Child Girls Taboo

Child Girls Taboo


Child Girls Taboo

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Published: 08:10 BST, 10 November 2015 | Updated: 10:13 BST, 10 November 2015
The babies cradled in these young girls' arms could easily be their little brothers or sisters.
But this is Guatemala, a country where nearly a quarter of all babies are born to teenage mothers. Some haven't even reached their milestone 13th birthday - in 2011, 35 new mothers were just 10 years old.
In some ways, the numbers are the less shocking aspect of this epidemic, which puts both the mothers and their children in mortal danger. 
Nearly all teenage births, 90 per cent, involve a relative, an uncle or cousin - a horrifying 30 per cent of children are born as a result of the girls' own father.  
The trauma of what has happened to these girls, many too young to understand what was happening to them and some who had never heard of contraception, is etched on the faces of the mothers, captured by Swedish photographer Linda Forsell.
Growing up too soon: Gloria is just 13, and became pregnant by a 22-year-old nightclub DJ. Gloria doesn't feel like she was raped - but she barely seems to know how it happened. In Guatemala, the church holds a lot of sway and it blocks attempts at sex education. The result is played out in the numbers - last year some 5,100 girls under 14 became pregnant, up from 4,354 in 2013
Too soon: Gloria's baby came prematurely - or so she thinks. She didn't know when her last period was before she got pregnant. Poignantly, she is not allowed to accompany her boyfriend to work, because it is past her bedtime
Over the course of repeated trips during a two year period, they told her their stories as she worked: a girl who was tied to a tree while a 53-year-old man raped her, a girl who was sold to her husband, 22, aged 12, a girl so young she didn't know she could get pregnant when a 28-year-old began bringing her gifts.
In 2014, there were 5,100 babies born to teen mothers under the age of 14, up from 4,354 the year before.
The government is attempting to crack down on the epidemic, however: this week a new law was passed, increasing the legal age for marriage to 18. Previously, it had been just 14.
Innocence: Lilian fell pregnant with her son Luis David, one, when she was 11. Her uncle is Luis's father. He began raping her when she was nine. Unlike many cases in Guatemala, he convicted for what he did - but only got a two-month restraining order to keep away from her
Family: Still a child herself, Lilian plays with her brothers and son Luis David, who are all so close in age they look like siblings enjoying playtime together
But in 2012 there were 2,000 known cases of under-14s giving birth to a child, yet just eight convictions were successful. That figure led Guatemala's children's prosecutor, Harold Flores, to describe the country's high teen pregnancy rate as a 'scourge'.
The problem, Mirna Montenegro, the head of Guatemala's Sexual and Reproductive Health Observatory (OSAR), suggested, stemmed from men's belief that a woman is their 'property and possession'. 
' We've heard fathers say 'She's my daughter and my property so I will do what I want with her',' revealed Montenegro.
Comfort: Heidy was 12 when she became pregnant with son Marcos David. For girls like her having a baby so young spells the end of their education. Not at school, she finds solace in the church, which, ironically, creates barriers for authorities dealing with teen pregnancies
Teen mum: Michelle was 13 when she was raped by a man, 53, as she walked home from school. He chased her and tied her to a tree, which led her to became pregnant with daughter, Erica. Michelle is now pregnant for the second time after her mother sold her to a man in return for a bed. In Guatemala, until this month, marriage at 14 was legal
Trauma: Michelle did not want to hold her daughter (pictured in their home) for six months after she gave birth to her. How she had come into the world had left too much of a scar for the young girl
The use of rape is a legacy of Guatemala's civil war, which ran for 36 years until the mid-1990s, says Montenegro. It is thought 100,000 women were raped during those violent years, with both the CIA-backed right wing generals and left wing insurgents using it as a weapon.
Thousands of women of all ages are still raped every year. About 10,000 women are brave enough to report it - just one in 10 of them will ever get see their attacker convicted. 
That figure, says Forsell, is 'not even the tip of the iceberg'.
Carolina Escobar, director of La Alianza Guatemala, which runs shelters in the country, told the Tico Times : ' Guatemala has a culture, highly tolerant to sexual violence against girls and women, which normalizes – and even justifies in several cases – this type of violence. 
'It's a taboo not discussed by our society.' 
