Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised Females

Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised Females


This question came up as my bro was taking to me about how his girlfriend thought it was weird that he was circumcised. I was like "No its not, that's effing normal," and a lot of people agreed with me. But another girl said that all the guys she had been with were uncircumcised, and its weird to be circumcised. Wtf? I don't think it is, its normal. Why would some girls think this? I need some perspective on this one.
Oh by the way, forgot to mention that I myself am circumcised. Don't know if that makes a difference, lol.
Girls, do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised?
4.3K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
I don't have a preference.

As far as what's normal goes, it depends on what you mean by "normal".

I mean, uncircumcised is "normal" in the sense that it's the natural state.

If you mean normal in the sense of most common, that depends on things like cultural practices, location, or generation. In some places, the majority of men are uncircumcised, in others, the majority of men are circumcised. Practices also change over time. In North America, for example, there was quite some time where it was routine practice to circumcise male babies. Today, both the Canadian Pediatric Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics have deemed circumcision medically unnecessary and most hospitals will no longer do routine circumcisions. As our views and knowledge about circumcision change, the prevalence of the practice also changes. Some people are still adamant about getting their sons circumcised, but I think that over time, it will become less and less common.

On a personal level, if girl has had more experience with one or the other, she might see the type she's seen more often as more "normal".
I prefer uncircumcised. But niether one is "normal". That's a stupid thing to say. Millions of men are circumcised and millions are uncircumcised. I wish people would stop obsessing over this's really not a big deal. I'll take whichever my boyfriend happens to be wether circumcised or uncircumcised, it's not "weird" to be with either of the two. Some girls are just ignorant and only like what they're used to and won't even consider the other.

Note: not saying that having a preference is ignorant, I'm saying it's ignorant to say "I hate uncircumcised, it's weird" even though that girl has never been with an uncircumcised man so she doesn't even know what it's like or what the difference is. *saying that because I'm sure some people will take it the wrong way, so go ahead down vote me all you want but I don't care*
I think it's close minded to "hate" any form of normal and healthy genitalia. Seriously, what has society come to if we're *this* picky about genitals. Girls really shouldn't have a standard on it, just like guys shouldn't have a standard on a females genitals(outie or innie)
No no I was being completely serious (in a joking manner lol). Yeh it really shouldn't matter, I'm so glad there are normal girls out there that don't seem to give a crap. I need to get away from these weirdos I live with lol.
I agree. That's why I said I'll take whichever my boyfriend has. It really doesn't matter (not to me anyway). I said I prefer uncircumcised, but that doesn't mean I dislike circumcised penises.
I'm a virgin so this is probably irrelevant

But I like the look of uncircumcised more.

That being said, as long as a guy has good hygiene, is clean with no STD's/STI's, I wouldn't be turned off by any penis.

It's normal in some cultures, abnormal in others.

If a chick has a standard for penis, then she's a f***tard

Someone anti-circumcision dudes are gonna attack this question and spam all of the girls who say "circumcised" with some sappy, no one gives a fudge story.
... and so the downvotes have begun lmao
Im upvoting this just to counter that prediction Good answer!

down votes?

please this is up votes all the way with all the anti-circumcision dudes.


Just because you wouldn't be turned off by any penis based on looks doesn't mean girls who are turned off are f*cktards.
No, they are. Having a standard for genitalia is ridiculous and absolutely moronic. If you're basing a relationship off of genitalia, then that isn't a relationship. It's one thing to have a preference for circumcised or uncircumcised, but it's another for a standard. A standard which makes one come across as immature and unrealistic.
Yes "down-votes have begun" as in it was ... you know ... a joke agreeing with her statement, seeing as how everyone's answers before she pointed it out, were getting -1
@udolipixie You must be one of those girls that say (Your UNCIRCUMCISED!! EWWW gross) when you have never experienced one to begin with.
Just think, you're having a very exciting yet very scary encounter with a guy never been with as far as sex and you want this to happen very badly because you're developing feelings for them and it's a very special moment for you and he hold your panties off and then exclaims are you gross you have p**** lips and then leaves. Imagine how hurt offended and disgusted with yourself you would feel. It would be absolutely devastating and you would live the rest of your life in fear with every single person you would come in contact with and rather they say they like it or not you will never know the truth. Just think about that because that's what happened to me and I have been with about 39 people and only one of them the second person I ever slept with was the one that did that the rest of them loved it or so they claimed I will still never know
3.1K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Uncircumcised is more normal as everybody is born like that

mainly in America people do it and some girls like it that way due to conformity snd that's what they always see

