Chinese Soldiers In The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Could See Crypto Rewards For Performance

Chinese Soldiers In The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Could See Crypto Rewards For Performance

Soldiers from China could start to receive crypto rewards soon, according to the South China Morning Post, a prominent Chinese media outlet. The information comes from an official military source, the PLA Daily. This week, it was announced that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army could start earning rewards in crypto, which would be based on each soldier’s behavior.

The goal is to “improve human resource management” and each soldier would either get or lose crypto based on data about their daily performance. This would, in the army’s view, help to generate an objective assessment of how to manage human resources better while rewarding the best soldiers.

As the blockchain is a technology that basically is impossible to tamper with, this could provide a good way to increase the levels of trust and transparency on evaluations and to make them more secure.

In the same announcement, the PLA Daily also claimed that blockchain technology could be used as an effective way to store classified military information and could improve how data is handled in the country.

Since the country’s President Xi Jinping has endorsed blockchain technology, China is living an age of high blockchain popularity.

Top executives from the government seem to be leading an effort to strengthen the use of the tech in the country and to find new ways to apply the blockchain as a way to solve problems. Other political and economic measures are also being studied by the government.

While the technology is not necessarily mainstream in the country, it is certainly becoming more well-known and accepted in Chinese social and political circles. Now, it seems that the military is about to embrace the crypto world as well.

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