Clementine The Walking Dead Porn

Clementine The Walking Dead Porn


Clementine The Walking Dead Porn

Walking dead game porn - 🧡 Michonne Hawthorne (Video Game)

As she surveys the house, she notices a man lighting a Molotov.
Randall brings Michonne up to Norma.
Their search leads them to an abandoned boat.
No more waiting for steady internet signals or incurring large overage charges to your mobile data plan.
Michonne follows, helping or ignoring Sam's attempts to bury her father.
They receive a radio signal from an area known as Mobjack, and Michonne and Pete disembark to the area.
Siddiq makes it inside as Norma orders her group attack.
Norma and her group break down the barricaded door, invading the house with Walkers in hot pursuit.

Main Page


All Pages


Interactive Maps

Recent Blog Posts

Rise of the Governor

The Road to Woodbury

The Fall of the Governor



Search and Destroy

Return to Woodbury



Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Torn Apart

Cold Storage

The Oath

Flight 462


Red Machete


Unnamed or Unseen Characters




Unnamed or Unseen Characters

Video Game Statistics


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Left Behind

Dead Yourself

Atlanta Run

No Man's Land

Road to Survival

Our World


Main Page


All Pages


Interactive Maps

Recent Blog Posts

Rise of the Governor

The Road to Woodbury

The Fall of the Governor



Search and Destroy

Return to Woodbury



Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Torn Apart

Cold Storage

The Oath

Flight 462


Red Machete


Unnamed or Unseen Characters




Unnamed or Unseen Characters

Video Game Statistics


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Unnamed or Unseen Characters


Left Behind

Dead Yourself

Atlanta Run

No Man's Land

Road to Survival

Our World



Amputated Victims

Cabin Group



Ericson's Boarding School

Female Characters

Gil's Pitstop

Greene Family Farm

Howe's Hardware


LGBT Characters


Main Characters

Moonstar Lodge

Motel Survivors

New Frontier


Player Character





Season 1 Characters

Season 2 Characters

Season 3 Characters

Season 4 Characters

St. John Dairy Farm


Video Game






Português do Brasil


Tiếng Việt

We're Getting Mutants in the MCU - The Loop
First Grade Student (Pre-Apocalypse) Former Expansion Worker in Howe's Hardware (Post-Apocalypse) Former Hunter and Patroller at Wellington (Post-Apocalypse, Determinant) Former Hunter, Fisherperson, Supply Runner, and Second-in-Command of Ericson's Boarding School (Post-Apocalypse) De-Facto Leader of Ericson's Boarding School (Post-Apocalypse)
Diana - Mother † Ed - Father † Louis - Boyfriend/Late Boyfriend (Determinant) Violet - Girlfriend/Late Girlfriend (Determinant) Peanut - Pet † ( Unnamed ) - Pet † Rosie - Pet (Determinant)

" All this. It's worth it. All those times you'd ask me if we'd find a home... All I could ever tell you was "we'll see". And your face would fall every single time. (...) That's what I told myself. But you want to know something I didn't tell you? I never had a plan . I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything . I just fought and fought and fought, and hoped you didn't notice. Hoped we'd find something before you did. Did I do a good job? "
—Clementine to A.J. (Determinant) [src]

Killed by a walker in the pharmacy .
Killed by a walker in the rest stop .
Killed by a walker if failing to win the struggle with Winston.
Bitten by a walker stuck in a tree.
Bitten by a walker if Clementine doesn't crawl away in the forest.
Killed by a walker if Clementine fails to swing a rake at the walker in the shed.
Killed by a walker if she fails to save Pete .
Killed by a walker if Clementine doesn't manage to escape while saving Nick .
Devoured by a walker outside a shed.
Bitten by a walker while escaping the shed.
Devoured by a walker while escaping the shed.
Devoured by a small walker by the bridge .
Devoured by a walker by the bridge.
Devoured by a walker by the bridge.
Devoured by a walker on the bridge.
Pulled off of the bridge by a walker.
Pushed off of the bridge by a walker.
Losing grip on the bridge and falling off.
Pushed off of the bridge by another walker.
Devoured by a walker on the bridge.
Devoured by a walker on the bridge after choosing the blade.
Devoured by a walker on the bridge after attacking with the blade.
Devoured by a walker on the bridge after choosing the pole.
Devoured by a walker outside the Moonstar Lodge .
Devoured by a walker after failing a quick event outside the Moonstar Lodge.
Devoured by a walker outside the Moonstar Lodge.
Devoured by another walker after failing to shoot it outside the Moonstar Lodge.
Devoured by a walker outside the Moonstar Lodge.
Devoured by another walker after failing to shoot it outside the Moonstar Lodge.
Bitten by a walker under a bench after failing to stab it.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware .
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker at Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker outside of Howe's Hardware.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park .
Bitten by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to stab the walker.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to trip the walker.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to stab the walker.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to attack the walker.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park when failing to enter the caravan.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to push the furniture.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to push the furniture.
Devoured by a walker within the Mobile Home Park after failing to choose to save or leave Sarah .
Bitten by a walker within the Parker's Run Memorial Museum after failing to shake it off.
Devoured by a walker within the Parker's Run Memorial Museum after failing to stab it.
Devoured by a walker on the observation deck after failing to block the gate.
Devoured by walkers on the observation deck after failing to push the cannon.
Falling and snapping her neck if she fails to pull Jane up.
Devoured by a walker on the observation deck after failing to decide what to do.
Devoured by a walker on the observation deck after failing to cut down the wire.
Shot during the shootout after failing to crawl towards the baby or for cover.
Devoured by zombified Natasha after failing to shoot her.
Drowned after failing to free herself from a walker.
Devoured by walker after failing to shoot the walker.
Devoured by walker after failing to shoot the walker beneath the car.
Devoured by walker after getting caught by the walker during the blizzard.
Bitten in the leg by zombified Brody .
Shot in the chest by a Delta guard.
Suffocated and neck broken by Lilly .
Failed to jump on the side of the bridge.

