China Declares ‘state of war’ against Virus, with an Evil intent 

China Declares ‘state of war’ against Virus, with an Evil intent 


(15-Feb) The situation of Wuhan coronavirus in PRC became very absurd.  On the one hand, the infection rate at Wuhan Hubei surges due to the adoption of a new calculation methodology; situation looks pessimistic that the PRC Government has placed strict commands to build 100k beds for patients within a short time.  Meanwhile, the infection rate other than Hubei province is decreasing.  If the infection rate outside Hubei is indeed plummeting, it should be good for the community to go back on track, and the government should comfort the citizens with relief. However, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned the general public saying that a “Serious Battle is Coming”. It also stated the current situation is a “decisive moment”, “status in danger”, “critical moment”, and even declared the country to be in ‘state of war’ against the coronavirus. 

An ordinary citizen can only interpretthe situation, from these clues, to decide whether the infection figures or the government’s executive orders is more reliable, if not by imagination

Assuming the virus outbreak is under control and contained at all other provinces except Hubei, with the power and resources of the Chinese government and its people, the issue should be able to be handled with an optimistic outlook, with the cost entirely borne by Wuhan citizens. If the situation outside Hubei is not as good as it claims and the government pushes the rehabilitation, and resumes business, it could lead to cross-infection; and the cost would be indeed borne by all 1.4 Billion of PRC citizens.

According to the sequence of the coronavirus outbreak in China, the professionals made an accurate prediction.  In the early days, a Chinese professional pointed out: when there was already a massive outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei was only showing mild infection symptoms while other Provinces were still in the incubation period.  Around 5 million Wuhan citizens travelled to other provinces when the virus initially outbroke in Wuhan.  If the war order announced by Beijing was made according to the assumption that “Other Provinces are still in incubation period”, it could implicate a worse situation is ahead. 

What made the Government place such an order? Only when the outbreak is not under control.When the community is not having sufficient resources to control the epidemic, more stringent measures had to be implemented.  In reality, aggressive measures had already been adopted in all Provinces, such as significant blockage of roads, buildings or communities, humilitating citizens who were not wearing masks, catching infected persons, etc. 

During the ‘state of war’, the government coulduse whatever means, however violent and brutal,  to do what they want, without limitation of laws and regulations and with no consideration of ethnics; as long as the Government ‘claimed’ they were implementing anti-virus controls.

Guangdong National People Congress passed an emergency law recently. The government could confiscate any resource in the community. As we know, even under a real war situation, such emergency law might not be enacted. The government has absolute powerunder this order, and the citizens had toaccept unfairness and injustice with no choice.

A rumour stated that the government planned to disrupt the online networkcommunication given the seriousness of virus outbreak.  Many ‘rumours’ were proven to be genuine since the outbreak of virus; of which exposed the corruption and weakness of the Party.  Citizens were dissatisfied and criticised the government, causing instability of PRC ruling.  Following Wuhan, citizens in Guangzhou, via online communications, expressed their dissatisfaction in reality together by yelling, switching off the lights with windows wide opened at the same time.  The resentment from PRC citizens is assembling.Perhaps that’s why PLA is sent into cities and ‘state of war’ is declared. It is believed that the government would utilised ‘combatting virus’ as a superficial reason to control freedom of speech and network communication, as a prevention of riot.

Those amazing days when Chinese (PRC citizens) cheering for PRC, praising and being proud of being PRC citizens, were gone.

Everyone worried about their lives amidst the outbreak of virus, the possibility of having social riots is nearly zerocurrently under strict control from the Party.

The tendency for Provincial Governments to disobeyCentral Government control is also observed, as the Central Government hasfailed to manage the situation effectively.

It is speculated that the “real” messy situation might follow the settlement of Wuhan virus.  At that time, there would be an economic downturn, tightened resource in the country, rising unemployment rate and inflation rate; while the citizens were free enough to go everywhere, together with the outburst of their negative emotions. This would lead tothe most dangerous moment for social riot.  All citizens are busy to fight against virus now, but they would question the society, the CCP regime and the legitimacy of Xi Jinping’s dictatorship. Based on their doubts; such emotions rooted in the society will incubate and lead the way to social movements in the future.

The Party should be worried that the virus outbreak awakes PRC citizens, instead of the virus being out-of-control.  Citizens, in grief and pain, would review the regime and problems only when they realise their lives (and their family’s) were endangered. At that time, the society would be “awaken”, desiring for a revolution.

Hongkongers should support each other, fight till the last, until the radical changes at PRC happen, where the destiny between two lands would join, and hope for the reunion of Hongkongers after the ultimate victory.  Carrie Lam and the HK Police will no longer be the issue. The only issues at that time will be how to create a Hong Kong we desire for so long, and what kind of China PRC citizens want. 

Source: Stand News

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