Class modeling in foreign LTL: traditional and modern approaches - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

Class modeling in foreign LTL: traditional and modern approaches - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Class modeling in foreign LTL: traditional and modern approaches

Traditional and modern methods in foreign language teaching and learning. The importance of lesson planning in FLTL. Principles of class modeling. Typology of the basic models of education: classification by J. Harmer, M.I. Makhmutov, Brinton and Holten.

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Class modeling in foreign LTL: traditional and modern approaches
Human resources development is defined as one of priorities of Kazakhstan's 2020 Strategic Development Plan. [1]
There are achievable goals of quality development of human capital through investing in education. [1]
That is why teachers must pay a big attention to modernization of their lessons; it means they should use modern approaches to planning their lessons, because the efficacy and the success of the lesson depends on a lesson plan.
Ш Strategies to check student understanding [2]
To be a teacher is a very hard work, which inquires much labor and creativity. In the modern world it is a bit difficult to observe all the innovations, so we, as the students of pedagogical institute must use different modern approaches in our work. It is necessary to plan lessons properly. There is a plentity of lesson models which can help to make lessons more interesting and effective. After graduation from the institute we are facing an important decision. We have come to the point where we have to choose to follow eitherthe example of the teachers who we observed at school or the model presented to us in our institute during our studies. This makes an enormous difference inthe approach to the teaching itself and to the students. This is the relevance of the course paper.
The problem is that these days, especially at private schools and language schools, we have greatpossibilities in what a teacher can do with his or her students, in terms of teachingmethods, seating arrangement, visual aids, etc. With this freedom in teaching, we have as well an enormous number of ideas to use in our classrooms. A young teacher like me is discovering a great number of new ideas and activities all the time. However, since the time of our students is precious, one of the teacher's crucial tasks is to compare, analyze and evaluate the methods they use in order to motivate the students and to make the learning as effective as possible. In my course paper I focused on some techniques commonly used today. With a theoretical study of these methods, I will present how I will apply them in real classrooms and how they will work.
The topic of my course paper is `Class modeling in foreign LTL: traditional and modern approaches'.
The modern teacher should not only be fluent in the subject, methods, means and forms of organization of the educational process, but it should also apply to their work and modern technology training. The process of teaching and learning foreign languages in secondary schools is the object of the course paper. There are as traditional so modern methods of teaching second language, many teachers do not use most of them, and this is the subject of the course paper.
Hypothesis: If the teacher will use a variety of methods and approaches to class modeling correctly, he will be able to achieve the effectiveness of FLTL.
Goal: to consider principles of class modeling in foreign language teaching and learning.
ь to find out traditional and modern methods in foreign language teaching and learning;
ь to consider typology of lesson models;
ь to approbate the theory in the lesson plans.
Research methods: in the course paper we used theoretical and practical methods of research such as analyses of the publication, prediction of the obtainedresults, modeling the work on this course paper, approbation with the help of the lesson plan according the theme of the course paper.
The mast important reference is the fifth reference - Harmer, J. How to Teach English. (7th ed.) England, Edinburg 2001.
This research will be used in the teacher's practice and it will help teacher to make difference, to distinguish positive and negative sides of each approach and how he/she can use them.
This research consists of introduction, problem, topic, object and subject, hypothesis, goal and objectives and research methods. The first chapter is about traditional and modern approaches of class modeling and its principles. The second refers to different classifications of lessons' models. Also it shows the approbation of theory of the course paper. Also it concludes scientific basis and sphere of application.
1.1 The importance of lesson planning in FLTL
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching-learning process. Proper classroom planning will keep teachers organized, on track while teaching, thus allowing them to teach more, help students reach objectives more easily, and manage less. The better prepared the teacher is, the more likely she/he will be able to handle whatever unexpectedly happens in the lesson.
