Cho Chang Rule 34

Cho Chang Rule 34


Cho Chang Rule 34
You couldn’t help but root for Harry Potter and Cho Chang at the beginning. After all, Harry had sort of fancied her since they played Quidditch against each other in Prisoner of Azkaban, was totally infatuated in Goblet of Fire, finally falling into a relationship in Order of the Phoenix. But after three novels of build-up, their relationship hit the deck like Neville in a Body-Bind curse . So what went wrong? Here’s why ‘Charry’ fizzled out so quickly… In fact, too quickly to even warrant that portmanteau.
Dumbledore’s Army was Harry’s safe space during a terrible year of Voldemort visions, the reign of Professor Umbridge , and being vilified by the media, so the fact that Cho’s friend Marietta destroyed that by betraying them to Umbridge was a terrible move – made even worse by Cho’s attempts to defend her and reproach Hermione for cursing her with ‘SNEAK’-patterned pimples.
Even if you are Cho’s number one fan, this one is hard to get past. Sure, she gets points for loyalty to her friend, but what about loyalty to defending Hogwarts ? Also, the fact Harry, constantly angry in his fifth year, couldn’t see Cho’s point of view, made for an almighty clash that pretty much obliterated the entire relationship.
‘Oh, no,’ said Cho hurriedly. ‘No, it was only... well, I just wanted to say... Harry, I never dreamed Marietta would tell...’
‘Yeah, well,’ said Harry moodily. He did feel Cho might have chosen her friends a bit more carefully; it was small consolation that the last he had heard, Marietta was still up in the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey had not been able to make the slightest improvement to her pimples.
‘She's a lovely person really,’ said Cho. ‘She just made a mistake –’
Harry looked at her incredulously.
‘A lovely person who made a mistake? She sold us all out, including you!’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Like any first date, we can all get a bit tongue-tied, and Harry was no different. Although he clearly wanted to connect with his Ravenclaw crush, the Boy Who Lived was also the Boy Who Failed At Keeping Conversation Flowing, mostly because he couldn’t think of anything to talk to her about – apart from Quidditch.
For heaven’s sake Harry, you went to the same school! You had almost every single part of your daily routine in common! You were both MAGIC. Surely that would have been a good starting point, right? But alas, Harry was simply too young and too speechless. We’ve all been there, right?
Cho, we appreciate that it was Valentine’s Day and you wanted to be romantic, but Madam Puddifoot’s teashop was a bit overboard, complete with saccharine décor and a French-kissing Roger Davies. As such, the surrounding atmosphere lifted Harry completely out of his comfort zone, and the whole date just got a bit forced. The cherubs probably didn’t help.
Of course, it wasn’t Cho’s fault that her first love, Cedric Diggory , died at the end of the last school year. But perhaps it was a little too early for her to move forward? Poor Cho clearly struggled to get to grips with her budding relationship with Harry, as she was still too caught up in the horrific events of the Triwizard Tournament. We think Hermione put it rather well:
‘Well, obviously, she’s feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she’s feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can’t work out who she likes best. Then she’ll be feeling guilty, thinking it’s an insult to Cedric’s memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she’ll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can’t work out what her feelings towards Harry are, anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that’s all very mixed up and painful. Oh, and she’s afraid she’s going to be thrown off the Ravenclaw Quidditch team because she’s been flying so badly.’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
It’s not surprising that Ron’s reply to this was: ‘One person can’t feel all that at once, they’d explode.’
Harry didn’t want to talk about the events of the third task just as much as Cho desperately wanted to. In fact, he went out of his way to avoid the discussion, even though it was clearly important to Cho that they talk about it.
‘Women!’ he muttered angrily, sloshing down the rain-washed street with his hands in his pockets. ‘What did she want to talk about Cedric for, anyway? Why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?’
