Chicago Rough

Chicago Rough


Chicago Rough

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Nick Johnson , RoadSnacks April 6, 2022 - 1,228,319 views
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Editor's Note: This article is an opinion based on facts and is meant as infotainment. Don't freak out we updated this article for 2022. This is our time ranking the worst neighborhoods to live in Chicago.
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We used data and science to identify the neighborhoods in Chicago that are the real pits.
Chicago has close to 450 murders a year, so you should probably look at RoadSnacks' list of the worst neighborhoods in Chi-town for 2022 before you make any life changing decisions.
But first, how did we create our list? In order to determine Chicago's worst neighborhoods, we had to give each neighborhood an actual concrete score: we call this a neighborhood's overall 'Snackability'. To get this score, we looked at the latest census data on income levels, unemployment rates, crime, and home prices for 77 Chicago neighborhoods with over 2,000 residents.
As you can imagine, Chicago's worst neighborhoods did not have very good scores. Folks, the kind of neighborhoods we're talking about have carjackings happening in broad daylight, daily robberies, and a bunch of nothing good happens after dark crimes. There are currently 13,500 police officers that patrol Chicago, but the city houses 3 million residents. Law enforcement is doing their best to clean up the city's worst neighborhoods, but they can't be everywhere. And, if you guessed that most of Chicago's worst neighborhoods are South of the city, you guessed right. Sadly, Chicago's South Side is probably the reason the city as a whole is one of the most dangerous cities in the country .
We're not saying that Chicago is all bad. Matter of fact, there's actually a lot of safe fun to be had in a lot of pretty awesome neighborhoods . For instance, North Center really brings their A-game with their Holiday Delight every year and you definitely shouldn't miss Logan Square's Art's Festival . But, we're here to talk about Chicago's worst.
So, want to know what Chicago neighborhoods you should avoid if you value your life? Keep reading.
This is our ninth time ranking Chicago's worst neighborhoods, so trust us when we say that these neighborhoods are "no bueno"!. The Monsters of the Midway wouldn't even feel safe in these places.
So, what's the worst neighborhood in Chicago for 2022? The worst neighborhood in Chicago based on the data would be Riverdale.
If you want to know where the where the rest of Chicago's worst neighborhoods are located, take a look below; and If you don't see what you're looking for there, head to the bottom.
For more Illinois reading, check out:
Welcome to Riverdale, the most dangerous neighborhood in Chicago. This little nook of the windy city is about halfway between downtown and Chicago heights, along I-94. If you find yourself lost, don't get off on E. 130th Street. That's Riverdale. That's bad.
This is what it's like in Riverdale after dark. About 1 in 4 residents here doesn't work and entire families make an absurdly low $14,000 a year. Riverdale kinda resembles a third world country in some blocks.
Can we interest anyone in a $24,186 house in Riverdale? No? Okay then
Population: 7,361 Rank Last Year: 1 (No Change) Median Home Value: $24,186 (worst) Median Income: $15,894 (worst) More on Riverdale: Data
Englewood is a pretty notoriously horrible area in Chicago. Home to about 25,858 people, this hood sits between Garfield and 75th Street, on the west side of I-90. About 40% of people live in poverty, and crime is off the charts. There were about 40 murders in this neighborhood alone last year.
At one point, 100,000 people lived in the Englewood neighborhood. Now, it's more like 25,858.
You'd be a fool to walk through this neighborhood in the day, and might not want to walk through here at night.
Population: 25,858 Rank Last Year: 2 (No Change) Median Home Value: $70,261 (2nd worst) Median Income: $23,317 (3rd worst) More on Englewood: Data
Looking for a job in Washington Park? Good luck. A dismal economy makes this section of Chicago's South Side one of the toughest places to live in the city.
The area sports a massive unemployment rate of 16.2%. Even the available jobs don't pay very well. The median income sits at just $24,556. Those low wages make it difficult to afford a house in the neighborhood. The median home price stands at $104,058.
