Choosing Accommodation Options for Your Dog

Choosing Accommodation Options for Your Dog

Danny Wilde
Doggy Day Care

At one point we will have to leave our dog unattended either for a day or two or a longer period of time and this is when the big questions arise: Which is a better option for your dog doggy daycare or dog sitting?

While both are an effective way of looking after your dog in your absence, they both come with pros and cons.

So how can you decide between doggy daycare or dog sitting well fear not we are on hand to help.

Today we will discuss the differences between doggy daycare and dog sitting and help you to decide which is best for you and your dog.

But before we go into that let's talk about dog training.

Why is training relevant?

Dog training comes into this conversation because before deciding between doggy daycare and dog sitting you have to consider the type of training your dog has.

For example, has your dog been trained to be around other dogs how does it interact with other dogs does it become anxious or violent?

Is your dog ok with strangers or do new faces make your dog scared and/or lash out?

It's important to consider your dog's social status before choosing between doggy daycare and dog sitting because as we mentioned earlier, they both offer different setups which we will go into in more detail later in the article.

This is a consideration that is often overlooked and if you don’t get this right you can cause your dog considerable stress.

Picture yourself in a similar situation you don’t enjoy being with other people that much and prefer to work alone and you are suddenly shipped off on a team working course for a week with lots of people you have never met. It’s a very similar situation for your dog so it’s important to consider their dog training when making an accommodation choice.

Length of time

The amount of time you will require your dog to be away from you should also be a major consideration a dog sitter is more of a short-term solution whereas doggy daycare is better equipped for longer stays.

Special requirements

Your dog may have special requirements that can include their diet or the environment they are in. Again, longer-term options will be better equipped to deal with special requests than shorter-term solutions will.

How do I choose between the two?

Ok so now it is time to decide which option is best for you so let’s look at each in more detail:

Dog Sitting

Ideal in the short term as the sitter will come to your property and spend the day with your dog. This also reduces stress for the dog as the dog will be in familiar surroundings. You can also inform the sitter of any special requirements your dog needs and have them follow the routine you have already established.

Some drawbacks of dog sitting are that dog sitters will usually have multiple clients so cannot look after your dog for a continuous period of time.

Doggy Day Care

More of a longer-term solution. Your dog can socialize with other dogs which will help keep their mind from getting lonely. Your dog will be exercised regularly along with the other dogs in the daycare. Your home is protected from your dog as your dog will stay at the doggy daycare where staff can keep an eye on them around the clock.

Downsides of doggy daycare your dog is away from home which can make them anxious and cause them to get stressed. They will also be with other dogs which if they haven’t experienced this before can be quite distressing for them and they can also become angry and lash out. There is also the danger of them being hurt by other dogs although the chances of that happening are very slim.


In summary, it is never easy leaving your beloved dog and that is why taking your time to do your research before is crucial. You do not want to be away on business and be constantly worrying about your four-legged friend and their wellbeing.

Both doggy daycare and dog sitting are good modern-day options to choose from the main thing is to take the time to consider which option your dog would be happier in and where will they feel the safest until they are reunited with you.

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