CherishOS v4.5 X00T/D Device Changelogs

CherishOS v4.5 X00T/D Device Changelogs


Device CL :-

Synced with latest cherish source changes
Decrypted by default
Switched FP to cheetah February
Switched to audio HAL to V7
Audio: Disabled stereo support for voip
Audio: Add offload gapless support flag
Disabled dynamic fps
Disabled HWC composition strategy prediction
Disabled phantom process monitoring
Disabled redir_party_num
Audio: Removed pro audio capability
CTS passed by default

Notes : -

SELinux Enforcing
GApps are included
Based on 4.4 kernel , NON-FBE
Orfox R11.1/BRP/Twrp-3.6.1_9.0 recovery is recommended
Recommended Firmware : 063,087 and higher
Clean flash is necessary

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