Christy Mack celèbre Thanksgiving

Christy Mack celèbre Thanksgiving


Christy Mack celèbre Thanksgiving

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RT @ GarnerHoltEtI : Yesterday we officially opened the AniMakerspace in the Porterville Unified School District. This year it’s anticip…
Back in 1954, Walt Disney (with firm belief that his park would be revolutionary) told the members of United Press International, that Disneyland may someday attract five million visitors every year! Inspired by Walt’s own feelings and studies conducted, “The Disneyland Diary” (prepared September of 1954) firmly stated: “Disneyland is designed to comfortably accommodate 60,000 customers a day… it is estimated that a minimum of 5,000,000 visitors annually, averaging 15,000 daily, will go through Disneyland.” The Orange County Register (in a pre-opening day article) repeated the latter figure stating that “Disneyland is expected to draw 5,000,000 tourists annually.” 
Disneyland was indeed successful and what actually resulted, can be observed through the following accounts of annual attendance, in chronological order. But beyond the facts and figures, take note of the people that have contributed to the successful attendance records. Notice the diverse people - from the repeat guests, to the visitors from distant lands, in addition to particular V.I.P. guests of celebrity status that have had the pleasure of fulfilling Walt’s own hopes and dreams that Disneyland “become a source of joy and inspiration for all the world.”
Ground breaking began on July 12, 1954 with excavation taking place in August of 1954. According to Van Arsdale France , the amount of time for July 12, 1954 until the opening date of July 17, 1955 was viewed as a “practical possibility for a production time.” Back then, it was known (not as Disneyland, but) simply as “the site.” What was Disneyland attendance actually like before the Park opened? Among the first people at the site was Personnel Manager Fred Newcombe, who was also one of the first people hired by Personnel Manager Fred Schumacher. Though Walt had responsibilities to oversee the television and feature film production at the Burbank Studio, he soon found time to visit the site in Anaheim daily. This Walt regularly did, either by car or helicopter. Once arrived, Walt would tour the site by jeep, walking, or even using a bicycle (the latter was speculated by many but could not be recollected by Van France, and has only recently been confirmed through discovered footage).
While walking the transforming orange groves, Walt was occasionally joined by Marvin Davis, Harper Goff, Bill Cottrell, and others. New employees like Milt Albright (hired Spring if 1954; whose Club 54 license plate is displayed below) occasionally visited. Many tours of “the site” were administered by Site Coordinator, Earl Shelton. Van Arsdale France (founder of the University of Disneyland) recalled touring the site with Earl. Van France was soon living in the old Vandenberg House on West Street (just a few blocks north of the Disneyland Hotel construction site) and recalls many nightly meetings in C.V. Wood’s office in the days that followed. WED Art Directors began to descend on the once quiet farm community of 20,000, renting rooms at the few local motels, in order to convey the plans to construction crews on the 200 acres of groves. Five months later (in December of 1954), “the total Staff of Disneyland, not counting outside contractors, consisted of 21 permanent employees and 5 consultants.” As to those “outside contractors,” for 257 “working days” (from July 20th, 1954 through July 16th, 1955), the total work force of Disneyland construction crews (essentially the primary contractor, McNeal Construction Company) grew, but was still smaller than the population of “many little towns across this country,” according to “Walt Disney’s Guide to Disneyland. “Some 800 workmen were employed daily,” (according to “Building A Dream,” prepared by Disneyland, Inc. Public Relations Department, c. June of 1955). There were the sounds of tractors, bulldozers, cranes, saws, hammers, contractors, painters, landscapers, brick-layers, electricians, and more. There were Nash ramblers bearing the Disneyland logo used to survey the land.
Crews worked around the clock, even on colder nights (as during December of 1954), when “oil heaters [were] needed several nights because of exceptional cold weather,” according to Disneyland Line December 13th, 1979. Entering the last 100 days before the opening, the Operation organization officially moved to the Disneyland site. There were many rainy days that followed, (in fact) it was the wettest season in Anaheim history, and a resultant considerable loss for the construction crews.
The opening date could not be postponed. Van Arsdale France once emphasized this, making the following comparisons: “The test flight for a totally new airplane is a thrilling experience. Lives and reputations are at stake. I’d observed ten thousand people bursting into a spontaneous cheer at the test flight of a B-24 bomber. But… the date of the… flight can be postponed until everything is favorable. Broadway plays open in a small town… and can be radically changed before they hit the big time. Movies can be tested, cut and altered in sneak previews. But Disneyland was right there in Anaheim and could nt be tried out in other… towns. And there had to be a deadline for the opening.”
Many more employees joined the Disneyland, Inc. team in 1955, including a young Richard A. Nunis in the “temporary” role of Orientation Training Instructor (during May).
