Classmates Make The Best Friends Эссе

Classmates Make The Best Friends Эссе


I am one of the best friends of my class and I think that it is absolutely necessary to choose the best ones. I believe that no matter what you are going to do in life, you should have a good group of friends. The more friends you have, the more you can depend on them and they can be a good support for you. My best friend is very smart and kind, but she is also very kind. She is honest and sweet. She has a great sense of humor and she can make me laugh any time. We have a lot of fun together.
по английскому на тему friends
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I am a very lucky person because I have many friends.
We meet at school and at the same time we are in the same classes.
My friends are my best friends and I am proud of them.
All of them are very nice people.
For example, my best friend is a girl named Mary.
She is really funny and smart.
на английском
I’m very pleased to meet you.
My name is Sasha.
I am 13 years old and I live in the city of Moscow.
In my family we have 6 children - 3 boys and 3 girls.
We are all very fond of sports.
Our favourite games are football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and swimming.
On Saturdays we go to the local swimming pool and play there.
Two of my brothers are very good at swimming and they are often invited to swim competitions.
They are also good at football.
на английском языке
My schoolmates are the best friends of mine.
They are my classmates.
We meet each other every day.
Sometimes we talk about our studies, sometimes about the latest news, sometimes we play games or listen to music together.
I like to spend my free time with my friends.
My classmates are very active.
Some of them like sport and they are good at it.
Other students like reading and studying.
At the same time my schoolmates have a lot of fun.
о дружбе
Мы всегда ищем друзей, но не всегда находим их.
Но бывает и так, что мы находим настоящих друзей там, где и не ожидали.
В моей жизни был такой случай.
Я училась в одном классе с одной девочкой.
Мы были с ней очень дружны.
Она была первой подругой, которая меня поддержала, когда мои родители решили развестись.
Они развелись, и после того, как мы с мамой переехали, она не стала меня навещать и даже не позвонила.
Это было очень обидно, потому что мы очень много с ней общались.
Classmates Make the Best Friends
I have been in the same class for the past three years. I have always had good friends, but I don’t think I could have made them if it wasn’t for my classmates. All of them are really great, and I am really lucky to have them.

на английском языке с переводом и примерами
Classmates make the best friends
Эссе на тему: «My best friend»
I’m a happy person.
My best friends are a lot of people, but the person I love the most is my sister.
We have always been together since we were small.
She is only four years older than me and we are twins.
It is impossible to imagine our lives without her.
Whenever I get home from school, I always find her waiting for me.
When I come home she always asks what happened in school.
на английском языке
My best friend | My best friends | Classmates | Classmate
How to be a best friend?
I think that the best friends are people who are very close to each other.
You can talk to them about anything, they will understand you and will always be there for you.
They will never leave you, no matter what happens.
The best friends spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes they go out and play together, sometimes they just sit and talk about everything.
по английскому языку
My best friend is my classmate.
We have known each other since we were children.
He is a very kind, intelligent, good-natured and easy-going boy.
I like him very much.
My classmate is not very tall.
His hair is dark and curled.
It is long and thick.
He has short legs and very short arms.
But his face is very handsome.
There are two large blue eyes on it.
They are round and full of laughter.
When he laughs his whole face changes from round to oval.
Я люблю читать.
Мне нравится слушать музыку.
У меня есть много друзей.
В основном, наши отношения хорошие и дружеские.
Мы всегда играем вместе, развлекаемся.
Когда я не в школе, мы часто гуляем.
Если у меня есть время, я хожу в кино или в парк.
Иногда мы ходим в кафе или на каток.
Это здорово!
Когда у нас есть свободное время, мы играем в настольные игры.
Есть много настольных игр.
Некоторые из них очень сложные, и мы должны много думать.
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