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Clearex topical is used to treat many skin disorders, such as acne, dandruff, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis of the skin and scalp, calluses, corns, common warts, and plantar warts, depending on the dosage form and strength of the preparation. This medicine is available without a prescription. This medicine is an antibiotic used to treat acne. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor. Use Clearex patch as directed by your doctor. Check the label on the medicine for exact dosing instructions. Wash the affected area and dry thoroughly. Gently smooth the wart surface with the emery file supplied. Peel patch from clear strip, leaving top plastic film in place. Trim patch to a size that will completely cover the wart but will not come into contact with surrounding healthy tissue. Apply a drop of warm water to wart using a cotton-tipped applicator, keeping surrounding skin dry. Apply patch at bedtime with the plastic film up, sticky bottom side to the wart. Secure patch in place with the tape provided. Remove patch in the morning after at least 8 hours and throw away. Repeat every 24 hours or as directed by your doctor. Wash hands after applying and removing Clearex patch. If you miss a dose of Clearex patch, skip the missed dose and return to your regular dosing schedule. Do not use 2 doses at once. Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use Clearex patch. Clearex is used to treat skin diseases like warts on hands and feet, acne and blemishes the skin. It is also used in other skin conditions such as psoriasis inflammatory disease of skin causing patches of redness , dandruff, calluses, corns and diseases which cause skin dryness or scaling. A compound obtained from the bark of the white willow and wintergreen leaves, and also prepared synthetically. It has bacteriostatic, fungicidal, and keratolytic actions. Its salts, the salicylates, are used as analgesics. Salicylic Acid in Israel. What are the possible side effects of Clearex? How should I take Clearex? What is the most important information I should know about Clearex? What happens if I overdose Clearex? What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Clearex? Did you have any side effects with this medicine? An indication is a term used for the list of condition or symptom or illness for which the medicine is prescribed or used by the patient. For example, acetaminophen or paracetamol is used for fever by the patient, or the doctor prescribes it for a headache or body pains. Now fever, headache and body pains are the indications of paracetamol. A patient should be aware of the indications of medications used for common conditions because they can be taken over the counter in the pharmacy meaning without prescription by the Physician. The below description contains indications of Clearex drug. Have a glance and memorize few. There are specific as well as general uses of a drug or medicine. A medicine can be used to prevent a disease, treat a disease over a period or cure a disease. It can also be used to treat the particular symptom of the disease. The drug use depends on the form the patient takes it. It may be more useful in injection form or sometimes in tablet form. The drug can be used for a single troubling symptom or a life-threatening condition. While some medications can be stopped after few days, some drugs need to be continued for prolonged period to get the benefit from it. The below information contains the uses of Clearex drug. Pharmacology is a crucial part of medicine wherein various medications are used to advance the well-being of an individual. Some drugs cure the infection or a disease; few prevent the occurrence of a symptom or a disease, and few are used in long-term treatment of the disease. Drugs are obtained from the plants as well as they can be synthesized organically. The drugs are used in various combinations or a single drug by the pharmaceutical industry during its preparation. The half-life of each medicine is different, and the dosage of the drug depends on the half-life of the drug. The below information gives the detailed description of Clearex drug. More about Clearex Clearex generic and brand names What are the possible side effects of Clearex? Clearex for Sensitive Skin Israel. Clearskin 2 Medicated Wash Canada. Clearskin 2 Triple Action Canada. Clearskin Acne Defense Stick Canada. Clearskin Medicated Wash Canada. Clearskin Overnight Acne Treatment Canada. Clearskin targeted blemish remover Canada. Clearskin Targeted Blemish Treatment. There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one! This site does not supply any medicines. It contains prices for information purposes only.

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