Planning is imagining the lesson before it happens. This involves prediction, anticipation, sequencing, organizing and simplifying. When teachers plan a lesson, they have to make different types of decisions, which are related to the following items:
1.3 Modern and traditional approaches to lesson modelling
Methods of teaching English have developed rapidly, especially in the previous 40 years. It is important that language learners and training managers, as well as teachers, understand the various methods and techniques so learner is able to navigate the market, make educated choices, and boost his enjoyment of learning a language. [7]
Within the general area of `methodology' we can talk about approaches, methods, techniques, procedures and models, all of which go into the practice of English teaching. These terms, though somewhat vague, are definable:
Approach: this refers to theories about the nature of language learning that serve as the source of practices and principles in language teaching'. An approach describes how language is used and how its constituent parts interlock- in other words it offers a model of language competence. An approach describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning. [8]
Method:a method is the practical realization of an approach. The originators of a method have arrived at decisions about types of activities, roles of teachers and learners, the kinds of material which will be helpful, and some model of syllabus organization. Methods include various procedures and techniques as part of their standard fare. [9]
Each teaching method is based on a particular vision of understanding the language or the learning process, often using specific techniques and materials used in a set sequence. The main methodologies are listed below in thechronological order of their development:
· Grammar Translation - the classical method
· Direct Method - discovering the importance of speaking
· Audio-lingualism - the first modern methodology
· Humanistic Teaching Approaches - a range of new holistic methods applied to language learning
· Communicative Language Teaching - the modern standard method
· Principled eclecticism - fitting the method to the learner, not the learner to the method
Each of the methods above is summarized individually on a separate page, including an overview of the various methods grouped under the category Humanistic Teaching Approaches and an explanation of the most common method currently - Communicative Language Teaching.
1.3.1 Traditional approach of class modeling in foreign LTL
A very typical feature of traditional methodology, as Broughton and his colleagues claim, is the “teacher-dominated interaction” (Broughton 22). The teaching is deeply teacher-centered.
Grammar-Translation Method (1890s-1930s): The Grammar Translation method embraces a wide range of approaches but, broadly speaking, foreign language study is seen as a mental discipline, the goal of which may be to read literature in its original form or simply to be a form of intellectual development. The basic approach is to analyze and study the grammatical rules of the language, usually in an order roughly matching the traditional order of the grammar of language, and then to practice manipulating grammatical structures through the means of translation both into and from the mother tongue.
The method is very much based on the written word and texts are widely in evidence. A typical approach would be to present the rules of a particular item of grammar, illustrate its use by including the item several times in a text, and practise using the item through writing sentences and translating it into the mother tongue. The text is often accompanied by a vocabulary list consisting of new lexical items used in the text together with the mother tongue translation. Accurate use of language items is central to this approach. [12]
Cognitive Approach (1940s-1950s): This approach introduced the four principle language skills for the first time: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Oral communicative competence became the focus. Comprehensible auditory input became important and speaking in the target language began to occur. Learning about the language was overemphasized. [4]
Audio-Ling ь al Method (1950s-1960s): With the advent and popularity of audio tapes, this approach ushered in the first recordings wherein the language learner could actually hear and mimic native speakers on reel-to-reel audio tapes, often used with earphones in a language lab setting. Lessons often began with a sample dialogue to be recited and memorized. This was followed up with substitution pattern and saturation drills in which the grammatical structure previously introduced was reinforced, with emphasis given to rapid fire student response. Repetition, substitution, transformation, and translation became the order of the day. This method was strongly influenced by B.F. Skinner's behaviorist view toward learning which favored habit-forming drill techniques. Unfortunately, most students couldn't transfer these dialogues into their own real-life experiences. [4]
The Direct Method (1970s): This approach, also known as the 'oral' or 'natural' method, originated around the 1900s as an alternative to the traditional grammatical translation method. At this time teachers were starting to experiment with teaching and educational models as previous techniques were failing to improve spoken communication.
This method presented discussion in the target language as the major priority. Reference to English equivalents became discouraged. Grammar learning became inductive in nature without overt explanations given the pupil. Teacher/student interaction became fuller, guessing of context or content, completing fill-ins, and doing “cloze” exercises were the order of the day. Accuracy in pronunciation and oral expression became vital. [4]
The Direct Method continues to provoke interest and enthusiasm today, but it is not an easy methodology to use in a classroom situation. It requires small classes and high student motivation, and in the artificial environment of a classroom it is difficult to generate natural situations of understanding and guarantee sufficient practice for everyone.
However, variants of this method have been developed where the teacher allows limited explanations in the student's native language and explains some grammar rules to correct common errors a student may make when speaking.
1.3.2 Modern approach of class modeling in foreign LTL
Unlike traditional methodology, modern methodology is much more learner-centered.
These lists definitely do not include all the methods a teacher can use. However, these methods can be used in a variety of activities, such as pre-teaching, listening for lexis, reading for lexis, using a dictionary, etc
It was first used in the United States of America, namely the School of Business at Harvard University. Case method - a method of active learning based on real-life situations. The essence of the case-study method is to use the organization of the learning process of specific learning situations, descriptions of certain conditions of life of the organization, group of persons or particular individuals, orienting students to the formulation of the problem, explore options for its solutions, and then collated in the classroom.