Threats: Jennifer, 14, gave birth to Anderson two years ago. The father - thought to be a criminal - has threatened the family several times since he was born. According to a 2009 law, sex with a child under 14 is defined as rape, but the family are too scared to report him
Fighting for her future: Remarkably, Jennifer is now back in school, thanks to a local charity
Angelic: Baby Anderson sleeps as the sun pours in the window. He is growing up in a country where violence against women is at horrific levels, with some 10,000 reporting rape every year. The real number of victims is thought to be far higher
Life-threatening: Yet childbirth at such a young age is also dangerous. Complications during birth are the second highest cause of death in girls aged 15 to 19 in Guatemala. Amelia, 14, had to have a cesarian section birth because her uterus would not contract properly
Painful: Later, Amelia suffered from a severe adema, or swelling. Pictured: The blood stained floor after Amelia gave birth
But, says Forsell, the on-going cycle of rape and teenage pregnancy is not just a problem perpetuated by men.
During her time, she met mothers who sold their daughters, women who did not report what had happened because it was simply thought of as normal, and husbands who married 12-year-old girls who did not believe they had done anything wrong. 
'Let me be clear: these men have to serve their time.There has to be justice for these people, but without women ti would not be possible for this system to exist,' she told MailOnline.
 'A lot of the time these people are not evil - they just believe it is okay.' 
Indeed, families will go out of their way to cover up the pregnancy. Forsell believes the figure could be as high as 30 per cent.
Helen Leiva, who works for youth charity Tan Ux'il, told the Guardian earlier this year: 'Families now know that the man will be reported if the girl delivers in a hospital, so they give birth at home instead.'
Cycle: Erica poses for the camera with her 18-year-old boyfriend. She is 14 and pregnant, and has left school already. When Forsell asked her about how the baby would change her life, she appeared confused. 'It won't,' the teenager said
Violence: Andrea is still a child herself, but is already pregnant with her husband's baby. She is back at her parents' home after he beat her
Childhood: Lilian plays while Luis David sleeps. She is lucky - many girls who become pregnant are shunned by their families, in the belief that is is them who have done something wrong
Forsell does see the possibility of a brighter future for Guatemala's teenage mothers, however. This new ruling by the government suggests the tide may be changing.
What's more, the advent of the internet means people are more aware of the outside world - and will maybe be more willing to question the social norm in future.
'This problem is like some sort of labour pain,' Forsell says. 'This is the pain before you get it out.
Jumping rope: The girls mix the stress of looking after their babies and playing with children their own age. It means they have to drop out of school and deal with emotions long before they are psychologically ready
Tiny: This little boy was born weighing just 4.4 pounds, or 6kg, at full term. Because of his low birth weight, is likely he will have health problems later in life. His mother Alicia is just 12 and she is married to Jaime, 22
Father: Jaime cradles his son, who is just days old. Many of the babies are born underweight, as their mothers do not understand the importance of nutrition while they are pregnant
How sick and depraved is this. Are we livin...
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MCI (P) 049/10/2021. Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. No. 202120748H. Copyright © 2022 SPH Media Limited. All rights reserved.
Shannon* was barely in Primary 1 when her older cousin started touching her inappropriately. She tells AZLINDA SAID how she was nearly raped
Mark* and I grew up together. He was 10 years older than me and was the big brother I never had. I trusted him completely and never questioned anything he asked me to do. But maybe I should have.
It started with a kiss I spent my early childhood at my grandmother’s home. My siblings, cousins and I flocked to her house after school and hung out there until it was time for us to go back to our own homes. I enjoyed being at Grandma’s as I never lacked playmates there. I was especially close to Mark, my de facto protector, and was seldom apart from him.
As one of the older grandchildren, Mark helped our grandmother to look after the younger ones. To keep us quiet, he would bounce us on his lap as he watched television or played computer games.
One day, as I sat on his lap, Mark asked everyone else to leave the room, saying that he needed some peace and quiet. I thought nothing of it – we were a noisy bunch, so I figured he needed a reprieve. Once we were alone, Mark turned me to face him and kissed me full on the mouth.
The smooch was anything but brotherly. Being only seven years old at the time, I didn’t pull away as I thought it was normal for older and younger cousins of the opposite sex to behave that way. A part of me was curious too, so I let him continue.
Getting touchy-feely From then on, Mark would find reasons to hold my hand or touch some part of my body. Again, I let him because I saw them as affectionate gestures. It didn’t seem odd to me that he didn’t do the same with his other female cousins. Instead, I felt special because Mark was giving me his full attention.
