Check whether the application is installed on the Android system or not

Check whether the application is installed on the Android system or not


Among these settings, we can mention whether the application designed on the operating system is installed or not. For example, using user interfaces, users can easily use them to be informed whether the application is installed on the system or not. In this part of the tutorial, we want to tell users about whether or not the application is installed on the system. Also, if the application is not installed on the system, go to the application's virtual stores at high speed to purchase and install the requested version of the application. In this case, it will first check whether the application has been installed on the system or not, and if the application is not installed, refer to virtual stores such as Google Play or stores to purchase and install.

Check whether the application is installed or not on the Android system and take the necessary steps

Here are some things you will learn in this part of the tutorial:

- When and in what cases do we need to know if an application is installed on the system?

- Create a project to ensure and check whether the application is installed on the system

- How to direct and transfer users to the page and window of virtual stores to purchase and install applications

- When and in what cases do we need to know if an application is installed on the system?

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