人類滅絕的事實之一:化學凝尾,有毒的天空!One of the facts of human extinction: Chemtrails - The Poisoned Sky

人類滅絕的事實之一:化學凝尾,有毒的天空!One of the facts of human extinction: Chemtrails - The Poisoned Sky

Pandemic Truths



Chemtrails are a new phenomenon that is being observed all over the world. Usually they are continuously expanding, going down, gradually turning into a kind of "stratus clouds", consisting of many rings.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of information on this topic from eyewitnesses from different parts of the world, but the so-called "Official" sources always write about chemtrails as a "conspiracy theory" - keep this in mind when looking for facts.


傳統的飛機排氣通道消散得很快,而且不會太長 (因為它們消散和消失的同時,飛機也離開了它們),而且取決於發動機的運行模式。


慢性鋁鋇鍶中毒會破壞動植物——植物死於鋁中毒和土壤酸碱度的變化 (土壤變成碱性),許多動物死亡。地球的汙染可能導致不可逆轉的生態災難、動植物的變異和死亡,從而導致人們因饑餓而大規模滅絕

Conventional exhaust lanes left by aircraft dissipate quickly, are not too long (because they dissipate and disappear at the same time the aircraft leaving them is in sight) and depend on the operating mode of the engines.

It should be noted that after observing the chemtrails, chronic diseases in humans became aggravated. Many witnesses have noted the fall from the sky of a cobweb-like substance. Laboratory analysis of the samples that were obtained showed the presence of biological agents such as: Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Streptomyces and a rare enzyme used to create viruses.

Chronic aluminum-barium-strontium poisoning destroys flora and fauna - plants die from aluminum poisoning and changes in soil acidity (soils become alkaline), many animals die. The pollution of the planet can lead to an irreversible ecological catastrophe, mutations and death of flora and fauna, and, consequently, to the mass extinction of people from hunger.




Publications have emerged claiming that the real reason aerosols are being sprayed is to convert all of the planet's agriculture to genetically modified seeds that are resistant to aluminum and can survive in alkaline soils.

When the alkalinity of the soil exceeds a certain level, ordinary plants will die, ordinary seeds will stop sprouting, then Monsanto and other mega-companies will bring their “miracle seeds” to the market, resistant to aluminum and alkaline soils, and the world's population will fall into the most terrible dependence on the international mafia - food addiction. This will enable the mafia to monopolize the food market, taking over the trade in seeds and agricultural land.

The appearance of chemtrails over the territory of Russia coincided with the information about the purchase of grain-producing lands in the south of Russia by private individuals. Spraying and buying up land can be links in the same chain for the transfer of agriculture to genetically modified seeds resistant to aluminum, and the monopolization of the Russian and world food market by the international financial mafia.


據美國聯邦調查局前局長泰德·亨德森稱,美國、英國、墨西哥、加拿大以及一些北歐國家定期噴灑某些化學品 (2011年1月12日)。他調查了大型轟炸機 (內布拉斯加-林肯和國防部隊) 的噴灑地點。根據 T. Henderson 的說法,噴灑是一種借助有毒手段的大規模謀殺,應該被列為種族滅絕,並要制止和給予懲罰。飛行員們的行為以及國會議員們的沈默引起了他的驚訝和譴責。

According to the former head of the US FBI Ted Henderson, certain chemicals are regularly sprayed throughout the United States and the United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada, as well as in some Nordic countries (January 12, 2011). He investigated the spraying sites of large bomber-type aircraft (Nebraska-Lincoln and National Defense Forces). According to T. Henderson, spraying is mass murder with the help of poisonous means, it should be qualified as genocide, stopped and punished. His amazement and condemnation is provoked by the behavior of the pilots carrying out this operation, as well as the silence of the members of Congress.


噴灑有毒氣溶膠實質上是一項涉及民用飛機的軍事行動。在2007年5月14日發表的對這次行動的前領導人之一 A.S.格裏菲斯 (A.S. A.C. Griffith) 的采訪中說,該項目是在俄亥俄州,代頓附近的賴特·帕特森空軍基地舉辦的。這次行動由美國中央情報局監督。

Spraying toxic aerosols is essentially a military operation involving civilian airliners. In an interview with one of the former leaders of this operation, A.S. A.C. Griffith, published May 14, 2007, states that the program was hosted at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base near Dayton, Ohio. This operation was supervised by the US Central Intelligence Agency.

A.S.格裏菲斯 (A.C. Griffith)


Another anonymous witness working for a US airline claims that the US government, through its intelligence agencies, has implemented a Project Cloverleaf. Its essence is to maximize the use of cargo and passenger aircraft of commercial airlines to increase the volume of spraying of toxic aerosols.

