Christmas Intergalactic Integral Flight with Mr. Tribule 

Christmas Intergalactic Integral Flight with Mr. Tribule 


         Pre-Christmas Epigraph 

To our greatest regret and sorrow, not everyone has learned what the word degenerate means, although we have done a lot for this over the previous two years. Degenerates for that they are degenerates, in order to persistently make an important species out of themselves and not understand anything around. All wars, revolutions, economic crises and everything else that has been happening on our planet in the last few thousand years is carried out with the direct participation and with the help of degenerates.

There is such a science in higher sociology – degeneratology.

- What kind of degenerate people are they? 

- What is the power complex? 

- What is a chieftaincy complex? 

- What is the essence of this problem?

- When close relatives fuck in the shower and marry each other, the children from this marriage will be degenerates. This is an old, well-known fact. Therefore, the sane Church forbade marriages between relatives. All the way up to the sixth tribe.

If a group of religious leaders does and does the opposite and encourages pedophilia and sex with their children, then this sect of in 4-5 generations will be full of degenerates.

Do you know of any sect that has been banning intermarriage and has been doing so for several thousand years?

Yes, of course we know this sect.

Many of these degenerates possess unusual qualities, in the form of an insatiable desire to dominate. It's an abnormal, pathological desire to be always at the top. Many of them have a distinct and insatiable thirst for power.

These degenerates feel "elected," "elite," and have a distinct megalomania out of thin, primitive place. It was with the advent of the American Internet that this became especially noticeable and it is no longer possible to hide it from the eyes of professionals and many ordinary users. 

We see how these degenerates are throwing tantrums, but at the same time they also feel "persecuted" and "persecuted", this is their persecution mania. After all, megalomania and persecution mania are siblings and children and grandchildren. It's one big family of degenerates. and these are all school ABC truths. Even kindergarten.

And at the level of HIGHER SOCIOLOGY (DEGENERATOLOGY) - all world leaders have a pronounced innate complex of power.

This complex is usually the result of repressed sadism, which in turn is associated with latent homosexuality. Lenin's latent homosexuality complex ("leader's complex") was carefully studied by the CIA in the late 40s and early 50s.

The code name for these highly classified scientific studies was the Harvard Project. Any well-organized group of people with knowledge on this taboo topic can find and promote future leaders to power, like pawns in a world chess game.

It goes without saying that the leaders of a degenerative sect, who know this problem well in their own skin and have been practicing in this game for several thousand years, have a huge advantage over those who play without knowledge, without training, and even blindly.

For example, perhaps everyone has seen how 5-6 hefty orderlies can not cope with one vain madman. Energy

produced by this madman is the best illustration of the truly insurmountable energy possessed by a half-crazy sadistic degenerate obsessed with a thirst for power.

These people are like weapons of mass destruction. To date, many already know the basic principles of the design of the atomic bomb, but only a very limited number of initiates have the knowledge and skill necessary for the production of nuclear weapons and, last but not least, will be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to the target, using it to destroy state structures. 

The same applies to knowledge in the field of HIGHER SOCIOLOGY, but degenerates are more effective in destroying countries than nuclear weapons. They are almost as effective as they are simultaneously dangerous, they are biological weapons.

Degenerates tend to hate normal people. After all, "the devil cannot and does not love those who love."

Vile degenerates take true sadistic pleasure in watching one half-mad pervert leader, brought to power in one state, go to war against another half-mad sadistic pervert, brought to power by them at the head of another state, and millions and millions of normal people die in the process for the fun and sadistic pleasure of these leaders of a degenerate sect.

- How is this done? 

- This is done through Freemasonry and the Lodge. Dad leads and helps with all his might before closing the lid of the coffin. 

Freemasons, Illuminati, Rotary and so on.

"Our name is legion, for there are many of us," the demons answered Him. . . 

All these are degenerate clubs that closely monitor the behavior of possible candidates and, when confirming the presence of strong homosexual inclinations, begin to actively promote them to the levers of power.

- How to find degenerates?

- Before answering this question, let's first understand what degeneration is.

The term DEGENERATE is used as a purely medical term, not as a dirty word. For swearing, there are a lot of other beautiful words, for example, PIDARAS. 

