Chubby Isabella

Chubby Isabella


Chubby Isabella
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Dollter has been selling dolls around the world since 2018. Our goal is to offer the most adorable dolls, mainly loli or anime style. This 80cm doll is our authentic design, only sold by Dollter.
Awsome article and right to the point. I am not sure if this is truly the best place to ask but do you people have any thoughts on where to employ some professional writers? Thank you
I love you dolls I want to I 1 how can I bye 1 can you please Colored 80cm
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Tubby Isabella Published: Mar 9, 2021
A commission for mozzarella28 of Isabella's visit to Dingo's Diner for a good amount of 5 cent sodas... She's kinda overdid it with this offer heh
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The chubby girl The summer this year brought with it hot weather, perfect for outdoor activities and fun with friends. Summer break began some two weeks ago and up until now Isabella was yet to leave the house. She decided to use her free time to visit her family in her home town and get some rest. But the small town had very little to offer in terms of entertainment so she would spend most of her days just chilling on the couch with her laptop, watching movies and snacking. That might sound boring but it was very similar to how she spent most of her free time for the last three years in college, the only thing she was really missing were the parties. Obviously those three years had an effect on her figure. Unfortunately for her the diet she was used to made it very hard for her body to distribute the weight in a flattering way. Her boobs had grown to a considerable c-cup but paled in comparison to the rest of her. Isabellas' legs had gotten meaty and behind her protruded a nice round bum. But the thing that had grown the most was her belly. When she first started gaining it almost looked like she would go on to become a thick hourglass but that rapidly changed when she started going to parties and drinking. Beer turned out to be her favourite drink, this quickly changed the way she gained weight. Her belly turned into an mass of fat that was proudly sticking out but still remained soft and flabby. The result of all that could be seen laying on the couch, staring at her laptop screen with her hand buried in a bag of chips. She was wearing her usual attire, a former dress now serving as a t-shirt which still barely covered her and a pair of jeans shorts with the button strained to it’s limits. The laptop was resting on her chest since it was the only available spot: she couldn’t put it on her legs because the globe of her belly would cover three/fourths of the screen and obviously if she put it on top of her belly it would be to high up to see the screen at all. As Isabella was lazily enjoying herself she reached into the bag but to her dissatisfaction found out there were no more chips left, she was just about to stand up and go get another snack when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs, it was her younger sister Claire. Claire and Isabella looked almost identical. Well Claire right now looked like Isabella looked before she went to college, just with the difference that claire wasn’t quiet as slim as Isabella was back then. Now they looked like a set of before and after pictures for a diet pill, with Isabella obviously being the “before" picture. - "Hey lil sis, pass me that cookie box from the kitchen table, will ya?" - shouted Isabella with a strong sense of authority. When she was still living at home she used to boss her sister around all the time. Not realising that her sister grew up she still acted the same way now. Claire looked at her sister with a strong feeling of distaste. When Isabella left for college Claire was 16, she admired her sister, everything about her especially her looks but seeing her now she felt disillusioned. The Isabella she was seeing now was nothing like the older sister she used to idolise. The once pretty face was now round. The tanned legs turned pale and thick, but worst of all was the waist, Isabella used to have a six-pack but now it was buried under a mountain of fat. -"I think you’ve had enough cookies.” - Claire replied crossing her arms on her chest. - "What’s that supposed to mean? "- asked Isabella frowning. - "Just look at yourself, you’re laying on the couch all day doing nothing, you should go out and…” - "Hey, shut up!” - shouted Isabella starting to get angry - "I told you to give me the cookies not lifestyle advise!” - “You shut up fatass!” - Claire was getting angry as well. - “Watch who you are calling fat, miss muffin top.”- replied Isabella laughing. It was true that Claire had a slight muffin top but she was shocked Isabella would try to make fun of her weight while she has herself was so obviously out of shape. It seemed incredible but Isabella was still in denial, reasoning that under the “small" layer of fat there was still her six pack and tanned legs. “A few trips to the gym and I am as good as new!” she told herself. - “Pfff whatever go get them yourself!” - said Claire looking at Isabella. - “Watch me!” - She said with self-confidence. She put her laptop on the table. But sitting up proved to be more difficult than anticipated. As she was heaving her body into a sitting position she grunted and her face turned red, her bulging midsection quickly filled her lap and formed two separate rolls. She stoop up her flab jiggling uncontrollably, strode over to the table, grabbed the box of cookies and turned to look at Claire with a smug grin. Claire just rolled her eyes, not believing how out of shape Isabella really was, she then turned around and went out through the front door. Isabella put the cookie box down again. “Who does she think she is calling me fat. She really got quiet cheeky, I think I need to remind her who’s boss.” She thought to herself. “I will think of a suitable punishment” and then it hit her “Claires' shoes! She loves them, I will just hide them somewhere. She will flip out when she realises they are gone! That’ll teach her!”. Standing up Isabella looked quiet stunning, if one likes that particular kind of beauty. Her long blonde hair nicely framed her round face with the chubby cheeks and the slight double chin. The legs were thick, but smooth without any dimples and on top was an ass tastefully filling out the shorts. The boobs though appearing small on the massive frame were still very perky for c-cups. The belly was in a unique way perfect: the jiggly flab accumulated around her waist created a serious muffin top with a pair of meaty love handles to the sides and a mass of fat portruding outwards with the slightest bit of overhang. She got on the way to Claires room. It was actually an attic that had been repurposed to serve as a room. There were almost no signs of this ever being something else than a bedroom most of the ladder leading to room had been replaced with a winding staircase, just the final part retained it’s attic qualities with a 5 step ladder and a small hatch which was just square hole in the ceiling leading into the room. As Isabella was approaching the staircase she was thinking of a good place to hide the shoes. As she got on the staircase it creaked and shook slightly but she paid no attention to it. Even though it was only a few steps they were very steep so before taking the ladder up she had to catch her breath. The ladder turned out to be sturdy enough to support her weight without complaining. She popped her head through and quickly inspected the room, it was nothing special a desk in front of a window, a bed, two drawers, a wardrobe and a small door dividing the attic and la storage room. She took another step and put her arms through, but the next few steps proved troublesome. As Isabella was about to take the fourth step she felt her love handles touch the lower part