Chinese Guy Fucks White Woman

Chinese Guy Fucks White Woman


Chinese Guy Fucks White Woman
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Home Opinion Asian Guys With White Girls: She Isn’t Woke And Neither Are You

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Editor’s note: Eliza Romero is a Filipino-American style blogger. The views expressed in this piece are solely her own.
Asian men with White wives or girlfriends: she’s not woke and neither are you. Someone told a bunch of Asian guys that if they pull a White girl, she’s automatically woke AF because she’s somehow joining in the fight against White supremacy and the White patriarchy. Nah. If you think you’re superior to an Asian girl who only dates White guys , I’m here to tell you, you’re wrong. Someone also told you guys that your kids are superior to the kids of Asian women and White men because they don’t uphold White supremacy and they’re exposed to a way healthier upbringing and they’ll have an easier time with girls blah blah blah because they’re mother doesn’t hate Asians or herself. Whatever.
Proof of AMWF worshipping white features. There are tons of people who date White women in hopes of whiter children (Black men, Indian men and Asian men)
Kelly Conway married to Filipino Hapa
“White women were often constructed as the ultimate standard of beauty and of traditional femininity, and as the property of white men; they also were endowed with traits such as egalitarianism, strength, independence, and, on the negative side, peevishness. These characteristics that Asian American men found in white women reflect the idea of ‘hegemonic femininity,’ which reinforces the notion that white women are superior to other groups of women [45]. By dating or marrying white women, the Asian American men believed they were consolidating their manhood as a privilege marking unique and/or assimilated masculinity. ” ( Source here )
If you’re an Asian dude who thinks this way, this is what you’re really promoting: White supremacy. Yup, you’re doing it too. What you’re really telling your future children is that since your Asian father was able to marry a White woman, your sons will be better off because he’s less Asian than his father. You’re not doing shit for Asian people by obsessing over your ability to pull a White woman.
White women uphold White supremacy all the time, even the ones who marry Asians. Yeah, White women can think they’re better than their Asian husbands too. I can name a few of these kinds of couples and I’ll bet you can too.
Look, I don’t care who you date. Just check yourself before you start making assumptions and thinking you’re superior to everyone else.
Eliza Romero is a Baltimore-based, Filipino-American fashion photographer and style blogger behind the website Aesthetic Distance, a blog critical of pop culture. This article was originally published on Plan A Magazine and republished with permission.

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(DISCLAIMER: I’m half Chinese and this is written tongue in cheek. So before you call me racist, have a laugh and learn something that could change your life)
I realise that your slanted little eyes and off-yellow skin makes it difficult for anyone to love you, but is it true that it’s ESPECIALLY hard for you to attract white women? Even impossible?
If you’re anything like most Asian guys, you probably believe it is. Somewhere through your childhood, you had some bad experiences where a white woman turned you down, VICIOUSLY stomped all over your heart and you’ve been scarred from that moment onwards.
Your close group of yellow brothers banded around you in defiant support of the devastation and pain inflicted upon you with comforting words like:
And from there, your lifelong limiting belief was formed.
Now, I could sit here and tell you a thousand times over that your limited ability to date a white woman has NOTHING to do with the colour of your skin and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that you simply don’t help her feel empowered, free, loved, beautiful, and appreciated but that’s not going to do anyone any good.
Your beliefs are formed with evidence and they’re only going to be changed with evidence. So, instead of trying to convince you of fact that white women do actually date yellow men, I’m just going to show you a video.
It’s a video of a Chinaman who dated a WHITE San Deigo Chargers Cheerleader. As you’re watching it, pay very close attention to the kind of Man he is and have a guess of how he makes women feel.
You might realise exactly why you’re not attracting women and what you need to change.
Crap. They’ve made the video private.
What about this blonde bombshell with over 1 million instagram followers ?
Interested in dating this beautiful, famous, white girl?
Well, unfortunately, she’s taken already by an ASIAN GUY. Impossible as it may sound, here’s the proof:
So stop the excuses and get your shit together. It’s not because you’re Asian, it’s simply because of the kind of Man you’re being around white women.