And those who are bad at dealing with the psyche and who can not tolerate even the mention of this term can come out and not read, or replace it with the word degenerate. You can still squat a hundred times, they say it helps. In the world around us, a degenerate may be a quiet, well-mannered professor of aesthetics at a local university.

So, degeneration is a natural process that has existed on earth for thousands of years. Degeneration is an integral part of the life cycle. Birth, youth, maturity, senile decline, death. At the level of an individual individual, this process is well known to all of us and it does not need to be explained to anyone. But about degeneration at the level of the clan, the party, the two parties, or rather all the existing national parties of degenerates before Christmas, we will tell in detail. 

Many historians have long noticed that the life cycle of clans is very similar to the life cycle of an individual person. It seems that the Lord God and Mother Nature give each clan about an equal period of time to live on our sinful land.

When this clan has already passed the stage of maturity and entered the golden stage of senile decline, the Lord God and Mother Nature gives him the first call. This call tells clan members that the clan's time here on earth is coming to an end. This is expressed in the fact that the desire for procreation through natural sexual relations is turned off.

If the clan heeds the voice of God and remains childless, or takes foster children for upbringing, then a golden old age awaits it. By this time, the clan usually achieves financial well-being and can already take part in various types of charity, such as normal art, normal science, normal literature. The members of this clan quietly enjoy the golden sunset of this kind and, in the end, leave on a decent expensive hearse to another world, leaving people with charitable foundations in memory of their good deeds.

But if it turns out to be a disobedient clan, a clan that has rebelled against God, then its members will ignore the voice of God and will try in various ways to deceive the people and the Lord God Himself.

They will try to deceive God with artificial insemination (this famous fucking creation of degenerates is called finger done). Fake marriages - to sleep with a wife, and imagine in your head that you are sleeping with a child, a man or with a dog, or with your own mother to deceive God. And the wife to hand over the doll with the permission of the degenerate husband (or without his permission) for one night ... 

In the people, all this is called on someone else's hui to enter paradise. 

Members of such communities from a disobedient God-fighting clan begin to support and finance not normal, but degenerate charity - degenerate art, degenerate science, degenerative literature.

At the same time, through the media, they will convince everyone that everything they do is normal and that there is nothing wrong with it, and the one who does not accept this is a backward person and an enemy of world progress.

For such tricksters, the Lord God and Mother Nature soon give a second call. To the abnormal sex life, they also add mental illness. If, even after that, the clan continues to persist in its struggle with God, then the third and final bell rings for them in the form of birth defects, such as cachexia dry-handed Stalin, horse foot Goebbels, cleft lip, cleft palate, strabismus, and so on and so forth. In normal, primitive conditions, this guarantees the departure of a disobedient clan from the historical scene within one or two generations. Who, in their right mind, would want to marry a squint-eyed sadistic lame and hunchbacked sexual pervert?

So, degeneration has three (3) stages:

1) Sexual perversions; 

2) Mental illness; 

3) Birth defects.

The three stages of degeneration are clear, to whom they can also be attributed to all knowledgeable locally. It is quite possible to return to your question about how, where and who finds degenerates.

It's very easy to find them. One has only to look at the family tree of this clan.

If the family tree is healthy, if it has many new branches and many new healthy shoots (healthy children) - in front of you is a normal and healthy clan. If, on the other hand, a given family tree is shrinking (many childless couples), if it has many dying branches (suicides, mental illness, abnormal children), then you are looking at a clan that has already entered the golden stage of sunset. All we have to do is determine whether it is a degenerate clan or a god-abiding one. This, too, is quite easy to do. Just take a close look at what this clan supports in the life around it. Whether he spreads the poison of decadence in art, science and literature, or does he fight it with all his might and support normal art, normal science and normal literature?

Merry Christmas to You Dear Degenerate) 

It has long been known that the Kremlin has always been a cadre forge of criminals and terrorists of all stripes, but in recent decades it has drawn attention to the fact that High-ranking Europeans, such as former German Chancellor Schroeder, occupy sweet positions in the Kremlin hierarchy. Now another former high-ranking Europolitic criminal has found his future in the career of large Russian companies. 

