Cleaning your sex toy is the most important sex toy practice

Cleaning your sex toy is the most important sex toy practice

The need of cleaning a sex toy after use often gets over by both toy companies and their consumers. Most after sex toys do not come with instructions about how to clean them but it is considered as the most important practice of using a sex toy.


What is the need of cleaning a sex toy?


Sex toys come in contact with the most sensitive parts of the body. While bacteria in these areas are kept to healthy levels by natural body processes when fluids come in contact with the material of a dildo or vibrator the bacteria is not regulated.


Nasty bacteria including thrush can quickly grow and multiply on porous surfaces. Reintroducing these bacteria into the body can cause infections in sensitive areas of the body. Therefore it is important to clean a바이브레이터after every use for the reasons discussed above. For avoiding the spread of nasty bacteria during sessions the toy should be cleaned after anal use and before using on the partner.


How to clean a sex toy?


Experts always recommend using an antibacterial cleaner for removing fluids and microbes from sex toys. These cleaners are very strong to kill bacteria but mild enough to use after every toy session. All toys should be cleaned even the ones that do not come in direct contact with the fluids and sensitive areas of the body.


Sex toy cleaners should be spread on the toy and wiped gently with cloth for removing residue. Then it should be left for air drying. Dildos and vibrators can also be cleaned with soap and warm water. Antibacterial cleaners are the best option for cleaning all types of sex toys. Battery-operated toys should never be submerged in the water as it can damage the toy. For more information on the use of adult sex toys and진동기 visit

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