China Sex Term Slang

China Sex Term Slang


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Maybe it’s the summer, but I’ve got love…and love-making on my mind.
So let’s talk about sex, baby…in Chinese. The language has some splendid idioms on the subject — here are three of my favorites. And who knows? Maybe a little talk about what goes on beside your pillows might turn into a little pillow talk after all.
干柴烈火 (gānchái lièhuǒ)
You know them, those couples or newlyweds who just “can’t keep their hands off each other,” who really need to get a hotel room. Well, imagine the passion that gets ignited between these guys behind closed doors, the sparks that fly. That’s the idea behind this idiom, which means literally “raging fire and dry wood,” but is really about a couple caught in incredible passion.
When this pair of young lovers first slept together, it was like a raging fire and dry wood, burning with passion.
这对小情人第一次上床就像干柴烈火, 激情燃烧。
zhèduì xiǎoqíngrén dìyīcì shàngchuáng jiùxiàng gānchái lièhuǒ,jīqíng ránshāo.
男欢女爱 (nánhuān nǚài)
For couples, at its best, sex can offer some serious fun. That’s the heart of this idiom, which literally says “man happy, woman love” and means “a couple enjoying themselves sexually.” Let’s just hope that enjoyment is yours — and not your neighbor’s (see example). 😉
Our neighbors are college students. At night we always hear them enjoying themselves sexually, and it really makes us envious.
我们的邻居是大学生;晚上经常听到他们男欢女爱, 让人妒忌。
Wǒmen de línjū shì dàxuéshēng;wǎnshang jīngcháng tīngdào tāmen nánhuān nǚài, ràngrén dùjì.
巫山云雨 (wūshān yúnyǔ)
Arguably one of the most classic Chinese idioms to describe sex — with a pretty cool story behind it. Supposedly, there once was a King Chuhuai who traveled to a spot on the Yangtze River with scenery named “Rainclouds over Wushan.” He fell asleep and dreamt of a fairy woman who said she was from Wushan. Then she “offered him her pillow and mat,” which King Chuhuai realized meant a lot more than just sharing bedding. 😉 After they truly enjoyed themselves, the Wushan woman told him, if you ever want to find her, just remember Wushan — clouds in the morning, rain in the evening.
The idiom is literally “Rainclouds over Wushan,” just like the name for the scenery. But if you drop it in a sentence, I guarantee you that people won’t be thinking of tourism on the Yangtze. 😉
A couple of lovers came out of a hotel as if they were walking on air; one look and we knew they had just had sex inside.
Yíduì qínglǚ cóng lǚguǎn chūláile,piāopiāorán de yàngzi,yíkàn jiù zhīdào tāmen zài lǐmiàn wūshān yúnyǔle.
What are your favorite Chinese idioms for talking about sex?
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If married couples can still enjoy sex like 偷香窃玉 touxiang qieyu (literally like stolen scent and pilfered jade) ah, like the thrill of illicit sex, won’t that surely add to their sex life? 巫山云雨 wushan yunyu is a clever and subtle reference that makes me laugh!
I wonder who is the Chinese person here. I found “Dreams Over Red Mansions”.
I prefer English expressions in this department, more explicit. Ideal choice a man to get it on.
@Dan is it by Cao Xueqin? I’m reading the fifth volume and so far I fail to understand how the novel is sexual…
Nice phrases by the way, reminds me that I wish summer was over already. (Not fun being single, living in a state that has minimum public transportation, and that has temperatures where 100 F is very common and well known.)
I love the first one, it’s so my favourite!
Sex related joke
Couple fighting in midnight: no good!
没好事(no good) mei haoshi has double meaning: 1 dirty stuff, 2 Did not work.
Steamy post Jocelyn! 🙂 On this topic, ‘The Lover’ is my favourite film. I recommend it to those who haven’t seen it. I have yet to read the book, which is apparently excellent too.
One of my favorite movies of all times.
“Repeat After Me” is a good modern day story.