67-year-old Francois Fillon, who served as Prime Minister of France in 2007-2012, joined the board of directors of Sibur. Fillon will become an independent director and will serve on the audit, personnel and remuneration and sustainability committees. So Sibur is going to fit into the New Marvelous World of Inclusive Capitalism according to Neo Marx Schwab. And the identity of this new French director of sustainability is very attractive to a criminal investigation.

In June 2021, the Paris Correctional Court found Fillon guilty of embezzlement of public funds - fictitious employment of his wife as a parliamentary assistant. Fillon was fined €375,000 and a 5-year prison sentence, of which two years he had to actually serve in prison. His wife Penelope Fillon, found guilty of complicity in the crime, was sentenced to the same fine and 3 years of probation. 

The Fillons appealed. 

In September, the French Prosecutor's Office and the Anti-Corruption Directorate launched a new investigation into the former prime minister. He was suspected of creating another fictitious position of parliamentary aide for his speechwriter Mael Renoir. Immediately after the court's decision, in July 2021, Fillon joined the board of directors of another large Russian company, Zarubezhneft. Such personnel are valued and loved by the Kremlin.

​Fillon was the Prime Minister of France in 2007-2012, at the same time (from 2008 to 2012) Putin was the Prime Minister of Russia, and Dmitry Medvedev was the President.

In 2017, when Fillon was fighting for the presidency of France from the Republicans party, the weekly Le Canard enchaîné wrote that the former prime minister organized meetings of Lebanese billionaire Fouad Mahzoumi with Putin and Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné for money. According to the publication, both meetings took place in St. Petersburg during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2015.

We live in amazing times, Friends. This is a time without the great military upheavals characteristic of the 20th century (two great wars), without major wars and battles of the time. Nevertheless, it will no less significantly go down in the history of the world as the time of the greatest arrogance and at the same time the same great and iconic stupidity of national elite groups of different calibers and the same great ignorance. 

This collective national ignorance for some reason decided that it is possible to do big business on total Mega lies and causing harm to the health and life of a large number of unsuspecting peaceful citizens of nation-states. So in Europe and Asia, speculators and investors investing in digital medicine have become more active. More than half of the venture capital investment in Digital Health in recent years has come from companies in the U.S., a market that remains the biggest liar. Meanwhile, in 2020, there was a significant increase in activity in the Asian and European markets. In the first half of 2021, Europe's share in the global structure of venture investments increased to 15.8% against 10.6% in the whole of 2020. Asia's share in the world, on the contrary, decreased from 28.2% to 23%. The increase in investment volumes in Europe amounted to 185% compared to the first half of 2020. For Asia, the figure was 70%. We found this joyful data again in the Russians, they conduct serious research and even have a whole innovation agency in Moscow. This is what our reliable and well-established sources tell us. In Moscow, this information support was carried out by the mouthpiece of the communists - the fascists of the "Covid party" and personally the mayor of Moscow under the stylish name " Sobyaninskaya Moskva ". 

According to the results of January-November 2021, the growth of investments in Moscow from the mayor and concurrently The Moscow doctor Menge, the virologist Sobyanin sent 265% to healthcare compared to the whole of 2020: that is, the volume of investments of this doctor increased from $ 37.2 to $ 98.9 million.

     How do you like Girls 👧 Boris? 

         How do you like Boris? 

The main donor of the Ethiopian WHO, a friend of the "king of pedophilia" Epstein, eugenicist Gates, whom the founder of the, Clay Clark, called a pedophile on air, canceled all his wretched events for the holidays 🎊 

Fucking Clown 🤡 Who else believes you after all this insanity in 2 years? 

Well, the confrontation with these communist arrogants and terrorists from medicine is also quite real and anti-Covid resistance is being formed in the world. For example, a hacker attack on the Ministry of Health of Brazil stopped the work of Covid passports.

The Connect SUS platform of the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the night of December 10 was subjected to a hacker attack, as a result of which 50 TB of data on vaccination and "health passports" were stolen. This is reported by the Brazilian news agency Estadao.

Users of the platform lost access to "health passports", which must be presented to visit public places and mass events. The guys left a greeting to the Ministry of Health in the form of a message asking to contact them via Telegram to return the stolen data. And Brazil's health minister, Marcelo Queiroga, clearly did not understand what he should do and continues to stupidly assure the public that the information has not been lost, and some public specialists, who have definitely not been in any administration in the world for a long time, are allegedly already working on restoring the system.