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry. We know you meant nothing by it, but you shouldn’t have kept mentioning your female best friend who knows you better than anyone in every other conversation with Cho. Although it was entirely innocent, it seemed ridiculous that Harry wouldn’t consider for a second that Cho would get a little jealous of Hermione, especially when he cut a date short to hang out with her.
Laughter is the key to every relationship, and yet Harry and Cho didn’t just have zero chemistry, they also seemed to be unhappy, insecure or awkward in each other’s presence almost all of the time. The only time they seemed to be able to chat away was when they were talking about Quidditch, but knowledge about a broomstick sport does not a romantic relationship make! Even their first kiss was pretty much a traumatic experience for Harry.
‘'Well?’ Ron said finally, looking up at Harry. ‘How was it?’
Harry considered it for a moment.
‘Wet,’ he said truthfully.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Perhaps in a parallel wizarding world, one where Harry gathered the courage to ask Cho to the Yule Ball before Cedric got in there first, this relationship would have been entirely different. Harry would have taken Cho to the ball, they’d have started dating, and the most pressing issue in their relationship would have been having to compete in Quidditch against each other. Instead, circumstances meant that Harry and Cho’s relationship never quite took off, which is a shame. But if Harry and Cho had made it work, then we would’ve been deprived of Harry and Ginny – so maybe things do happen for a reason.
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El estilo es algo muy individual. Una persona puede pensar que algo se ve genial, mientras que otra cree que es un desastre. Pero algunas tienen un gusto que es tan único, que otros simplemente no los entienden. Aquí hay ejemplos de cortes de cabello incomprensibles, que son, a su vez, únicos e hilarantes. [post_page_title]El…
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El estilo es algo muy individual. Una persona puede pensar que algo se ve genial, mientras que otra cree que es un desastre. Pero algunas tienen un gusto que es tan único, que otros simplemente no los entienden. Aquí hay ejemplos de cortes de cabello incomprensibles, que son, a su vez, únicos e hilarantes. [post_page_title]El…
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Elvis Presley was known for his outlandish and extravagant style, and the way he had his home decorated was no exception to this trend. The Graceland estate is just as opulent as Elvis himself was, and provides a unique insight into the life of the king of rock and roll. [post_page_title]Classic and simple[/post_page_title] The Graceland…
[post_page_title]Searching for help[/post_page_title] Eating disorders can start as someone looking to lose a few pounds for many different reasons. However, they are strong beasts that can take over someone’s life. It may be possible to overcome them alone, but sometimes a helping hand is necessary. Either way, battling the voices inside your own head is…
El programa de TV ‘Tres son multitud’ fue tan popular en su época que una participación especial en un episodio podía llevar la carrera de cualquier artista a la cima. Eso es lo que sucedió con muchas de las jóvenes actrices que aparecieron en la serie. Más de treinta años pasaron desde que el programa…
[post_page_title]Earthquaking revelation[/post_page_title] When professional wrestler John Tenta, otherwise known as Earthquake, entered the ring, his opponents knew they were in for a physical battle. He was at the peak of his powers during the ‘80s and ‘90s after a successful career as a sumo wrestler. Today when most people are going bald, they tend to…
El estilo es algo muy individual. Una persona puede pensar que algo se ve genial, mientras que otra cree que es un desastre. Pero algunas tienen un gusto que es tan único, que otros simplemente no los entienden. Aquí hay ejemplos de cortes de cabello incomprensibles, que son, a su vez, únicos e hilarantes. [post_page_title]El…
Já aconteceu com vocês também, de pensarem que estão tirando uma foto totalmente normal, para se dar conta só mais tarde que as coisas não são como parecem? Embora nem sempre esse acontecimento tenha tido um nome, o “photobombing” existe desde que as câmeras foram inventadas. Essas pessoas estavam vivendo suas vidas normais e tranquilas…
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Hermione's Mistake (Harry Potter) Rated - R

