Christmas Bondage Stories

Christmas Bondage Stories


Christmas Bondage Stories
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Story Index 1. Christmas Present 2. Update 3. Infirmary 4. Detentions 5. The Yule Ball 6. Fun in The Woods 7. The First Task 8. Train Sex 9. Burrowing into the Burrow 10. Visiting 11. Transfiguration 12. The Library 13. The Second Task 14. The Third Task ❯
This is a smutty christmas oneshot, if you don't enjoy that kinda stuff dont read this fic,however if you DO enjoy this oneshot tell me in the reviews what pairing you want and I will add more chapters.

A thick white layer covered the ground and the crooked form of The Burrow whilst a christmas tree draped in muggle lights shone brightly through the twinkling snow.A fire roared beneath 7 stockings and a banner of tinsel was wrapped around the banister.Small shrieks filled the air, followed by cursing and swearing.
A pawn let out an almighty yell as it smashed its chair down on an offending bishop.The bishop shattered into a thousand peices, and its killer looked smug, before he got decapitated by a knight.The same knight then moved forward and killed the king.
"Checkmate!" 13 year old Ginny Weasley screamed, jumping up and down in excitment, causing Harry to groan.The pair were alone in the house, Ginny's family were visiting the Jordan Family's house.
"I will win next time!"He huffed,pouting.
"Oh yeah?" She grinned, sticking her tongue out."You gotta catch me first!"
She jumped out of her chair and ran up the stairs, leaving Harry to scramble out his armchair and sprint after her.Harry chased the streak of red hair and the elusive laughter.He skidded to a halt and continued down another corridor, still following the giggles.He then heard a faint slam behind him and he stopped,smirking.Harry slowly turned around and pushed the door open.
The room was bare except for a desk and a chair with a door hidden off in the corner.He walked through the door into an en-suite bathroom that contained a shower with sliding glass doors. a bath was on the opposite side of the room, beside a toilet.Harry leant into the shower and saw Ginny crouching inside under a glamour.Only Harry's enchanted glasses allowed him to see her.Harry grinned and stepped inside,pretending not to notice her whilst sliding the door shut behind him.Harry started to strip off,throwing his shirt over the top of the shower.His jeans and boxers quickly followed.He took a quick look at Ginny before taking off his glasses and placing them on a side bench.Harry turned on the water and showered,wondering what Ginny's reaction would be.
Ginny's heart had started thumping faster when she had heard the bathroom door open,and even more so when the shower door was slid open.She had thought for a minute Harry had seen her before he slid the door closed behind him and started stripping off.She stared hungrily at his Quidditch-toned muscles and his 7 inch dick as her long red hair plastered to her skull and her back.The water flowed down her body,into her top and between her small 13 year old breasts that were A-Cups, bordering B-Cups and dripping through her jeans into her pussy.She started to strip off and quickly placed a notice-me-not charm on her clothes before throwing them over the door.She stood up and then she suddenly started feeling envious of the water, that rushed over Harry's cock like she so wanted to with her tongue.She thrust two fingers into her pussy and started massaging herself.She shut her eyes and let out an unintentional moan,which caused her to fall to her knees and Harry to smirk.Ginny, of course did not see this as she lost in her own pleasure.She was in fact so lost in pleasure she didn't feel her glamour being cancelled and her young body being exposed to Harry's vision.
Harry smirked when he heard Ginny moan,before he jerked his arm towards her and splayed his hand out,cancelling her glamour.She was pressed up into the corner of the shower on her knees,naked with two fingers buried in her pussy,moaning with her eyes screwed closed.At this sight Harry's cock started to harden, and he walked over to her and shoved his cock into her slightly ajar, moaning mouth. Ginny's fingers suddenley stopped moving whilst her eyebrows raised and her eyes snapped open and widened in shock before she adjusted and started thrusting her head backward and forward, swirling her tongue around the head of his dick causing Harry to grunt and moan in pleasure.She took her hands out of her pussy and started to use it to help Harry reach his climax.He placed a hand on the back of her head,forcing her to deep throat him.
"You love that don't you,you stupid whore?"Harry grunted, gripping her hair and forcing her head back and forth to cause him maximum pleasure.
Ginny's eyes flickered up to him and she somehow managed to nod through Harry forcing her head up and down his cock shaft.
Harry's dick exploded,cum covering the inside of her mouth and painting her throat white with his jizz. She swallowed as much as she could before she orgasmed and he grabbed her head and shoved her off his dick, a long stretch of saliva and cum connected her lower lip to his cock head.She simply sat on her ankles her chest heaving, while she struggled to breathe.She looked up at him her eyes full of lust,the shower water running over her sweating naked body.
