Cite Latex

Cite Latex


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created at 05-26-2021
views: 5

@article { kowarik2016imputation ,
title = { Imputation with the R Package VIM } ,
author = { Kowarik , Alexander and Templ , Matthias } ,
journal = { Journal of Statistical Software } ,
volume = { 74 } ,
number = { 7 } ,
pages = { 1 -- 16 } ,
year = { 2016 } ,
publisher = { UCLA , Dept . of Statistics }

\ begin { document }

 \ bibliographystyle { styleName } # style
  \ bibliography { References } # database name

\ end { document }

\ documentClass { article }

\ usepackage { natbib }

\ begin { document }

  \ bibliographystyle { plainnat } # style
  \ bibliography { References } # database name

\ end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage { natbib }

\begin { document }
\bibliographystyle { plainnat } # style name
\setcitestyle { round } # set the bracket to be round

\title { A Word Can Be Used in a Sentence Many Ways }
\author { Geoer }
Now,is it good \citep { de2012 } \\
cite2 \citet { Abbas2019 }

\bibliography { yourReference } # database name
\end { document }





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In this article, we are going to talk about how to cite references in LaTex document. Two basic things of the citing in LaTex are: a database file contains all reference items; and a package determines how your text-citations and bibliographies will be styled. 
Don't be scared by this title, you don't need any professional knowledges to do this. But here we would give a short introduction of the database-like file we would use. Then we introduce two simple ways to generate or build our "database" file.
A database is a .bib file which stores bibliographies in the format of fields, here is an example:
the rest parts of this record are "what you see is what you get", they store information of a single bibliography into several pieces of key-value pairs, just like a database does.
First, in our .tex document, before the \end{document} mark, we add a statement:
this sentence tells latex to insert bibliographies here, myReference is the name of my database file ( myReference.bib ) without extending, this file hasn't been created yet.
Once we type in this statement, in the Structure box on the left, a drop-down menu call BIBLIOGRAPHY will be generated, click the + symbol and we will see the same name we've just typed in in the declaration:
click this name and the TeXstudio will ask us to create the database file, because we haven't created it before:
choose yes and we get an empty database file in our structure:
repeat this work whenever you want to add a reference into your document.
This method would be quite convenient when we need to insert numbers of references into our latex document. We need extra tools to generate a database for us.
There are many reference managers or document readers, like Mendeley, JabRef, EndNote, etc. depends on which one your are using. Normally, they all would have the function to export references as a .bib file.
In my case, I use Mendeley , since its free. By the way, JabRef is free too, but there is some problem with the recent Windows version (can't run), but sounds it is also a good one to try in future.
done. Note the .bib file and .tex file should be at the same folder.
After getting our database ready, now we are going to use it to insert citations and bibliographies into our text.
In this step, the only thing we need to care for is the \bibliographystyle{} , we would add this statement like:
There are many styles we can choose, either from official or contributions from users. One of the most recommended styles is the natbib package because:
this package can meet most of our needs for citation styles
its is also well documented ( document )
then compile the document and check the preview.
The last thing need to mention is compiling. There are two ways for compiling, keyboard shortcut and command line.
No matter what editors you are using, they would provide shortcuts for you to compile conveniently. For example, in TeXstudio, click the Tools button on top menu bar, and you will see:
The commands listed below should work equally well in a Windows, Unix/Linux, or Mac environment.
In the command line or terminal, first navigate to the location where your .tex file is saved. The following commands can then be used:
latex [filename].tex will compile [filename].tex and output the file [filename].dvi
pdflatex [filename].tex will compile [filename].tex and output the file [filename].pdf
You can also use the command line/terminal to convert between different file types. For example:
dvips -o [filename].ps [filename].dvi will convert [filename].dvi into a PostScript file named [filename].ps
dvipdfm [filename].dvi will convert [filename].dvi into a PDF file named [filename].pdf
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Managing Citations in LaTeX - LaTeX - LibGuides at ...
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LaTeX: Bibliographies and Citation
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Cite Latex

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