Blossom………..Thank you
The first time I heard about this movie
鱼水之欢 The happyness of fish and water, means sex
(and its not about cooking, the next one neither :D)
生米煮成熟饭 Uncooked rice was cooked to boiled rice, means unmarital pregnancy
haha this is hot steamy n super awesome…thks 4 posting ^^
Hi, Any Classical Chinese experts out there?
Am studying an inscription from the Korean Goryeo Period (read R to L, Up-Down) c.~ 1200s, possibly earlier
述郞徒 is definitely an historical figure
南 石 obv. seems to be a place, but could be a person
Could 行 in this inscription have a sense other than “go”?
Could it mean comradeship or some other meaning??
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Please be reminded that the literal translations are just what they are, “literal translation”. They are by no means the correct translations.
Created by Selutu and Frozen.
Updated by Silva.
The term originated from a Taiwanese tv drama, in which an actor’s accent caused his pronunciation of 妹妹 (little sister) to sound like 美眉. The term has then grown to mean a pretty girl.
It’s the feeling you get when you feel very frustrated/annoyed/really pissed off about something (just like when your balls hurt).
I think that’s pretty self-explanatory.
The original meaning of the term would be a ‘plebeian’. However, it is not often used as a slang for losers as well.
Originating from “我肏你妈”, which translates to “I f̲u̲c̲k̲ your mom”, the origin phrase essentially means “f̲u̲c̲k̲ you”. On the other hand, when used by itself it just means “f̲u̲c̲k̲”. The reason this is used is merely to prevent censorship of 我肏.
Taken the pinyin of 操 (ciao), it is another way of saying “f̲u̲c̲k̲”.
尼玛 as the same pronunciation as 你妈 (your mom). It’s meaning is the same as the previous as being a short form of “I f̲u̲c̲k̲ your mom”. Since 你妈 is often censored, this is used instead.
Short for “我操你妹” i.e. I f̲u̲c̲k̲ your sister. It has essentially the same meaning as “f̲u̲c̲k̲ you”.
Although the term originated from “Dream of the Red Chamber”, it has long since lost its original meaning. The current meaning is “fantasizing”, but it often also has a sexual undertone linked to it.
It expresses the feeling one has when they would kneel, often when admitting a person is truly powerful; or to show admiration. At the same time, it can also be a way of saying that the person is unable to express the speechlessness. 跪了is roughly the Chinese equivalent of “orz”.
The 三观 (three views) refers to “world view”, “view of life” and “view of value”. 毁三观 is basically used to describe those people or situation that goes against those views.
Laying gun / Getting shot even when lying down
The phrase originated from a famous line in the movie “Fight Back to School”, where a random soldier accidentally shot towards the floor, hitting a person that was pretending to be dead on the floor. It is used to express a person’s speechlessness / helplessness when they are uninvolved/innocent/retaining a low profile already. A typical example would be three friends are talking, Friend A and Friend B are insulting each other, then all of a sudden, Friend C got insulted by Friend A out of nowhere.
It refers to those filthy rich people that don’t think about spending and doesn’t have much taste.
This is a term that’s very hard to actually express in English. It can be used to describe when a person/situation screws someone over. A situation -when this is used is when there is a group of people playing a team-based game, but one person just keeps screwing the team over. In that situation, the team would describe him as坑爹 (Keng Die).
Rather self-explanatory, it is a term to describe a man that’s tall, rich and handsome.
Rather self-explanatory, it is a term used to describe a woman that has a light skin tone, rich and beautiful
Although it can be used literally, as a slang word, it just describes two close male friends.
It roughly translates to “passing by” or is used as a term to describe casual players in sports, games etc.
神马 is the slang what of saying 什么 (what)
虾米is the slang what of saying 什么 (what), it originated from the Hokkien pronunciation什么.
It is a slang way to describe things that didn’t end. E.g. a web novel that the author dropped could be described as太监了
The former term means “Otaku”, while the latter term specifically refers to a male otaku.
It is slang for referring to a female otaku.
Taken from the word “hold”, 候住 means “hold it”.
It is a slang way of referring to “me”.
It means “revealing” as in revealing your body. So a revealing piece of clothing would be 露肉装, and if someone is revealing a lot of skin, they would be doing the process of 露肉.