"Harry,"She panted "Fuck me.Right now!"She groaned "Do it!"
Harry growled and threw her to the floor ,causing her to grunt in pain, and then forced forced her up onto her hands and knees before thrusting his throbbing cock into her dripping,tight,virgin pussy causing her to gasp in pain and pleasure.Harry started ploughing in and out of her,quickly increasing in pace.The sound of skin slapping against skin, of Harry's hips impacting Ginny's arse,and the shower water crashing onto the white shower tiles, quickly filled the air and Harry's grunts and Ginny's moans swiftly joined the rucus.
"HARDER!"Ginny screamed" HARDER "
"YOU LOVE THIS DON'T YOU SLUT!"Harry roared slamming into her harder and quicker than before."MY HUGE COCK PENETRATING YOUR PUSSY!"He continued.
Harry let out an almighty roar as for the second time that day,his cock erupted into hot thick ropes of cum that coated her inner walls. Ginny too orgasmed twice before she knelt there on her hands and knees panting, trying to catch what little breath she could.Harry withdrew his rapidly softening dick.And stood in front of Ginny,The tip of his cock lightly tapped her lip
Harry put a hand on each of her shoulders and shoved her onto her back.He quickly lay down beside her and grabbed her by the hips, raising her pussy to his lips and her head towards his cock,they started to engage in an epic 69.Harry swiftly started brushing his tongue against her inner folds,prodding at them and eventually entering her pussy,and stroking at her clit.She quickly reached her climax.She moaned around Harry's cock and swirled her tongue around the head,and up and down the shaft of his dick.after 5 more minutes of this position Harry climaxed inside Ginny's mouth and forced her to swallow his jizz like he swallowed hers.
Harry marched her out of the shower and into his bedroom.He conjured some rope,handcuffs,ball-gags and duct tape.
Ginny's eyes widened and she took a step back shaking her head
"I won't do it!"She exclaimed
Harry simply ignored her, and grabbed her arm and hauled her kicking and screaming form towards the bed,where he cuffed her hands to the bed post and tied her writhing form to the bed.Still she screamed for help.
"Shut the fuck up, you bitch!"Harry growled, shoving a ball-gag in her mouth "You'll learn to love this!"Ginny looked up at him, fear in her eyes and slight muffled screaming through the gag.Harry gave her an evil smile.before he conjured a whip and slahed it down onto her stomach.Tears formed in Ginny's pain-filled eyes and a pain filled scream attempted to rip free, with only the ball-gag to stop it.Harry's evil smile only grew,and he rained down more blows on her slim young body with the leather whip.After 30 minutes of Harry's hard cock poking at the entrance of her ass but never penetrating causing her sexual frustration and the pain of the whip blows,caused her to,as Harry had said,start to enjoy it.Tears still formed in her eyes but instead of screams, begging Harry to stop, she endured screams, begging Harry to fuck her ass and whip her harder.Harry could clearly tell what she wanted and so he teasingly pushed the head of his dick into her ass causing her to gasp in pleasure and pain.
"Awwww,Does my little slut like the pain?"Harry grinned causing Ginny to frantically nod while attempting to scream an affirmative through the ball-gag
"Does my little slut want my big long cock buried in her tight asshole?"
Once again Ginny nodded desperately.
"Whatever the Slut wants!"Harry shrugged before he thrust deeply into her ass causing Ginny to somehow scream in pain through the gag. Harry swiftly started thrusting in and out of her increasing his pace with every thrust, brfore he then sheathed himself swiftly hilt deep in her ass and orgasmed with his warm sticky white love juices coating her insides.
He pulled his cock out of her and started jerking off beside her.Eventually his dick erupted and he covered her in his sticky white cum. he then walked to his wardrobe and put on some clothes before walking out the room leaving a redhead strapped to a bed with jizz pouring from her pussy, her ass and dribbling slightly from her mouth.Blood trickled from two or three cuts that the whips had made.
Harry sure was glad that the Weasley's wouldn't be back for another three days .
Sooooo....Wadaya think? review pairings you want me to do for future chapters.FYI this fic is set in christmas break 4th year where Harry is 14 and Ginny is 13
Possible pairings for next chapter(s):
Harry/Emmeline Vance
Harry/Heista Jones
Definite Pairings for future:
Harry/Alice Longbottom
Harry/Madam Bones
Story Index 1. Christmas Present 2. Update 3. Infirmary 4. Detentions 5. The Yule Ball 6. Fun in The Woods 7. The First Task 8. Train Sex 9. Burrowing into the Burrow 10. Visiting 11. Transfiguration 12. The Library 13. The Second Task 14. The Third Task ❯
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Harry decides to embrace his dominating side and give Ginny a Christmas Present
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [!] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-22 - 1785 words
All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents

Story: #36 - Jessica's Christmas Feast

by KaosAngel

This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

Jessica’s Christmas Feast
The Sequel
Story: #36
Copyright ©2005
Written: December 25 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to ( )
Jessica sat at the kitchen table bits of girl bacon left over from breakfast dribbling from her mouth, not sure if she had heard her mother correctly over the clang on the oven door being slammed shut with Lina inside to begin her cooking, had her mother just said what she thought she said?, “What did you tell her?” Jessica asked already knowing the answer before her mother could tell her.
“I told her since they were giving us their only daughter to roast for thanks giving its only fair that we give them ours to roast for Christmas” came the reply Jessica feared, she had heard her mother correctly, turning to leave the kitchen her mother went into the living room leaving Jessica at the table with new thoughts of escape and survival.
Jessica had just dodged a big bullet or in this case roasting pan having quickly found a replacement turkey-girl for her mother to roast for Thanksgiving by the name of Lina who was at this moment cooking away in the large oven two feet away, standing from the table Jessica followed her mother to the living room and stopped in her tracks, staring at the television Jessica could see that her mother had turned on the dolcett thanksgiving parade.
It was float after float of girls dressed of turkey’s dancing, several floats showing naked girls in mock roasting positions and then came the last float with good old saint nick in his yuletide red suit with white trim sitting in a large red chair waving to the crowed, next to him on the float was a blazing fire with a spit roasting young girl over the fire, she was already beautifully golden brown, indicating she had been roasting for some time already it was clear that she was already dead from the impalement of the spit and the heat of the fire.
Jessica tearing her eye’s from the screen directed her attention to her mother sitting on the couch and she walked over and sat down next to her, “Mom I don’t want to die, you know that!” she said trying to cover the fear in her voice, “Every young girl die’s eventually, especially at your age, you 18 you cant live forever” was her mothers reply who didn’t even bother to move her eye’s from the television to look at her daughter.
“I know that but why me?” Jessica asked, “Because I am your mother and I said so, your going now I don’t want to her anymore of this” she said sternly looking Jessica in the eye’s for the first time since leaving the kitchen, “Ok, do you at least know what kind of roast they are planning so I know what to expect?” she asked trying to get more information without making her mother madder then she already was.
Her mother looked toward the television the image of Santa sitting next to the spit roasting girl and nodded, “A spit roast” she said looking black to her daughter who now wore a shocked face, Jessica felt like she was about to throw up like she often did during school when her spiting class teacher would demonstrate proper spiting technique using her fellow class mates as spitee’s by choosing one of the girls at random, Jessica had managed to survive the selection each time by hiding in the back behind bigger more delectable young girls or by feigning sickness and asking to be excused to see the nurse, although this had worked for her every time she had to watch many of her best friends spited before her eye’s. Those chosen to be the live demonstration in spiting class were cooked up and served to the school for lunch along with the normal day’s lunch-girls.
Jessica didn’t have any bigger more delectable girls to hide behind this time nor did she think her mother would fall for any of her old school tricks, no if she was going to survive roasting age she was going to have to come up with some other way to get out of being a Christmas meal for people she hates, for people she hates I am referring to anyone who would want to roast her for dinner. Which is in fact almost everyone?
