Chubby Penetration

Chubby Penetration


Chubby Penetration

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If you've ever worried that you're not “big enough” down there… don't worry.
I've had a lot of the same fears as you.
A lot of times, I tell people I'm “about average” down there…
But according to the Boston Medical Group, the average penis size of American men is 5.57 inches.
So if I'm being 100% honest… I'm actually below average in that department.
Yeah, for a while I was pretty embarrassed about it…
But then I thought, “Hey, being embarrassed about my d!ck size isn't going to make it grow…”
Quick Note: If you're serious about adding some size, WATCH THIS VIDEO – It's pretty crazy!
So instead of being all down in the dumps about my size (or lack thereof)…
I decided to harden the hell up … and figure out the best ways to make sex feel as good for the girl as if I had some 11-inch monster dong.
And one thing consistently came up more than anything else…
More than anything else… when a woman says she “likes big penises” or “prefers a bigger d!ck”… she's actually not being 100% truthful.
That's because what women want isn't just “having a big penis” inside of them…
They just want for a guy to be able to hit any “spot” inside of them.
The most famous of these spots is probably the “G spot” –the walnut-shaped patch of fleshy skin 2-3 inches up and inside of a woman's vagina.
It's also known as a woman's “Anterior Fornix” or “A-Spot”… and many women say it feels really good.
A woman who goes by “Katie” on Vice describes how she discovered her A-Spot:
“After many months of incorporating clitoral stimulation into intercourse and finding that it enabled my orgasms during PIV, I started to notice that things always felt especially good when my partner would thrust very deep. It clicked that this might be the anterior fornix I’d read about. After I figured that out, I started experimenting on my own with sex toys that could reach that spot, and doing a lot of reading about it.” [ 1 ]
The A-Spot is 3 inches or so beyond the G-Spot… fairly deep inside of a woman:
Do the math: if it's 3 inches to a woman's G-Spot…
And another 3 inches to her A-spot…
And most guys are 5.57 inches or less…
Then a woman is with a guy who can hit her A-Spot less than half the time.
Take out the guys who are above-average-endowed but don't know the secrets I'm about to show you…
And it's actually very rare that a woman encounters a guy who can reliably hit her A-Spot… and make her climax really hard… and give her multiple “rolling” orgasms…
So if you can do it reliably… then every time that girl is horny… she'll blow you up with texts since you can give her something she can't get anywhere else!
And the easiest way to hit her A-Spot reliably?
Look at the diagram above–if a guy has a d!ck that's too big… it's not going to hit a girl's A-Spot reliably either. It'll slide on past… and she won't get the really intense orgasms she craves from that.
So there's actually a great opportunity here: for guys with below-average-sized penises… who can make the most out of what they've got … and use the three brand new sex positions you're about to learn to reliably hit her A-Spot every time you have sex…
All three of these positions are designed to hit a girl's A-Spot even if you aren't particularly well-endowed.
Essentially, they position the girl so that her A-Spot is moved forward, and is easier for you to reach.
So instead of six inches… you'll hit it at 3-5 inches.
And as long as you're hard enough during sex … this should result in a legs shaking… sheet-soaking… panting… moaning… incredible orgasm for her… (or even multiple orgasms in a row)… that she'll come running back to you for whenever she's horny.
As pictured, this is one where the girl puts her legs all the way behind her head.
Then you get on top, like regular missionary position, and enter her.
Don't put too much weight on her body–instead, put the majority of your weight on your knees when you enter her.
Some women like it when you “hammer” her for a while, and then just go as slow and deep as you can for a few strokes.
Often, this is the “secret recipe” for you to hit the A-Spot.
If she tells you to “hold it” where you are for a second or two, you've probably hit pay dirt.
Favored by businessmen and their secretaries for some “afternoon delight” for decades, the Shoulder Holder is great because it allows you to get really deep inside of her.
All you do is have her lay on the bed and raise her legs straight in the air.
Kneel in front of her and put a leg on each of your shoulders.
This should naturally pull her vagina forward, and allow you to get deeper inside her faster than you normally would.
Many times this will allow you to hit the A-Spot pretty continuously. WARNING: this can lead to multiple orgasms quickly… or even squirting (!)
This is a modified doggy style / take her from behind position that gets really deep inside of her.
Also this one is good if her A-Spot is “flipped” inside of her–up to 23% of women have this “condition” where the A-Spot is in a slightly different location.
Ben Dover takes care of that, no problem.
Have her stand up, and then bend over and grab her ankles.
You come in from behind and enter her.
Depending on your relative heights, you might need to spread your legs out further to enter her, or bend your knees.
But if neither of the other two positions seem like they're working, then this one should definitely do the trick.
Now in addition to the above 3 sex positions for deeper penetration… there is one thing that you can do right now to get deeper inside of her the next time you have sex without changing anything you do…
I got this “Tumescence Trick” from a 72-year-old male pornstar… and it really does work!
This “Tumescence Trick” doesn't depend on a specific position… though if you use the 3 positions above, you will go deeper inside of her… and often hit her elusive “A-Spot”…
That's because this “Tumescence Trick” promotes bloodflow to your penis… and helps you get as hard as a baseball bat… and stay hard as long as you need to during sex.
So even if you're “below-average” down there…
The “Tumescence Trick” makes the most out of what you've got… FILLS your penis with as much blood as it can possibly squeeze into it…
And the result is thicker, fuller-feeling, firmer erections for you … the likes of which the woman you're with probably has never felt inside of her.
…and best of all, whatever woman you're with will want to have sex a LOT more often.
(And again, as a guy who's below average-sized “down there,” this “Tumescence Trick” was definitely a godsend –my d!ck definitely felt bigger… and I was way more confident when I started doing it.)
It took some convincing… but the 72-year-old pornstar who showed me this “Tumescence Trick” agreed to come on camera and show you exactly what to do to get as thick and hard as a lead pipe.
And for a limited time… this presentation is available 100% free to you as a Gotham Club reader.
Simply click the button below now to get this “Tumescence Trick”… and start experiencing harder, thicker-feeling, long-lasting erections that make you feel like a damned Sexual Tyrannosaur:
P.S. – Did I mention the 72-Y.O. Male Pornstar brought a couple of hot, 20-something starlets with him to help demonstrate his “Tumescence Trick”? He did! Click the button above to get the free secret now…
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Sexual Positions For Overweight People

