CherishOS-V2.1-OFFICIAL | Changelogs

CherishOS-V2.1-OFFICIAL | Changelogs

By @jefinhodatnt


Device Changelogs :-

 • Update Build Fingerprint from redfin RQ1A.201205 .

 • Nuke Live Display

 • Added Dirac Sound Enhancer In Sounds

Source Changelogs :-

• Merged Dec Patch .

• Added QS Header .

• Bringed back Gaming mode .

• Added Pulse and Ambient notification bars .

• Added option to enable AOD on charging only .

• Added pocket lock .

• Added Livedisplay .

• Fixed not working Statusbar brightness control .

• Improved Network Traffic .

• Redesigned About Settings from v5.0 thanks @DotOS .

• Added Smart Charging .

• Added a toggle for QS footer text .

• Redesigned Settings thanks @Octavi_OS .

• Added switches to show city/temp on lockscreen .

• Improved Custom Clock .

• Fixed the problem with FOD devices about building .

• Updated translation from crowdin .

• Fixed facelock crash when lock screen is disabled .

• Improved other system .


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