Realizing her argument was lost Jessica decided not to anger her mother any further and left the living room to return to her bedroom and wait for dinner formally Lina to be ready to eat, she knew that if she could not come up with a way to escape the spit that she was now destined for someone would soon be wondering when her delicious flesh would be done roasting so they can gorge themselves, like she was now doing with thoughts of how Lina will taste in a few hours.
Several hours later Jessica’s mother had called up from the kitchen, “Jess dear, dinner is ready, come on down” Jessica came down from her room and took up her normal place at the dining room table with the shocked stairs of her mother and father as they looked on at her nude form presenting itself for their eye’s, the clear sign of a meat-girl readying herself for harvest day, “What’s this?” her mother said, “Why are you naked?” her father added, “Well I figured if your giving me to Mrs. Johnson to roast on Christmas I might as well get use to the idea now so I’ll be ready for the spit next month” she said helping herself to some meat from Lina’s thigh.
“When are you sending me to them anyway?” she asked taking her first bite, “December 23 rd ” her mother replied, “Why so early?” Jessica asked, “Mr. Johnson wants to tenderize you for 2 days leading up to when he will spit you on Christmas morning, you will roast all day to be ready for their dinner by 5pm” her mother said looking over to her daughter. Now Jessica was getting to much information and it was scaring her.
Jessica spent the next few weeks completely nude not even wearing so much as a single sock witch felt great and she did not have to worry about anyone grabbing her for a quickie roast since her cunt-tag had been upgraded from “available meat” to “reserved spit roaster” she even spent every spiting class nude sitting in the front row where her teacher could see her better instead of hiding in the back knowing that he could not choose her for the live spit demonstration since she was already destined to meet the sharpened point of one very soon.
Before Jessica knew what hit her the December 23 rd was here, “Jess dear, are you ready to go to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson’s for the roast?” her mother had asked as she entered the kitchen for breakfast, “What” Jessica said having forgotten all about where and how she was supposed to spend Christmas which for here would be the last few days of her life, “Today we are delivering you to the Johnson’s, you will be roasting over an open fire in 2 days, remember?” she said as Jessica stopped to stare in shock at what her mother was saying, “Its time already?” she asked disbelieving a month could have gone by so fast.
Before she knew what was happening she was already in the back of her fathers car thinking of ways to escape the spit she knew waited for her at her destination, but since the Johnson’s house was only a few blocks away she was there in no time waiting with her mother for Mr. or Mrs. Johnson to let them in, “Hello Jessica, we have been so excited to be having you over for dinner” Mrs. Johnson said allowing Jessica and her mother to enter the house.
Once inside Mr. Johnson came up from the basement where he had been making last minute preparations for Jessica’s 2 day stay in the tenderizing room where he would work on tenderizing her non-stop right until zero hour when he would strap her to a picnic table in the backyard and spit her for roasting, taking Jessica by the hand and ignoring her mother Mr. Johnson lead her away to the tenderizing room giving her only a few seconds to wave a fast goodbye to her mother.
When they arrived at the tenderizing room Mr. Johnson had prepared he placed a collar around her neck and locked it in place with an electronic lock, “Don’t try to remove that collar if you do it will reward you with intense shocks” Mr. Johnson said as he placed a shackle with a chain that was bolted into the wall behind her onto her left leg, “That’s so you don’t get no ideas about running off” he added.
Jessica looked up at him, “I
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