Life in Washington Park has its upside. Most of all, there's the namesake park. It also has notable cultural spots, such as the DuSable Museum of African American History .
Population: 11,871 Rank Last Year: 3 (No Change) Median Home Value: $104,058 (9th worst) Median Income: $24,556 (5th worst) More on Washington Park: Data
Historically, Fuller Park is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago. Given its sagging economy, it's not surprising that this part of the city's South Side suffers a high crime rate. All told, these factors make Fuller Park one of the least appealing sections of Chicago.
High-paying jobs are scarce for the 2,348 residents of the area. The unemployment rate comes in at 13.6%, while the median income hovers at $22,962. The lack of funds makes it difficult to find affordable housing, especially with median home prices at $109,700.
Fuller Park doesn't exist as concentrated urban blight, of course. It has many charming features. For instance, the namesake park contains an environmental education project housed in the Eden Place Nature Center .
Population: 2,348 Rank Last Year: 4 (No Change) Median Home Value: $109,700 (11th worst) Median Income: $22,962 (2nd worst) More on Fuller Park: Data
Where's the worst neighborhood in the city of Chicago? That would be right next door in West Englewood. This true hood has 30,662 people who live in the worst conditions in the city.
It ranks in the bottom three in home values and income levels and in the top 3 for crime.
Some Chicago neighborhoods are hard to tell apart. But you can tell who's from West Englewood though. They're the ones with the 40, a pistol, a beat up car and a pit bull.
Population: 30,662 Rank Last Year: 5 (No Change) Median Home Value: $90,438 (4th worst) Median Income: $30,441 (12th worst) More on West Englewood: Data
Fun fact: Chicago's Burnside neighborhood is named for Civil War General Ambrose Burnside, the same guy whose trademark facial hair gave us the term "sideburns." Not so fun fact: Burnside is one of the worst places to live in the city.
Situated in city's South Side, the neighborhood faced devastating economic hardships as manufacturing facilities in the area shut down in the second half of the 20th century. These troubles persist today. The median income in the area comes to $25,642, while the 2,423 residents face a 9.6% unemployment rate.
The area has its charming aspects as well. Local families love Burnside Park . Meanwhile, for such a small neighborhood, Burnside is considered to have a hopping nightlife.
Population: 2,423 Rank Last Year: 6 (No Change) Median Home Value: $100,900 (7th worst) Median Income: $25,642 (6th worst) More on Burnside: Data
One of the southern-most neighborhoods in Chicago, South Deering used to be supported by local steel refineries. Those boom times are long gone at this point, and the area now ranks among the least appealing spots in the city.
The local economy is not kind to the 14,598 residents of South Deering. The unemployment rate holds at an eye-popping 14.5%. And the available jobs often afford only the barest minimum. The median income stands at $37,207.
Despite its troubles, South Deering has a long cultural heritage. People flock from all over to visit the famed seafood restaurant Calumet Fisheries .
Population: 14,598 Rank Last Year: 7 (No Change) Median Home Value: $88,955 (3rd worst) Median Income: $37,207 (25th worst) More on South Deering: Data
Pullman was first built as a company town. The neighborhood gets its name from the Pullman Company, a luxury railroad car maker that saw its heyday during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Of course, train manufacturing isn't the cutting-edge business it used to be, and the Pullman area has felt the brunt of the changing economic situation. It now stands as one of the worst places in Chicago to call home.
The boom times for this area are more than 100 years in the past at this point. Now, the unemployment rate sits at 13.0% and median income comes in at $38,397.
Still, its long history gives Pullman a lot of character. Check out the stunning Pullman National Monument Visitor Center , the former administration business for company.
Population: 6,565 Rank Last Year: 8 (No Change) Median Home Value: $107,912 (10th worst) Median Income: $38,397 (26th worst) More on Pullman: Data
Our next stop on our crummy tour through Chicago takes us to Grand Crossing, a hood with 32,217 people located between 67th and 79th. It's near the lake, but you wouldn't want to go near it.
