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Why Is Your Sperm Clear?

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Various factors can determine the quality of the semen or sperm. In this article we will look at the reasons why a person might have clear semen and how to deal with such a scenario. After reading this some of the answers to the question "why is my sperm clear" will be definitely answered.
Boys begin to sexually mature by the age of 11 and could experience their first ejaculation by the age of 13. The initial semen discharge may be not as potent and is clear in the first year or some more time. The clear sperm shows that the seminal fluid and the reproductive system are developing. This is normal and boys don't need worry about "why is my sperm clear".
Men who masturbate very frequently or are very sexually active, will have thin and watery semen. This is normally how the body reacts when there are frequent ejaculations. Initial ejaculates will be rich quality semen, which will be thinned down. After an ejaculation, the body requires 5 hours to produce the rich sperm volume and nutrients. So if a man ejaculates more than 5 times a day, his semen will be thinner and clearer.
Low sperm count can definitely cause a man to scream about "why is my sperm clear" because the sperms in the semen give it a cloudy appearance. If the semen is clear for a long duration, it could be due to low sperm count. When the sperm count is below 20-150 million per ml of semen, it is referred to as low sperm count. This is not a health hazard; however, it can be a problem when trying to conceive. A semen analysis will be suggested and other changes like eating less acidic diet or avoiding masturbation will be recommended, if they are trying to conceive.
Infertility in men can be caused due to various reasons like alcohol, smoking, illness, age, hormonal deficiencies, primary infertility etc. And clear sperm is one symptom of primary infertility - a man has clear semen ejaculate for over one year and the couple is unable to conceive as well. Secondary infertility is when a couple has a child and is unable to conceive a child for the second time.
Most the time, clear sperm is not a big deal. But if the answer to "why is my sperm clear" is retrograde ejaculation, then you should take it seriously. In this condition, the sperm does not move out from the urethra properly and is released in the bladder during an orgasm. The urine passed immediately after intercourses will be cloudy since it is mixed with semen. Usually there is no treatment required for this condition, but if it leads to infertility, drugs like ephedrine, imipramine or brompheniramine can be given.
An unbalanced diet or a diet lacking in certain nutrients like zinc can lead to clear and watery semen. This however is not harmful and can be easily modified.
Use a condom when having sex, limit the number of sexual partners or do not have sex too frequently. If possible it is recommended to remain in a monogamous relationship which also helps prevent sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea which can cause infertility in both men and women.
Stress has an effect on various parts of the body. It can cause decreased sexual functioning and hormonal imbalance, leading to decrease in sperm production. Hence, it is important to manage stress levels.
Research has found that sperm quality is affected by smoking. Smoking affects the DNA in the sperms and reduces protein in the body, which is required for sperm development. Hence, it is important to quit smoking to improve the sperm quality.
Alcohol causes a reduction in the sperm quality and quantity. It is important for men who are planning a baby to reduce the alcohol intake as well as to avoid binge drinking.
A study has shown that men who have high BMI (Body Mass Index) have abnormal sperms as well as low quantity of seminal fluid which can result in clear sperm. Obesity in men has been linked to higher level of DNA damage in the sperms. This causes a reduction in fertility. For this it is essential to lose weight if planning to conceive.
The temperature of testicles is lower than body temperature. Intense exercise can increase the temperature of the testicles, which can cause the sperms to die. So cycling is not an ideal exercise for a man who is trying to conceive. Besides, over exercising which causes low weight can also cause poor sperm quality and increased mortality.
A change in the diet can correct the problem with having clear sperm or semen. Foods which impact the sperm quality are usually foods rich in zinc and folate. 12 – 15 mg of zinc should be added into diet per day.
For zinc, foods like dark chicken meat (3 ounce contains 2.38mg), lean minced beef (3 ounce contains 4.5mg) and beans (6 ounce contains 3.55mg) should be included in diets. Folate can be found in oyster, wheat germ, nuts, chocolate, mushrooms, green vegetables and jacket potatoes.
Last Updated 07 September, 2022.

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Why is my sperm watery and clear? There is no hard and fast rule that everyone should be similar. Your nature, characteristics, behavior, and everything can be different from others. The thing goes for semen too. One person may have thicker or more smelly semen compared to others.
However, when the differences become too severe that’s no longer a normal fact at all. Sometimes you may notice your semen is not as consistent or thick as you expect. Hence a question might arise in your mind with wonder why is my sperm watery and clear?
Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Here we’re going to discuss all the facts regarding watery sperm including its causes, treatments, and some effective tips to bring back thicker sperm. So, without further ado, let’s start.
