Cheerleaders vampires

Cheerleaders vampires


Cheerleaders vampires
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Adam Arnold

Vampire Cheerleaders

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Vampire Cheerleaders

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Vampire Cheerleaders is an OEL Manga created by Adam Arnold with art by Shiei (Volumes 1&2), and Michael Shelfer (Volume 3) and licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment .

As the name implies, its about vampires who happen to be cheerleaders at their local school and mostly follows their exploits as they go about their existence while trying to avoid suspicion and trouble from human and supernatural alike.

A preview has been set up on, showcasing the first volume which is also on sale. The manga now has its own webcomic page as part of ZOOM comics . The print (and e-book) versions of Volumes 1 & 2 are sold as the second half of the Vampire Cheerleaders books. Volume 3 features a full scale crossover with VC, which will run on the Vampire Cheerleader page as a unified title, and volume 4 and onwards will have both series merged formally under the VC label.

Note that some events in spoilers refer to things that are revealed in the print edition, but that the online version has yet to get to.

Heather: They're always like this, aren't they?
Lesley: Constantly. Like an old married couple.
Suki & Zoe: WE ARE NOT!!!
Lori: Dammit, will you two lovebirds just freaking scissor and get it over with? Gawd!

J.C.: I can't believe you said that.
Steph: He deserved it.
J.C.: Yeah, but he doubled our hours! needs to review the security of your connection before

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Published March 23, 2011 By Moonlight

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real vampires, vampire games and tv shows, movies or films, and vampire books
Fun fact about me Dear Readers, I LOVE comics, especially manga, so when I got my hands on Vampire Cheerleaders I was filled with all sorts of geeky joy! But at the same time I was a bit apprehensive, because come on, it’s cheerleading vampires and how good can that be. Well, believe it or not, but it’s pretty damn good!
Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1 is written by Adam Arnold and illustrated by Comipa and Shiei. The comic is about the Bakertown High School cheerleading squad, a squad that’s a bit different than other cheerleaders, because behind all of their flawless make-up and short skirts are five hungry vampires!
When one of their own goes missing, the senior cheerleaders have no other choice but to induct one of the eleventh grade girls from the B Squad into their vampiric ranks. As much as they hate having a junior on their squad, they’re desperate, and Heather Hartley is their only choice. Siring Heather was the easy part, but keeping the sheltered virgin from not going wild and draining the entire football team on the eve of their big homecoming game… not so much.
Ok ok, I know what you’re thinking, that it sounds super cheesy and campy, well, it is. But in the best of ways! The team behind Vampire Cheerleaders did everything right, they embraced the absurdity of it all and turned it into something hilarious. Instead of making it so ridiculous that it’s annoying, they made it fun, which earns them 100 awesome points. I have to give major props to the illustrators who nailed every facial expression, every hilarious chibi moment and for making cartoons so damn sexy.
This comic definitely isn’t for everyone (totally not kid-friendly), but if you dig dirty raunchy fun in manga form then I highly suggest picking up a copy of Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1.
Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1 also includes a bonus manga, Paranormal Mystery Squad, which is about Stephanie Kane, whose sister is a werewolf, her best friend is a witch, and her next door neighbor is a dhampir. You can read my review of this bonus comic over here .
Here’s a little preview of Vampire Cheerleaders, you can find more over at their Facebook page :

Usually there aren’t too many vampire comics or graphic novels being released, but this March is different, we’ve got all sorts of fangtastic goodies for our eyes to enjoy. From adorable vampire cheerleaders to sexy vampire hunters – this month kicks ass for the comic fans here. (Click the titles…
It’s that time again! The time to take a peek at all of the fangtastic vampire books coming out this month! Woot! Sadly, there aren’t many vampire books being released this December. But worry not, a few of them sound excellent, so this month isn’t a total downer. (Click titles…
It’s my birthday month (coughgiftcardscough)! Yes, it’s July, Dear Readers, and it’s time to take a lil’ peek at all of the vampire books coming out this month. There are a few rad books hitting shelves this July, so have a look and then buy them all! All the books!…
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).
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