Case method can be successfully used in a foreign language classes, because this method is complex and contains all kinds of language skills: reading, speaking, writing, and listening. Students have a real opportunity to communicate in a foreign language through interaction with other members of the group and the teacher. The success of the case method depends on three main components: a quality of a case, students' and teacher's preparedness and readiness to organize work with a case and conduct discussions. [15]
The course project method in the FL can be used in the framework of the program material on almost any topic, as the selection of subjects is carried out taking into account the practical significance for the student (and his people). The main thing - is to formulate a problem that students will work in the course of work on the theme of the program. [16]
The modern methodology comprises a rich variety of methods which should have some common features: activities involving students and close to the real-life situations. To be effective, the methods follow after each other in a suitable order, and there should be a balance of teaching focused on different aspects of the language.
To summarize, we can say that methods of teaching foreign languages is a set of methods based on the same rules and having a common aim, e.g. to encourage students to use the language, involve the students in the lesson, or explain the language to students who have to listen attentively.
After analyzing different models of classes I came to the conclusion as follow: there are many types and classifications of lesson modeling. I tried and made some topologies of them which I'm going to describe below.
Picture 1. Types of FLTL classes by G. Harmer
PPP: presentation (setting up the situation, modelling the new language), practice (controlled and accurate drilling of six sentences) and production (students making `real' sentences about themselves).
PPP is frequently used for grammar patterns, dialogues and even vocabulary teaching. It is one of the methodological sequences, which has gained most acceptance throughout the English-Language-Teaching world, as any glance at textbooks will show.
ESA: in the ESA model three components will usually present in any teaching sequence, whether of five, fifty or a hundred minutes.
E stands for engage. The point here is that unless students are engaged with what is going on their learning will be less effective.
S stands for study and describes any teaching and learning element where the focus is on how something is constructed, whether it is relative clauses, specific intonation patterns, the construction of a paragraph or text, the way a lexical phrase is made and used, or the collocation possibilities of a particular word.
A stands for activate and this means any stage at which students are encouraged to use all and any of the language they know. Communicative activities, for example, are designed to activate the students' language knowledge. [3]
OHE/III: Michael Lewis claims that students should be allowed to Observe (read or listen to language) which will then provoke them to Hypothesise about how the language works before going on to Experiment on the basis of that hypothesis. Such description is close to the III of McCarthy and Carter (McCarthy and Carter 1995) where they show students examples of language like the transcripts of conversations (Illustration); they then give them discovery activities and questions about the language - for example how would you rewrite this spoken language formally? (Interaction) as a result of which, through such a noticing routine, students will grasp new facts about language (Induction). [3]
ARC: put forward by Jim Scrivener (1994a & b). This stands for Authentic Use of language (the kind of language used in communicative or creative tasks), Restricted use (which describes the kind of language used for controlled practice, in some course books and for tests, for example) and Clarification and focus (which refers to the language which is used to explain, demonstrate, give rules, provide substitution tables etc). For Scrivener lessons can be described in various ways by stringing together these 3 elements in various different orders, e.g. CRA (similar to PPP), RCR, CRCRCRCR etc. In Scrivener (1994b) he also provides global models of lessons, making a useful distinction between `Logical line' lessons (probably CRRA) and `Ragbag' lessons, for example. [3]
Picture 4. Classification of lessons by M.I. Makhmutov
Lesson to improve knowledge and skills includes the formation of the lesson and skills, the target and others. For example, lesson of independent work or workshop.
A lesson of generalization and systematization includes the main type of all five types of lesson. The lesson has to generalize student's knowledge of the theme and it may include many types of lesson, like kvn, conference, discourse and others.
A lesson of evaluation of knowledge, skills & abilities includes oral form of checks: front, individual and group interviews, when students get the situation and have to solve it.
And the fifth model of the lesson - mixed lesson is a combination of the first three types. Each teacher may use as many types as he wants to produce them during the lesson.
2.4 Classification by Brinton and Holten
This classification was made in 1997.
In pedagogical practice, foreign language learners have to work in creative and modern ways to cross disciplinary boundaries, incorporate the study of all finds of material in addition to the strictly literary, and promote wide cultural understanding through research and teaching. It is time for all language programs in all institutions to reflect this transformation.
I have made 5 lesson plans in order to approbate my research in this course paper and I tried to use different kinds of class modeling and models of lessons.