Six weeks before July 17, 1955, the construction of Walt’s $17 million project should have been wrapping up, but plans were behind schedule. And so the workers seemed to speed up as the opening date neared. Van Arsdale France once commented about how “the final days and hours before opening created a form of mass adrenilin flow which makes everyone perform at, perhaps, 200% of their ability.” At that time (six weeks before Press Preview Day) the Los Angeles Mirror reported that “3,100 carloads of people stopped by the still closed gates and wanted to get in for a look at the construction.” Soon, John Grover (Staff Writer of the Mirror-News, published for June 10, 1955) who was present, reported another large figure of “more than 1,100 workers… putting in a 10-hour day, six days a week.” Eventually, as opening date neared, “a corps of 2,500 workers” was “finishing the colossal task of converting 160 acres of orange grove into a fabulous park called Disneyland,” according to The Sacramento Bee. This last figure is substantiated by the narration of “Disneyland - The Park,” a Disneyland anthology series episode first aired 1957, which stated : “to make sure we would keep our date with the deadline, more than 2,000 craftsmen were employed during peak construction periods.” This increase in workforce is assuredly due to the fact that the Grand Opening Date neared, with still much work to complete.
Among these were the ABC Roofing Co., AE Fowler & Sons, Al Sparks Electric Company, American Fence Company, Arthur Pizzinat Venetian Terrazzo, Bailey the Plumber, Chef’s Laundry & Linen, Evans & Reeves Landscaping, Floats,Inc., Frank Silveri Tile & Marble Contractor, George Mills Sr. General Contractor, Hendricks & Stearns Hardwood Floors, Kissell Refrigeration Company, Larson Bros. Plastering Co., Masterson. Scaffold Co., Master-Bilt chain link fence, M.A. Gentile (brick, block, and stone work), Merchants Police Protective Service, Pacific Rug & Carpet Co., Screenmaster, The Tabery Corp., and Universal Homemakers Inc.
Then there had been a national plumbers strike that affected the building of certain necessities like restrooms and drinking fountains. Walt had previously dealt with a Studio strike and “he carried the scars,” according to Van France . France continues: “The construction unions flatly said that if we didn’t recognize the union, we wouldn’t open… a totally unacceptable fact. And the unions which were searching for jurisdiction presented a major problem. The American Guild of Variety Artists, AGFA… wanted jurisdiction over the Jungle Cruise operators. The Inland Boatmen wanted it over the Mark Twain. And their rates were very high. After the panic buttons were pushed, we settled for negotiations with the Orange County Central Labor Council. AFofL… We ended up with 29 unions.” Van France added: “Things weren’t all bad for the union construction workers. Most were working long days… and seven days a week. And, some worked under very good agreements. As a result, many were getting more than the normal time-and-a-half. The hours got into double time, and in some instance, more than that. That is called ‘golden time’… and, even in those days, it amounted to nearly a thousand dollars a week for some.”
Despite all this, Joe Fowler and many others tried to stay optimistic. According to Disneyland Site Manager Joe Fowler , to Bob Thomas (of the Associated Press), “We’ll make the opening. Just barely, but we’ll make it.” Four days before the opening crews worked around the clock while employees were still being trained. As to this number of Disneyland staff being trained, Nash Airflyte Magazine attempted to give an idea of the figure, stating that “a permanent staff of more than 500 will be employed.” The true-life figure would fall between 850 and 1000 employees (including lessees).
Few films were filmed on location in these days, so much work went into preparing for the televised opening. Meanwhile (for about two months prior to Opening), television crews (in addition to those construction workers) had been busy setting up 5 control rooms (to accommodate 12 television stations), stringing up miles of coaxial cable, and rehearsing for the debut of Disneyland through “the world’s largest live telecast” (as seen in “Operation Disneyland” produced for ABC by Dick Brown). “The greatest concentration of TV cameras and equipment ever assembled in one place,” would ensure that “Dateline Disneyland” introduced Walt Disney’s Disneyland coast-to-coast, airing through a one-and-a-half hour ABC-TV spectacular, beginning at 4:30 p.m. PDT, on July 17th, 1955. Other networks like CBS-8 San Diego was present. According to the Orange County Register, there were “twenty-four cameras, a behind camera staff of 63.” All of this was accomplished under the direction of Bob Lewine (Director of T.V. Programming), Sherman Marx (TV Programming Producer) and Cameron Pierce (Chief Engineer of Western Division). Since May 21st, “Dateline Disneyland” rehearsals were underway (though “virtually at a standstill” so as to not interfere with the ongoing construction workers).
Finally, a year and a day after groundbreaking, Disneyland would open for the first time. Twenty-two attractions in five lands, spread across some of the 74 acres would debut to their first guests. In Walt Disney Productions Inter-Office Communications, Walt Disney issued the following announcement about the “Disneyland Premier” to Studio Personnel : “Many of you have been intimately associated with the creation of Disneyland, and now that it is about to become a reality, I want you and yours to join with us in the thrill of its opening. On Sunday afternoon, July 17th, the gates of Disneyland will open for the first time at 2:30 P.M. with the invitational tv premier to be staged on ABC network from 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. We invite you to be part of this inaugural ceremony and we are enclosing tickets and instructions for you and your family. We do hope that you can be with us.” Jack Lindquist recalled “I was at Disneyland on the opening day, totally thrilled to be able to be there with my family. It was a really hot day in July and the freeway wasn’t completed. When we got there, the parking lot was packed, but we finally got parked. We went up to the gate and the tickets I had were for 1:00 so you had to wait outside until 1:00. There had to be 20,000 people in the park that day,” according to “Homecoming - Destination Disneyland” by Carlene Thie.
Ronald Reagan (the future President of the United States) was not just in at
Blonde mature apprécie une grosse bite noire
Il veut apprendre à danser et toutes les femmes de l'académie veulent le baiser
La mère d'un pote est arabe et je l'ai mise en levrette pour moi

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