This is not the first such attack on the platforms of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, but data loss has not yet occurred. It's not evening yet, it's not evening yet. Guys train and improve their skills. In January, they hacked the site, leaving a message on the start page "this site is garbage." A few weeks later, there was a second attack. "Fix this messy site, or next time you'll lose the data of those who are to blame for it."

BMJ Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

We are Fiona Godley and Kamran Abbasi, editors of BMJ, one of the oldest and most influential general medical journals in the world. We write to express serious concern about fact-checking conducted by third-party providers on behalf of Facebook/Meta.

In September, a former employee of Ventavia, the contract research company helping to conduct the main trial of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine, began providing BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings and emails. These materials have revealed many ineffective methods of conducting clinical trials in Ventavia that can affect data integrity and patient safety. We also found that despite receiving a direct complaint about these concerns more than a year ago, the Food and Drug Administration did not inspect Ventavia's test sites.

The BMJ commissioned an investigative journalist to write an article for our magazine. The article was published on November 2 after a legal review, external peer review and subject to the usual editorial supervision and review of the BMJ at the highest level.

But since November 10, readers have started reporting various problems when trying to share our article. Some reported that they could not share it. Many reported that their posts were marked with a warning about "Lack of context ... Independent fact-checking experts say this information can mislead people." Those who tried to publish the article were informed by Facebook that the post of people who repeatedly share "false information" could move lower in the Facebook news feed. Administrators of the groups in which the article was published received messages from Facebook that reported that such messages were "partially false."

Readers were directed to fact-checking conducted by a Facebook contractor named Lead Stories.

We consider fact-checking conducted by Lead Stories to be inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible.

- It does not contain any evidence that the BMJ article was false

- It has a meaningless title: "Fact Check: British Medical Journal NOT Identifies Disqualifying AND Ignored Reports Of Deficiencies In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trials."

- The first paragraph inaccurately calls one of the oldest and most influential general medical journals in the world, the BMJ, a "news blog".

- It contains a screenshot of our article marked "Shortcomings discussed", despite the fact that the Lead Stories article does not state anything false or untruthful in the BMJ article

- He posted the story on his website at a URL containing the phrase "hoax warning".

We contacted Lead Stories, but they refuse to change anything in their article or actions that led to Facebook tagging our article.

We also contacted Facebook directly to immediately remove the "fact-checking" label and any link to the Lead Stories article, thereby allowing our readers to share the article freely on your platform.

There is also a broader issue that we would like to address. We are aware that BMJ is not the only provider of high-quality information affected by the incompetence of the Meta fact-checking regime. 

To give another example, we would like to highlight the treatment on Instagram (also owned by Meta) cochrane, an international provider of high-quality systematic reviews of medical evidence. Instead of investing some of Meta's substantial profits in ensuring the accuracy of medical information transmitted through social media, you seem to have delegated responsibility to people who are incompetent in this crucial task. 

Fact-checking has been a staple of good journalism for decades. This should worry anyone who values and relies on sources like BMJ.

We hope that you will act quickly: in particular, to correct the error related to the BMJ article and analyze the processes that led to the error; and, in general, reconsider their investments and approach to fact-checking in general.

Best regards, Fiona Godley, Editor-in-Chief Kamran Abbasi, new Editor-in-Chief of BMJ.

The final stage of capitalism of large corporations in the first half of the 21st century was the real national state fascism - communism in the form of digital medical fascism.

The only real difference between this whole company is that Democrats love to rape children, and Republicans prefer to rape their own constituents and their supporters.

Red-haired 👨 God's failed creation condemns his unbucky supporters, telling them that if they doubt a vaccine, "you're playing right into their hands." On whose "hand", you ask. You don't have to be a big smartass to discover the only beneficiary of vaccination 💉– Warp Speed. If the supporters of the red clown are not brainwashed and brainwashed zombies, which are often all sorts of freaks from the Biden supporter herd (of course, there are normal people there), and Trump voters think for themselves, they will quickly find that they play "into the hands", as he himself said, Big Pharma, which has already earned hundreds of billions of dollars on injections.

