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Porn in Video Streams? China Presses Apple to Monitor Content
Internet regulator tells app companies to tighten censorship and flags App Store oversight
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BEIJING—A new challenge looms for Apple Inc. AAPL +1.30% in China after internet regulators warned three video-app companies to do a better job of screening out pornography—an eye-popping task, as is evident here in the offices of the popular Huajiao streaming service.
A team of workers, tasked to police output, watches as images of young women and other video performers flash across their computer screens every two seconds in grids that allow them to watch 60 shows at a time. The mission: to make sure the coquettish video stars don’t do anything to violate China’s ban on steamy content.
“It’s tough because a girl can be talking normally and then suddenly take off her clothes,” said a worker.
When the Cyberspace Administration of Beijing issued the warning Tuesday to Huajiao and two other app companies to improve censorship, it also said it planned to summon Apple executives to discuss stricter oversight of the company’s App Store. Under regulations issued last year, app stores in China share responsibility for ensuring content is legal.
The news of the week in context, with Tyler Blint-Welsh.
Apple is the only foreign company running a major app store in China. Its App Store includes video streaming services among its thousands of apps, but Apple itself doesn’t stream videos. Apple has said it follows local law about what content is illegal and must be censored. Apple declined to comment. The Beijing Cyberspace Administration didn’t reply to requests for comment.
China’s app regulations are in line with Beijing’s censorship strategy of leaning on private companies to self-censor. The amount of effort that responsibility entails for a live video app could be seen at Huajiao’s offices on Thursday.
Huajiao said that before Tuesday’s warning it already had 150 in-house employees and around 450 contractors who work three shifts to keep eyes on live videos around the clock; the company hasn’t added personnel but has stepped up monitoring since receiving the warning, it said.
Every video stream—Huajiao said it has around 1 million a day—is monitored at half-hour intervals. Young employees, clad in T-shirts and sneakers, drink tea and eat sleeves of crackers as they scan grids of talking faces, sometimes clicking on them to check more closely.
China’s live-stream video hosts are similar to YouTube stars, self-made entertainers who do all kinds of performances. Some feature flirtatious young women who sing or chat with viewers, and cajole them to buy virtual gifts for them through the apps. Sometimes they use nudity to encourage gift-giving.
“The majority of censorship in China is really done by self-censorship of companies to avoid themselves getting into trouble,” said Patrick Poon, a China researcher for Amnesty International. Companies face possible fines and shutdown if they don’t comply.
In China, the range of forbidden content extends beyond pornography and violence to political speech. For chat apps and blogs, Chinese internet companies feed blacklists of sensitive words into screening software.
For years, China state television broadcast important “live” events with a delay of under a minute to allow it to reach censors’ eyes first.
But with the explosion of live-streaming apps, any regular person in China can broadcast themselves live to tens of thousands of viewers across the country. When it comes to real-time video streams, censorship is a daunting task, as Facebook Inc. was reminded this week when a user posted a video of a murder.
This week’s official warnings come as part of a broader push by authorities to update the country’s longstanding online censorship mechanism for the mobile era. China issued the app regulations last year and in January put some of the onus on app store operators by requiring them to register.
With Google Play blocked in the country, Apple has been the only Western company with broad powers to influence what digital content reaches Chinese consumers’ phones. That has meant Apple frequently comes under the scrutiny of censorship authorities.
In January, Apple said it removed the New York Times from its App Store in China, following a request from Chinese authorities. Last year, China shut down Apple’s online book and movie services without specifying a reason. Authorities told Apple it lacked the necessary license, a person familiar with the matter said at the time.
Given Apple’s unique position as a major foreign digital content provider in China, some companies here aren’t too happy with App Store policies. Social media giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. said Wednesday it killed a popular “tipping” feature for iOS users of its WeChat messaging platform after Apple said the feature didn’t comply with its App Store policy.
—Yang Jie contributed to this article.
Write to Eva Dou at
Appeared in the April 21, 2017, print edition as '.'
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The Chinese government started blocking Google on some computers this week after accusing the search engine of displaying “pornographic” links. And as of July 1, all computers sold in China will have Internet filtering software installed to block porn. Is all pornography illegal in China?
Yes. The People’s Republic of China has banned porn since its establishment in 1949. Anyone who produces, distributes, or purchases lewd magazines, books, or videos can be penalized. Usually the punishment is just a fine and a warning, but in 2005 the creator of China’s biggest porn site was sentenced to life in prison. Movie studios or filmmakers caught producing erotic films can lose permission to make movies altogether.
It’s unclear, however, what the government considers pornographic. The law itself is vague: Officials may target anything that “violat[es] public morality and harm[s] the physical and mental health of youth and young people.” At universities, performance art that features nudity is rarely prohibited. (It’s more likely to be banned if it involves pictures or video.) State-run bookstores will often sell books advertised as sexually explicit, but with the offending passages removed. The government makes an exception for sex education—which was taught in primary schools starting in 2002—although teaching materials often resort to euphemism rather than pictures of naked men and women.
The State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, which oversees the media, cracks down periodically on pornography. In the 1980s, the government started a campaign against “spiritual pollution,” a deliberately vague term that included everything from Western movies to liberal political tracts to erotica. In 2002, the ministry of information issued new guidelines allowing censors to screen Web sites and e-mail for pornography as well as political dissent. Nevertheless, porn is widely available. Enforcement is uneven, and censors tend to be more lax in urban than in rural areas. It’s easy to buy books and DVDs at local street markets, especially in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing. And some of the most famous banned books, such as the sexually explicit 17th-century classic The Golden Lotus, are widely read.
Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer.
Explainer thanks Bruce Dickson of the George Washington University and Steve Lewis of Rice University.
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