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Caught on camera: Woman uses 'C-word' slur towards Asian employee at Los Altos post office

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Copyright © 2022 ABC, Inc., KGO-TV San Francisco. All Rights Reserved.
In the video, the woman, who at one point says she has "been in this country 38 years," looks directly into the phone camera and says the "c**nk" slur again, much louder and storms out.
LOS ALTOS, Calif. (KGO) -- Community members are outraged after a woman was caught on camera using a slur toward a United States Postal Service employee in Los Altos.
Tyler Brumfield recorded the incident at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, July 23 while at the post office on Main Street in Los Altos.
VIDEO: Community outraged after woman shouts racial slur towards Asian worker at Los Altos USPS
In the video, the woman, wearing a mask is yelling at the USPS worker, "Can you just do your job?! It's simple!"
After some more shouting the woman can be heard saying "c***nk" under her breath. Bystanders in line quickly jump in to denounce the slur.
"That's not acceptable! No it's not! Totally NOT okay!" Brumfield said. Another customer can be heard calling police and reporting the incident.
Another few seconds passes and the woman, who at one point herself has "been in this country 38 years," looks directly into the phone camera and says the "c" slur again, much louder and storms out.
I spoke with Brumfield about why he wanted to document the incident and share it with the Bay Area.
"The reason I did it was to spread awareness and to let people know that this is happening all around us. We live in Silicon Valley and this is happening in Los Altos California," said Brumfield via Zoom.
"We are all humans and we should respect each other as such, because someone is different or has different melanin doesn't mean we have to disregard the humanity of that particular person." he continued.
A USPS communications person tells ABC7 News they don't tolerate this kind of behavior and "abusive language" and provide training to all of their employees who come in contact with. The situation is being investigated.
Concerns after recent attacks on Asian American seniors in SF
Ultramarathoner shares story after coyote attack at Marin Headlands
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Track wildfires across CA with this interactive map
Caught on camera: Woman uses 'C-word' slur towards Asian employee at Los Altos post office

Copyright © 2022 KGO-TV. All Rights Reserved.
Find resources to help with equality, justice and race issues
EXCLUSIVE: Bay Area man speaks out after woman told his family 'you can't be in this country'
Laney College teacher Matthew Hubbard issues apology after asking Oakland student to 'anglicize' her name
EXCLUSIVE: Waitress who stopped SF tech CEO's racist rant at Carmel Valley restaurant shares what happened
EXCLUSIVE: Video shows contractor stealing from vacant SF apartment
New COVID bivalent vaccine expected in US in the fall
South African singer says he was racially profiled at Napa restaurant
Flex Alert issued for Bay Area on Wednesday
Truck theft impacts SJ man's family, business and volunteer efforts
Copyright © 2022 ABC, Inc., KGO-TV San Francisco. All Rights Reserved.
In the video, the woman, who at one point says she has "been in this country 38 years," looks directly into the phone camera and says the "c**nk" slur again, much louder and storms out.
LOS ALTOS, Calif. (KGO) -- Community members are outraged after a woman was caught on camera using a slur toward a United States Postal Service employee in Los Altos.
Tyler Brumfield recorded the incident at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, July 23 while at the post office on Main Street in Los Altos.
VIDEO: Community outraged after woman shouts racial slur towards Asian worker at Los Altos USPS
In the video, the woman, wearing a mask is yelling at the USPS worker, "Can you just do your job?! It's simple!"
After some more shouting the woman can be heard saying "c***nk" under her breath. Bystanders in line quickly jump in to denounce the slur.
"That's not acceptable! No it's not! Totally NOT okay!" Brumfield said. Another customer can be heard calling police and reporting the incident.
Another few seconds passes and the woman, who at one point herself has "been in this country 38 years," looks directly into the phone camera and says the "c" slur again, much louder and storms out.
I spoke with Brumfield about why he wanted to document the incident and share it with the Bay Area.
"The reason I did it was to spread awareness and to let people know that this is happening all around us. We live in Silicon Valley and this is happening in Los Altos California," said Brumfield via Zoom.
"We are all humans and we should respect each other as such, because someone is different or has different melanin doesn't mean we have to disregard the humanity of that particular person." he continued.
A USPS communications person tells ABC7 News they don't tolerate this kind of behavior and "abusive language" and provide training to all of their employees who come in contact with. The situation is being investigated.
Concerns after recent attacks on Asian American seniors in SF
Ultramarathoner shares story after coyote attack at Marin Headlands
GM recalls 484K SUVs to fix problem 3rd-row seat belts: NHTSA

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