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May 31, 2007


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It all started on a typical day at Hogwarts Academy. Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to their least favorite class, Potions. When they arrived, they cringed when they saw their assignment on the board. They were to each make a memory-erasing potion and drink a swig of it in front of the entire class.

“This sucks”, Harry proclaimed.

“I’m going to fail”, Ron said dejectedly.

“Maybe if you studied like Snape told us to, you wouldn’t be in this predicament”, Hermione stated.

“Shut up, Hermione”, Harry and Ron replied simultaneously.

As the trio took their seats, Harry noticed that Draco was giving their group a snide look. While Harry was setting up his equipment, Snape walked into the room and yelled at the class for not working fast enough.

30 mins. Later

As the class was struggling with the potion, Hermione had finished and was waiting the required 20 minutes for it to turn blue. Hermione was sitting in her seat, studying to past the time. If she had been paying attention to her potion, she would have noticed Draco mix some extra ingredients into it. With everybody struggling with their potion, nobody noticed Draco’s mischievous deed.

Hermione took a glance at her potion after the required 20 minutes passed, and chagrined as she realized that the potion was a light purple, instead of blue. She looked around and noticed that with the exception of a select few, most of the other potions in the class were either green, or spewing foul, orange smoke. She tried to lift her spirits by telling herself that it was a very difficult potion, but the fact that a few people had accomplished the goal made her unhappy. Everybody’s potions were set up in front of them as Snape walked in to test his pupil’s abilities.

In order to properly test the potions, Snape would tell the student a key word. After the student had drunk a swig of the potion, Snape would give them some truth serum, and ask for the password. If the student remembered the password, he/she gets a zero, if he/she doesn’t remember it, you get graded based on how much Snape likes you.

As Hermione’s turn came, she was slightly relieved to realize that nobody had yet to pass. Snape walked up to her potion, and smiled his crude little smile.

“Well, I guess you’re not as perfect as you thought you were, now are you Ms. Granger?”, Snape said with a hint of smugness.

“I don’t know what I did wrong sir, but the color could be caused by...”, Hermione replied before being cut off.

“I care not for your excuses, Ms. Granger. I only care to test your abilities as a potion maker.”, Snape replied.

“Your keyword is ‘Failure’.”, Snape said with a slight smirk..

As Hermione swigged her potion, she felt lightheaded and dizzy, which made her think her potion worked. That thought ended, however, when the effects went away, but the password was still in her mind, as if to remind her of her humiliation.

“Your truth serum, Ms. Granger”, Snape said.

She drank the swig of truth potion, and waited for it’s effects to take hold. As she waited, she tried to think of what she could have done wrong, but nothing came to mind.

“All right, Ms. Granger, what was the keyword.”, Snape asked menacingly.

“Failure.”, she instantly blurted out.

She hung her head in shame after realizing what she did.

“Don’t worry Hermione,” Ron said comfortingly. “It happens to everybody.”

“Not to me it doesn’t”, Hermione stated dejectedly.

“That’s a Zero, Ms. Granger. Also, Gryffindor loses 20 points for your overconfidence.”, Snape said with a hint of joy.

Hermione walked out the classroom as the period ended, thinking to herself that this day couldn’t get any worse. Little did she know, it was about to get a lot worse.
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Harry and Ron were scared about Hermione. She hated failure with an intensity hundreds of times greater than Ron’s hatred of spiders. They found her sulking in the common room in front of the fireplace.

“Cheer up Hermione”, Harry said comfortingly. “It’s only potions. Nobody will fault you for failing one of Snape’s assignments.”

“I do all the time”, Ron added.

“Not helping” Harry replied, sounding annoyed.

“I know”, Hermione interjected. “But I’m not use to failure.”

“Hermione”, Harry muttered before being cut off.

“I think I’ll go take a nap for an hour or two.”, Hermione stated, climbing the stairs to the Girls Dormitory.

“I hope she’ll be okay”, Ron said.

“Me too”, added Harry.

1 hour later

Hermione had just woken up from her nap, intending to clear her head. Unfortunately, she noticed that her first thought was of her failure earlier that day. Her thoughts on the issue were diverted when she noticed a warm, wet feeling in the bed. She threw off her blanket, and noticed that for the first time in many years, she h
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