Crime is 8th worst, income levels are around $30,799, and homes average $112,668.
They certainly won't be throwing any parades in Grand Crossing any time soon, that's for sure.
Population: 32,217 Rank Last Year: 10 (Up 1) Median Home Value: $112,668 (14th worst) Median Income: $30,799 (13th worst) More on Grand Crossing: Data
South Chicago has a lot going for it. It borders Lake Michigan, meaning its 27,113 residents can spend summer weekends at the beach. It also houses a long list of gorgeous churches, including St. Michael's , which was originally completed in 1909.
Despite these charms, however, South Chicago stands as one of the worst living areas in all of Chicago. This unfortunate distinction comes largely from the tough economy. Residents have trouble finding work, with a whopping 13.2% unemployment rate. Meanwhile, what jobs there are remain low paying. The median income sits at $32,122.
Population: 27,113 Rank Last Year: 9 (No Change) Median Home Value: $101,252 (8th worst) Median Income: $32,122 (14th worst) More on South Chicago: Data
To figure out how bad a place is to live in, we only needed to know what kinds of things people like and then decide what places have the least amount of those things. We threw the following criteria into this analysis in order to get the best, most complete results possible. We used this set of criteria for each neighborhood in Chicago:
Then, we ranked each neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois for each of these criteria from worst to best.
Next, we averaged the individual rankings for each criteria into a "Worst Score".
The neighborhood with the lowest "Worst Score" ranks as the worst neighborhood of Chicago.
Read on below to learn more about these terrible places around Chicago to live. Or skip to the end to see the list of all 77 neighborhoods ranked from worst to best.
This list is a scientific analysis based on real data and is completely unbiased. Hold on to your pants.
Well there you have it -- the worst of the neighborhoods in Chicago with Riverdale landing at the bottom of the pack.
As we mentioned earlier, the neighborhoods in Chicago aren't all bad. North Center takes the cake as the best place to live in Chicago.
We ranked the neighborhoods from worst to best in the chart below.
For more Illinois reading, check out:
Nick Johnson earned his masters in Business Administration from the Drucker School At Claremont Graduate University. He has written for 39 publications across the country and ran the media relations department at Movoto, a real estate portal based in San Francisco. He has been featured in over 500 publications as an expert in real estate and as an authority on real estate trends.
Nick's the creator of the HomeSnacks YouTube channel that now has over 260,000 subscribers and is an excellent source to learn about different parts of the country.
RoadSnacks is based in Raleigh, NC.
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When you think of the neighborhoods in and around Chicago , numerous stereotypes come to mind. There are preppy areas, hipster neighborhoods, college town areas, but also areas that are known for crimes and poverty. Overall, the Chicago land region regularly ranks as one of the best locations in which to live in the United States as a result of world-class culture, a strong economy, excellent academic institutions, walkability, and many famous fine-dining locations. There is a neighborhood to fit everyone’s taste in Chicago.
However, there can be a darker side to Chicago that many hopefully never experience. There are some neighborhoods that are tucked away from the main touristy areas of Chicago that most outside visitors do not get to experience. These are the tougher neighborhoods. While they are unfortunately riddled with crime, many say these neighborhoods are the backbone of Chicago and the reason that the city is what it is today. That being said, it’s still our duty to report which ones are considered the most dangerous by statistical data.
Of Chicago’s 76 neighborhoods, the most dangerous neighborhoods include:
Chatham is located between 79th and 93rd street along route 90/94. Homes in this neighborhood cost less than $150,000 on average and the area has a 14% unemployment rate. With a population of 32,100, it has the 19th worst crime index of all Chicago neighborhoods. This combined with low housing costs, dense population, high unemployment and low median income break Chatham into the top 10.
Located between E. 67th and E. 79th, close to the lake is Grand Crossing. With a population of 32,000 over a wide area, Grand Crossing did not rank higher due to the lower density of the neighborhood. The crime index is 14th worst while the median income is $31,000.
