, Business Insider, and more. She's passionate about all things mental health, technology, and binge-worthy television.
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Pumping your clit up before sex can be the difference between amazing and mediocre sex. Getting the right clit pump and using the right technique is also important for your experience and results.
You’ll learn all you need to know about clit pumping in this article – If you’re just after the best clit pump get one of from the list below.
Finding the best clit pump for you can be a little confusing since there are a lot of different styles and features that have to consider when making the choice.
I’ve tested lots of different nipple and clit pumps in the last 10 years working in the sex toy industry and this is my list of the best clit pumps in 2021.
The different products are all judged on their:
Just to be clear – all the clit pumps on the list below are all great products in their own way, I’ll never feature bad products.
The Dominix Deluxe clit pump comes with 3 different suction cups in different sizes so you can work your way up or if your clit simply is bigger to begin with.
You have the ability to adjust the vacuum super precise with this vacuum handpump and read the precise vacuum on the included pressure gauge.
I’ve put the Dominix Deluxe Clitoris pump in the first spot on the list of the best clit pumps due to the very precise pump that allows you to control the vacuum.
I recommend the Dominix Deluxe Clitoris Pump if you want absolute control and lots of power.
I recommend the Dominix Deluxe Triple Sucker set if you want a small yet powerful clit and nipple sucker set.
This is an electric pump as the name suggest and it can be used for both nipple and clit pumping. One of the reasons why I haven’t put an electric pump in one of the first two spots is that you don’t really need that much vacuum to pump your clit up.
You can pump your clit with 3 different speed and there is a quick-release button for safety. The device is power by a rechargeable battery that you can charge with the included USB cable.
The overall product quality is really good but you’re also paying a premium for the electric clit pump.
Yep, I know the two first spots on this best list are taken by Dominix and they simply just make awesome high-quality products.
This triple suction cup set has two nipple cups and a slightly larger clit cup that all work by placing the cup over the area you want to suck and twist the nub to create a vacuum.
It’s really simple to use and the clear design makes it easy to follow along and watch the enlargement process.
I recommend the Pumped Automatic clit and nipple pump set if you want a high-quality electric clit pump.
The Trans Masc clit pump is a special clit pump designed to enlarge your clitoris hence the name of the pump. It’s very popular in the FTM community and has helped 1000’s of users get closer to the body they feel comfortable with.
It comes with a 3” (7.5cm) long suction cup in strong Acrylic that can hold a lot of vacuum for bigger results. The pump is a finger squeeze pump that allows you to control the vacuum and there is a simple quick release valve on top for releasing the vacuum.
It’s a great clit pump for FTM transformation but all who want a high-quality clit pump can use it.
I recommend the Trans Masc clit pump if you want the best clit pump for FTM transformation.
I’ve tested lots of different pumps from Size Matters and they are generally of good quality and price quite low. The same can be said about the Clit pumping system which is a single suction cup design for clit pumping only.
The air hose it super short and it can be a little awkward to use unless you’re flexible. You can pump up your clit and dethatch the air hose and pump when you’re done. This makes it much more useful and you can penetrate your vagina without breaking the seal if you take a little care.
I recommend the Size Matters Clit pumping system if you want a cheap and easy to use clit pump.
The Bloom Intimate body pump has 4 different sized suction cups that can be used as a pussy pump , nipples, and clitoris. Each suction cup has a soft silicone rim and the 3 largest cups have a slight curve to them to better follow the curves on your body.
You can control both vibrations and suction power with the special handle that also contain a quick release valve.
It’s available in two colors (Purple and blue), is water resistant, and you can recharge it with the included USB cable.
There is no question that the features of this clit pump are amazing but it has a few downsides that results in this last place on the list of the highest rated clit pumps.
First off, the handle makes it uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes. There is no way to create a suction and then pull the pump off and let the suction cup sit and do its work. The last thing if the huge price – You’re looking at paying more than 5 times the price of some of the other clit pumps.
I recommend the Bloom Intimate Body Pump if you don’t care about the price and just want as many features as possible.
A clitoris pump is a tool/sex toy that you can put over your clitoris and suck/pump out air from and it will create a vacuum in it.
It has a few different parts depending on what style of clit pump it is. The main part is the suction tube where the vacuum is and the pump part which is the part that creates the vacuum.
The vacuum will increase the blood flow to your clitoris and make it bigger and more sensitive.
It’s fairly straight forward to use a clit pump and you should have no problem using it unless you’re super inflexible and can reach.
That’s great but what would I want to do that?
There are several benefits you can enjoy when pumping your clitoris, let’s take a look at some of them here.
What the hell is FTM clit pumping? FTM stands for F emale To M ale and it’s the process of transforming the female body to a male body. The clitoris can be enlarged quite a lot and take the appearance of a penis and that’s what FTM clit pumping for.
Most clit pumps will work in the beginning of this process but you’ll end up needing a lot more vacuum and a larger suction tube once you really get started. That’s where specific FTM clit pumps come in.
The clit pump that I recommend is called the Dominix Deluxe Clitoris pump system and it comes with 3 sizes of suction tubes so you can change to a bigger one when you outgrow the first one.
The pump itself is very precise and offers lots of suction power to create a strong enough vacuum for enlargement.
I just want to make it very clear that this is not something that happens overnight but it’s a long process that can take months or even years of clit pumping.
You can do a wide range of clit pumping sessions but remember to let your body rest so you don’t overdo it.
You can achieve permanent results if you are consistent and do clit pumping sessions every day for 6 months to a year.
You can always do a clit pumping sessions once every 2 weeks to keep the changes if you’re already at the size you wish to be at.
There are a few different types of clit pumps with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s go over them so you get a better understanding of them and can choose one that works the best for you.
A manual clit pump has some kind of manual pump that creates the vacuum by squeezing of pressing the pump together.
The same as the manual pump, but with an electric pump that’s operated with a push of a button.
The Twister clit pump design is super simple and it works by putting it over your clit and twisting the top nub which move it up and creates a vacuum just like a syringe.
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