P.S. I’ve only ever dated white women (not racial thing, just happened that way) and my wife is white
As an indian(Yes we’re considered asian too suck it) this has been my belief to hell sometimes even now.
This makes me realize that I gotta really figure out and determine what I want to do and how I want to live my life and ruthlessly go after it.
Thanks man. Any advice on where to go from here?
Great to hear it hit a chord with you.
Where to go? Finish Get Real first and you’ll have your answer.
You might be considered Asian geographically, but in real life you are considered just “Indian”. Dark skinned South Asians from India are not considered to be the same group as East Easians like the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Malaysians, etc. Having said that, the dynamic which makes Asian men unattractive to white women does not apply to Indians. Many white women find Indians extremely attractive. Hate to say it guys, but it is your penis size. Indians have even smaller willies than East Asians. And all Asians are generally much smaller than black and white guys who both can easily get white women.
You’re just an insecure little twat. Obviously you have no real extensive experiences with women. How the hell do you know what each man packs? Grow up kid. Seldom women care about size. For most its not important what matters most is personality, confidence, physical attraction then later trust and security.
A good heart and mind wins with me every time.
I guess you could think of a man as “that useless object on the other end of a penis” or that a “willie” is an appendage attached to a man. If you’re of the latter persuasion then you’ll agree that a man’s worth (or sexual performance) is not measured by the size of his member anymore than s woman’s worth (or performance) is measured by the size of her rack. Wow whoever gave us the global penis ‘statistics’ is either a medical anthropologist or has REEEALLY been around. Then again maybe your stats are a result of you not having gotten around at all. Unless (whoever you are) you date prepubescent boys you are waaaay off base. To each her own but what a burden it must be to single out men to date or in your case to bed, based on something you probably gleaned off of Wikipedia. However may I suggest visiting an adult toy store (in which case you can probably disregard all of the following) and/or consult s plastic surgeon to see if in fact it’s you who needs an (downsize) adjustment; consult a shrink to find out if you’re a nympho, relocate to wherever it is you seem to think you’ll find genital nervava, get tested regularly, get really good health insurance, or try to develop a personality. Whatever you choose be sure to procure a plethora of plus-size prophylactics.
You are contradicting yourself. You say that many white women find Indians attractive and yet you are saying the willies are smaller than Asians.
Actually I am Asian and have lots of white women who been with white and black and say my penis size better than both ?
you are actually wrong and that not actualy truth lol searched up on like 30 different sites and asians evolved and asians aint small ass people who just dont do anything. Also, White women dont find indians attractive. Plus, why do some of my family members who are asian and male date white people? And who cares about willies and other stuff. TALK SOME SENSE INTO THIS KID WHO IS RACIST AND IS BEING AN ASSHOLE TO ASIANS. PROBABLY JUST SAD THAT YOU DONT HAVE A DATE RIGHT?!!!!!
It’s not the SIZE of the magic wand that matters to women; it’s the skill of the magician who wields it. That said, I admit that I am not at all attracted to dark-skinned men. I think what brought this prejudice on was when I grew up, left home and began my career. When I would walk to work, a group of Hispanic and Black construction workers hanging out a convenience store I had to pass would yell at me things such as “Hey, baby, is the hair on your pussy as red as the hair on your head?” and “Hey, baby,” (grabbing their dicks through their pants) “do you like black/brown meat?” I worked with a man who would stand beside me, behind my desk, rubbing his penis through his slacks. On occasion he would make remarks about his ‘long dong,’ or ask if I swallowed.’ A few years later when internet chatrooms became wildly popular, I’d enter–say, a literary or horses enthusiasts chatroom. Often, before even having a chance to say hello, I’d be bomarded with unsolicited private meaasges from Rashan or Abdullah or Mohammad, demanding “Turn on you camera” or “Send me you naked pic.” That’s why I’m not attracted to dark-skinned men
Poettesse, well not all dark skinned men are like that. I think culturally, they tend to be more aggressive because they’re culture sees women not as equal, it’s about control. There aren’t many asians living in the U.S. and I think if you’re the majority in your country, you feel like you can get away with anything, look at idiot Trump.
