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Mastercard and Visa have dumped Pornhub following an exposé that revealed the site was infested with videos of rape and child sex abuse. Mastercard confirmed “the presence of illegal material.
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Pornhub is removing all videos on its site that weren't uploaded by official content partners or members of its model program, a fundamental shift in the way one of the largest porn sites in the.
Adult video giant Pornhub this week announced that it has taken the unprecedented step of removing millions of user-uploaded videos. The move, which the Canadian-born site calls “the most.
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Pornhub, in a statement, called the actions "exceptionally disappointing." Two days ago, the company announced steps to protect against images of abuse, nonconsensual activity and underage models.
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Mastercard, Visa and Discover are blocking customers from using their companies' credit cards to make purchases on Pornhub. This comes after allegations were made against the pornographic website.
Pornhub released their year in review, which revealed that watch different porn than men. Women prefer to view lesbian, solo male, and romantic porn.
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Pornhub, the world's largest and most popular porn site, has been repeatedly caught enabling, hosting, and profiting from videos of child rape, sex trafficking, and other forms of non-consensual content exploiting women and minors. We're calling for Pornhub to be shut down and its executives held accountable for these crimes.
Pornhub has a steadfast commitment to eradicating and fighting any and all illegal content on the internet, including non-consensual content and child sexual abuse material. Any suggestion.
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Visa said Wednesday it will allow customers to make payments on some adult websites owned by Pornhub's parent company, MindGeek. The allowed websites, .
Pornhub issued a response about its "commitment to trust and safety" following an explosive New York Times op-ed. It's far from the first time the site has been criticized for hosting.
Pornhub, which said on Tuesday that it had made changes to prevent the use of nonconsensual content, said on Thursday that Mastercard’s and Visa’s measures were “exceptionally disappointing.”.
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