of the hatch. “What the…?” Isabella looked down and saw that the lower half of her belly was wider than the hatch. The two sisters used to hang out upstairs all the time when they were younger and this never happened to her before. “I guess I am finally a real woman with real curves” she reasoned, but somewhere in the back of her head a nagging voice was telling her that there is a difference between curvy and fat. She quickly dismissed the voice. “If Claire can fit through here I can as well!” she put her hands on the other side of the hatch and pushing with her legs and hands simultaneously, she managed to get herself moving only to find out that now her paunch was clogging almost the entire hatch. She tried to take another step but couldn’t force herself to move. “I must have placed myself in the wrong direction, I should try to shift a bit”. As she turned left a bit, her love handles found some room in the corners of the hatch and she managed to get out on the other side. Her butt and hips just skimmed the hatch but didn’t cause any problem. Finally she was ready to execute her evil plan. Claires’ shoes were all nicely lined up next to the wardrobe but Isabellas’ nosy side got the best of her. She went up to the wardrobes’ and decided to look through her stuff maybe she would end up finding something interesting. She found some t-shirts, socks, panties and skirts. She was just about give up searching the drawers when suddenly something caught her attention. It was a candy wrapper, as she took a closer look she noticed something. She hastily removed a layer of clothes and was stunned at what she found just beneath them. It was an entire secret stash of snacks! Isabella smiled slyly, if I hide her shoes she will find them eventually but if I get rid of all that stuff, she can’t get it back, she thought. “I could carry it down with me but then I would have to go up and down like four times before I take all that stuff, I guess I will just eat it right here” she would later bitterly regret this decision. But for now there was nothing that could stop her. Isabella started to furiously shove the food into her mouth it didn’t matter what it was: sweet chocolate, followed by salty chips and later by sour gummy bears. As she sat there stuffing herself to her maximum capacity and then continuing anyways she completely lost track of time, luckily for her Claire was out for a long time. After almost an hour of nonstop eating she was done, which means that there was no more food left. At this point she was too full to even sit up straight so she just lay on the floor and digested. After another fifteen minutes of laying around she promptly realised something “Ohh Geez…” she belched “if Claire comes home and finds me then she will know what I did and my whole plan is ruined”. Besides she wasn’t sure she could handle the embarrassment of Claire seeing her like this. As she lay on the floor the result of her feast was quiet obvious. Her belly was distinctly bigger than usually, she was all sweaty and red from the exertion of greedily devouring Claires’ snack supplies. "Ok time to get moving”- Isabella said out loud motivating herself. She attempted to sit up but quickly realised she couldn’t. Her sluggish belly muscles were just as out of shape as the rest of her was. Trying with all her might she still barely lift her back of the ground. She fell back on the floor breathing heavily and her belly shaking from the effort. She rolled on her side and then managed to get on all fours even in this position her fat gut still rubbed on the floor. While still in this stance she pushed all the thrash that was left, under the drawer. She then stood up with some effort and went to the hatch She sat down in front of it and started going down. First she put in on leg then the other. She made the first step down and already felt a difference, her bum wasn’t such a snug fit last time, was it? She just decided it must feel that way because she is going in the other direction. Then she abruptly stopped moving, she felt it before she saw it and it was really upsetting her. Instead of going into the hatch her belly just bunched up around the hole oozing outwards and folding into rolls. “No! No! No!” - Isabella was starting to panic, slowly the voice in the back of here head was getting harder and harder to ignore. She really did gain weight. She didn’t just gain weight like all the other girls on campus, the freshman 15 passed and while everyone else was trying to get rid of the extra pounds she was just laughing at them and sitting around in her room all day waiting for the next party. She was still reasoning that all that weight is easy to shed. As her dresses turned into t-shirt and baggy pants into slim fits she was just ignoring it all and now it came back to her. “No that is not true” - she said to herself again showing an amazing ability to ignore the truth. If I wasn’t so bloated I would fit through this easily. She decided she would just have to wait it out. With some wriggling she managed to get her butt out of the hatch. There was still one problem Isabella couldn’t just wait there, sooner or later Claire would come back. She looked around and already spotted several places to hide. She tried to get under the bed but once she tried to lay on her stomach she realised it would barely fit under the bed without the rest of her. Next on the list was the wardrobe, it was tall enough for her stand inside of it but she was horrified to find out that her flab was sticking out too much and she wasn’t able to close the doors. She tried sucking it in but she barely managed to suck it in for 15 seconds then as she released her belly gasping for breath it threw open the doors of the wardrobe. That wouldn’t do. Her last shot was the adjacent storage room. She looked at it and decided that if the door was open this was her best shot. It turned out that the door was open. It was a very small door and for Isabella there were only two ways of entering the room trying to shimmy in sideways on her knees or go in on all fours. She decided to try the latter. First she put in her hand and reached for the light switch. As she took a quick peak inside she saw an old radio, two tennis rackets, a football and some boxes nothing to special. She got down on her hands and knees and started going forward. The head went through no problem, then her shoulders she had to twist them a bit but it turned out to work. Now on to the more challenging part. It all went smoothly up until the navel level. That’s were her belly was getting to it’s biggest point. She tried to push forward but realised that is not even the fattest part of her and she is already struggling, swallowing her pride she backed up and tried a different approach. Going in sideways, again the head went first without any trouble then came her boobs and shoulders which were no problem. Now for the tricky part Isabella figured out a plan. She figured that since she was going sideways she could suck all of her flab in and use her hands to quickly push herself to the other side. She prepared her hands already holding onto the frame of the door, she sucked her belly in with all her strength and pushed. It was going great but all of a sudden she stood still again. Her eyes shot to her midsection yet again it got stuck just below the navel she knew she didn’t have time to back up so she pushed as hard as she could but her feeble arms didn’t make her move even an inch. In a vain attempt to suck her paunch in just a little longer she squealed but ultimately had to gasp for air, in that instant all of her fat poured out effectively wedging her in. After gaining her breath she quickly realised what happened, panicking she pushed and kicked her legs trying to suck in as much as possible but it was too late there was no back until someone found her here and lend her a hand. Unfortunately Isabella knew exactly who would find her.