A woman definitely bases her relationship and commitment on a man’s p***s size (that was sarcasm if you didn’t get that). In fact I would argue that if a girl wants to become a man’s girlfriend because of the size of his d***, that girl isn’t worth being in a relationship with. She is most likely an ignorant brain dead monkey who doesn’t know a thing about what true love really is. Excuse me for my aggressive language but I cannot stand the fact that there are people in 2018 who are still saying that a man’s p***s is the all encompassing measure of a man’s supreme and ultimate worth. I mean doesn’t that sound really stupid? Of course some people wouldn’t understand do they? The author of this article is right; Relationships are not based around race or ethnicity. They are based around mutual trust, love, compassion, grace, humility, and a myriad of other traits virtuous to mankind.
Yeah…..seems like no women like or even consider dating asian men because of the uh, asian penis stereotype.
Really?!?! I’m a white woman and I find Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese etc men extremely attractive. I wish more would be confident in themselves to date me. BTW, if I like someone I don’t care about penis size. Asians having smaller penises is a myth, stop spreading nonsense.
Um, no. The world isn’t this black and white. I an a white woman and have dated 2 East Indians and they were huge. Also, friends of mine who have dated black guys (stereotypically known to be big) have told me they are NOT always well endowed. Same with Asian guys, some are big, some aren’t. Personally, if the guy is good and treats me well, I don’t mind a little “less” down there. ‘)
Haroon, we’ll said. I have the same experience, im asian and never really had an issue with size from all different types of women. I’m an Asian American not sure if the makes a difference but life’s good on my side.
Indians and Pakistanis are Asian technically, but when western people say “Asian” they mean east Asian like from Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. Not India or Pakistan.
Agreed! And the most unpopular asians without any luck are the unpopular azns from Hmong to Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and vietnam. These other unpopular azn categories have no chances with white females.
Second that. And the most unpopular asians without any luck are the unpopular azns from Hmong to Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and vietnam. These other unpopular azn categories have no chances with white females.
Damn, he has a very positive outlook about life!! Thank you for sharing this Leigh!! It makes me feel empowered and dissapointed at the same time. And this is because it encourages me to work more on the things that I love and also makes me feel stupid for all the time that I waste complaining about “silly” things
It’s fine to feel disappointed. It’s fine to feel like you’ve wasted time. But when you do, just allow that disappointment to drive you further and push you harder to overcome your challenges.
And it’s great you picked up on the attitude. Every single Asian guy I’ve met who claims that it’s not possible for them to pick up white women, has been submissive, fragile, and dependent. Every single one I’ve met with a beautiful white girlfriend has been independent, strong, and positive.
Hey, this article shone a new light on white girls for me , however, in the defense of the “weak” Asian Guys I have something to say.
I have had bad experiences with white girls who are racist as I was the only Asian in this group and people singled me out for being Smart and the white girls in that area didnt like Smart people. Additionally, I find that asian guys with hot white girlfriends tend to be condescending to those without (like me!), To say the least! I now understand that race doesn’t matter but in so, must oint out that it is sometimes, not usually, but sometimes can be the white girl’s fault.
I know what most I said makes no sense but I’m just trying to say not all asian guys who have given up on white girls are weak-willed, they may have had an experience with an extremely racist community , like me, although im probably all those bad emotions too.
It was an incredible article, Leigh! And for other guys that are shorter than others, they can get beautiful women too. Being small is not a bad thing neither.
You’re right. Short guys can attract women. Fat guys can attract women. Guys with big ears can attract women. Any physical appearance has the ability to make women feel safe, secure, appreciated, and excited.
It all comes down to what kind of Man you are.