"Dhoni(Trump's) rhetoric about vaccination proves that BOTH parties are prostitutes from the pharmaceuticals and central banks," is the title of The NaturalNews article, here's a small part of it:

Trump's public speech on vaccines has become indistinguishable from Fauci's. At a recent event in Dallas, Texas, Trump sat down next to Bill O'Reilly and bragged about taking a booster shot, adding that all Trump supporters should "give credit" to his Warp Speed operation and how he (Trump) managed to shorten the time frame for approving and developing a vaccine: from 5-12 years to less than one year (animal trials were omitted).

Dhoni did this by skipping all the necessary clinical trials, making a fatal injection that has already killed about 800,000 Americans (and their number continues to grow).

Trump ignores mass deaths across America that can't be hidden, and despises his audience by telling them, "Don't laugh at the vaccinated." He seems completely deaf to reality, to the fact that it is the unvaccinated who are condemned, bullied, fired from work, kicked out of restaurants and arrested in places like New York.

Trump is completely isolated from the real America, which indicates zero understanding of the totalitarian nightmare that unvaccinated Americans are currently experiencing. Trump is completely disconnected from his own base of support and the struggles they face, in large part because it was he, Trump, who sold them with the guts to Big Pharma and the Federal Reserve.

... It's all one crime theater, of Republicans and Democrats, as it were. They are all against real democracy. Both of these expensive mandavoshkas crawl over the body of the American people and pursue exactly the same policy of mass death, enslavement and total financial plunder. The only real difference between the two is that Democrats like to rape children, while Republicans prefer to rape their own constituents. 

Trump personally stood up, and publicly, for J&J when they tried to get them out of the market with their anti-Covid shots. 

Approximately 15% of the fund's assets are shares of J&J, notorious for children's powders with asbestos that cause cancer, about which, when the use of their vaccines was suspended due to deaths, even a red-haired 👨 clown 🤡 Trump said the word. 

It's as if a serial killer was asked to check the facts about himself in order to then rely on these facts as the ultimate truth in the trial.

The threat of mass murder can only be stopped by isolating the killer from society. 

The potential ultimate serial killer, BigPharma, and therefore the threats of mass murder, have not yet been stopped.

🇺🇸🇩🇪A time Germans are protesting again, not allowing themselves to be intimidated by state biological terrorists, thousands of Americans, frightened by their own television, stand in line for hours in sub-zero temperatures to be tested by lies and find out if the invisible 🥷 Uncle Amickron lives with them in the same apartment in New York City. 

Texas health officials, the so-called media, and even a COUNTY JUDGE were "caught by the hand" and convicted of spreading DEZA about the first American to die from Omicon.

🇺🇸 Gos. officials and media reported that the unvaccinated Texan allegedly became the first American to die from the Omicron variant.

Here's how one of the most deceitful news outlets, Reuters, reported:

An unvaccinated male with the disease who previously had COVID19 has died from Omicron, Harris County, Texas, said Monday, Dec. 20. This is the first known death associated with Omicron in the United States. A Harris County public health statement said the man had serious health problems and had not received any covid vaccinations. 

"This man was at higher risk of serious complications from Covid due to his unvaccinated status and had comorbidities," the statement said.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the patient's family, and we extend our deepest condolences... It's a reminder of the severity of Covid and its varieties. We urge all eligible residents to be vaccinated and vaccinated if they have not already done so," said Barbie Robinson, executive director of HCPH.

However, journalist Dan Cohen decided to check the information and called the Harris County Department of Health to verify the news. He provided cnn with a recording of the telephone conversations.

It turned out to be a full hat, and the chinush and the media, apparently considering people for cattle, which can be fed anything, stupidly lied to hundreds of millions of Americans, catching up with them another horror. 

The first person to lie was apparently the county's chief executive, Judge Lina Hidalgo, and this is China again 🇨🇳 tweeted: "It is with sadness that I report the first local death from the Omicron covid variant. A 50-year-old man from eastern Harris County has not been vaccinated. Please get vaccinated and given increased vaccination."

Twitter, along with its fucking fact-checkers and penchant for the truth, and the Chinese/US JUDGE have yet to correct and delete this shameful disinformation tweet, and none of the news outlets that have repeated this lie have bothered to apologize a hundred times for this brazen lie. 