Some women asked me frequently why is my husband’s sperm watery and clear. This article is going to cover your answer also. Read the full article & get your answer to the question, why is my husband’s sperm watery & clear? You also find the remedies from this article. So Let’s start!!!
To be clear, sperm can never be watery and clear. The white substance that a man ejaculates from his penis is the combination of fluids and sperms which is called semen. Semen is generated by the male reproductive system which is thick, whitish liquid, and viscous in nature.
Watery and clear sperm that is visible to our open eyes is actually semen with a lower sperm count or another condition. Sperm is a microscopic cell that’s produced by a male’s reproductive organ while semen is produced by the seminal vesicles and carries other fluids along with it.
Due to lifestyle factors, frequent ejaculation, lower sperm count, or any other medical condition a person ejaculates semen with lower volume that’s known as watery and clear semen.
There are several factors that can affect the thickness and volume of your semen. It differs from man to man. However, the average semen volume per ejaculation is roughly 2-5 cubic centimeters.
According to the World Health Organization, the standard semen volume can be 1.5-6.8 milliliters while the median semen volume is 3.7 ml.
While the standard sperm count per ejaculation ranges from 15 million sperm. If we consider per milliliter, the amount can be 200 million sperm/mL.
There are many people who often remain worried and asking; why is my sperm watery and clear?. However, if you’re also worried about it, the first thing you should know is whether your semen is normal or not.
Semen is usually whitish or greyish in color. However, for many people, it can be yellowish as well. When the semen is pink or red, it means there is blood in the semen. It may also indicate any other health condition. In this case, you should consult with a doctor.
If your semen is jelly-like globules, it means your semen is normal. Besides, you should notice whether your semen forms sticky liquid just after ejaculation, that’s also a sign of normal semen.
If the question is running through your mind, why is my sperm watery and clear? This portion is for you. As we mentioned before, we often interchange sperm and semen together. While they’re completely different terms.
However, your sperm can’t be watery and clear at all. The substance you’re ejaculating after sexual activity is your semen. Semen contains various fluids, as well as millions of sperms.
So, if you think your sperm is watery, you’re on the wrong track. Rather you’re ejaculating watery semen every time, which is not a good sign at all. So, here are some possible reasons why your semen is watery.
Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, is a common issue among numerous men. According to the World Health Organization, a man who produces less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen is supposed to be affected by oligospermia.
Low sperm count is considered the main reason why males ejaculate watery semen. However, there are several factors that can lead you to lower sperm count including:
Frequent ejaculation can also be responsible for producing watery semen. Usually, the sperm production period in our body is 72 hours, when you become very sexually active and having frequent sex, it might result in watery semen.
So, it’s better to maintain a proper frequency of your ejaculation, in short, don’t have excessive sex. If you still notice watery semen after maintaining the proper frequency of ejaculation, consult with a sex specialist.
Zinc plays a great supporting role in various essential functions of our body. Studies have shown that Zinc deficiency may result in poor semen quality as well as infertility. Our body can’t produce zinc itself, which means you need to eat foods that are rich in zinc.
If you notice a completely watery liquid before ejaculation, that means your penis erects pre-ejaculation fluid. This fluid carries a very low sperm count. It is often released during foreplay.
Several clinical studies have revealed that vitamin B12 deficiency can lower down sperm count. Vitamin B12 is crucial for sperm formation and cell replication in our body. This is why vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to low sperm count. Besides, a deficiency of vitamin D can reduce your sperm motility and may cause infertility.
Watery sperm mostly refers to the reduced consistency of semen. The effect of masturbation in lowering semen volume is related to the frequency of ejaculation. If you masturbate more frequently it may affect the sperm storage in your body and result in watery semen.
Watery semen is not a good sign at all. However, it can be more severe when it’s coupled with discoloration of your semen. Apart from watery semen, discoloration of semen also indicates an underlying medical condition alone.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, consult with a sex specialist immediately.
Pink, red, or brown semen is often considered the result of an infection in your seminal vesicles or the prostate gland. Sometimes it may be caused by cancer that’s underlying in your body. When your semen contains blood, it turns into red, pink, or brown color.
When your semen contains a small amount of urine it looks yellowish in color.
Infection of your seminal vesicle or prostate gland or urethra can result in yellow or green semen.
If don’t come to this point with the help of a table of content, you already know the reason for your husbands watery and clear sperm. One thing at this point you should not say watery sperm. But it would be watery semen. Another thing is how frequently you do sexual intercourse with your husband or boyfriend. It takes time to produce semen fluid and sperm. If the frequency is high then you will find your husband’s sperm watery and clear. Eventually, you are not satisfied with watery, clear & thin semen.