A person that just waste away the family’s money without care.
It originates from the sound of two people’s body colliding during sex. It just means having sex.
特麼 has the same pronunciation as 他妈, a Chinese slang that literally means f̲u̲c̲k̲ you.
The Grass Mud Horse or Cǎonímǎ (草泥马) is a Chinese Internet meme widely used as a euphemism for the cursing phrase cào nǐ mā (肏你妈). It is a wordplay on the Mandarin words cào nǐ mā (肏你妈), literally, “f̲u̲c̲k̲ your mother”, and is one of the 10 mythical creatures created in a hoax article on Baidu Baike in early 2009 whose names form obscene puns. It has become an Internet chat forum cult phenomenon in China and has garnered worldwide press attention, with videos, cartoons, and merchandise of the animal (which is said to resemble the alpaca), having appeared.
Basically, it means “kick the t̲e̲s̲t̲i̲c̲l̲e̲”.
The original word is 强奸, which means r̲a̲p̲e̲. It is separated into four Chinese Characters in order to avoid censorship.
The original word is 轮奸, which means g̲a̲n̲g̲b̲a̲n̲g̲. It is separated into four Chinese Characters in order to avoid censorship.
Raise up your spirit to twelve grades
A Cantonese saying which basically means to concentrate/focus.
This is what “Russian” is known as a few centuries ago.
Dantian, dan t’ian, dan tien or tan t’ien is loosely translated as “elixir field”, “sea of qi”, or simply “energy center”. Dantian are the “qi focus flow centers”, important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as qigong, martial arts such as t’ai chi ch’uan, and in traditional Chinese medicine.
Also known as Sea of Consciousness.
Bilibili (simplified Chinese: 哔哩哔哩), also nicknamed B Site (Chinese: B站), is a Chinese video sharing website based in Shanghai
3P means t̲h̲r̲e̲e̲s̲o̲m̲e̲, ie three person. 4P means f̲o̲u̲r̲s̲o̲m̲e̲. N basically means an undefined large number. So, NP到死 means g̲a̲n̲g̲b̲a̲n̲g̲e̲d̲ to death. Metaphorically rather than literally death.
6 is slang for being 一流 or the best
装13 = 装B = 装逼 = to act like a pretentious prick
There are many variant of this, such as 5525, 7749, 8864, and 9981, but all of them has one thing in common, the last two numbers are the multiplication of the first two. Writing out the times table is a common Chinese idiom to emphasize the last two numbers.
You don’t even try to bob and weave, you just go straight forward, as though you were just pressing W-movement on a keyboard.
Short for 喷子, which is slang for shotguns 散弹枪 in PUBG.
It’s a slang for ‘newbie’ in games, a target that’s very easy to pick off in fps etc.
Originating from KanColle, it is the term referring to a very unlucky person
Originating from KanColle, it is the term referring to a person with average luck.
Originating from KanColle, it is the term referring to a very lucky person. Can be translated as lucksack.
Someone who ‘tanks’ for the team, i.e. takes all the damage
Same as the literal meaning, it refers to the act of ‘kiting’
It is used to describe a person doing something very cool. For example, if Person A did something very cool, Person B would say, “666.” Or “You are so 6.”
A gaming slang that refers to “cheats”.
The act of grinding automatically while the player is “away from keyboard”.
A testing arrangement in which a beta test version of software is distributed to a small group of testers.
Fight hand-to-hand / engage in melee.
Typically used to refer to “grinding”.
A hit and run strategy in close-range.
A party that consist of high attack low defense classes.
Is a game mechanism in many moba games, where after players cleared a level, they will be given a chance to flip 3-5 hidden cards. The cards contain rare skins, heroes, and other things. Typical example would be overwatch, league of legends, or honour of king.
Japanese term for girls who are fans of BL novels, manga, etc.
Moe (new sprouts appearing from the ground)
On the contrary, to what Moe originally meant, it turned into a slang for describing one’s emotional affections towards a 2D character. (games, novels, manga, etc)
8th grader syndrome. Time period when person (usually around 14yrs old) is under the delusions that world spins around them (they are the greatest, main characters of the world. Etc). Usually used in anime for characters thinking they have superpowers.