I believe some women are just attracted or interested in Asian men because some of us Asian men can and do some other men generally can’t or won’t do for women and with women …
Hey Leigh the link is broken. Can you fix it? Everybody needs to get inspired now or then ^^
They made the video private so I’ve found you another one. Not as impressive as the last one but still does the job.
This article is well-written but really ignores the elephant in the room. Yes, white girls are attracted to guys who empower them, blah, blah, but looking Asian is certainly a handicap. In other words, an asian dude needs to not only make them feel good, the girl has to feel SO good that she doesn’t mind the fact she’s not physically attracted to him. This is the same argument for many fat unattractive white guys who get girls. Personal experience: The pretty white girls I’ve seen who actually prefer white guys, are the ones who love how asians spend more money on girls.
Asian guys can be attractive! I’m a 23 year old woman. I’m white, I think I’m reasonably pretty and I’m extremely attracted to Asian guys. I’m the one insecure about it – I never see an Asian guy dating a white girl – but there aren’t many Asian guys were I live so that could be why. You guys have the most beautiful, dark hair. Man that gets me…. You could reasonably say my entire sexual orientation = Asian. I don’t want your “money”, I’m not glamoured by Korean dramas, I’m attracted to Asian guys because your features make me want you. You don’t even have to be a model. Even “average” Asian guys are leagues more attractive than “average” white guys, if that’s our taste. Pleassssse don’t discourage other Asian guys from asking us out!
Great! Although, girls like yourself are very very rare.
No we are not. I know so many women who feel like Acacia, including myself. We may not be screaming “Asian men are hot you fools” from the mountain tops but it doesn’t mean that we don’t talk about it a lot amongst ourselves. I don’t mean the kdrama type of men either (ew, no thanks) but the guy you would see walking down the street or at the supermarket. And I don’t think this is something that only happens where I am from either (New Zealand). You need to get that chip off your shoulder and start looking for a genuine woman who would be open to a relationship with someone from a different culture. Being able to share cultures, language, and experiences with one another puts the relationship on a whole different level. Ko te manu e kai ana te miro, nona te ngahere: The bird who partakes of the miro berry, theirs is the forest. Bro, be the bird!
iam asian men, and i feel the same just like you feel, also want a western wife… good word
Thanks for your comment, Acacia. <3
So, what part of the US are you? I mean here in jersey, jersey women seem so different
Someone like you sure deserve to be happy by some nice Asian man. Dating sure may not be easy for us some but keeping Hope like the way you do actually give Asian man (I am middle age Asian) many of Hope. Don’t listen too much of others, follow your true feeling.
I agree with the part about the fat unattractive part which the article has ignored. But, I think that acacia has made a good point from her personal experience about Asian, however it is different for everyone, maybe she is just part of a minority, I don’t know
Acacia, how do i contact you ? i have a big surprise for you
Well say , I am Asian I think the tendency on racism in America or white ppl domitating countries have the reclining trend than in the past , the word for attraction is varying from person to person , due to the traditional customs no doubt white mostly will choose white , notwithstanding with the fact nowadays , this trend has slighly changed due to the world is more opened to all the ppl in different countries because the technology has narrowed down the gap in understanding about other races .
That is not true at all! I’m a white girl who loves the way Asian guys look. So do a lot of my other white girls friends, we dig the look dude.
There tend to be more extremely ugly Asian Guys who complain and are unattractive (me??) This should not affect the direction of the article as they are just the minority. This is just directed at Asian Guys who have a minute chance, not those who have to work so extremely hard just to look normal. Also, I know this is a generalisation but asians generally work harder than Caucasians which makes them seem like “tryhards” or “too serious” it’s not just the looks that prevent Asian Guys, it’s their work ethic too. I understand I am just generalising.
Can I date you? I want to date white girls only
Hey, so apparently we’re all just being dumb about this… One of my friends showed this to me, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at the irony. I am in fact a white girl that finds asian guys very attractive. The thing is… Every time I try to talk to an asian guy, I feel like they just are not interested in any way possible! It bums me out a little… This actually makes me laugh at just how you guys
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