" Clementine? Baby, if you hear this, call the police. That's 9-1-1. We love you... we love you... we love y- "
—Diana to Clementine over a voice message. [src]

" My dad gave it to me. "
—Clementine to Lee about her hat. [src]

" I used to have Lee. (...) He took care of me for awhile. Every time I would look at AJ, I could hear him in my head... Helping me, guiding me. "
—Clementine to Ava about Lee. (Determinant) [src]

" l love you back, kiddo. "
—Clementine to AJ. [src]

" We love you too, Kenny. (Determinant)' "
—Thicker Than Water

" Javi, you've been willing to do some crazy stuff for me before. I know shooting Conrad wasn't easy. But it showed me I can always depend on you. "
—Clementine to Javier. (Determinant) [src]

" I'm really gonna miss Gabe. I mean-- he's super annoying sometimes, but... I've gotten used to having him around. At least to have someone to talk to. Even if he is a total dork. "
—Clementine to Javier about Gabe. (Determinant) [src]

" I miss Duck too...he was a good friend.. and I haven't had too many of them. "
—Clementine to Kenny, about Duck. (Determinant) [src]

" That little girl is a puzzle. "
—Katjaa to Lee about Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" I'm... I'm so sorry. "
—Clementine finding Jane as a walker (Determinant) . [src]

" You’re gonna need as much help as you can get, Kate. I’ll go with you. "
—Clementine to Kate about going with her to save New Richmond. [src]

" I have to look for Christa. "
—Clementine to Luke about Christa. (Determinant) [src]

" I used to make my babysitter, Sandra, play a game that we were secret sisters. It was... stupid kid stuff. "
—Clementine to Jane about wanting a sister. (Determinant) [src]

" Here, you can have some too, for your walkie-talkie. "
—Carley giving batteries to Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" It was a guy called Doug. He was sweet. He helped protect the group. "
—Clementine talking to Violet about how Lilly had killed Doug. (Determinant) [src]

" Hey there, this is Glenn and uh, I'm kinda in a jam here. Uh, little girl, if you're there, can you put your daddy on the phone? Or on the talkie, or whatever? "
—Glenn asking Clementine for help. [src]

" Is Mark going to be okay? "
—Clementine voicing her concern for Mark to Lee. (Determinant) [src]

" Ben's nice. He's my friend. We don't leave friends behind. That's my vote. "
—Clementine giving her vote to the group about Ben being able to stay or not. (Determinant) [src]

" She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive. "
—Chuck, giving Lee advice on taking care of Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" I wish Omid was here. "
—Clementine to Christa about Omid. (Determinant) [src]

" And you be sure to take care of that little girl. You know she thinks the world of you. "
—Molly to Lee about Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" Just go. I'll keep her safe. "
—Lilly to Lee about Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" I know who you are, and I don't give a shit about what happens to you, but if anything happens to my daughter or that little girl you got with you, you watch your ass! "
—Larry to Lee. [src]

" I'd come back for you... "
—Clementine to Luke. (Determinant) [src]

" You want to hear somethin' funny? I've been thinking, and I don't want to die. Never thought I'd be the kinda idiot to say somethin' like that, but there it is. I'm scared , Clementine. Jesus, I'm scared. "
—Pete to Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" Hey, Clem... I just wanted to say thanks... for not giving up on me. "
—Nick to Clementine. (Determinant) [src]

" And your dad protected you because he wanted you to live. He would still want that. "
—Clementine to Sarah. (Determinant) [src]

" You say that like it's so easy... Not everyone can be like you. "
—Sarah to Clementine on her ability to stay strong despite her losses. (Determinant) [src]

" You're a good kid, Clementine. I'm glad you'll be there to watch out for this baby. (Determinant)' "
—Rebecca to Clementine. [src]

" Everything that Alvin did, was for you and the baby. Back at Carver's, in the office, he stayed behind to stop the people chasing us. He died to keep us safe. "
—Clementine to Rebecca about Alvin. (Determinant) [src]

" You can talk to me, Clem. There's almost nothing you could tell me that would surprise me. I promise you that. "
—Walter to Clementine. [src]

" Maybe we should have done something else. Sarita might still be... "
—Clementine feeling guilty about Sarita's death. (Dete
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