In the UK not a lot of people get it done so there isn't much of that problem over here
2.8K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Well normal implies the cultural norm, I am assuming you live in the US which has 60-70% of men circumcised. In the US, it is the cultural norm to be cut however elsewhere, 80% of the rest of the world are uncut which would make it normal elsewhere to not be cut.
Yeh I simply think that both ways it should be considered "normal." Its not like someones life it on the line, it just penis, and in this case its just some skin off a d***. Shouldnt be that big of a deal.
Girls, do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised dicks?
Girls, do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised men?
Girls! Do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised?
Girls, Do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised?
2.2K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Who cares ... its just skin. The practice circumcision is normal in certain parts of the world, others not so much. Most girls don't get a chance to see a wide variety of penises up close, so they base what's normal or not upon their experiences. Most girls could care less which their boyfriend has.
Yeh I was just surprised that both girls would be so adamant about it. It is really just skin!
100+ opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Both are normal. I've seen both types. For aesthetic reasons I prefer circumcised but for practicality I prefer uncircumcised lol...practicality meaning for bjs/hjs. couldn't think of a better word lol
It made you look like a nerd

Using "big" words and all
LOL, w8 w8 w8, how would it be practical? Seriously, elaborate xD!
lol I mean its easier for me to give hjs and bjs to uncircumcised guys. the skin moves so its easier. I always feel like I'm hurting the guy if he's circumcised.
Ooooh I understand now lol. Ill try not to think about that too hard... YUCK lol!
i'm backing up the answerer on this one. and for the same reasons. *nods* ... and thumbs up for the "big words".. it shows you have at least half a brain and don't have to dumb down your conversational skills.
Whats the matter? Feeling a little UN- secure ROTF🤣 Who WOOD- have ever though a UN damaged
penis would be better for the female to interact with
during a sexual encounter hahahaha and honestly its true litteraly every woman I've been with says the same thing
1.9K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Circumcised only.

As for the girl people have different opinions on what's normal.
Why circumcised only though? Is there something wrong with not being circumcised? Or is it just a personal policy for you?
Why circumcised only though? preference

Is there something wrong with not being circumcised? nothing wrong just won't date him

Or is it just a personal policy for you? don't understand this one
LOL! I am cut...shall I get divorced?...oh that's right...u are not enamored of the Jurassic Era...
Lol I have no idea what taster is talking about xD