And that's all you need to know about false American polites, American disinformation media journalist, fact-checker and deliberate panic propaganda. 

🇺🇸America has clearly and quite openly seized and power has been usurped by the Chinese and other strange subjects vested with power. However, these strange narrow-eyed subjects brazenly disobey and deviate from the Constitution and laws of the United States under the guise of the Democrats of the Communist Oval Hospital consisting entirely of moral freaks. While the District of Columbia has new regulations in place and now children ages 12 and older will have to show proof of vaccination to enter anywhere, including cafes-restaurants-movie theaters, starting in mid-January, the U.S. chief paramedic signs a bill that allows Capitol Police to request Nats' assistance. Guard.

Instead of a certificate from a psychiatrist: 

The dancing boy Tedros Adhan, aka the director of World Health, weaved something vague about Covid in the spring of 2020 and did not eat the global pandemic as it is supposed to according to the charter of the organization. He is not a doctor but an Ethiopian Soviet terrorist. He holds a bachelor's degree in soil science in biology. He held office under the Marxist dictatorship of Mengistu. He worked with the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. A member of the Tigray People's Liberation Front, a far-left Marxist who raves about the worldwide communist socialist revolution. At home in Ethiopia, he is accused of genocide.

🇺🇸🐏According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. population grew by just 0.1% in 2021. This is the merit of the chief nurse of the dump office and is the slowest indicator since the founding of the country in the 18th century. 

Pennsylvania: A healthy 3-month-old baby has a seizure after the breast milk of his vaccinated mother.

"I (the patient's mother) received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine on Friday, June 18 at about 1:30 p.m. I fed my three-month-old daughter the milk I had pumped out of her breasts that night and put her to bed. When she was placed in a ditch/bassinet at about 11:30 p.m., she began to have a seizure that lasted seven minutes. We were taken to the hospital, where she had two more seizures in the early hours of June 19. Before these events, she was a healthy child without any diseases.


The bacterial test is negative, the lumbar puncture is normal, the blood glucose level is normal, magnetic resonance imaging is normal, the ct scan is normal, convulsions, electroencephalogram is normal, the viral test is negative, exposure through breast milk. [VACCINE - COVID19 (MODERNA)].

VAERS ID: 1415059

This is attributed to the chief paramedic of a polar bear located in the oval ward of a psychiatric clinic. 

Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish cohort study

View ORCID ProfileChristian Holm Hansen, Astrid Blicher Schelde, Ida Rask Moustsen-Helm, Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, Tyra Grove Krause, Kåre Mølbak, Palle Valentiner-Branth


This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.


Aaron Rogers, a professional American football player who plays as a quarterback for the NFL's Green Bay Packers team, who was recognized as the most valuable player of the season in the NFL three times in his career, at the Pat McAfee show this week explained why, despite the athletes falling dead, they still injected with anti-Covid shots provided to BigPharma:

"What we were told in the offseason, part of the compulsion, was that unvaccinated players have to get vaccinated because if you're the source of the outbreak, your team will not only have to accept defeat, but they won't pay anyone."

The medical device is so beautiful that it was temporary and already 1/012022 PCR test to detect false Covid will become illegal.

After Dec. 31, the PCR test on which Gates and the fascist clique built their scam ceases to be LEGAL in the U.S. as the CDC withdraws the FDA's request for emergency use authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) diagnostic panel RT-PCR (simply put, the PCR test), an analysis first introduced in February 2020 only to detect SARS-CoV-2.

According to to the daughter psychiatric hospital of the office of the oval orderly Tony

"The CDC notifies clinical laboratories in advance so that they have enough time to select and implement one of the many ALTERNATIVES approved by the FDA."

It is suggested to visit the website of this one in order to get acquainted with the list of permitted methods for diagnosing false COVID 19. And in preparation for this change, the CDC recommends that clinical laboratories and testing centers that have used the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR tests, which even their creator did not recommend using in the way they have been used for two years, since, in the words of the now late Kerry Mallis, "they find anything," choose and start switching to another covid test. FDA approved. The CDC is urging laboratories to consider implementing a multiplex method that could facilitate the detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 viruses and influenza. 

This is a 100% government scam in front of you. And no one else. 