Coming in at number eight is West Garfield Park, a neighborhood that is not in South Chicago. At a median income of $26,000, most residents live below the poverty line and crime is much higher here than most other Chicago neighborhoods. In West Garfield Park, you have a 1-in-20 chance of being a crime victim for each year spent within the neighborhood limits. The population is 19,000 and the crime index is 18th worst in the city.
As the eighth most dangerous neighborhood, Chicago Lawn has a high population of 54,000 that is crammed into a relatively small space. The crime index is set at the 8th worst and the median income is $36,000. Homes are only valued at $146,000 as a result of the crime but, on the bright side, only 10-percent of residents are unemployed. Although this is double the national average, it is still considered excellent for a south side Chicago neighborhood.
Located between 51st and 59th streets is Gage Park. Incomes are higher than all other neighborhoods on this list at $38,000 and the population is at 39,000. The crime index is the 13th worst in the city.
With a low density of 2,800 residents but a crime index of the second worst in Chicago, Fuller Park comes in at number five on this list. The median income is $18,000. Understandably, homes sell for an average of $114,000 each. Fuller Park straddles 90/94 between E. Pershing and W. Garfield with no exits to this small area.
As the 11th worst crime index in Chicago, like most other dangerous neighborhoods, Auburn Gresham is also on the south side. With 49,000 residents densely packed into a small area between 75th and 91st streets, crime is not as bad as others on this list but it is still a rough area. 16% of the neighborhood is out of work and entire families only bring in an average of $33,000 per year.
Located halfway between downtown and Chicago Heights along interstate 94 at East 130th Street, Riverdale did not top the list solely because of its low density population of 7,000 residents. The crime index is worst in Chicago and median income is $14,000. The entire population of Riverdale lives below the poverty line as one-in-five residents does not have a job. Homes sell for a mere $90,000 due to low desirability and rental properties. Most Riverdale residents and other folks in Chicago call it a “suburb” but it still deserves a place on this list.
The slightly smaller and even poorer twin of West Englewood is Englewood. This neighborhood boasts a population of 28,000, a crime index that is fourth worst in Chi-town, and a median income of only $20,000. According to government standards, a family of four needs at least $25,000 per year to remain above the poverty line.
The worst neighborhood in Chicago is West Englewood which has a population of 35,000, a median income of $29,000 and the 3rd worst crime index in the city. In the 1840s, West Englewood was home to mostly German and Swedish immigrants who worked the farmlands. During World War I, black Americans from the south began migrating to West Englewood. The area reached its peak population (64,000) by 1940. During World War II, there was a sharp decrease in jobs. A lack of employment opportunities led many people to leave the area and this pattern continued. By 2000, almost 100% of the 45,282 person population in West Englewood was African American and living below the poverty line.
Violent crime is so common in this area that local news station, WGN, spent 12 hours documenting the dangers of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, things haven’t improved since then. On average, crime in West Englewood is 262% higher than the rest of the country. This means that there are about 27.7 crimes per day for every 100,000 people.
Earlier this year (April 2019), a man was shot to death while sitting on his front porch in West Englewood. Sadly, many of the crimes in this area often go unsolved.
You know this neighborhood has a reputation when Google auto-suggests “West Englewood Crime” before you finish typing the name of the neighborhood. In addition to a low median income, high population and terrible crime index, many residents of the neighborhood struggle to make ends meet. The borders of the neighborhood are W. Garfield Blvd, S. Racine Ave. and railroad tracks.
Located in West Englewood, this abandoned building has become quite the eyesore to people in the area. Over the years, residents have pushed to have this — and other — abandoned buildings in the area demolished. Empty buildings are often hot spots for people who are looking to commit crimes.
This building can be found in one of the most dangerous areas of West Englewood. What was once a beautiful piece or architecture has become the location for several crimes. Although these buildings are boarded up to prevent intruders from using them for illegal activity, the boards are rar
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