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Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Benjamin Leatherman is a staff writer at Phoenix New Times . He covers local nightlife, music, culture, geekery, and fringe pursuits.

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Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Jennifer Goldberg is the culture editor and Best of Phoenix editor for Phoenix New Times.

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The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent. As the leading platform for native advertising and content recommendation, Revcontent uses interest based targeting to select content that we think will be of particular interest to you. We encourage you to view your opt out options in Revcontent's Privacy Policy
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Phoenix New Times, LLC. All rights reserved.

Phoenix's independent source of
local news and culture

Benjamin Leatherman

June 27, 2013


Turns out fictional serial killer Dexter Morgan's not only a grim reaper but also a bit of a trim reaper. Over the past seven seasons of Showtime's blood-soaked drama Dexter , its anti-hero, portrayed in expert fashion by Emmy-winner Michael C. Hall, has not only engaged in mass amounts of justifiable homicides (current kill count : 125) but has also racked up many notches on his headboard.

Admittedly, the show is mainly about how Dexter offs the deserving and thereby copes with his Dark Passenger 's unquenchable thirst for killing, but it also has depicted a slew of sexual situations (it's pay cable doncha know) involving its protagonist and other characters.

Eight Things to Do This Weekend in Metro Phoenix

An Immersive King Tut Exhibit Is Coming to Scottsdale

Where to Watch July 4th Fireworks in Metro Phoenix in 2022

Jennifer Goldberg

June 28, 2022


An Immersive King Tut Exhibit Is Coming to Scottsdale

Where to Watch July 4th Fireworks in Metro Phoenix in 2022

Look at the Brightside Studios in Phoenix

Join the New Times community and help support
independent local journalism in Phoenix.

Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox.

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Benjamin Leatherman is a staff writer at Phoenix New Times . He covers local nightlife, music, culture, geekery, and fringe pursuits.

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The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent. As the leading platform for native advertising and content recommendation, Revcontent uses interest based targeting to select content that we think will be of particular interest to you. We encourage you to view your opt out options in Revcontent's Privacy Policy
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Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Jennifer Goldberg is the culture editor and Best of Phoenix editor for Phoenix New Times.

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The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent. As the leading platform for native advertising and content recommendation, Revcontent uses interest based targeting to select content that we think will be of particular interest to you. We encourage you to view your opt out options in Revcontent's Privacy Policy
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The Phoenix New Times may earn a portion of sales from products & services purchased through links on our site from our
affiliate partners.
Phoenix New Times, LLC. All rights reserved.

Phoenix's independent source of
local news and culture

Benjamin Leatherman

June 27, 2013


Turns out fictional serial killer Dexter Morgan's not only a grim reaper but also a bit of a trim reaper. Over the past seven seasons of Showtime's blood-soaked drama Dexter , its anti-hero, portrayed in expert fashion by Emmy-winner Michael C. Hall, has not only engaged in mass amounts of justifiable homicides (current kill count : 125) but has also racked up many notches on his headboard.

Admittedly, the show is mainly about how Dexter offs the deserving and thereby copes with his Dark Passenger 's unquenchable thirst for killing, but it also has depicted a slew of sexual situations (it's pay cable doncha know) involving its protagonist and other characters.

Eight Things to Do This Weekend in Metro Phoenix

An Immersive King Tut Exhibit Is Coming to Scottsdale

Where to Watch July 4th Fireworks in Metro Phoenix in 2022

Jennifer Goldberg

June 28, 2022


An Immersive King Tut Exhibit Is Coming to Scottsdale

Where to Watch July 4th Fireworks in Metro Phoenix in 2022

Look at the Brightside Studios in Phoenix

Join the New Times community and help support
independent local journalism in Phoenix.

Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox.

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Kerstin Schulze Nude

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