Don’t worry every problem have a solution. Just keep reading until finish, you will get an answer.
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Well, if you’re still living with the question mark, why is my sperm watery and clear? Take a look at the watery semen treatments mentioned below. This may eliminate all your confusion and tension as well.
Primary treatments of watery semen can be classified into two major categories, which are:
A balanced diet can ensure your body is getting the perfect amount of nutrients that are beneficial to your sperm production and maintaining sperm quality. There are several pills to increase sperm volume that boast a sufficient amount of essential vitamins that give you enhanced semen volume as well as overall sexual wellbeing.
However, still, you should take a healthy diet that incorporates all the essential vitamins. Try to eat foods that are rich in vitamin E, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and selenium.
There are numerous drugs and supplements available in the market that claim enhanced semen volume and many more. However, all of them are not safe at all. When it’s about watery semen remedies, you should go for something that comprises 100% natural ingredients.
You can try some tremendous pills to increase sperm volume that will give you an all-rounder performance in regard to sexual wellness. All of these supplements are made from pure natural ingredients and free from any side effects.
You can’t imagine how effective your lifestyle can be when it’s about treating watery semen. Sometimes any other remedies may not work unless a person changes his bad lifestyle. Here are some important tips to deal with your watery semen issue.
Why is my sperm watery and clear? It has become one of the most common questions both for young or older men. This is why we have tried to incorporate all the facts regarding watery sperm. Follow our tips and in case of severe issues, try proper medication on behalf of your doctor’s recommendation.
Watery sperm or watery semen can be a strong sign of low sperm count. It also indicates fertility problems of males. However, in most cases, it’s a temporary issue with few health concerns.
There is no strong relation between watery sperm and pregnancy. Watery semen often indicates lower sperm count that less commonly can affect the pregnancy of your partner.
There are a lot of foods that boost sperm production including eggs, spinach, bananas, maca roots, asparagus, dark chocolate, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, zinc-rich foods, and so on.
There are various home sperm count testing kits available in the market. You can purchase them from any pharmacy or online as well.
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So someone has just blessed you with the opportunity to ejaculate in or on them. Congratulations! What an honor. The climax of the show may be over, but how you proceed next will be a significant determining factor in whether you’ll ever have the opportunity to do it again. Just as with receiving consent and orchestrating how the big finale will occur, coordinating cleanup is essential. 
What’s the best way to go about it, you ask?
Well, first and foremost, you have to get your attitude right. For the next few minutes, you’re now a dutiful servant. You answer to your partner’s every need. More than that, you should be anticipating needs before they occur. These specific needs will vary depending on conditions. Say you finished on a person’s face , for example — they’re now more or less blind and incapacitated. If you finished inside someone, they may well be immobilized, too, not wanting to have it all come dripping out of them (same goes if you came on their ass or stomach — if they move, cum will go everywhere). Really, in almost any scenario, it’s going to be on you to get up and get something to aid in cleanup, and quickly, unless your partner says otherwise. 
That’s not always how things play out, though. Sometimes you don’t anticipate a hookup, and other times, all your cum towels are in the wash. In that case, they may just tell you to grab whatever, but do not literally just grab whatever. I hope this is obvious, but don’t hand them their own clothing to use as a cum rag. Similarly, don’t grab your own dirty clothing, except maybe a T-shirt if you’re really in a pinch. Likewise, don’t grab something that’s already covered in cum . Again, a clean towel or tissue is the best choice. 
If you go the tissue/toilet paper route, be generous in how much product you bring. A single tissue isn’t going to cut it. I’d say you want to bring at least three tissues, and, depending on the size of your nut, at least a forearm’s worth of toilet paper. Ask your partner if they’d like you to wipe up your cum for them, especially if it’s on their face, chest, stomach or ass. If you came inside of them, they may want to manage the cleanup themselves. After wiping up whatever surface cum you might have, they may also want to wash it away with water. Either help guide them to whatever they might need in the bathroom, or offer to bring them a wet washcloth. 
I’ve also previously written about a product called the Dripstick from Awkward Essentials . It’s basically a little sponge on a stick meant to be inserted vaginally to absorb cum. While I didn’t actually test it as intended and instead measured its absorption of skincare products in a bowl, I think the product works really well. For people having condomless sex and cumming in each other, it seems ideal — insert it after sex, and bam, no cleanup nec
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