Chinese doctor suggests nutritious foods for children’s breakfast instead of congee; Chinese netizens: “unpatriotic and a western worshipper”

Chinese doctor suggests nutritious foods for children’s breakfast instead of congee; Chinese netizens: “unpatriotic and a western worshipper”


(24 Apr) Doctor Zhang Wenhong, Director of the Department of Infections of the Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai, suggested that children should have nutritious and high protein foods for their breakfast instead of congee to fight against COVID-19. However, he was criticized by Chinese netizens as “unpatriotic and a western worshipper”.

He explained that nutritious and high protein food, such as milk and eggs, is good for children’s immune systems.  Despite being criticized by many Chinese netizens, Zhang stood firm elaborating that protein is essential for the human immune system as it helps create antibodies to fight the virus. He also added that children should also take Vitamin C supplements.

Chinese netizens reacted aggressively to Zhang’s speech, “what is the issue of having congee as breakfast? This is a traditional food for the Chinese, why are you saying it is not nutritious?”

However, a few rational netizens retorted, “how come those who have sandwiches and milk for breakfast are traitors? If so, everybody who uses a smartphone betrays China as smartphones only run with Android or IOS which are American products. One can only be truly patriotic if we go back to the Stone Age.”

The storm of “no congee” kept spreading. Recently, the Publicity Department of the CCP published an article in Xinhua News with the title “Zhang Wenhong’s suggestion is a scientific analysis which should not be connected to any patriotic or political thought”.  The article stated that “Zhanh suggesting not having congee was rational and scientifically proven in the fight against COVID-19. It was unexpected that this topic escalated to discussions about traditional culture, politics, and even patriotism. It was not rational and netizens were easily misled and incited to give some false statements.”

The article also mentioned that scientific discussions should be left in the realms of science. If it is politicised then the whole society will suffer.

On the other hand, a writer Yuan Li published an article in The New York Times named <With Selective Coronavirus Coverage, China Builds a Culture of Hate> which points out Chinese media being selective in the news being reported, creating animosity between countries and races.  For example, Chinese media used the words “hell” and “doom” describing the situations in Italian and Spanish hospitals. They also headlined British and American medical personnel to use garbage bags as protective suits. However, the same scenarios are prevalent in China but such news is classified as “rumors”.

The article highlighted that Fang Fang, a Wuhan author, is not the only one being hated. Another Wuhan mother who lost her daughter had expressed her sadness on the internet and asked if her daughter’s death could be avoided.  However, the mother was attacked by many Wuhan netizens who said that “you are just the unlucky one representing the 1% Wuhan, don’t try to say anything on behalf of the remaining 99% of it”.

The article also added that many young people in China have made use of fake news to attack netizens and countries who do not think that China is doing better in the fight against COVID-19. Yuan commented that this is an old strategy from the CCP and she, as a Chinese person, is familiar with this as her generation was fed so much propaganda praising the CCP. If such propaganda she read still exists nowadays, the title would be to “China is great – those disagree with that are our enemies”.

Source: Citizen News

#chauvinsim #CCP #Chinesepropaganda #ZhangWenhong #Congee #WesternWorshipper #patriotism #Nationalism #Fangfang

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