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Sex Positions
Sex Positions for Overweight People


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Years of exposure to media that feels like it’s been conceived both by and for skinny people has morphed contemporary society’s very narrow set of beauty standards. Now, anyone who’s not extremely thin or athletically fit can feel like they’re overweight. 
Even a very confident person can feel self-conscious when it comes to being naked and sexual with a partner, especially if their body shape makes certain sex positions tricky to attempt. If you’re constantly worrying about things like that, you’re not going to be in a relaxed and sexy mood.
The truth is, when it comes to having sex, having a bigger body just means there’s more of you to love. That’s why a list of helpful sex positions put together specifically for bigger people can assist in putting you and your partner at ease. Not to mention, it’ll give you both some fun new options to play with.
Whether you’re a bit on the bigger side, your partner is, or you both are, these are options that take bodies into account that need a bit more space and support than the couples that sex position lists target. 
There are also some product suggestions to really help you both take things to the next level.
Sexologist Dr. Megan Stubbs recommends giving your bed a break and taking your lovemaking out onto your much sturdier couch to get the deed done. "If you have a couch with a long armrest, bend your partner over it and spread their legs," says Stubbs. "In this position, much of your partner's body weight is being held up by the couch and you have direct access to her. This can be an erotic position for oral and penetrative sex.
You likely already know the pros of the view that come with doing it in this position. But you may not be aware that reverse cowgirl also has benefits for bigger couples. "The reverse cowgirl also works great for couples whose male partner has a large belly," says Chrystal Bougon, founder of Curvy Girl Inc. points out. "If she looks at his toes, she can lean forward and then his belly does not get in the way. Plus, it's easier for her to move up and down, and back and forth in that position." Dealing with a height difference too? Add a pillow for leverage. "If his partner is shorter, they can put pillows where her legs would be so she can get up off of his penis and move up and down better," says Bougon.
According to sex expert Jacqui Olliver , a few switch-ups to the classic missionary position make it ideal for more plus-size partners. "The best sexual position to use if either partner is overweight is a modification to a common missionary position ," she says. "The easiest way to visualize this position is to imagine the male in a push-up position. He then bends his knees so they are resting on the bed taking his lower body weight, then bends his elbows so his forearms are balancing the rest of his weight." Plus, it's customizable based on how much extra weight you're packing. "He can adjust the bend in his knees depending on the belly size of himself and his partner," says Olliver. "The bigger either partner is, the more he increases the bend in his knees. This position gives both partner's ease of movement while being up close and personal, so an easy rhythm can be achieved for their mutual fulfillment." But will she like it? Olliver says that doing it this way comes with a few key advantages for your lady. "Women like this position because they can feel and enjoy the closeness of their male without feeling squashed," she says. "If either partner loses weight, the male simply reduces the amount of bend in his knees.
The struggle is real, as proven by Reddit users who have shared what has worked for them when it comes to sex positions that are great for heavier people. One suggestion? A vibrating cock ring, and a modified version of the pretzel sex position . In the standard pretzel position, she lies on her right side. Then, you'd straddle her right leg and lift her left so that it's curled around the side of you. "I'm pretty fat, my girlfriend isn't at all," writes one Reddit user . "But to make it worse, I'm below average in length 'down there.' We can't do missionary either and it sucks. We spend most of the time with her on top, grinding onto me, while I also wear a vibrating cock ring. However, one thing that has worked is 'the pretzel,' but with her on her side near the edge of the bed with me still straddling her leg as it partially hangs off. Basically I'm able to reach my furthest when standing up."
Don't underestimate the power of the pillow. "One of the key requirements for great sex is to make sure everyone is comfortable," says Stubbs. "For people with bigger bodies, the addition of pillows may be just what they need. With a pillow, you can prop up your partner's hips to make penetration easier. You can also use a pillow to brace your partner's body so that there is less strain on their body." Here's how to use pillows to create a brand new position. "In bed, use multiple pillows to brace your partner's legs so that they are wide open in a V shape," she says. "The pillows will reduce the strain on the legs and you will be presented with a front row view of her sweetest spot. Don't forget a pillow under her hips, too!"