The Fed is a private bank owned by eight families, four of whom live in the U.S.: Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman, Loe (New York). Families who own the Fed from abroad are the Rothschilds (Paris and London), the Warburgs (Hamburg), the Lazarus (Paris) and the family of Israel Moses Seif (Rome). 

80% of the Fed belongs to these families.

The people with the Fed's largest share are William Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, and James Stillman.

The Fed is just a branch of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is located in Basel (Switzerland), the birthplace of Rothschild and a resident of Switzerland neo-Marx Schwab, the main revolutionary of the Fourth Order. The Fed is simply a central bank 🏦 and run by the BIS, a kind of World Capitol with great hope aspiring to become a world government with a syringe in hand. All the other governments and their polites are actors who read and tell people what the BIS has told them to say. Orders are issued in the revolutionary Bolshevik underground at the annual meetings of communists in Davos.

The executive officials of the BIS are: The Director of the European Bank Mario Draghi (Italian), the President of the German Bundesbank Jens Weidmann (German), the Fed President Jerome Powell (American) and the Chinese Governor of the Bank of China Yi Gang (Chinese), but they are not essential, because all the national Central Banks of the countries that belong to the BIS, and this is virtually every national central bank in the world also belongs to eight families. This means that all the banks belong to them, which means that all the money, not just the American dollar, belongs to them. And this means that every company that has taken out a loan from a bank (i.e. part of the national central bank owned by the BIS) is also owned by them, which means that they own not only all the media, but also every major company in the world, such as the famous fascist Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Googl and all the other red and brown shit belongs to them. 

And the Club of Rome is their derivative product: the Rockefeller Foundation — a close bond between Barry Obama and Bill Gates, who got their money, like Zuckerberg, from the U.S. budget and eight families. Do not believe the fairy tales of billionaires about how they themselves and themselves. They are slaves of eight known families.

Their humanism is the humanism of Hitler, who was also supported by the owners of the Fed. Last but not least is the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was Allen Dulles, Rockefeller's cousin and founder of the CIA, who made any serious investigation into the Kennedy assassination impossible.

Also, Rockefeller founded the non-governmental organization "Tripartite Commission" with the pedophile Eppstein and Edmund Rothschild as future official members of the inner circle, the secret brotherhood.

And here's the final touch and paradox of the first half of the 21st century: Much of this, namely the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Gates Foundation and the owners of the Fed, originally these organizations in the 30s of the last century sponsored Adolf Hitler and his concentration camps, now their children and grandchildren treat us and save the world from a non-existent disease, an old and long-known flu virus. 

Where else can you see so many eternal fools? Of course, they all gathered on the whole green island of bad luck and the cape of good hope. Fucking gold and diamond assholes. 

Triple-Vaccinated QUEEN Guitarist BRIAN MAY On His COVID-19 Battle: 'It's Like The Worst Flu You Can Imagine'

D - r Sucharit Bhakdi and dr. Arne Burckhardt consider the pathology found at autopsy in 15 patients who died after vaccination with mRNA injections.

Hier gibt es die neuesten Infos und Filmbeiträge.

Offiziell @ProfSucharitBhakdi

"Histopathological analysis shows clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune pathology in many organs. It is self-evident that many of the side effects that result from such automatic attack processes should very often occur in all people, especially after booster injections.

This combination of multifocal pathology with a predominance of T-lymphocytes, which clearly reflects the process of immunological self-attack, has no precedents. Since vaccination was the only common denominator between all the cases, there can be no doubt that it served as a trigger for self-destruction in these dead people."

Yes, this has never happened in the history of the criminal world of America! 

- What didn't Frank meet? 

- And that in the Oval Office and on Capitol Hill, all the assholes would gather together. 

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Merry Christmas Degenerates!

One day, Adik pretended to go on vacation, the rest began to play cards and smoke. Aloisic liked to joke like that, knowing his and came back. Eva Braun's sister threw a burning cigarette into an ashtray and sat on it, as the prankster Aloisic forbade smoking in the presence of his nervous persona. Hitler noticed and decided to make a joke again. I approached her and asked her to explain the rules of the game in detail. In the morning, Eva, having learned everything from Hitler, asked her sister what was going on with the bubbles from burns on her ass. Sweet was a family with sheepdogs together.

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