Rebecca gets stuck

Rebecca fastened her bra and spun around to look at herself in her full-length mirror. Her raven black hair was done up in a bun with a bright purple hairband, she wore heavy eyeliner giving her the cat eyes of seductress. The black bra and black lace panties she wore complimented her hair and dark hazel eyes. She liked what she saw. She was getting ready to record a video for a client. She had been doing various fetish videos for over a year now, mostly stuffings, clothes try on and belly play but sometimes she did requests if the client offered to pay well.
She picked up her size 18 booty shorts and started pulling them
Carter finally arrived at the house, he glanced at it in awe.

Carter: wow, this dude is loaded…

He proceeded to stroll round back to be greeted with Luna's massive behind, he glanced at it and then used it as a chair.

Carter: well, well, well, isn't this a nice surprise.

He smirked

Luna: I swear carter, get me out or I'll kill you

Carter: how? You're stuck, remember

Luna sighed in anger and embarrassment.

Luna: please get me out, push me through!!

Carter stood up in shock

Carter: PUSH? You want me to push you through? Luna, I cant even see the frame for this doggy door, you're too big, your belly easily twice the size of this
Both luna and carter silently sit upstairs as the cops knock on the door, waiting a response, carter hears one of them radio in.

Officer: you sure its this house, lights are off and its empty, cant hear any movement.

They couldn't hear anything from the response, it was all static to them, but it seemed the officer got permission to go in and scope it out.

Carter: we need to be really, really quiet now, they're coming in...

Luna was visibly sweating from the anxiety.

Luna: are we gonna be o-

Before she could finish carter placed a finger over her mouth as the stairs creaked, they both sat as still as possible, they could hear the office
Carter: ok, so i go in and pick the lock so yo-

Luna: no, better idea, you go in the doggy door, and open a window, otherwise he might notice that the doors been tampered with!

Carter: someone's paranoid.

After saying this carted shrugged and proceeded to slide through the doggy door with ease, leaving luna in shock, was she really that out of shape? How did she let herself slide like this?

Carter proceeded to walk up to the window next to the back door and flip the latches open, he pulled it open only to realise it would only go up so high, luna could probably fit, with a little help he thought, but it might just be a bit too much optimi
first of all english is not my first language so I am grateful for any feedback. This story also happens to be the first story I am ever writing son again any feedback or critique is welcome.
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