Personaly policy just means something you have decided from the get-go to like or not like. Like the kkk not liking black people, no matter how nice they are or something like that lol.
Yeah that personal policy is just not me.
so, when you first meet a guy, do you ask him if he's cut, so you can decide if you want to date him?
There may come a time in your life when you're going to meet a man can you fall in love with and he's going to be uncircumcised are you going to change your mind for real I have changed like 20 females Minds down here in the south and it's absolutely crazy how dumb and close-minded these people are who gives a flying f*** about it sure you may like cut cocks better but don't rule out and uncut cock because your mom or your grandma or your daddy said that they're gross the fact of the matter is circumcised penises I have been found to contain weigh more bacteria due to the simple fact they think because they're circumcised they don't have to wash as well when in fact a circumcised penis forms folds of skin when it is not hard trapping bacteria and causing smegma to appear furthermore with the whole thing about foreskin being gross in America uncut guys have a tendency to make sure they are clean way better than others debunking the b******* about them being gross and did you know women with intact men rate the sex with their partner being way better than when they were with circumcised Men by a factor of 100
883 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
The only normal one here is the one that's uncircumcised since that's how you're born.
100+ opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
circumcised, and t's completely normal to be circumcised
980 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
have only seen a circumcised penis so I will go with that
I have a 9 inch long 3inch across magnum size penis with a short foreskin meaning the skin goes right up to the edges of the head when soft but when im hard it goes back halfway down the shaft.
if you pull on it lightly there is enough to ride back and forth on the shaft with out lube and it am always clean and have never had dick cheese what ever that is.. but ad far as sex it stays back and you get that friction plus the gliding motion from the skin that aids in the female reaching orgasm... the 38 women I've been with
will tell you its actually better than being with a cut guy and that until me they always thought uncut penises were little smelly cheese filled aardvarks.
NOT TRUE... so would you turn me down if we were dating and in the bedroom about to share all with eachother (in a romantic way not just fuvking)
and you reached down there and felt a little bit of extra movment on my cock? keep in mind that almost ALL UNCIRCUMCISED penises look just like circumcised ones when hard...
it was a fasion for a while but its like treating for cancer before you get it when your born they used to always cercumsized but its not sure you'll need it cause I'm uncercuside and never had a probleme
Sounds like you had an uncut penis and then got it circumcised
had as in been with.. lets use your head
^Lol. "Lets use our head." That's what she said! XD

It was sarcasm, sorry nobody got it
I prefer circumcised, but I speak only for myself
have you ever been with a intact man?
239 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
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I think circumcised is gross. bleck.
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Want to know how circumcision works? Click here!
Circumcision: What do women prefer?
For many men, deciding whether or not to get circumcised can be influenced by many factors, not the least of which is where women stand when it comes to the circumcised vs. uncircumcised debate. It’s not surprising that for many men considering whether or not to become circumcised, the prevailing question often becomes: Do women prefer circumcised men? And while those who oppose circumcision will tell you either that women don’t care or that women prefer men to be uncircumcised, research data say that’s just not true. In fact, several surveys and studies have shown that in addition to the substantial health benefits of male circumcision, there are also sexual benefits including a greater physical appeal to women. Consider these facts from recent studies and surveys:
Circumcision is also associated with important health benefits for women as well as men. Multiple studies have demonstrated that circumcision reduces the likelihood of transmitting diseases like syphilis, HIV and genital herpes, as well as a lower risk for transmitting the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which has been associated with the development of several types of cancer, including cervical cancer and penile cancer. The decision to be circumcised is one which can help ensure both you and your partner reduce the risks of these and other diseases.
The bottom line is this: Getting circumcised is a highly personal decision; while studies provide compelling evidence in favor of circumcision, the best course of action is to speak with a doctor to discuss all your concerns so you can make your decision with confidence.
For parents, having a baby with a hidden or “buried” penis can be upsetting, especially if it means delaying a planned-for circumcision. But in fact, buried penis is not uncommon, and in most cases, it will resolve on its own by the time the child ...
So you or your son has undergone a previous circumcision. Have you noticed something might be wrong with the circumcision site, or maybe something just seems “off”? The following are indications that a circumcision revision may be required. ...
Circumcision or “Tulì” in the Filipino community is a long-standing tradition and rite of passage for boys. It’s a major step for toward adulthood in Filipino culture. Richly woven into the society, the practice dates back to at least the 17th century...
Choosing a healthcare provider is an extremely personal decision. Doctor-patient interactions are one of the most important relationships in a person’s life. The healthcare professional should know what is best for you when it comes to health and the ...
With any procedure, it is important to know what complications are possible. Proper education and preparation before a procedure are important to minimize the possibility of a poor outcome. It also helps patients and their families make informed ...
Gentle Circumcision Clinic uses advanced pain management techniques that vary based on the age of the person receiving care. Pain control is OUR priority for ALL patients. To manage discomfort and pain following each procedure, we select options ...
Gentle Circumcision, Culver City, CA
Address: 9808 Venice Boulevard, Suite 602, Culver City, CA 90232

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Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised Females

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