Cheerleader Beaver Shots

Cheerleader Beaver Shots
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In 2nd-century Britain, a famed centurion and a handful of Roman soldiers try to survive behind enemy lines after Pict tribesmen decimate the platoon.
Cheerleader Beaver by Oddmachine on DeviantArt
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Lia TreBon Adorable 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜
Beaver Shots When you don't have Kleenex...
Lia TreBon Echidnas do this when swimming too 🇦🇺 🇦🇺
All the latest local coverage from The Onion, America's finest news source.
Beaver Shots Isn't he cool? JB has other videos. There are a couple on that Second Chances page
Alexandra Olivier That's a no brainer!!! 😂
Lia TreBon Horrific!! What suffering 😢 😢 😡 😡
Alexandra Olivier Childhood favorite. My sister still forces us to watch it every year on Christmas Day! ❤
WATCH: A Calgary animal rescue society has an adorable new resident after a baby beaver was found crying and alone. What’s next for the little kit?…/53274…/orphaned-baby-beaver-calgary/
Beaver benefits: Ten years on and the beaver pond at the Dubh Loch continues to provide a fantastic wetland habitat. A heron and many ducks take advantage and a beaver puts in a cameo appearance.
Dashcam footage captured by a deputy, in Montana, shows the beaver at work.
This woman lets a baby beaver build dams in the house and swim in the tub 5 times a day 🛁
BLOWING BUBBLES: Parks officials in Harkers Island, North Carolina, left mystified as they discover a bubble-blowing beaver “on a beach vacation” in the seawater.
Be patient, gathering more material to post...
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL FIVE OF MY FANS!!! So...the website this story came from is not set up to share links, so it wouldn't let me post. But what happened was a guy was encroaching on a beaver to take pictures of it too close to its lodge. It attacked him and eventually bit his leg and opened up his femoral artery. He died before the ambulance could get there. The article goes on to mention another incident in England where a photographer was charged by a beaver while trying to get closer to take pictures. I had no idea. But it's probably best to respect a thirty pound animal that can chew through a tree. Usually they just slap the water with their tails and disappear.
Just a beaver needing a treat. JB is a licensed educational ambassador with licensed rehabilitators.
Would you like to help feed JB for 3 days? Just donate $10 here!
Still no new beaver vids. Meanwhile, please enjoy these otters!
Featuring: Lynn Koscielny, Associate Animal Curator
Watch the otter pupps enjoying some morning treats, and their FIRST experience with l … ive fish!!! The trio are continuing to get bigger and stronger and are expected to be on exhibit, very soon. Stay tuned for continued updates and behind-the-scenes footage.
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