I can’t remember how long he molested me for. My guess is that it went on for about a year – before he decided to take it further.
One afternoon, as I was getting ready for a nap, he followed me into the bedroom and locked the door. Then, he stripped and climbed into bed with me. Under the blanket, he asked me to remove all my clothes as well. I obeyed, never wondering why we had to be naked to take a nap.
I never questioned his authority because I saw him as an older brother who could do no wrong. But before things could go any further, Grandma knocked loudly on the bedroom door. She was yelling for us to unlock the door and come out of the room.
I remember Mark telling me to quickly get dressed, as he did, before opening the door. Grandma didn’t come in as I expected her to. Instead, she pulled Mark aside to talk.
After that, Mark stopped molesting me. He still cradled me on his lap when I asked him to and continued to show me brotherly affection, but he no longer touched me in all the wrong places.
The memories I suspect my grandmother knew all along that Mark was molesting me, but didn’t intervene until that afternoon. I truly believe my cousin would have raped me if she hadn’t been alert to what he was doing.
Grandma never spoke to me about what happened or sat me down to talk about the birds and the bees. Looking back, I don’t blame her for keeping quiet – it was her way of keeping the family together.
Growing up, I never realised how close I had come to being raped. After that day, Mark acted like nothing had happened. In my ignorance, I forgot the smears of my childhood and even remained close to Mark until I was a teenager.
But when I turned 18, the memories somehow came flooding back. I don’t know what triggered them, but the flashbacks traumatised me. By then, I was old enough to understand that what my cousin did to me when I was a child was terrible and inappropriate. I was appalled that he felt no remorse.
I started keeping Mark at arm’s length, as I no longer trusted him. We soon drifted apart, although he remained close to my sisters. I kept the shameful secret to myself for a very long time – I just felt so dirty and worthless.
Running on empty Mark’s sexual abuse marred my trust in men. Throughout my early adulthood, I suffered from low self-esteem. I felt insecure and hated the way I looked. I didn’t think I could ever be good enough for any man. Ironically, I made sex my comfort. It was my way out of a lonely existence. I dated serially and had countless one-night stands, none of which filled the void inside me. Little did I realise that I was carrying a lot of anger inside as well.
I had a great need to be wanted, so I fell over myself trying to please my family, friends and the opposite sex. I wanted their acceptance so badly that I let people walk all over me. I repeatedly fell for the wrong guys – those who would string me along or use me for their pleasure before dumping me.
If I hadn’t met my current boyfriend, I may well have continued my reckless lifestyle to this day. We met a year ago, and he was the first man to accept me for who I was. He looked beyond my physical appearance and made me feel worthy to be loved.
I had an emotional connection with him – something I had never felt before with my casual flings. A month into our relationship, I told him about the abuse, fully expecting him to walk away. But he didn’t.
My life in reboot Since then, I’ve come clean to my sisters and a few close friends, who were shocked to hear about what I had suffered as a child.
My sisters, who used to be close to Mark, now just maintain a cordial relationship with him. They never doubted me – the tears trickling down my cheeks as I related my ordeal convinced them I was telling the truth. I’m the rebel of the family and I rarely cry, even when things get tough. I fight back instead. So when they saw how vulnerable I was, they knew I had gone through something terrible.
I’m not ready to expose Mark’s misdeeds. It’s not because I care for him, but I don’t want to hurt his wife and kids. My family has gone through many ups and downs over the years, so I don’t want to add to the troubles. I also don’t want to live under my extended family’s scrutiny – after all, it would be my word against his.
For now, the support I’ve received from my loved ones has given me the confidence and courage to move on. Acknowledging that I was molested made it easier to go forward. I am less angry at the world now, and I prefer to channel my emotions into building a better future for myself – I’m running my own business, which I hope to mould into a successful venture within three years.
Because of what happened to me, I want to stand up against sexual abuse. When I’m finally ready to share my childhood nightmare with the world, it will be to fight for more protection for children, especially from sexual predators who lurk within the family. Children shouldn’t have to grow up ignorant like me – nobody ever told me what was right and wrong. I had to learn everything on my own, the hard way.”
This story was originally published in Simply Her January 2014.

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MCI (P) 049/10/2021. Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. No. 202120748H. Copyright © 2022 SPH Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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