Children Licking

Children Licking


Children Licking
Im a bit concerned about my son lately I just want to know if his behavior is normal.He licks everything he licks his lips all the time and always seems to have his tongue out which causes his mouth to get very sore. He also is starting to have terrible tantrums and fights constantly with his little sister.He wont listen to anything I say and have to really shout at him some times to get him to listen as he thinks its funny when I tell him off. Im worried about his licking because he licks anything the tv, coat hangers,shoes clothes! Does anyone know why hes started acting this way?
Your not alone my 3 year old DD licks everything too, also we have to really shout at her otherwise she will just continue misbehaving [smilie=018.gif]. So ill be keeping an eye on this thread for any advice too. Amy x
I know how you feel! perhaps someone can shed some light on the licking thing for us!! x
Hopefully lol my DD is quite bad with it caught her licking the toilet once
My ds used to lick himself after he'd had a bath, I'd cover him in talc and he couldn't wait to lick it all off - thankfully he doesn't do it anymore. xx
My ds used to lick himself after he'd had a bath, I'd cover him in talc and he couldn't wait to lick it all off - thankfully he doesn't do it anymore. xx
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my dd used to do that! In fact I'd forgotten that she had!! she must've been about 4 too -most embarressing moment was when she licked a lampost in Newquay town centre when we were on holiday!!! Thankfully it was just a phase - as I said, i'd forgotten and she's now moved on to another phase - (well I hope it is) - bawling and shouting at me as if she is a teenager
my dd used to do that! In fact I'd forgotten that she had!! she must've been about 4 too -most embarressing moment was when she licked a lampost in Newquay town centre when we were on holiday!!! Thankfully it was just a phase - as I said, i'd forgotten and she's now moved on to another phase - (well I hope it is) - bawling and shouting at me as if she is a teenager
Hope its just a phase! My DD can act like a teenager to she gets really cheeky and back chats when i ask her to do something she just shouts 'YOU DO IT' lol x
Hi Jade Thank you for telling us about your son. Is this licking behaviour something that has started recently or has it been going on for a while now? Licking can sometimes be linked to other behaviours so I think it may be helpful for one of our Health Visitors to pop over and see if they can offer any advice, information and support that may be helpful for you and the other posters on this thread. Please do look out for their response. Emma
My 4 year old daughter has also developed a thing for licking recently. It wasn't something I was overly worried about other than the fact that she sometimes ends up with a sore mouth but I bought her some lip balm which she enjoys putting on as its 'just like Mummy's lipstick'. Having read the last comment though that it can sometimes be linked to other behaviour I am quite interested to see what others say about this.
What other behaviours could it be linked to? Amy x P.S Just remembered my DD started doing it when she was 1 then stopped and started again just after she turned 3. BTW Jade T(43) sorry for hijacking your thread x
Hi Jade ( and others on the thread). Judging from the thread this seems to be not so unusual as you might have first thought. I tend to feel that it comes into the group of behaviours that Christopher Green in his book on "Toddler Taming" describes as "Nasty Habits in Nice Children". He does not specifically mention licking. There could be all sorts of reasons. Your little boy is four and others on the thread seem to be around 3-4 years. I wonder if it starts at a time when they are feeling a bit uncertain for one reason or other and revert back to babyhood and licking is a version of putting things in the mouth to examine, learn and comfort??  Thinking about behaviour generally, what tends to keep a behaviour going is the reaction it gets from others, so if the licking is getting a lot of attention, worry, telling off, amusement etc then it is likely to continue.  Try not giving it too much attention while it is happening. I wonder if a booklet or age appropriate story about "germs" might help. Then when you see him start he could then be given the choice that if he wants to lick it has to be (give a choice of 2 clean things). Having permission can take the fun out of it. I liked Angela's idea of the lip balm. Might make them feel that that is attention enough and the feel and flavour may help put him off licking his lips. Jade, with your little boy it seems to be part of a general change in behaviour which does suggest he is anxious about something. It would be worth thinking about when he started, not just with the licking but the terrible tantrums, fighting with his little sister and not listening to you. Has anything changed for him, eg another new sibling, change of house, loss of close relative or friend, new nursery? Is he at nursery and have you spoken to them about how he is there? It sounds as if he is really pushing boundaries with you just now which is very normal four year old behaviour and I wonder if it would help to have a look at some of our parenting pages. Here If the behaviour and licking continues then do talk to your health visitor.
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