Christian Dating Muslim Liberty University

Christian Dating Muslim Liberty University


CP Current Page: U.S. | Tuesday, June 29, 2010 | Coronavirus →
By Jennifer Riley, Christian Post Reporter | Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Liberty University demoted Ergun Caner, the first former Muslim to become dean of a seminary, after investigating claims that he made about his religious background.
In a statement issued Friday, the Lynchburg, Va.-based university said the investigative committee concluded that Caner made "factual statements that are self-contradictory." Caner will no longer be dean of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary as of June 30, when his contract expires, but will stay on as a professor for the 2010-2011 academic year.
"[T]he committee found no evidence to suggest that Dr. Caner was not a Muslim who converted to Christianity as a teenager, but, instead, found discrepancies related to matters such as dates, names and places of residence," the statement read.
Caner, who rose to prominence after the 9/11 terrorist attacks as an expert on Islam, was accused by bloggers for months of embellishing parts of his Muslim background. Among the details under question was how devout his Muslim family really was, where he was raised, when he converted, and how much of an expert he is on the Quran.
Bloggers have offered various accounts of Caner's Muslim upbringing, including popular claims that his family was nominally Muslim and that he was raised by a Christian mother after his parents divorced.
A British Muslim man also posted videos accusing Caner of having little knowledge about Islam, pointing to his frequent misuse of Islamic terms, mispronunciations, and confusion regarding basic Muslim beliefs.
Others called into question his claim of having been involved in Islamic jihad and engaging in apologetic debates with prominent Muslims.
Caner has apologized, according to Liberty University, for the "discrepancies and misstatements" that resulted in the internal investigation.
However, critics are not satisfied with the punishment and want the school and Caner to be more open about the controversy.
"If a student lied, they would be expelled. When the president/theological seminary dean lies he gets one contract ended and offered another," complained a Canadian Christian blogger on the site Bene Diction Blogs On.
The blogger complained that Caner does not clarify "on any level" what he is apologizing for and "the lack of clarity in this brief statement indicates an integrity problem."
Another blogger, FBC Jax Watchdog, commented: "Sadly, the University will never be able to erase the disgrace that it took Internet bloggers like myself and a host of others, including Mohammad Khan to finally get action out of Liberty University on this important issue."
Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world, with nearly 12,000 residential students and more than 45,000 online students. The school was founded by Christian Right leader the Rev. Jerry Falwell in 1971. Under Caner's leadership, Liberty's seminary enrollment tripled to about 4,000 students since 2005.
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Liberty University, your roots are showing
On Saturday, Donald Trump gave his first commencement address—at Liberty University. How could the Moral Majority and a famously immoral president form this alliance?
President Trump at Liberty University on May 13, 2017. Photo courtesy REUTERS/Yuri Gripas.
Donald Trump gave his first commencement address at Liberty University on Saturday. In this move, the president centered the institution, moving it from its position as a fringe campaign stop. Trump rewarded the loyalty of Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty, who inherited the position from his famous father and stood beside Trump even when a board member resigned and students rebelled. Falwell lauded Trump as a “dream president for evangelicals.”
On one hand, the alliance makes sense. Out of all the unpredictable behavior of this midnight binge-tweeting, double scoop ice creaming, genital-grabbing president, loyalty seems to be the most predictable determining factor of rewards. Trump will recognize those who stand beside him. And those who pledge honesty over fealty? They will get sacked.
Loyalty explains why Trump loves Falwell, but why is the feeling mutual? Why would Falwell see such dreamy qualities in Trump?
This Trump/Falwell alliance has made many people scratch their heads. The religious right had a prominent voice during Bill Clinton’s presidency because they believed in the value of the family and therefore could not abide Clinton’s philandering ways. Evangelicals fought against abortion because they are pro-life, and many don't like the idea of sex without consequence. They wrestled against same-sex unions, because they believed in the sanctity of hetero-marriage. So how could Trump and Falwell become BFFs? How could the Moral Majority and a famously immoral president form an alliance? And how could most evangelicals go along with it?
Carol Howard Merritt is a pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Spring City, Tennessee. She is the author of Healing Spiritual Wounds. Her blog is hosted by the Century.
It’s because we have a false story of the religious right in our minds. Though they have touted their pro-family stance in recent decades, abortion was not the organizing force behind the movement. And if we pick up another yarn of history, we can see how Donald Trump and Liberty University perfectly align. Falwell and friends have no problem with Trump, even though Trump seems to go against every bit of decency that they have fought for in the last 40 years, because Trump appeals to the religious right roots.
We might think that the conservative movement formed to fight feminism and same-sex love, but it actually came into being with segregation and Civil Rights. As this article explains, Jerry Falwell Sr. championed segregationists. In one sermon, the elder Falwell preached in reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision to desegregate public schools:
If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God’s word and had desired to do the Lord’s will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never have been made. The facilities should be separate. When God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line.
The elder Falwell went on to say that integration will “destroy our race eventually.” Falwell worked to start a white Christian school in response to desegregation and strongly defended others who started them. Then in 1971, when the IRS moved to revoke the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University, a school that forbade interracial dating, the movement that led to the Moral Majority began. 
Now Liberty University’s ugly roots are showing, so it makes sense that President Trump, who vilifies Muslims and Mexicans, who wants to build walls and institute bans, who hired Jeff Sessions as attorney general, would find friends at Liberty University. Trump touted his religious freedom executive order that enables "Americans and their organizations to exercise religion and participate fully in civic life without undue interference by the Federal Government.” This may have illicited yawns from most scholars, but in Falwell's setting, the order spoke to the historic roots of a movement that started because of the fear that government would interfere in segregation. History repeats, and so we are waking up to the Falwell dream, as much of the diverse and beautiful society that we built crumbles.
The questions is, will white evangelicals continue to support this shady union? Or will they wake up to another dream? It is not too late for us to join together while loving our neighbors, welcoming the stranger, and seeing the image of God in all humanity.
It’s hard to ignore the crushing, emotional response from many of the evangelical movement’s leaders.
As we wake up to the election results, and the news that a large chunk of the voting block were white Christians, we see that the soul of our nation is hollowed and charred.
How can we look beyond the next thirty days and focus on our whole lives? 
I, like many people of faith, am reeling from Jerry Falwell Jr.’s proclamations to his student body. Falwell encouraged the students of Liberty University (there are more than 100,000 of them) to arm themselves against Muslim terrorists. His rhetoric reminded me of a bumper sticker I see here in Tennessee: “Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.”
We have now heard Donald Trump’s words, literally ad nauseam, as he boasted about forcing himself on women, kissing them and grabbing them. Now, while the Republican Party implodes, many conservative evangelicals are brushing off the comments.
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Christian Dating Muslim Liberty University

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