A person that naturally acts clueless/stupid/unaware
Anyone with characteristics like that of Hideyoshi Kinoshita from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
Character who is acting cold (tsuntsun) on the outside while being lovestuck (deredere) inside.
Character who would use any violent means to be with his/her lover.
Literally, it means when a character undergoes a sudden “dark/sinister” change.
Someone who has an evil inside, but often acts kind and innocent in appearance
Reference to Saint Seiya’s Cosmos power-up.
Trap/crossdressing character that could be mistaken for a girl.
Japanese slang for swearing “damn, ****, etc”
Kuchiguse in Japanese is used for a word (or sometimes a phrase) that a person uses often in a conversations. (eg: Nya, Nano desu, Dattebayo)
The space between girl’s knee socks and skirt.
Referring to a character with Darling.
Referring to something or someone as “best/supreme/highest level”
Tsukkomi – retort or in other words, “playing a straight man”.
More specifically, it’s getting rejected with something along the lines of “You’re a good person, but we can’t be together.”
A girl that’s kind and easy to push around, while also having a good personality
The most popular character(s) in a series. (best waifu/husbando)
Although, it’s usually used for men, it’s not a strict rule.
A honorific usually used with children or people who you are close to.
Literally means “annoying, Noisy”.
Japanese loanword for younger sister.
Literally: Pig-headed man. A demihuman or monsters with pig features, especially their head.
A demihuman with animal features, such as beast ears or tail.
Magically enhanced beasts that are commonly seen in fantasy world.
Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination. Their court responsibilities ranged from tasks such as keeping track of the calendar, to mystical duties such as divination and protection of the capital from evil spirits. They could divine auspicious or harmful influences in the earth, and were instrumental in the moving of capitals. It is said that an onmyōji could also summon and control shikigami.
Shikigami (式神, also read as Shiki-no-kami, 式の神) is the term for a being from Japanese folklore. It is thought to be some sort of kami, represented by a small ghost. The belief of shikigami originates from Onmyōdō.
烏帽子 (hiragana えぼし, rōmaji eboshi) A type of black-lacquered court cap originating during the Heian period, previously worn only by men of a particular social status, and now worn in certain Shinto ceremonies and by gyoji presiding over sumo matches
A metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion.
Gohei (御幣), onbe (御幣), or heisoku (幣束) are wooden wands, decorated with two shide (zigzagging paper streamers) used in Shinto rituals.
In Shinto, a miko (巫女) is a shrine maiden or a supplementary priestess. Miko were once likely seen as a shaman but are understood in modern Japanese culture to be an institutionalized role in daily shrine life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing to performing the sacred Kagura dance.
Sometimes used interchangeably with the modern term ninpō, is the strategy and tactics of unconventional warfare, guerrilla warfare and espionage purportedly practiced by the ninja
Nowadays, the fundoshi is mainly used not as underwear but as festival (matsuri) clothing at Hadaka Matsuri or, sometimes, as swimwear.”
Stone Carvings of Buddhist Deities
Courtesy of JAANUS (excellent dictionary of Buddhist concepts). Sekibutsu literally means “Stone Buddha.” A Buddhist image made in rock or stone. The term sekizou 石造 or “”carving from stone”” was used to indicate the material of a sculptured work. Sekibutsu were divided broadly into two groups”
The Shōgun (将軍, Japanese: [ɕoːɡɯɴ] (About this soundlisten); English: /ˈʃoʊɡʌn/ SHOH-gun) was the military dictator of Japan during most of the period spanning from 1185 to 1868. Nominally appointed by the Emperor, shōguns were usually the de facto rulers of the country, though during part of the Kamakura period shōguns were themselves figureheads. The office of shōgun was in practice hereditary, though over the course of the history of Japan several different clans held the position. Shōgun is the short form of Sei-i Taishōgun (征夷大将軍, “Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians”), a high military title from the Heian period. When Minamoto no Yoritomo gained political ascendency over Japan in 1185, the title was revived
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