If one or both of you need a little more support, using a sex sling to keep certain body parts raised will help get the job done. "A sex sling can help if both partners have larger tummies," Bougon explains. "She will be able to keep her legs in the air longer while he is inside of her, and the straps of the sling can give them both more momentum — and it can help keep him from worrying about his belly."
Reddit user throwaway710952 recommends that women with larger partners can use this position to their advantage. "If you have a high enough bed or can make it higher somehow, you can lay on your back with your hips just over the edge of the bed," he suggests to the ladies. "He can stand and go straight into you while he either holds your legs or you rest them on his shoulders or wrap them around him. His belly will be completely out of the way, plus he won't need to hold himself up."
There are plenty of benefits to doing it like they do on the discovery channel. Especially for the ladies, since this position allows for front wall stimulation — upping the chance you'll hit her G-spot. "This is definitely one of the easiest to try, and the one you should experiment with," says sex educator Rita Delgado . "The woman is on hands and knees in this position, which allows the man to enter from behind while kneeling behind her. But he can also be standing on the floor, with the woman in the bed, if this makes it easier." To up your comfort level even more, using a doggy style strap will further help your cause.
One way to overcome bedroom anxiety is to take things out of the bedroom all together. Doing it in the kitchen can provide a much-needed change of scene — plus access to a handy prop that'll help you achieve deeper penetration. "Use your kitchen step stool to position your partner's leg on for sex," Stubbs explains. "This eliminates the need for your partner to hold their leg up in the air or for you to hold the limb. This trick can be used for face to face or facing away sex." Not to mention, doing it in the kitchen is very convenient for when the two of you are done working up an appetite.
If you're carrying around a few extra pounds, you don't want to attempt the normal starfish — where the woman lays flat on her stomach and the guy lays on top of her, and enters her while sprawled out on top. But Matt, 26, says that a modified version of the starfish has been his go-to way of pleasing his woman. "I have her lay out on the bed butt up, down by the end of the bed," he says. "She's short so she's not awkwardly standing; she's just got her legs hanging off kind of. I give it to her standing up, which takes my gut out of the equation. Plus it's easier than doggy-style because I'm not putting extra weight on my knees, or leaning my body over her, which would end up hitting the top of her anyway."
All illustrations by Carlee Ranger.
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You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
I went to a strip club in Canada and was approached by a stripper who offered to give me a lap dance for $10.00 which was quite inexpensive. When she came up to me she immediately started touching my penis. While performing the lap dance she unzipped my pants (this has never happened to me before during a lap dance). Before I knew what was happening she was trying to have intercourse with me (for no additional money). I ended up pentrating her about 2" deep for about 10 seconds.
Then I put my shirt over my penis and she continued to grind against me with the shirt in between my penis and her body. When I got back to my hotel I noticed a little blood on my penis (evidently from what happened after the penetration). In your opinion what was my risk of contrating HIV from vaginal fluids that remained on my penis during the grinding motion? What is my overall risk? I'm positive that she had HIV. Why else would she be so reckless?
Please respond. I am extremely anxious about this and am experiencing symptoms that could be related to HIV.
Would an RNA test be conclusive at 6 weeks?
"Accidental" intercourse with a stripper??? Hmmmmmm . . . OK. If you say so, I'll believe you. Millions wouldn't, but I will.
Since I wasn't there to witness all the details of this accidental nookie, the best I can say is that your estimated risk would be that of unprotected insertive vaginal sex. The risk per episode of receptive vaginal sex with an HIV-positive partner is estimated to be 0.1% to 0.2%. Your risk would be "less," because you were the insertive partner, and because we don't know the status of your bucking bronco lap rider. Also, your exposure was brief 10 seconds.
Regarding HIV testing, an ELISA test with a confirmatory Western Blot three months or more after a potential exposure is recommended for screening. PCR-RNA is not recommended for HIV screening, due to the rate of false-positive results.
Good luck on your test. We will all be sending you our best karma for a negative test result.
© 2022 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Deep Penetration elicits arousal and gratification in women. For deeper sex and improved sexual efficiency, try these ultimate sex positions.
Deep Sex Positions. Shutterstock Images.

By Michael Wight Reviewed by CHD Expert Team
Updated: 2021, May 22

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