Civilian Calls Hongkongers to Stand in Unity to Fight Against Corrupt Police and Authoritarian Government

Civilian Calls Hongkongers to Stand in Unity to Fight Against Corrupt Police and Authoritarian Government

“It is Now a Fascist Society. If the Government Doesn’t Mess With You Today, They Will the Next Day”

-- A Civilian in Hong Kong, August 30, 2020

The is a #FirstHand interview conducted by #GoHK with a civilian in Hong Kong near Prince Edward Station at around 20:30 on 30 August 2020.

In the face of injustice, the encroachment of rights and police brutality, the civilian calls for Hongkongers to stand in unity to fight against the corrupt police and the authoritarian government.

The following is the transcript of the interview:


Interviewer: How would you comment on the behavior of the Hong Kong Police and their operations during anti-ELAB movement? 

Civilian: I won't call these people police officers. There are but totalitarianism and evil cops left in Hong Kong, oppressing citizens in the city. No such injustice matters would ever happen around the globe except for in fascist society. How can they use such unnecessary force against unarmed civilians? 

Interviewer: Police released investigation findings about the 7.21 incident last year in past couple of weeks. What’s your view about the police investigation? 

Civilian: These reports are full of lies. I see these reports as nothing more than a smokescreen ruthlessly attempting to cover their own flaws, while shifting the blame to the innocent people that had been seriously injured that evening. The truth will be safeguarded as part of Hong Kong history and won’t be easily obscured by such lies. 

Interviewer: Why do you think Hong Kong people are so triggered by 721 incident and the Police’s investigation report? 

Civilian: Of course, we Hongkongers are triggered. These evil cops are deliberately distorting the truth, hiding the truth and even erasing the truth to cover-up their alleged collusion with mobsters. This is intolerable.  

I believe, no one would believe these evil cops. This is like when the CCP government wrecked One Country Two Systems in Hong Kong, which shocked the whole world, so no country will ever trust the Chinese government. 

Trust is easy to break even between fathers-and-sons. If my father repeatedly lies to me for multiple times, I will stop trusting him. 

Interviewer: If the police force releases more of their investigation findings on 721 incident in the future that citizens find them unfair and prejudice. What do you foresee will happen in Hong Kong?

Civilian: I foresee totalitarianism and a police state where the evil police could arrest whoever they want and use whatever force they see fit. They might walk over to you and charge you for violating the gathering ban.  

I am just an ordinary man, but I believe in justice. I felt helpless as these evil police are intimidating and too strong for ordinary citizens to fight on their own.  

Just a few days ago in Yuen Long, police arrested a young girl, probably only 12 or 13 years old. She was terrified and cried for help, but in no avail. No one on the scene came for her assistance. If I was there, I will stand up for her and ask the police for a reason to arrest her. 

This is a totalitarian society, a failed state, and police state, stripping citizens of their rights and freedom. This is no difference than a fascist society. You won’t imagine any of these injustice happenings occur in a democratic society. 

We Hongkongers have to stand together in solidarity, so as to fight against totalitarianism and evil police. We also have to protect young people who risk their lives fighting against injustice. 

What is the value of living being wronged and constrained? I tell my sons, you can become another man again after 18 years post-reincarnation. No need to fear death, right? If you're afraid, you will get bullied. In the airport, I saw there was a young guy who kicked a cop to save his girlfriend. Why? Because if she was arrested, there would be no point in living, that was his motivation.

Why has the truth of 8.31 not been exposed yet? Because we live under fascism. Only one person makes the decisions, and they can tell you what they want. You want the truth? Go down in Hell and ask the Devil.

[But] there are tens of thousands against a hundred cops, how many guns do they [cops] have? How many can they kill? Unity is power. If we don’t unite, everything is screwed. Then they can arrest you, kill you whenever.

This is what fascists do. The government does whatever it feels like to. It kills people when it feels like to. There have been over 700 unexplained deaths all over Hong Kong. Some fell from buildings, and there was no investigation. A taxi drove into a girl and broke both her legs, and the driver wasn't charged. A cop shot a student in Sai Wan Ho, and he wasn't charged. Now that [pro-democracy lawmaker] Ted Hui wants to sue them, the government says he can't.  

This is now a Fascist society. If the government doesn’t mess with you today, they will the next day. Every HongKonger is in danger, even the rich people with their assets. Look at how Jackie Chan’s mansion was taken away in China. He’s a supporter of CCP!

[Because Beijing] has no money now and they must come after everyone, after losing so much money on the Belt & Road Initiative.

That’s all I have to say.

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