The first lesson's theme is “Traveling” and This lesson can be applies both to listening skills oriented type of the classical models of FLTL lesson and to ESA type of class model by G. Harmer.
Second lesson's topic is First and second conditionals. This lesson focuses on helping students improve their recognition of the structure and use it more frequently in conversation. The structure of the lesson plan is PPP.
The third's lesson's theme is “Men's best friend” and this lesson is intended to improve students' reading skillsincluding matching headings to paragraphs and considering information not found in the text.
The fourth lesson plan is directed to evaluation of pupils' knowledge, skills and abilities. The theme is“Cooking in Britain today”.
The fifth lesson topic sounds like “Negotiations: Building relationships”. This plan is for intermediate level. When we think of negotiations, we tend to focus on the hard negotiating skills connected with bargaining. In fact, many professional negotiators will confirm that the most important skill is effective relationship building. If there is trust and understanding between the two parties, the negotiation will be much more successful, as will the long-term business relationship between them.
This FLT lesson plan is on improving students' listening skills. This lesson can be applies both to listening skills oriented type of the classical models of FLTL lesson and to ESA type of class model by G. Harmer.
Aims: 1) educational - to teach some words at the theme Traveling
2) developing - to develop listening skills
Objectives: to listen to the text Traveling, to work with the tasks according the text, to learn new words. Students will be able to practice and improve their listening skills.
Materials: worksheets with tasks, recordings.
-Today, we are going to do listening and the theme of our lesson is Traveling.
-Do you like traveling? (yes, we do)
-So, the first task is to match up the expressions that are on the first card. I give you one minute to do this task and then we will check it.
-And next task is to tick the words you hear. Listen to the recording, be very attentive.
-So, which words have you heard? (Two hours, Heathrow, Transatlantic flights, Lipstick, An ordeal, Late)
-Now you should complete the text with the words given in the cards and then we will listen to the text again in order to check your answers. You have one minute.
-So, do you like traveling? (discussion)
-How many kilometers is it from your home?
-What else points can you say about your travel?
-Now, we are going to work with the fourth task in which you should tick the right variant. Listen the text again and be very attentive.
-First of all look through the handouts for one minute
-Let's check your answers. Read the sentences on by one and say it is correct or incorrect.
-Now listen to the text again and answer the questions on the fifth card.
-Now work in pairs, your task is to make a dialogue using this questions, one pupil will ask the questions and the other will answer them. You have two minutes.
-Listen to the recording once more, pay attention to the pronunciation. Write all verbs that you here.
-Here is the text to you listen and repeat after the recorder, try pronounce the words correctly.
Pre-listening vocabulary: match up the expressions
Pre-listening vocabulary: match up the expressions
Pre-listening vocabulary: match up the expressions
Picture 10 Task 3 key answers: Down, from, there, back, from, in, with, though, before, in, at, though.
This lesson focuses on helping students improve their recognition of the structure and use it more frequently in conversation. The structure of the lesson plan is PPP.
Aim: Improve recognition of the first and second conditional forms used in conditional statements, while inductively reviewing the structures.
Objectives: Reading Short prepared text with first and second conditional forms included, Speaking Replying to student generated conditional questions, Writing Developing structurally correct questions using the first and second conditionals
-Good morning students. (Good morning teacher)
- How are you today? (Very well, thank you)
- Now, students, please imagine the following situation: You have arrived home late at night and you find that the door is open to your apartment. What would you do? - (Refresh student's awareness of the conditional in this relaxed introductory portion of the lesson).
The next task is to look at the following sentences in the card #1 and work out which sentence above indicates each of the second part. -Now, your task is to read this text and underline all conditional structures.
-Work in groups, complete fill-in activity based on previous reading.
-Let's do the following work, in pairs prepare two “What if…” situations on a separate piece of paper using first and second conditionals and discuss it.
-Read two shot dialogue in the card 4. Underline conditional tenses.
-Write suitable questions for the given sentences in exercise 3.
-Make up a dialogue using first and second conditional using the dialogue in the card 4
-Look through your dialogues and play it to your classmates -our lesson is over. Thank you for your participation in it.
Activity 1: Working out what happens.
(a) Look at the following sentences:
1. If the weather improves by midday, we shall take a walk to the lake.
2. What will Joseph do if he does not pass his school certificate exams next year?
3. If she feels better tomorrow, she will be discharged.
4. If you put litmus paper in acid, it twins pink.
5. You will not open the door if you do not kick it hard.
Note: Each sentence follows the pattern: if + present + future (or present).
(b) Work out which sentence above indicates each of these:
(i) A fact that happens whenever a certain thing occurs or is done.