格子狀天空——它們看起來像羽毛狀 (或細胞狀) 雲嗎?



The operation to spray toxic aerosols is the most covert, most secret such operation ever conducted. A.S. Griffith says in his interview:

“It's very secret, the most secret thing I've ever met. The people who talked about it died. "



An employee of the airline's management confirms in his letter:

“Employees of several airlines that were initiated into the Cloverleaf project all went through mandatory verification and, before we were connected to the project, we're forced to sign a non-proliferation agreement, which, if a secret was divulged, threatened to be arrested. The staff were convinced that the chemicals were not harmful and that military aircraft were not enough to carry out this highly important program. Therefore, the Cloverleaf project was adopted to allow commercial airlines to help spray these chemicals into the atmosphere. Airlines received additional payments for spraying specialty chemicals from commercial aircraft. ”


1. 鋁——會導致乳腺癌和阿爾茨海默病。

2. 鋇-心律失常、震顫、無力、焦慮、呼吸短促、癱瘓。


4. 桿菌和黴菌——炭疽、腦膜炎、細菌性肺炎、心內膜炎、丹毒、壞死性筋膜炎(組織壞死)、感染性中毒性休克、裏托氏病、膿毒癥。

5. 銅綠假單胞菌——肺部感染、傷口/燒傷感染、泌尿道感染、燒傷感染、肺炎。

6. 解澱粉芽孢桿菌——容易和迅速傳播於水,是一種致癌物,也影響植物和蔬菜。

7. 熒光假單胞菌——人類感染的主要原因;表現為肺囊性纖維化、尿路感染、燒傷感染、肺炎。

8. 鏈黴菌——發燒、咳嗽、肺炎、壞死和其他肺部感染。

9. 腸桿菌——腹瀉、發熱、惡心、嘔吐;大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌,包括耶爾森病的黑死病病原體。

10. 沙雷氏沙雷氏菌——結膜炎、角膜炎、眼內炎、淚道感染、呼吸道感染、尿路感染、胃腸道感染。

11. 陰溝腸桿菌——尿路感染、呼吸道感染、菌血癥。

12. 致癌、惡性黑色素瘤、細胞突變、不孕。

13. 其他桿菌和有毒黴菌——心臟病、腦膜炎、急性呼吸道感染和胃腸疾病。


1. Aluminum - causes breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Barium - arrhythmia, tremors, loss of strength, anxiety, shortness of breath, paralysis.

3. Aluminum oxide Al203 - conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, nasal irritation, asthma, pneumoconiosis, neurocognitive disorders.

4. Bacilli and molds - anthrax, meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, endocarditis, erysipelas, narcotizing fascistic (tissue necrosis), infectious toxic shock, Rittor's disease, pyemia.

5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa - lung infection, wound / burn infection, urinary tract infection, burn infection, pneumonia.

6. Bacillus Amyloliquefacienc - easily and quickly spreads with water, is a carcinogen, also affects plants and vegetables.

7. Pseudomonas Fluorescens - the main cause of infections in humans; manifests itself in the lungs - cystic fibrosis; urinary tract infections, burn infections, pneumonia.

8. Streptomycetes - fever, cough, pneumonia, necrosis, and other lung infections.

9. Enterobacteria - diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting; E. Coli; salmonella; includes the causative agents of the bubonic plague of yersiniosis.

10. Serratia Marcscens - conjunctivitis, keratitis, endophthalmitis, lacrimal duct infections, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections.

11. Enterobacter Cloacae - urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, bacteremia.

12. ZnCds - causes cancer, malignant melanoma, cell mutation, infertility.

13. Other bacilli and poisonous molds - heart disease, meningitis, acute respiratory infections and gastrointestinal diseases.


*Bacillus amyloliquifacens -這種細菌合成並釋放出barstar -一種由89種氨基酸組成的細菌蛋白。

* E。大腸桿菌


*“Enterobacter Cloacae”是一種識字的原病原體直接桿狀細菌。

*ZnCds -納米粒子。

Required explanations:

* Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens - this bacterium synthesizes and secretes Barstar, a bacterial protein composed of 89 amino acids.

* E. Coli - Escherichia coli.

* Serratia is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family that colonizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Normally, this microbe is not a pathogen for humans. Its disease-causing properties are activated under the influence of negative factors.

* Enterobacter Cloacae is a species of gram-negative opportunistic straight rod-shaped bacteria.

* ZnCds - nanoparticles.




Analysis by chemtrails

A group of activists from Germany organized an air test after spraying poisonous chemicals.

Here's what they got:


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