Cinema Is Much Younger Than Theatre

Cinema Is Much Younger Than Theatre


Cinema Is Much Younger Than Theatre
The first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Btothers of France. The Russian film industry was now going its own way. New era in films - the “talkies”. The possibilities of the cinema were considered to be unlimited.

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Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born at the end of the 19th century. The first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Btothers of France. They did this on the 20th February 1896 at the Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines, Paris. This was the first cinema show and it was quickly followed by many others in all parts of the world. All the 1996 we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of cinematography.
Since then a new era has begun - the era of cinematography. It rapidly spread all over the world and very soon turned into one of the most popular arts and entertainments. The twentieth century may rightfully be called the century of cinematography.
The first films showed moving people and transport or newsreels of processions and wars, and short comedies. In 1901 France was the first country to produce a dramatic film, The Story of a Crime, which was followed by The Great Train Robbery in the United States in 1903.
At first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. By 1908, special film theatres were being built to give regular programmes. At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World. Charlie Chaplin made his first film, Making a living, in 1914 in the USA. At that time the world was crazy about Charlie, that was created by Charlie Spencer Chaplin. His Charlie, small and clumsy yet kind-hearted, generous and brave, has attracted the hearts of simple people in different countries. Sometimes they would stand in long queues to see a film with their favourite actor. The first films in the West were mainly melodramas or comedies.
The Russian film industry was now going its own way. It produced such great films as Protazanov's The Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius (1918). Both films starred Ivan Mosjoukin, the famous actor. A little later Russia's great achievement in cinema was connected with its directors such as Eisenstein (The battleship “Potemkin”), Pudovkin (Mother), Kuleshov (By the law), Dovzhenko (Earth), and others.
Then, in 1927, Warner Brothers in Hollywood made the first film in which an actor sang and spoke. The film was called Jazz Singer. It opened a new era in films - the era of the “talkies”. The film mostly told its story with titles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. There were long lines of people in front of the Warner Theatre in New York. The silent film was dead within a year. The first one hundred percent sound film. Lights of New York, appeared in 1928. The first colour films were made in the 1930s, but the black-and-white films are made even today.
Not long ago, the possibilities of the cinema were considered to be unlimited. No theatre could ever hope for such a great audience and such a broad variety of technical means in dealing with artistic problems. Nowadays, with the introduction of home video-cassette recorders, the situation has changed. The cinema is steadily losing its former positions, and the cinema attendance is rapidly declining. But since 1984, many multiplexes and cinema complexes have been built, which has encouraged more people to go to the cinema.
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Cinema is much younger than theatre . It was born at the end

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Письменные и устные упражнения по теме Cinena / Кино
1. Read the text and make the exercises below.
The modern theatre developed from the Ancient Greek one, so it has several millennia of history.
Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born at the end of the 19 th century. The first people who showed the first films to a paying public were the Lumière [‘lu:mieə] Brothers of France. They did this at the Grand Café, Boulevard des Capucines [‘bu:ləva:də,kɔpu’tʃini], Paris, on the 20 th February 1896. This was the first cinema show and it was quickly followed by many others in all parts of the world. The first films showed moving people and transport or newsreels [‘nju:zri:lz] of processions and wars, and short comedies. In 1901 France was the first country to produce a dramatic film, The Story of a Crime , which was followed by The Great Train Robbery in the United States in 1903.
At first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. By 1908, special film theatres were being built to give regular programmes. At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World. Charlie Chaplin made his first film, Making a Living , in 1914 in the USA.
The Russian film industry was now going its own way. It produced such great films as Protazanov’s The Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius [‘sə:ʤiəs] (1918). Both films starred Ivan Mosjoukhin, the famous actor. A little later Russia’s great achievement in cinema was connected with its directors such as Eisenstein [‘aizinstain] ( The Battleship “Potemkin” ), Pudovkin ( Mother ), Kuleshov ( By the Law ), Dovzhenko ( Earth ), and others.
Then, in 1927, Warner Brothers in Hollywood made the first film in which an actor sang and spoke. The film was called Jazz Singer . It opened a new era in films – the era of the “talkies”. The film mostly told its story with titles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. There were long lines of people in front of the Warner Theatre in New York. The silent film was dead within a year. The first one hundred percent sound film, Lights of New York , appeared in 1928. The first colour film were made in the 1930s, but the black-and-white films are made even today.
2. What country produced the first dramatic film?
3. Why is the film Jazz Singer important in the history of cinema?
4. How many names of films, actors and directors mentioned in the text can you remember?
Exercise 2. Translate into English .
2. хроники новостей, показывающие процессии и войны
3. искусство кино быстро развивалось
4. великие достижения России в области кинематографии
Exercise 3. Find in the text the names of these films.
2. Match the names of these films with their types.
a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future
a film about criminals and detectives
a film with lots of music and dance
a film about cowboys and life in the Wild West
a film in which mysterious and frightening things happen
1. You tell the actors what to do: you are
2. Your uncle is financing the film. What is he called?
3. Your sister created the story and wrote the actors’ words. She is:
4. The person who puts all the different pieces of the film together is called:
4. Guess what genres these films can be referred. Name them:
5. Match the first names with the surnames of famous directors.
6. Match the name of famous directors with their portraits.
Woody Allen David Fincher Alfred Hitchcock Lars von Trier Ingmar Bergman Bernardo Bertollucci Francis Ford Coppola Steven Spielberg Robert Zemeckis Federico Fellini the Coen brothers Roman Polanski Stanley Kubrick Andrei Tarkovsky
7. Match the names of famous directors with their films.
Jaws; Indiana Jones; Jurassic Park; Schindler’s List; Saving Private Ryan
Last Tango in Paris; Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man; Stealing Beauty; The Dreamers
Fargo; Bad Santa; Romance & Cigarettes; Burn After Reading
Rosemary’s Baby; The Ninth Gate; The Pianist; La Vénus à la fourrure
2001: A Space Odyssey; A Clockwork Orange; The Shining; Full Metal Jacket
City of Women; And the Ship Sails On ; 8  1 ⁄ 2 ; La Dolce Vita
Ivan’s Childhood; Andrei Rublev; Solaris; The Mirror; Stalker
I Wanna Hold Your Hand; Who Framed Roger Rabbit; Back to the Future; Death Becomes Her; Forrest Gump; The Reaping
Mario Puzo’s The Godfather; Apocalypse Now; Sleepy Hollow
Rope; Rear Window; Psycho; The Birds; Vertigo
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask; Love and Death; New York Stories: Oedipus Wrecks
Fight Club; The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; The Social Network
Music in Darkness; Wild Strawberries; The Virgin Spring; All These Women; Fanny and Alexander
Nymphomaniac; Dancer in the Dark; Dogville; Antichrist; Melancholia; The House that Jack Built
8. Listen to the songs from famous Soviet films and match their names with the names of those films.
Suddenly the door creaked like in a fairy tale…
The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!
9. Match the photos of the famous actors with their names.
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