(ii) An action that may happen but is not certain until a change is seen.
(iii) Something that will not happen without a certain condition being fulfilled.
(iv) Something that will happen almost in the present time of saying (not the future).
(v) An uncertain condition based on something which has not yet happened.
[Answers (a) 4; (b) 4; (c) 5; (d) 1; (e) 2]
(c) Make your own five sentences each of which matches (a) to (e).
A: You'd better report to the headmaster's office.
A: You'd better not take that path to the village.
A: You'll find a python lying across it.
Exercise 1: Underline all conditional structures with either 1 (first conditional) or 2 (second conditional)
If you take a look at the handout, you'll find all the telephone numbers, addresses and other necessary information. If Tom were here, he'd help me with this presentation. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it today. OK, let's get started: Today's subject is helping guests with emergency situations. We'd certainly have a worse reputation if we didn't handle these situations well. That's why we like to review these procedures every year. If a guest looses his passport, call the consulate immediately. If the consulate isn't nearby, you'll have to help the guest get to the appropriate consulate. It would be great if we had some more consulates here. However, there are also a few in Boston. Next, if a guest has an accident which is not so serious, you'll find the first-aid kit under the reception desk. If the accident is serious, call an ambulance. Sometimes guests need to return home unexpectedly. If this happens, the guest might need your help making travel arrangements, re-scheduling appointments, etc. Do everything you can to make this situation as easy to cope with as possible. If there is a problem, the guest will expect us to be able to handle any situation. It's our responsibility to make sure ahead of time that we can.
Exercise 1: Underline all conditional structures with either 1 (first conditional) or 2 (second conditional)
If you take a look at the handout, you'll find all the telephone numbers, addresses and other necessary information. If Tom were here, he'd help me with this presentation. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it today. OK, let's get started: Today's subject is helping guests with emergency situations. We'd certainly have a worse reputation if we didn't handle these situations well. That's why we like to review these procedures every year. If a guest looses his passport, call the consulate immediately. If the consulate isn't nearby, you'll have to help the guest get to the appropriate consulate. It would be great if we had some more consulates here. However, there are also a few in Boston. Next, if a guest has an accident which is not so serious, you'll find the first-aid kit under the reception desk. If the accident is serious, call an ambulance. Sometimes guests need to return home unexpectedly. If this happens, the guest might need your help making travel arrangements, re-scheduling appointments, etc. Do everything you can to make this situation as easy to cope with as possible. If there is a problem, the guest will expect us to be able to handle any situation. It's our responsibility to make sure ahead of time that we can.
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct missing half of the sentence you'll have to help the guest get to the appropriate consulate you'll find all the telephone numbers, addresses and other necessary information the guest will expect us to be able to handle any situation if we didn't handle these situations well If Tom were here If this happens If a guest looses his passport call an ambulance If you take a look at the handout, _____. _____, he'd help me with this presentation. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it today. OK, let's get started: Today's subject is helping guests with emergency situations. We'd certainly have a worse reputation _____. That's why we like to review these procedures every year. _____, call the consulate immediately. If the consulate isn't nearby, _____. It would be great if we had some more consulates here. However, there are also a few in Boston. Next, if a guest has an accident which is not so serious, you'll find the first-aid kit under the reception desk. If the accident is serious, _____. Sometimes guests need to return home unexpectedly. ______, the guest might need your help making travel arrangements, re-scheduling appointments, etc. Do everything you can to make this situation as easy to cope with as possible. If there is a problem, _____. It's our responsibility to make sure ahead of time that we can.
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct missing half of the sentence you'll have to help the guest get to the appropriate consulate you'll find all the telephone numbers, addresses and other necessary information the guest will expect us to be able to handle any situation if we didn't handle these situations well If Tom were here If this happens If a guest looses his passport call an ambulance If you take a look at the handout, _____. _____, he'd help me with this presentation. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it today. OK, let's get started: Today's subject is helping guests with emergency situations. We'd certainly have a worse reputation _____. That's why we like to review these procedures every year. ____, call the consulate immediately. If the consulate isn't nearby, _____. It would be great if we had some more consulates here. However, there are also a few in Boston. Next, if a guest has an accident which is not so serious, you'll find the first-aid kit under the reception desk. If the accident is serious, _____. Sometimes guests need to return home unexpectedly. ______, the guest might need your help making travel arrangements, re-scheduling appointments, etc. Do everything you can to make this situation as easy to cope with as possible. If there is a proble
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